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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-22-2022, 05:17 AM

Savage - 12/25/2021

Cent lifts Graves upon his shoulders and hits the Fabula Nova Crystallis!!!! Cent pulls the leg for the cover!!!!!




Before Centurion had a chance to savor this victory, however...

Siiiiiinncccee IIII’mmmmm a baaassstttaaaarrrrddd…

Charlie would go on to march right down to the ring and call Micheal out to the ring!

HHL: "It seems Micheal Graves has heard enough!"

What proceeded was a two-on-one ambush perpetrated by Those No Good Bastards against Micheal Graves, but who cares about cheap wins? At the end of the day, it proves nothing other than the fact that you're afraid that you can't get the job done, and you're willing to take whatever cheap heat you can get! Well go ahead and savor the moment Charlie...

The picture fades into the backstage area at " A Very Savage Christmas" where Vita is holding the hand of a bloody Micheal Graves who has a vacant look in his eyes. After a moment, Gravy snatches his hand away and runs off down a corridor!

For real,

[Image: igloo_001.jpg58f717d5-f096-4c0b-8108-6ec...cLarge.jpg]

This place is A LOT bigger than it looks!

Which really isn't helping with Micheal's mental state right now!

Later, in a more secluded corner of the... Arena... Graves carries on a conversation with himself.

"I... I don't understand!?"

"It doesn't make sense! I lost to Centurion!"

Micheal continues to pace back and forth as he pulls at the sides of his hair.

"And then, as I lay there in defeat, Charlie God-Damned-Nickles comes down to the ring, calls me out, and then, THEN, I'm suddenly walking out the back like nothing ever happened!?"

Micheal glares directly into the camera filming this!


[Image: screaming-nicholas-cage.gif]

What proceeded was nothing short of weird. It was almost as if Micheal had become possessed and was fighting against whatever entity saught control.

But isn't this a common trope for Gravy? The voice in my head? The demon in my butt? The girl that I possessed?

Though, something did seem different this time.

Micheal patted his pockets and retrieved the bottle of pills that had been repressing these undesirable thoughts and urges. Unscrewing the top, he dumped an obscene quantity into his mouth and began to chew, only to come to his senses and spit the half-chewed mess onto the floor!

"What is happening!~?"

Micheal begged for answers but none seemed to come...

Until one did, a voice familiar yet foreign called out with to him once more with the truth, all he need do was choose to listen.

"If you only knew the power that you possess."

The Next Day!

"I... I think I'm losing my grip on reality again."

We fade in from the static black to find Micheal sitting across from an older man that appears to be a psychologist.

[Image: doct.jpg]

"Calm down Micheal, I assure you that I am real and you are in my office. Now, tell me more about what happened to cause you to feel this way."

"Lots of things Doc! I'm losing chunks of time, big chunks! I... I just blip from one place to the next with minutes, hours, or even days passed! Then, THEN!! I see myself on TV acting some kinda way, and I have NO RECOLLECTION of anything that happens!"

"You are taking your medication as directed, yes?"

Oh, he's taking them!


But as directed? Nah!

"When about did you first notice these " blips"?"

"The first time? It was when I challenged for the Universal Championship WAY back in the day. I ran interference earlier in the night. I acted like a complete baffoon and even allowed a staff member to publically embarrass me. It wasn't very Gravy, especially since I had NO IDEA that ANy of that had happened until I saw the footage myself!"

"Yes, we've discussed that particular topic before, Micheal, I'm asking what has happened since you've started your medication?"


Graves recalls the events himself as the audience is treated to this nifty replay.

Marf: Well, it’s time for that surprise Main Event….Lord only knows what Charlie has in mind.

Marf presses a button to pipe in the sound of a bell ringing. Charlie smiles sadistically as he suddenly stops walking. He turns to a nearby door that is marked as the women’s dressing room. Charlie opens the door and jollily rolls the wheelbarrow into the all female locker room. The women recoil in disgust and make sure to fully conceal themselves as Charlie pulls a microphone out from his waistband.

Charlie: Tonight it’s all about Marf, so for our surprise main event, I wanted to have a match that I knew Marf would love to see: a bra and panties rock fight to the death match amongst all of our lovely and talented shooting stars!

Marf: What the….

Charlie flips the wheel barrow over and hundreds of large stones come flying out of the grain sacks.

Charlie: Now ladies, strip down to your undies, pick up a rock, and let’s get stoned!

None of the women in the locker room seem interested in doing any of that. Instead, they mostly just cross their arms, roll their eyes, and wait for Charlie to leave. Charlie looks around nervously, anxiously, hopeful that his big main event surprise match won’t be ruined….when, all of a sudden……..

