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How do you behead a goat?
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-18-2022, 05:38 PM

Why don’t you all settle in; grab a beverage of choice, perhaps a salty snack, and prepare yourselves for the biggest upset nobody will see coming until it’s way too late in the game upon the fastest sellout within the three-day event known the world over as the Denzel Porter Invitational.

My name is Chris Page.

… and I’m the guy that’s going to do the impossible.


“Why are we here?”

The scene opens as Andy Johnson-Page stands on a bare street corner looking into a rundown structure alongside his father, Chris Page.

CHRIS PAGE: Andy, what lies ahead of me on the 26th of February isn’t going to be for the faint heart. There are certain things, certain people you come across that’s code to crack is seemingly nonexistent. James Raven is that code that I’m going to have to crack within an industry that has all but counted me out.

Ever since this featured attraction throughout the Denzel Invitational has been announced I’ve heard nothing but “here’s another win for Raven.”. Under normal circumstances, I might be inclined to agree if his name was on the card opposite any other name but my own. There’s but a handful of people on the face of the planet right now that can say they’ve beaten the man you refer to as the goat. News flash, I am one of them.

Have I fallen to the mighty sword that James swings? Sure, and I’m sure that’s going to be a point of content with my counterpart for what will arguably be the match that steals the entire weekend… but how many of you out there have graced the squared circle with the only Raven that matters while leaving with a victory within any fashion let alone pinning his shoulders to the mat? I’m responsible for the latter, I’ll wait. No James, I’m not bringing up that ONE win to base my debate that I’m a better performer, oh no. I’m using it to spark my desire to step to the plate and establish that it’s very much possible to do it again; only this time War Games doesn’t get to play a role in it, we aren’t going to have four other teammates to soften each other up which is the ONLY reason up until here, and now that I haven’t even acknowledged that win exists.

Sure, it could have been easy to shout from the rooftops, blast it all over social media for all to see… but for what? To have thrown back in my face because you on the other hand have more wins on that record versus Chris Page than anyone else in this business today; the kicker part, they’re all in singles action. What keeps me awake at night when I think about what THIS upcoming battle means to me is a question that I don’t have an answer to. What have I learned? I have gone back and scoured for footage, watched the tapes, and within every one of them I wrestled a near flawless match. It baffles my mind with all the success I’ve had over the years, all the World Titles that I’ve accumulated, headlining every major sporting arena from Madison Square Garden, Toronto Skydome, Tokyo Dome, and all points in between that one on one Chris Page has never defeated James Raven, one on one.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

ANDY: Are you sure this place is even open?

It’s an obvious question to ask as Andy’s eyes are fixated on a shanty.

[Image: HHN2021tributestore_facadedark-700x460.jpg]

ANDY: What the fuck is going on here?

Andy turns his attention towards Chris who stands looking at the storefront with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, luscious locks tied back into a ponytail while sporting some black Aviator sunglasses.

CHRIS PAGE: Sometimes things are never as they seem, Andy.

Chris responds to his son, not taking his eyes off the front door.

ANDY: You’re not going to have me sacrificed to the wrestling God’s, are you?

A smirk graces the face of Chris Page as he softly laughs to himself before turning towards his son where places his left hand upon his left shoulder as he responds.

CHRIS PAGE: Now would I ever do a thing like that?

Without hesitation, Andy spouts back with a question of his own with nothing short of sarcasm in his tone.

ANDY: Is that a trick question?

I’ve never been a man to paint myself into some delusion that I’m a saint. All of you are responsible for that narrative to the degree my son doesn’t know what to believe versus what not to believe. Over the last several years I’ll be the first to admit that the flames of my competitive desires have seemingly gone out. For over thirty-two years I’ve had my hands on professional wrestling, eighteen times been to the top of the mountain, ruled over every federation I’ve been a part of with an iron fist that I don’t have anything left to prove to any of you.

If I leave the business tomorrow the legacy I’ve forged will carry my name for generations to come.

Which begs to question why am I here?

I said I don’t have anything to prove to any of you… I didn’t say that I didn’t have something to prove to myself.

