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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Bad Medicine 2021
Born Ready
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2021, 09:50 AM

I won't shiver
I won't shake
I'm made of stone
I don't break
Start me up
Open my eyes
Turn me loose and you'll see why


She hadn't looked back.

Not a single time.

Her lungs burned and her muscles screamed at her to stop, but she ran on, blindly making her way through the wooded areas trying to find her way back to her Airbnb. Dammit... normally she would have an unerring sense of direction but the unfamiliar territory and not having a good way to track back to the place that wasn’t her own, well... It didn’t work out well in Lycana’s favor. She angles her path, doing the only thing she could think of, bursting into the bright sunlight on the side of a road, the rays showing off the shiny streaks of blood down her coat, and fur clumped together in places thanks to the viscous fluid and grime.

A screech of car tires alerts her to the stupidity of her action.

Big ass wolf running along the streets of California.

Good one Ly!

She scans the area, looking for some kind of landmark that would tell her she was headed in the right direction. Maybe if she didn’t daydream the entire fucking Uber... wait! She catches sight of a sign heralding the town of Keenbrook. Her heart lifts slightly. This was the right way, and she was almost there, choosing the little, out of the way town to hide away in. She gallops on, ignoring the cars, exhaustion causing her to drift slightly to the side as all of a sudden a bang rings out, and a clump of dirt jumps where she had been only moments before.

SHIT! They were shooting at her?!

She’d expect this out in the boonies of North Carolina, but in Cali?

She doesn’t question it further, putting on a burst of speed, pushing her struggling body to the limits of its endurance, exertion and blood loss taking its toll on her.

She zigs and zags, though no more bullets were forthcoming. She wasn’t really willing to take any chances on it. She had risked her damn life enough within the past few hours, she would be a fool to tempt death anymore. And Lycana might be really stupid sometimes, but a fool she was not. She debates quickly about disappearing back into the woods, tossing it away almost as soon as it popped into her mind. Safer, sure... but it would be even better if she could just get to her damn AirBnB, get her stuff and get the hell out of this state.

So, on she dashes, her body a fraction from giving out on her, struggling to half pay attention to where she was going, and half pay attention to the road where cars slowed, people rubbernecking, others just blew by her driving at least twenty five over the speed limit, and one that swerved so damn close she swear it brushed her damn fur.

Until one comes up parallel to her and maintains speed.

She slows, it does too.

She increases her tempo, it obliges.

And then...


She falters, glancing over to see the rounded, amber eyes of Arcana staring at her from the passenger seat of the car. Beyond her, the blue fire from Jim Caedus cuts into her as he glances away from the road, a snarl curling his lip. How the hell did they expect her to get in the car while doing this speed down the interstate? Stopping was just asking for trouble and....

The rear window rolls down.


With one last burst of energy she didn’t even know she had left in the tank, she arcs out to her right, angling back as the car slow slightly. She launches, her body sailing through the air like a sleek, onyx missile, neatly flying through the small, square gap to crash hard onto the backseat of the vehicle. She skids across, meeting the unforgiving door on the other side, a startled yelp being torn from her throat, before she crumples, partially on the seat, partially in the footwell. Panting, she stares up at Arcana from her upside-down position, too tired to even right herself.

“Fuckin’ fix her. She’s bleedin’ all over th’ leather.”

Arcana wordlessly moves her hands about the air, little glittering gold trails starting to light up the interior of the car. A golden glow bathes her, and she can feel some of the pain subsiding as the deep cuts heal, leaving her about as good as new... except exhausted. As great as Arcana’s magic was, it didn’t take away the bone deep tired from her escapade. And she would likely carry a scar on her thigh from that chunk being taken out but...

With a light groan, she shimmies, thudding all the way to the floor where she just gives up, laying her head on her paws.

“What were you thinking Ly?”

Baleful canid eyes look back at the crimson haired witch. Did she expect her to bark back?

“Running around the damn high desert doing, Hecate knows what... Showing your wolf form on the damn interstate... I mean, I just... What were you thinking?!”

She was clearly undeterred, even if no answers were coming her way.

“She wasn’t thinkin’.”

The low, growling tones of Jim fill the gap. Her gaze flits to him, eyeballing the tense line of his jaw, the white knuckles on the steering wheel. Oh, he was pretty damn pissed. Out of the oven and into the fire... maybe her life was still in danger after all. She closes her eyes, and they drive the rest of the way to the little AirBnB cabin she had rented, in complete silence.