MICHEAL GRAVES CHARGES INTO THE ROOM WEARING NOTHING BUT SEXY BLACK LINGERIE! Charlie steps out of his way as Graves picks up a rock of the ground and tackles the nearest woman and just starts smashing her head with his rock hard rock!

Charlie: Oh yeah! Smash her!

Marf: ….

Charlie cheers on jubilantly as the women in the locker room shriek and flee the premises.

Charlie: It looks like we have our last man standing! Rock on, Gravy Boy!

Winner - Graves

Charlie Nickles raises Graves’ hand in victory as women scream in the background.

Stunned, the doctor can only bring himself to ask.

"You killed someone?"

"I... Maybe? I don't really remember any of this, but I watched the tape, and while I might act a little... Off the wall occasionally, anyone else watching should have known that something was up the minute " I" let Charlie Nickles raise my damn hand! I fucking hate that guy, he's just a dime-store version of me, and he's a nickel short! Seriously doc, check his playbook and you'll see my name scribbled over on every page!"

"Calm down, Micheal, and stay on topic. Have there been any other strange occurrences like that one?"

"YES! Charlie whipped my ass a couple of Savages ago!"

"And what was strange about that?"

"Uh, yeah, I did point out that Charlie Nickles whipped my ass right?"

"Yes, but that's not really out of the ordinary considering your profession, now is it?"

"Fuck yeah it is! Nobody gets the jump on ole Gravy! Besides, I really don't think the guy he beat up wasn't me!"

"And why is that!?"

"Because I was ALREADY there! Laying just outside of the ring catching my breath from a grueling match with Centurion! How could I be in two places at once!?"

"Interesting... What did it feel like to see yourself fighting with this Charlie Nickles right in front of you?"

Micheal bushes his hand through his hair as he hesitates to answer.


"Honestly, Doc, I don't know! I didn't actually see it!"

"Come again?"

"I don't remember what happened after the match!"

"But didn't you say that you were laying outside of the ring when the other Micheal Graves appeared?"

Micheal looks uneasy as his breathing becomes frantic.

"Calm down, Micheal. Just try to remember exactly what happened."

Micheal closes his eyes and begins to breathe deeply.

"Focus on the last thing that you remember before Charlie Nickles came down."

Graves concentrates like he's never concentrated before.

"Please, Micheal, don't force it. Try and relax."

With a low grunt and some minor fidgeting, Micheal obliges.

"I let my guard down. Lost track of Centurion. He caught me with a kick. Slammed the fucking life outta me. My head was spinning pretty good as the crowd echoed in my ears, one, two, three. After that... I'm not even sure if I heard Cents music play? I... I might have blacked out for a moment, but I... I..."

Micheal's face tightens as he struggles to remember.

"Relax Micheal, you mustn't force it!"

"I remember hearing Charlie, what he had to say..."

Micheal's brow furrows as a memory comes back to him.

"I remember... Someone scolding me... A woman"


A voice whispers in Micheal's ear.


"Blaming me..."

Micheal closes his eyes.


Within the twisted mind of Micheal Graves, our hero finds himself surrounded by a thick crimson fog.

”Centurion, really? I knew that you were bad, Micheal, but this is a new low…”

Micheal looks towards the source of the voice, squinting as he tries to make out a figure most vague.

”Who’s there? Show yourself!”

”Now, “ The Nickleman” looks to add insult to injury, and you’re powerless to stop it. Just like you're powerless to liberate the championship gold from around his waist! You're pathetic!”

”Me? Pathetic!? HA! You don’t know who you’re talking to lady!”

Graves says mater-o-factly with a smug grin.

”Oh, but I know exactly who it is that I’m speaking to…”

The fog seems to part itself and as it does, Micheal’s smug grin quickly fades away.

[Image: Fury-Dream.jpg]

"After all, we did once share this body..."

”No, this isn’t real! You’re dead!”


“You saw Miss Fury then? Hmmm, interesting…”

The doc looks concerned as he scribbles down a few notes.

“How did seeing her after all of this time make you feel?”

Micheal hesitates to answer as worry and dread fill his eyes.


Quietly and in a defeatist tone, Micheal utters but a single word.


“And why do you think that is?”


Miss Fury rises from her shadowy throne as she addresses Micheal.

"How cruel is it that I'm dead, yet YOU are free to spread the retched stench of failure that has followed you for your entire life!?"

Micheal doesn't say a word as he breaks eye contact.

"I was a strategic genius! YOU are but a mindless dog! Centurion NEVER would have beaten me the way that he just did you!"

Miss Fury paces a slow circle around Micheal as he contemplates her words.