When the rumblings of this Invitational started to make the rounds I was one of the select few that was privy to this event being announced. Not since the Tara Fenix Charity Cruise has one event sparked a buzz like that, and I knew what better way to capitalize on this was to do to James Raven what he did to me in 2019. I picked up that phone and made the call because if it wasn’t for you I would have been equally as content sitting at home enjoying the fruits of my labors throughout my career instead of jumping back in, finally claiming a Championship that should have been in my trophy case a decade ago, and stamping my career the way it should have been stamped.

Yeah, I called you.

Yeah, I asked you to do me the favor.

… because there are a few people, even fewer people in this business that can relight that competitive desire to step to the plate and show the goddamn world just who the fuck “Chronic” Chris Page is! Make NO MISTAKE about it, Mr. Raven, THANK YOU! Thank you for granting me this one last opportunity to do what I know I can do… defeat you.

CHRIS PAGE: Did you get into my stash?

Chris asks.

ANDY: I don’t see where that’s a relevant question.

If you could see through the dark tinted shades covering Chris’s eyes you’d see them roll before drops his hand from Andy’s shoulder as he responds.

CHRIS PAGE: Listen, kid. I’m preparing myself for a battle of monumental proportions, and when you go into battle you have to seek out and find the weapons that you elect to wage in that war.

Andy listens intently as the serious somber of Chris Page continues.

CHRIS PAGE:: James Raven is a different level of competitor. Your old man hasn’t ever cracked his code in a one-on-one setting. They’ve been close, they could have all fallen my way but it was never in the cards. Do you know the difference between those past failures?

ANDY: What?

Chris raises the index finger of his right hand as he states.

CHRIS PAGE: One mistake.

He lowers his hand.

CHRIS PAGE: I made one mistake that he capitalized on.

When I say it’s a bitter pill to swallow it’s not the losses by any means versus what’s led to the inside that squared circle. It would be easier to digest if I had gotten skunked but to have to look yourself in the mirror on the morning afters knowing that if you did one thing differently the entire dynamic would have been the polar opposite.

While this is a huge thing for me, for James this is just another Saturday Night.

I don’t expect for him to treat it as such this is the big deal which will only serve as another platform of who wants this versus who is going through the motions. I take offense to how others jump on your jock and ride you like you’re the second coming of Christ or some shit while the true workhorses of OUR generation are overlooked.

I don’t hold you accountable for rolling with a nickname that the foolish have elected to give you.

You’re not the GOAT everyone else makes you out to be.

You’re a beatable dude that puts his shoes on one foot at a time just like everyone else.

Your heart hasn’t been in this for quite some time, but perhaps that’s why you answered my call for this match at the Invitational because much like you’re one of the few that could spark my competitive drive maybe I’m that guy to do the same for you. It’s crossed my mind because you are aware of just how goddamn great I am between those ropes, how far I’m going to push you, how deep can the waters go, James? I don’t know about you but I’m more than ready to find out.

CHRIS PAGE: Can you understand just how difficult it is for me to acknowledge that all my chances to behead a GOAT has been halted because of one mistake here or one there? It’s something that has haunted me throughout my career, and it’s something that I now can put to bed with one marquee performance on this very historic evening.

ANDY: Don’t you think you’re being a little hard on yourself? Nobody is perfect, not even Chris Page.

CHRIS PAGE: That might be the case but James Raven is as close to perfect as it gets. I’m not suggesting that it’s intimidating by any means, son. I’m saying that this very well might be the last opportunity I have to stand across the ring from one of the few people I hold in higher regard than most.

I don’t live my life in the past by any means, yet it does weigh in on the present to a degree. If I’m the man they call the GOAT I’m probably coming into this with an inflated ego; but there’s something that I’ve been doing that your savior hasn’t been. I’ve been preparing. I’ve been sitting back while watching his every move. Do you know what I see? A guy that is more of a shell of his former self than anyone else in the game today.