The silence continues as they all get out and troop into the building, Lycana disappearing long enough to become a presentable human again, not wasting any time before she steps out and collapses into a chair, looking back and forth at her two guests. Jim stood at the window, back to the room, arms crossed. Arcana, sat primely on the arm of the sofa, one foot jiggling madly in the air.

“Do I bother to ask how the hell you knew where I was?”

“Tracking spell.”


“I put it on you when you left the first time. Saw you come back, and then just sit in the same spot for days. Then you left to do the cruise thing...”

“Annnnnd you came with me and didn’t bother to tell me that you were tracking my every move?”

“I thought... stupidly... that you were done, and had forgotten whatever dumbass thing it was you were thinking about doing here. And it’s a damn good thing I decided to just keep peeking in at where you were. I saw when you came back to California, and then when you went up there... and then didn’t move...”

“How would you even make the jump that I was in trouble?”

Arcana glances over her shoulder. “Jimmy saw where you were and...” Her voice fades out to nothing as Lycana flicks her own gaze over to Caedus. His jaw grows even tenser under the perusal of her silvery eyes, a tick starting in it, but he still doesn’t turn around. Arcana clears her throat and hurries on, turning her head back to face forward.

“Well... he knew. And he insisted we come out right away. You are really hard to fucking pin down when you’re running all over the goddamn place.”

“My bad, I was running for my fucking life.”

“You could at least be thankful.”

Lycana sighs, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees, her chin dropping into her hands, too weary to even put up more than a token attitude. Besides, they had come and saved her from running those extra miles.

“I am, I am thankful... Sorry.”

“Well why?! Why the hell did you go up there in the first place?”

“When we saw Alias, and I asked him about the Baphomet’s body, he gave me the name to look into. He thought he might have something to do with it. I had to follow the trail and see if he did.”

“And? Did you find it? What does it matter if he did? The Left Hand is gone. It’s over. Good fucking riddance. Why are you even chasing anything that has to do with that fucker?”

“No. I don’t know. I kinda got distracted and never got an answer out of him.” Lycana rubs her eyes, trying to figure out how to explain the strange pull she had to find out all the answers. To lay eyes on the Baphomet’s body and... what she had no fucking clue. She just knew she had to find it. It was a nagging little tic in the corner of her mind that just would not let up. “I can’t explain it Kai, at all. All I can say is that I was responsible for him, and the Left Hand after he got shot. I let the Left Hand fade away against his wishes... but having his body taken too. I just... I don’t know. I wish I had some sort of answer.”

Arcana seems taken aback for a second at the shortened use of her name, something that Lycana rarely, if ever, did. “So pretty much you did a really asinine thing, for absolutely nothing.”

“Not nothing.” Lycana chews on a fingernail, staring at the wall. Arcana casts her a curious glance, waiting for her to elaborate. “He said something, that I don’t really understand. Something about how me being a werewolf was a “gift bestowed upon my lineage” which... just adds a bunch of questions onto everything. What does he know about it, and what does that mean?”

“Really Ly? It probably doesn’t mean shit. You literally walked away after adding on some new fucking fake adventure you think you need to go on, AND you didn’t find out a single thing about the goat headed dick’s body? What was the point?”

“Well sorry that my train of thought kind of derailed when I thought he might try to kill me...”

“He would have.”

The icicle laden tones of Jim interrupts her. Her head swings in his direction to find he has turned and is staring at her, eyes blazing a bright blue fire at her. One that could somehow refreeze a damn glacier while simultaneously burning her to the core. “He would have fuckin’ killed you Ly.”

“But he didn’t and...”

“But he didn’t.”

The growled words bring her up short again. Caedus stalks towards her, not stopping until he is standing toe to toe over her as she sits in the chair, leaning slightly forward as he repeats the words.

“But he didn’t.”

An octave higher in volume, with a little more force behind them. The deadly disbelief was clear all over his face and she can feel her exhaustion and lingering fear eb away in the face of his wrath. Her upper lip curls slightly as her gray eyes harden to steel. “He didn’t kill me, and now I have something else to go on.”

“You got lucky girl. The fuck were you thinkin’ going to his house?”

“I was thinking that I needed answers.” She slowly begins to stand up, but he doesn’t step back. They go nose to nose, the front of their bodies brushing against one another as neither gives an inch, their eyes locked as the tension in the room shoots up. “I was thinking that I needed to find Baph’s body and he was mentioned. I was thinking that I was handling my own business.”