"Tell me, Micheal, what is it that you seek above all else?"

Micheal takes a moment to work up the courage to speak as Miss Fury impatiently looks on.


Stubbornly, he replies. "Why should I answer you? You're not real! You're just part of my fractured psyche!"

A coy grin crawls onto Miss Fury's face.

"My my, someone has it all figured out. So, since I'm you anyway, what do you have to hide. Answer the question, or should I just answer it for you then?"

Not a peep from Micheal. He crosses his arms with a huff and stares past Miss Fury. She caresses his cheek as she leans in and whispers.


Micheal's eyes widen as moisture gathers around his tear ducts.

Miss Fury snaps to attention and turns her back to Graves as she steps away.

"Cadryn, Jim, Dolly, BOB, the fans... All you've ever wanted was to be loved and accepted. Isn't that right?"

Micheal struggles to come to grips!

"N... *Sigh*"

Fury's grin widens.

"But who could love you, Micheal? You are untrustable, undesirable, and most of all, unlovable, and you only have yourself to blame. This is simply a case of sleeping in the bed that you made for yourself, isn't it?"

Micheal silently reflects as the tears begin to run down his cheeks.

"Do not fret, Micheal, I can help you change your fate once and for all. I can make them love you by making you a winner! Just release me from this prison!"


"And what did you say?"

"I told her to fuck off, obviously!"


Charlie's voice invades Micheal's mind as he continues to talk shit out in the ring.

"Number two on the list is a man who wrestles like number two in the ring- you know, like shit- he is the one, the only-


"You have little time to decide, Micheal..."

Micheal doesn't need ANY time to decide!

"I don't need you!"

Miss Fruy smirks and begins to step away from Micheal while their eyes remain locked.

"Very well, Micheal. Go and prove to me how little help you need."


"The next thing I remember, I'm standing in gorilla and my music is playing over the loudspeakers."

"And you have no memory of how you ended up there?"

"I just told you everything that happened, didn't I!?"

"I don't know, did you? Tell me more about what happened after Charlie and Thunder Knuckles attacked you?"


With an arm over both Vita and The Blue Tango's shoulders, Graves stumbles through the curtain and to the backstage half off of his feet. As he begins to come to and realize his surroundings, he seems to become agitated. He shoves Tango and Vita away from him!


Vita looks worried as her and Tango keep their distance from the wild-eyed Micheal!

[Image: gry.gif]

Vita cautiously takes a single step forward as she reaches for Micheal's hand.


But Micheal has trouble hearing Vita due to Miss Fury's obnoxiously evil laughing in his head!

"Micheal, maybe you should take your pills?"

Still, no acknowledgment or movement out of Micheal, outside of the trembling, of course!


We find our hero on his knees, surrounded by that same thick crimson fog as before.

"Do you see now, you fool!?"

Miss Fury emerges from the fog and paces around Micheal as her fingertips brush across his shoulders.

"Alone, you are nothing! An insignificant worm! Just a body to beat on! That's the only reason that they keep you around!"

Miss Fury kneels down behind Micheal and speaks low, directly into his ear.

"But if you relinquish control to me..."

Miss Fury reaches around, taking Micheal by the hand.

"I could make you a winner. I could make them all love you!"

Micheal breaks down at the thought of anyone loving him. He begins to sob as Miss Fury grins a wicked grin.


Vita takes another cautious step closer and takes Micheal's hand.

"Mikey, are you there?"

Micheal's eyes dart down to his hand and the " human" connection with Vita. For a moment, her touch and concern seem to reach him, but then he snatches his hand away from her and takes off running out of shot! Vita starts to give chase until Tango stops her and suggests that maybe Micheal just needs a few minutes to himself. Considering the beating that he just took, and how embarrassed he must be, Vita decides to give him his space.


The doctor sits his notepad down on the small end table beside his chair before standing up and retrieving a pill bottle from his desk drawer.

"Micheal, it seems that the medication that I prescribed isn't working as well as I would have hoped. Fortunately, I have come across a new drug in my studies that may well prove more efficient."

The doctor shakes a couple of pills out into his hand and passes them to Gravy. Micheal stares at the pills for a moment. The doctor flashes a warm smile as Micheal's eyes dart from the pills to him.

"Go ahead, take them, Micheal. They will help, I promise."


[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 8 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-31-2022), Charlie Nickles (01-22-2022), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-22-2022), Marf (01-23-2022), MrBig (01-30-2022), Peter Vaughn (01-23-2022), Raion Kido (01-22-2022), Theo Pryce (01-22-2022)

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PSYCHOdrama - by (Gravy_Xtreme_5000) - 01-22-2022, 05:17 AM

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