You’ve been in the ring but a mere handful of times over the last several months, most of which were losing efforts. Sahara, Islands Championships ringing any bells? You and your pal Shawn love to prop up the walls of a locker room while putting in as minimal work as humanly possible yet coasting on reputations from yesteryears. When was the last time you stood on top of the mountain? Save the “I’m not interested” routine or else you wouldn’t be content with being a third-string player to a new status quo.

I say all that to say this.

Over the last four months, I’ve been on a fucking tear across multiple federations as I sliced and diced through all the young talents that THINK they were major players, I’ve pushed myself and my body to levels that I forgot existed all in preparations to stand across the ring from you. If that doesn’t tickle your balls nothing will.

CHRIS PAGE: This isn’t just any other match for me, son.

Chris turns his attention back towards the front door of this establishment.

CHRIS PAGE: The question you need to ask yourself, Andy… If you walk through those doors there isn’t any turning back.

Chris lets out a deep breath before starting to take the first several steps towards the doors of this location. He walks up onto the wooden porch that’s ridden with termite damage as it nearly crumbles under the slim trim two hundred thirty-eight pound frame of Chris Page while Andy hasn’t moved a single foot. Chris turns around facing his son.

CHRIS PAGE: It’s okay… this is a journey I need to take on my own. Wait in the car.

Chris turns his back on his son as he walks through the front door closing it behind him.


The general rule of thumb when anyone meets James Raven is a defeat is on the horizons, am I right? James certainly seems to think so based on his initial thoughts not too long after the match announcement was made. You claimed victory. Who the fuck does that? Who underestimates someone like me? Rhetorical goddamn question, the answer is you and every other egotistical prick that is under the impression that ANYTHING can’t happen and that on any given night any one person isn’t capable of defeating another. I’ve embraced your carefree nature by pushing my narrative of bet the under, as you’re well aware.

Betting on the under isn’t just a smart investment, it’s the only one.

Put your money on a horse that gives a shit about this versus a horse that is here to go through the motions.

Bet the under; it’s putting your money on someone that will always give you everything he has every time he steps inside that ring from a goat to a rookie and all levels of talent in between.

The eyes of the wrestling world are going to converge on this one night, this one battle to see which one of us is going to back our play and which one of us is going to be eating our words. For your sake, I hope you like the taste because I didn’t come to the Invitational to lose. I know that clipping your wings on a setting like this is the LAST thing I need to do to silence all the goddamn haters that come out of the woodwork to question my talent or abilities. This is a necessity for me.

I’m not going to bite on the low-hanging fruit revolving around who you bone versus who you don’t, your business even if that means you’re handling Shawn’s sloppy seconds.

I’m not going to take the stereotypical route like so many others, or even myself included within my younger years. Now is my time to show the entire world that there’s enough room for two GOATs within this business; knocking you off firmly etches my name next to yours in all aspects. Think about that for just a second; a guy that you downplayed bites you in the ass at such a late juncture within his career.


[b]Chris emerged back through the front door of the strange shop with a black bag hanging off his shoulder that extends almost down to the ground from his shoulder. Andy waited patiently, upon seeing his father he goes ballistic.


Chris walks down the wooden stairs as he responds to his screaming thirty-year-old son.

CHRIS PAGE: Five, ten minutes?

ANDY: Three hours!

Chris reaches his son at the curbside.


Chris turns towards the street where his limo awaits with Andy following closely behind.

ANDY: No! Not cool! What the hell took so long? And what is that over your back?

Chris reaches the backdoor of the limo where he opens it while taking a deep breath. He steps to the side for Andy to get inside as he casually states.

CHRIS PAGE: You had to have gotten the bitchy demeanor from your mother. Get in the car.

Andy reaches for the long black back hanging across the back left shoulder of CCP.

ANDY: Not until I know what the hell is in that bag.

Chris snatches the wrist of Andy just as he nears touching the shoulder strap where a stern tone escapes his lips.

CHRIS PAGE: You are my son, and I love you… but you lay a finger on this I’ll kick the dog shit out of you where you stand, got it? Now, get in the car.