“And you FUCKIN’ FAILED... DIDN’T you? Fuck girl, do you even know how stupid you are?”


“Yeah, want me to say it again? You were stupid Tavora. Do you know how much danger you were in?!”

“I kinda got the idea when he was strangling me. And when he smacked me against the wall. Oh yeah, AND WHEN HE FUCKING SAID I WOULD DIE!” she bellows into his face, watching his color go an alarming shade of red.

“Yeah, that not good enough!? You're a fuckin' IDIOT Tavora!”

Her chin tilts defiantly upwards. “You think I give a SHIT what you think about me Caedus?”

“You don’t fuckin’ think AT ALL!”





“Maybe...” the soft voice comes from beyond the realm the two battling have found themselves in.






[Image: 4a44cccd576fec851302e249b0984028.gif]

A sudden flash of hot, green energy bursts to life between them, knocking them both backwards and away from each other. Lycana blinks, looking to the side to see Arcana standing there, one hand still extended, palm out, as if she was waiting to have to do it again. She looks back to Jim and her eyes widen, focusing on the top of his head.

Where a single strand of hair burned merrily.

She watches in fascination as it slowly burns downwards, her mouth opens slightly then closes again. She drags her gaze away long enough to take in the stony face of Jim, unchanged and angry, before it returns to the cheerful little green spark, finally making it down to Jim’s scalp, a quiet little hiss announcing its demise. A little puff of smoke trails up from his skull.

A choked snort of laughter, poorly covered by a cough by Arcana.

Lycana’s lips twitch, then begin to tremble as she feels the venom slowly easing from her. Her body, tense and ready for battle relaxes, and her stance changes as she regards Jim, who might as well be a statue. “Look Jimmy, this is important to me. He knows something about the Left Hand, and something to do with me being a werewolf.”


“No.” she silences Arcana. “I’m telling you. He knows a lot more about my past, than I do apparently.”

“All he said was it was a gift Ly. Someone like him wouldn’t see power as a curse.”

“He also mentioned my lineage and the original race. Hecate gave me these powers. It just doesn’t match up.”

“You don’t have to go chasing every last thing that doesn’t make sense to you Lycana.”

“I do. I do when it has to do with this.”

Her eyes have never left Caedus, who finally speaks once more.

“Promise you won’t go back there.”

A mutinous flare in her eyes tells him everything, even as she remains mute.









Do you understand?”

She sighs softly. “I can’t promise...”

“Fine. If you, for whatever reason I absoLUTELY can't fathom at this moment, have to go back... then you will tell me and you will take me with you.”

“Alright.” the barest of flickers across his face shows his surprise at her acquiescence. Lycana steps forward, all the fight gone out of her, and wraps her arms around him in a hug. He remains motionless for a moment, before his own envelops her. "Putting your life in danger hurts the people who care about you. Especially the ones who love you."

They step apart, and Lycana repeats the action with Arcana. “We were worried about you.”

They all stand and look at one another.

“You aren’t going to give up, are you?”

Lycana shakes her head. “No, but I will be more careful. I have to figure this out.”

“So now what?”

“Now I go home and deal with everything going on there. Again.”

Arcana walks over to Jim, leaning into him as her arm snakes around his waist. He tugs her closer.

“I’m guessing things with Marf didn’t go very well.”

“No. Not at all. And now I’m gone again. So... yeah.”



“You got it. And if you need anything, just ask. Stop being so stubborn.”

“Yeah, and stay the fuck out of Cali awhile.”

Lycana scrunches her nose up as the bright red magic starts to overpower everything. With a lurch, leaving her stomach far behind, she finds herself planted firmly in the front yard of her own house in North Carolina.

“Home again, home again.”

She studies the charming façade of her home, knowing well what awaited her within. When she had finally made her return after being away from Marf for so long well... it had been a night. That’s all she could really say about that. The days that had followed, not too much better. They were meticulous in their choice of words, trying not to set each other off, and usually failing at least once a day. And now, she had been away a few days more, with no contact beyond a terse text here and there. And when he found out that she had not only failed in everything she went off to do, added another layer of mystery to her already fucking psychotic life, AND almost got herself killed....

He might try and kill her himself.

It seemed lately the only one who didn’t want to kill her, was the one who had wanted to make her into a fur coat, and possibly a hat; the most. And that was Alias.

The irony.

All of a sudden, the door flies open, making her jump, startled. The broad frame of Marf fills the doorway, chilly bold blues staring at the sapphire haired woman standing on the lawn. His lips pull back in a slight sneer.

