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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Madness Character Development RP Board
Dinner and A Show
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Lexi Gold Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-23-2022, 08:51 AM

The scene opens up at a nice Italian restaurant that Lexi Gold personally picked out herself. They walk in there hand in hand and wait to be seated. Judging by the place, it looked to be pretty fancy and possibly a spot where most celebrities would be spotted at. The Golden Goddess is donned out in all red with a spaghetti dress, heels and her hair is tied back into a high ponytail. Elijah is wearing a black dress shirt with the top button open, gray dress slacks and a pair of black loafers. The happy couple is led to an empty table where they sit down across from each other as their waiter hands them menus and takes their drink order. She smiles and takes a look around the place before her attention is drawn toward Elijah.

Lexi Gold: “Are you happy with my selection? I mean, it looks aesthetically pleasing, but the real test is trying out the food. I've been to plenty of places where the bill was expensive, but the food was pure garbage. I hope this isn't one of those situations.”

Elijah Martin: “This is quite the place you’ve picked out for us, you never disappoint with your taste in restaurants. But yeah, never gonna know until the food hits the table, so let’s reserve our judgment until later.”

She smiled and nodded, then looked over at his Anarchy Championship sitting next to him on the table, proud of his reign and the sacrifices he made to get it. Before she went deep into her thoughts, the waitress came over and took their order. She ordered wine and spaghetti. Elijah ordered chicken penne a la vodka and a Caesar salad. The waitress took their menus and walked away, then she reached for his hand and the two held hands in the middle of the table.

Lexi Gold: “How are you holding up from the ladder match? Are you in any kind of pain right now? It was pretty crazy from start to finish, but you set out to win and that's exactly what you did.”

Elijah Martin: “I’ve definitely got a few lingering bumps and bruises, but it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before. In the end, it was all worth it to have this championship sitting next to me, with the most beautiful woman in pro wrestling sitting directly across from me.”

Elijah reaches across the table to grab Lexi’s hand and kiss it.

Lexi Gold: “Thank you, babe. You motivate me each and every day to be better in the ring. I'm glad I have you by my side to guide me to better things.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Martin catches a guy from the bar area nearby checking out Lexi. She can sense her man being distracted and Lexi cocks her head to the side, as if to ask what is wrong.

Elijah Martin: “Oh it’s nothing, just some dude at the bar checking you out like I’m not even sitting here watching him do it.”

She turns her head slightly to catch his stare, then tries to calm Elijah down as she squeezes his hand. Meanwhile, their drinks were brought to the table.

Lexi Gold: “Perhaps he thinks he knows us from somewhere. When you are here in LA you tend to get recognized a lot whether you are prepared, or not, so I wouldn't let it bother you, babe. I am sure it's nothing to be concerned about.”

Elijah Martin: “I’ll let it go for now. Back to us, how is the other champion at this table feeling?”

She takes a sip of her drink and sighs happily, thinking back to that incredible night she won that belt, she will never forget that for the rest of her life. Sure, it was in a different promotion, but it still meant a lot to her.

Lexi Gold: “I feel like I am living in a dream that I haven't woken up from. Not only because I am an actual champion, but also because I wake up every day healthy, loved, blessed and ready to step into that ring and make the people proud of me. I love what I do and where I am in life. I wouldn't trade it for the world.”

Elijah Martin: “I certainly love to hear…”

Elijah stops as he notices the same guy at the bar checking out Lexi again. He waves his hand to get the guy’s attention and let him know that he sees what he is doing.

Elijah Martin: “Anyways, I love to hear that from you and I can’t wait to see what you do going forward, especially with ANOTHER title match on the horizon on XWF Madness out in New Zealand!”

Lexi Gold: “I enjoy being busy, but at the same time I try to make time for us, which is why I arranged this. I am not sure how the trip will be to New Zealand, but I'm ready to get this title defense underway and shut Mosh up once and for all. Quick, let's take a picture.”

She takes a sip of her drink and pulls out her phone and the two take a quick picture together before putting it away. Their food arrives as she does so. Lexi observed it, and everything looked perfect. She grabs for her fork and digs into her spaghetti and eats it.

Elijah Martin: “Well if we are judging our food based on looks, I’d give this a perfect ten right now.”

Elijah catches the guy at the bar AGAIN checking out Lexi, so now Martin waves over the hostess. He asks who the guy at the bar is, to which the hostess informs Elijah that it’s the first time she’s ever seen him at the restaurant. Martin explains the situation, to which we hear the conclusion…

Elijah Martin: “… so if you don’t mind, I’m gonna give him a special message and then request you have a couple of your finest waiters escort the scumbag off the premises.”

The hostess nods in absolute agreement, immediately motioning over two waiters to the table, as Elijah casually walks over to the bar area and leans onto the counter next to the anonymous peeper, as if to order a drink.

Elijah Martin: “Hey buddy, got a quick question - do you know who I am?”

Guy at Bar: “Nope, and I honestly don’t give a shit… but your girl on the other hand, she fiiiiiiiiiine as hell.”

Elijah Martin: “You are totally right, she is a DIME!!”

Both men share an awkward laugh together, before Elijah grabs the guy from the back of the head and drives his face into the bar top, instantly breaking his nose and causing blood to start gushing down his face and onto his shirt.

Elijah Martin: “The name is Elijah Martin, one of the finest professional wrestlers IN THE WORLD! And that right there, she is Lexi Gold, and YOU CAN’T… TOUCH… THAT!”

As Martin finishes that sentence, the two waiters walk up to either side of the amateur stalker and drag him out the front door onto the sidewalk, dumping him face first onto the concrete. Elijah grabs the glass of Blue Moon with an orange slice that the dude never got to take a sip from, makes his way back to Lexi, gives her a sexy kiss on the lips and takes his seat to a delicious salad and pasta.

Lexi finishes her food and looks over at the carnage Elijah caused, then sighs and pulls out cash from her wallet for the tip and throws it on the table.

Lexi Gold: “Well, at least the food was good, but I'm not sure if we would be welcomed back here again. We might have to find a new spot. Are you done yet?”

He scraps the last of his food and the two get out of their chairs and leave to go pay. He quickly motions for her to make it quick before the cops show up, which she does as the two scatter out of their fast.
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BIG PREESH (02-23-2022), Raion Kido (02-23-2022), Tommy Wish (02-23-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (02-23-2022)

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Dinner and A Show - by Lexi Gold - 02-23-2022, 08:51 AM

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