Chris releases the grip on Andy’s wrist as Andy yanks it away. He glares into the lens of CCP’s shades as he spouts out.

ANDY: Oh yeah, I’d like to see that… I’m not a dog so I don’t have dog shit.

Andy enters the back of the limo followed by his father who safely removes the large, thin black sack from his shoulder as he slides it into the back of the limo first, enters, closes the door behind him.

A decade.

That’s how long I’ve had to wait for this encounter to take shape.

An attraction that packed over 68,000 in Toronto fast forwards ten years later and nearly 70,000 will pack Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada. An attraction that’s so special that a decade later can still pack the house in under two hours. It’s almost become a joke to me if you sit back and listen to the masses about me yet actions in the real world completely counteract it. It brings a smile to my face to see the masses eating their words when they receive the payday that I’ve provided for them.

Another topic I want to touch on is CCPE.

Yes, plenty of my contracted talent is appearing on this program which might steer James or anyone that to think that they will be of some service; not happening. Kill it here, kill it now. This has absolutely nothing to do with the next adventure of my life, it’s bad enough my one win came inside a gimmicked structure that has tainted it that I cannot and will not stand for or allow anyone or anything to rob me of this moment, this happening if you will.

Nobody thinks that I can hang in the ring with James Raven at fifty-two years old if I couldn’t do it at thirty-six. Thirty-eight, or forty-two… make makes me think I can do it now? Because I’m a well-aged scotch that’s only getting smoother with age. They mock my age, they mock my body, they mock me in general yet they praise me in the same breath? Yeah; I’m an old dog that has a lot of new tricks up my sleeve, I am not going to be content until I take the head of a Goat.

ANDY: Seriously, you were inside there for hours. What took so long? And really, what’s in that bag?

Chris removes the shades from his eyes where he looks across to the side seat of the limo towards his son.

CHRIS PAGE: Andy, I’m about to bring you up to speed on something that I’m dead serious about.

Andy leans in listening intently as Chris gathers his thoughts before putting them into a verbal form for the first time.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve been thinking a lot about my future as an in-ring competitor. There’s not a lot left out there that I have a vested interest in when it comes to being inside the ropes. I believe that 2022 is going to be it for me.

I am going on a head hunter collection spree on my way out starting with a goat before moving on in July to do the same to a king.

CHRIS PAGE: Reality is I have a lot more to offer with CCPE as well as being the General Manager of the XWF’s Warfare, the Cannabis Cup on the horizon…

I’ve been running around competing all over the platform because I knew that I was on my way out, so what better way to give back than driving the needle up anywhere I’ve graced the squared circle. I’ve earned the right to be selective, I’ve earned the right to call my shots, and while on my way out I want to set the pace… what bigger way than starting with a goat?

CHRIS PAGE: Thirty-two years I’ve been doing this. I’ve gained a lot from it, I’ve lost more from it. Some of what I’m about to say you know… most you don’t but maybe it will give you some perspective. You know you were born out of an affair while on the road and you know that I was married at the time. What you don’t know I had two kids with her. Long story short I promised myself at an early age I would never turn into my father; your grandfather.

Andy leans back into his seat with his eyes on Page.

CHRIS PAGE: … not only did I turn into my father… I turned into worse. It lead to her double murder/suicide when she drove head-on into an eighteen-wheeler.

The horror that comes over Andy’s face is real as he wants to say something but Page cuts him off.

CHRIS PAGE: Let me finish.

Chris states as he has a tear start to roll down the right side of his cheek.

CHRIS PAGE: All this happened before I knew that you were in the world. When you showed up I was remarried, raising her kids as my own. The day you showed up it rained all the good that I was trying to do, I don’t fault you. You wanted to know who your father was. What kid wouldn’t? When we parted ways I solely went back to business. Kid, I’m fucking tired.

There’s a pause from Page before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: They say it’s always best to go out on top. I just got in the ring with Dickie Watson; tremendous talent, I’m heading into this with James Raven, I know I have Corey Black at the Cup. I’ve decided that I am about to embark on Retirement Tour where I collect as many heads as I choose. So you want to know what’s in the bag? I’ll show you.