“You just gonna stand out there?”


“Do you even care about any of this shit?

You know, it’s a question I’ve been asking myself for awhile now when it comes to these little games we play before meeting in the ring. We all know what my stance is on the verbal crap we spit at each other is. We do it to get into each other’s head, build ourselves up, judge where out opponent is at and yadda yadda yadda. Let’s be honest, it’s usually one hell of a waste of time if that is what someone is going for. At least when it comes to people like us.

We don’t let silly things like words throw us from what we want.

It’s different between us.

You and I, we do send off our little insults and threats. It is expected of us after all... and I suppose it would be weird if we didn’t, not being actual friends and all. But each time out we have edged closer and closer to merely conversating about the circumstances that surround us. The how's and whys, rather than the I’m gonna getchas. We look deeper. We see beyond. There are levels where we look at one another and we understand.

We are different.

Stories? They are interesting to me. A glimpse inside the life we live outside of the ring. I suppose not everyone would care what goes on outside the four walls of the company. They would just use it to take pot shots at things they fail to understand or that they are not open minded enough to accept as real. What can I say, not all of us can slap up some footage of an insomnia riddled night and call it the best entertainment they had for the week like Page.

Your stories showed me who you are, what you do, and let me peek into the person behind those grabby hands headed for my throat.

So yeah, I do care.

I’ve heard what all the rest have to say about you. I’ve taken in both the valid points and the ones where they are entirely grasping at straws to try and get some sort of dig in. I’ve watched them try and snicker over all you have done within the past year here, while the entire time they should be looking into a damn mirror and asking themselves if what they have done even half stacks up. I’ve listened to the barbs, the useless making fun of things that have no bearing on fuck all. As if you speaking a certain way would somehow make you turn into a stumbling moron in that ring. They never saw that it didn’t matter... that they could jab at the superficial all they wanted.



And everything in between.


Even if they didn’t apply to you anymore.

Stupidity. They were focused on the wrong things. For most, they had to have known it was done before. That the long line of contenders that got into your face and fell, all said the same damn thing. Yet, they insisted on doing the same fucking thing. Repetitive nonsense. Unless they were just oblivious, which could very well be the reason.

They look at you and their minds are clouded. With fear. With the desire to be “The One”. I don’t know. Whatever it is, they look at you, their mind goes blank and they dribble a pile of verbal drool out onto the floor, a near replica of what has come before.

I look at you and see an enigma.

Why do you think I selected you for this little mission of mine?

It's not all about the Universe, as much as it stands for and I’ve been talking about it. That plays a big part but there is more than that. I could have selected any one of the pieces of shiny that dot members of the roster if the title was really what mattered here. It’s the person wearing it, that is the bigger draw for me and let’s be real, there aren’t many that can hold a candle to the run you’ve been having. Corey and I have history, not as ugly as our own granted, but it is something I contemplated. However, Corey has been a bit... eh, as of late what with whatever was going on in his noggin’. I decided to take a pass. For now.

Who else? Jim Caedus for sure. If we take all tags out of the equation, he beat me one on one once, and has been on fire ever since. I could have selected him to be the one I set my sights on. Everything was all nice and set up for that. The whole revenge story all wrapped up pretty with a bow and all. Vengeance is an ultimate motivator after all. I see people come at him six different ways to Sunday and they all fall. So why didn’t I choose him?

Why did I choose you?

You’re different.

It is as simple and as complicated as that.

Am I going to explain it?

Of course I am.

I’m the long winded bitch, I’ve got my own fans in the back who would be sorely disappointed if I didn’t.

Let’s start with the fact that Jim’s got a win over me, and if I came along and took one for myself, well then we would have to call ourselves even right? Not so with you. I already beat you. Should I do it again, that would make two, and there would be no question as to what Alias’ Achilles heel was. Not that anyone could hope to replicate that. They can try all they want, but nobody really approaches you the way I do. I’m not even sure they really know how.

It’s that funny little dynamic we have.

Parts changed, those that remain.

I look at you, and I actually see you. I don’t see whatever it is everyone else does. I also see someone that on some level, understands me. Between all the weird shit we go through, and the stupid things we hear, we have some similarities among all the differences. You were never one to follow the pack and say the same boring crap I heard over and over, and I strive to do the same for you. We each march to the beat of our own drum, as different as they are. We both fight the boxes, refuse to be contained. We talk, we explain, we see... even through your bloodlust to eviscerate me, there were still aspects of that during Leap of Faith. In so many ways, we are the same. Its powerful. Its unique.