Sixty Minutes.

That’s the time frame I have to work within if I’m going to accomplish this daunting task. A lot can happen within that time frame, and if it comes down to making that one mistake I refuse to be snakebitten on what is my last hurrah. Anyone that knows me, that truly knows Chris Page knows what to expect out of me when that opening bell tolls.

Friendships and respect go out the window.

When asked what people can expect from me as I step under those bright lights under the dark skies of Sin City the answer is fundamentally simple. Steal the show.

Chris Page sells wrestling because I can outwrestle just about anyone on the face of the planet. You’re not going to see any of that flippy floppy horseshit, you’re not going to see blood and guts all though there’s plenty of that’s going to be on the card. If you want to see wrestling that’s wrestling then you need not look any further than what I am going to put on display in front of what will arguably be the largest audience to witness a supershow of this caliber.

With an hour at my disposal means, I can work this at my own pace.

It means that I don’t have to rush, that I can be as cold or calculating as I need to be to accomplish the task at hand. James, you’re an obstacle that stands in anyone’s path. We’ve both evolved over the years into our respective brands garnering our levels of respect, and disrespect for that matter. You better come fucking correct or do yourself a favor and not bother coming at all.

I’m walking into this with no fear,

No intimidation.

Openly welcome this challenge at this juncture in my career. The only way you will ever improve is by stepping to the plate and taking a swing at people that the general perception is superior to you. In this instance, I’m going to show the world that perception isn’t reality. The question that everyone should be asking the co-called goat is what happens when he doesn’t steamroll over some old fossil? When he gets taken to task by someone nearly fifteen-twenty years his senior?


He’s James FUCKING Raven, he’s excused.


ANDY: I don’t understand… I can’t see a thing.

It’s pitch dark as Andy’s voice is heard from the dark abyss.

CHRIS PAGE: When you’re going on an excursion of this nature… when you’re taking the head of the goat, when you’re looking to take the head of a king you need a weapon forged with the finest steel found within isolated parts of the globe.

Traveling through space and time to get my hands on the most dangerous weapon that I could think of. I have to give credit to Betsy Granger for opening my eyes to time travel some eight months ago. It hasn’t been up until now that I needed to utilize it.

CHRIS PAGE: April 2021 there was a weapon I had crafted that only the mightiest of men would be able to handle. It was a gift of sorts for a King that once ruled the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

Chris’ voice echoes throughout the darkness before he appears under a spotlight under a black cloak with Andy a safe distance away.

CHRIS PAGE: It was expected that this blade, a blade forged and crafted by one of the best swordsmen known to man would be responsible for a revolution that was so desperately needed yet disappeared into the background.

Andy tries to chime in.

ANDY: Why is there…

Chris raises the palm of his left hand out silencing Andy.

CHRIS PAGE: That revolution has been reborn under a new leader that has risen from the ashes to lead by example that should have been led the right way the first time.

Chris tosses the cloak off his shoulders where he raises his right hand that’s wrapped around the black handgrip of…

CHRIS PAGE: Docscalibur.

Chris raises Docscalibur in the air as Andy’s eyes are on the smooth, shiny finish of the blade finding himself becoming mesmerized on the steel.

CHRIS PAGE: Taking possession of Docscalibur is exactly what I need to take the head of a goat…

Chris swiftly takes the grip with both hands and turns swinging it down with force and might. Andy’s eyes widen as the distinct sound of the blade cutting through the air is heard followed by two distinct thuds.

CHRIS PAGE: One down.

Chris starts to walk towards Andy as a red substance drips off the tip of the blade.

CHRIS PAGE: One to go.

Chris walks past Andy who points back as he asks.

ANDY: What are we going to do with that?

CHRIS PAGE: Leave it… I’m going after the head that matters.[/green]

The headless body of a goat with its head several feet away can be seen as the scene fades to black.

James, I’m coming for you.

** No goats were harmed in the delivery of this promotional package **

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
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Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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How do you behead a goat? - by Chris Page - 02-18-2022, 05:38 PM

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