It’s different.

When I look at you, I don’t feel compelled to be The One, Alias. I already was. I already am.

I already stopped you once.

Stopped the unstoppable.

Slayed the king-slayer.

Killed the god-killer.

And so on.

I simply want to do it again to affirm my position.

THAT, is why I picked you.

All those little reasonings mixed up with a heavy dose of the Universe, and it gives you the answer to that question that you never asked. I suppose you just assumed that I was coming for the belt. I try not to make any assumptions when it comes to you though. It never works out in anyone's favor, does it? I can already hear the denials you would crow about what I just said, so let me get a little bit ahead of you and visit some of the things you said, shall we?

The stopping you thing, that’s going to be a biggy.

That was about my entire goal going into the Leap of Faith match. I didn’t have eyes for the X. I never walked in proclaiming how I wanted it. I didn’t really care if you kept it or not, you could have easily made that a stipulation, a non-title match and I still would have accepted. I had no need for a briefcase. When I want a fight, I come looking for it, and if I have to wait my turn I do. I mean look, here I am after you with nary a metal purse in sight! So, I guess that means the both of us went in there not giving a shit about where the belt ended up. We could have both been watching it float down a river of our blood, one hand waving a handkerchief at it, the other still wrapped firmly around the others throat and just let it go. So, let’s throw the entire belt theory right out the damn window and pretend the X just never existed in the match...

I wanted to stop you, because the only option other than that, was getting ripped apart limb by limb, and quite frankly, that didn’t seem like a fun choice, so I did what I had to do. Which leads me into your number two on the what I DID and DIDN’T I do list...

I set you on fire.

I sure did. To be completely fair, you were trying to set me on fire first, I just kinda... didn’t want that to happen and turned the tables. You know, that I will do anything to get my point across thing I talk about? Using whatever is handy, my body, tools, and all that jazz? That is a pretty glaring example of it. If you think I was out to kill you, then you haven’t been paying as much attention as I thought you were, which would be a great disappointment to me. I thought you were a details guy Alias, one who paid attention. I had no need to kill you. The entire time leading up to it I was talking to you about my goals. How I was just coming to make you work for a win, to be in it for the fight you provided, that I respected everything that you had done to defy the Baphomet and the Left Hand, that I didn’t hate you, but that I admired you... Does that really sound like someone intent on killing you?

So no, that was not a failing on my end, even if Chris Page sees it that way. Man was pretty pissy that I didn’t get the job done for him. Probably because he can never get it done himself.

Nah, that was a chance presented, and a chance taken.

But I did take it, and you did burn down to ashes, disappearing to... who knows where for a moment. And it stopped you. It doesn’t matter what you did after when applied to that sentence. It doesn’t matter that you still rose up from certain death. If it was for an hour or a minute. It doesn’t matter if it was just for then. For then is when it mattered Alias.




Period. End of sentence. I stopped that win streak dead in its tracks. So while you are over there saying there is nobody that can be the One, there already is. I’m not the closest thing to it. I AM THE ONE. The scars might not be visible on your body, but they don’t need to be. They are visible on your record instead.

I am the ONE who stopped Alias.

Which, applies to your number three of What Did Lycana Do...

“Did you really stop me?”

Yeah, I did.

Your body. The match. Your win streak. SCREEEEEEEEECH. To a halt.

I already explained it, I’m not going to do it again, but that was a nice try using particular words against me from someone who said he didn’t have to twist words to make a point. Sigh. Don’t be doing this Alias, I had just been saying you were better than that and how I admired you were different. I never intended to stop you for good, and made no suggestions that I ever was... that was YOU. You were the one who wanted to peel back my skin and wear it like mask as you played Operation with my innards. You wanted to stop me, and the rest of the members of the Left Hand for good... but they all fled, and it left only me and Marf, and Fury skulking with the Bobbies... You decided to forgo them and come for me alone, but in me, you were going to banish everything about the Left Hand, once and for all. But once you failed to Eat Lycana... well, what happened?

The cries of Eat Marf and Eat Lycana silenced.

You gave up on that book. Snapped it shut without completion, moving on to the next.

You didn’t survive against me, and you gave up the fight.

So yes Alias. I did fucking stop you. In more ways than one.

I knew I was the catalyst that made you who you are, that helped you get better along the way. That was no secret to me, you don’t have to try and tell me.

Because I already told you all about it during Leap of Faith. I told you then that you should be thanking me... and you almost did back then. “I almost need to thank you for it.” Doesn’t matter if you say now not to expect one. Its implied, it's there, and I’m taking it. So, you're welcome!

You aren't the only one who will just take what is owed to them.

Because from the start of it all, almost every last facet of you was shaped by the events I was a part of. Do we really need to go back and visit it all? You and I know the story by heart by now, from the flying dagger, to the branding, to the tag match- which ended with you in chains strapped to a table and then mighty fucked up if I recall correctly, a Berserker by yours truly, and then tossed over the ropes still attached and onto your head. Destroyed. Which was the Dissentients goal, so who really won there?

Oh, and precious Corey came out to see you. You’re welcome for that too!

All the rest of our little back and forths, then Leap of Faith... all pushing you to face your fallibilities. All making you fight to be who you were, not to conform. Setting you with not to subtle kicks to get where you ultimately needed and wanted to, to capture the Universe.

Add in what has happened between now and then, and well... I told you that our story wouldn’t end with the last match, and while this isn't how I envisioned it happening, I was right about that as well. But the thing is Alias, even as I was shaping your future, I was shaping my own as well. You were a big part of mine, there from the very beginning of it all. It made us both go forward, a battle of wills every time we met. It led us to this point, to where I have come to take something from you once more. I came out and stripped you of your dignity when I assisted with the branding, I came out and stripped you of the perfect win string, and now I'm coming out to strip away the Universe and claim it as my own.

So what now?

Those were all of your main bullet points that you had about me, as neatly snipped as a vasectomy. I suppose we can take a little bit of a deeper look and see what you had to say about yourself.

You talked about learning that you have to become a better fighter, which ironically enough is something I have been saying this entire time I’ve been in the federation. Each time out in that ring, I take as a lesson. Win or lose, I mentioned that last time, didn’t I? Everyone seems to make fun of it but there is something to be gained in every moment if you would just open your eyes to it. I have grown, I have changed, I have become better in all the ways that really matter, while still hanging on to the pieces of me from back then that served me well.

Stubborn. Never say die. Willing to keep moving forward.

Do you think you are the only one who has strived for betterment?

I haven't been stagnant this whole time Alias. Being better than you were doesn’t mean you now hold the upper hand over me. I am better than I was at Leap of Faith. Me making you better isn't exactly an insult or a jab at me, because you made me better. If you mean holding the Universe puts you above, well you are shit out of luck. You were seen as above me when you held the X-treme too, and look how that turned out.

It turned out the way it did because I listen, and I pay attention unlike most anyone else. You noticed it yourself.


I am different from the rest.

They see how you won the Universe, and well... I can’t be bothered to be concerned about that. I didn’t care one whit how you accomplished it, it made me pretty damn giddy that you got one over on Page, no matter how it got done. The fact that he blamed ME for it, made it even better. THEN he lost to little old me and that damn inside cradle. And then he got the match he screamed about with you and well... that was just the cherry on top, wasn’t it?

That was something we did together, start the beginning of the end of the era of Chris Page.

Yeah, you took it away from him. You came, you saw, you wanted, you got. I am not really sure why everyone is hanging their hat on that, as if they wouldn’t do the same damn thing. There are very few who would do it any other way. The fact of the matter is that you proved that you had what it took the moment you beat Page and sent him away, tail tucked without the belt he so desperately craved. You earned that shit. Nobody can really justify using that against you.

So I won't.

So, we both have questions hanging over major wins huh? And we are both willing to put them aside and acknowledge that a win is a win despite what others may have to say.

We won’t have to worry about that come Bad Medicine at least... That win is going to be earned, in spades, leaving no question of who the better one is that night, the Universe settled into the hands of the one who deserves it the most, The One who is has eclipsed the other...

Spoiler for you my darling, it's gonna be me again.

Does that count as having balls of steel, laws don’t apply things you talked about?


But I have plenty of reasons Alias, with a lot more backing them than anybody who has come before me. I started to lay them out to you today, and I am not nearly done. This? This was just a taste of the reasons why that Universe of yours, is going to become mine. I hope you are fully settled down and ready for this little game we are playing. I have only just begun to give you a sampling, a mere taste of what I am going to bring you.

Things are starting to heat up Alias.

I’m going to enjoy watching you burn.”

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

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Born Ready - by Lycana - 11-19-2021, 09:50 AM

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