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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Huracan Chronicles : Television Killed the Movie Star
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Ciela Luiz Offline
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(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

11-05-2021, 10:43 PM

Scene 1
Cameras : ON

The scene opened to Ciela Luiz standing outside the childhood home of Cara Strader. She laughed as she shook her head side to side. ”It must be nice Cara. Knowing THIS is where you grew up. Knowing that you had it all handed to you. And what did you do with it? Absolutely nothing. You can stand there and make excuses all you want. The fact remains that you can never get the job done in anything you do. Show me where I am wrong. You can’t. This tournament is just going to be another time you let your family down. Another time you don’t live up to the name Strader. You are a failure and I will prove that.

Meanwhile, I am being supported by my mother to surpass everything she did in this business. I am being pushed to be the best member of my family. My mother was a great Television Champion in another company and that is why this tournament means the most to me. I want to start where she succeeded so amazingly and that means I have to beat you Cara. I have to beat you convincingly before I go on in this tournament. This tournament is all about blood.”

Ciela walked up to the door and wiped a red streak along it. ”You see, Cara, there is absolutely no way you ever live up to what Meghan and Tamika accomplished. There is no way you will amount to anything in this business. I have seen some of the things you have done elsewhere and you don’t take yourself seriously, why should we take you seriously? You would rather make dick jokes like a man than wrestle like a warrior. You are all about being funny and I can take a good joke, however, once we are between the ropes I am all about winning and that is something you never learned. It is a shame really. Your family is full of success yet, somehow, you and Victoria never caught on. You never learned the ins and outs in this business. You, like many other second and third generation stars, were simply put here because of your name.

I am here because my story stands out on its own but is also interwoven with people like Kennedy Matthews, Geri Vayden, and Lissie Hope. My story is far from over, I am simply eighteen years old (7 months old if you ask my mother) and I am already striving to be the best, meanwhile, you are okay with mediocrity. I am a Luiz, we don’t settle for mediocre. We do everything in our power to make sure we stand out. That is why, when I came to XWF, I shot my shot with Thaddeus Duke and what happened? I pushed him to the limit. I made him respect me. That is a major problem with you Cara. No one respects you and instead of doing something about it you would rather bitch and moan on Twitter. You would rather be a complainer and hide than be a gladiator and fight. We are hired to wrestle and that is what I do. Do I win them all? Hell no. I am far from perfect but I make sure everyone knows they were in the ring with me. I don’t care if it is Terry Borden or Thaddeus Duke, everyone feels the battle with Ciela Luiz the next morning.”

Ciela reached in her bag of goodies and pulled out the mask of Huracan Rabiso. She placed it on her face as she looked into the camera. It was almost as if she had been inhabited by someone else’s spirits as her light mood turned dark instantaneously. She cocked her head to the side as she spoke again. ”Cara, I will completely end you in that ring if I so will it. I have the help of my mother as well as the help of Huracan Rabiso, one of the greatest luchadoras that EVER graced a ring. A woman who allowed women like us to become world champions. You should bow down in my presence for I am she and she is me. I am the new physical embodiment of Huracan Rabiso and you, along with the rest of the XWF, will soon see that I am going to blow you all……. Away!”

Ciela grabbed something else from her bag. It was a can of green spray paint. She smirked under the mask as she began spray painting the house. She stepped back after a few moments to admire her work. The words “Straders are Extinct” shined in the light of the street lamp by the house. ”I am finally speaking up and saying what everyone is feeling. They know that the Cowgirls from Hell were the last great Straders and you and Victoria are merely afterthoughts. You are just a last ditch effort to keep the name around. You are nothing to the Strader legacy and it will show this week when I defeat you to move on to the next stage of this tournament. Cara, enjoy your final days in this business as, once again, a Luiz ends up on top.”

With a wink behind the mask Ciela walked off as the scene faded to black.

Scene 2
It’s Bad for You
Cameras : OFF

Estrella waited for Ciela as the clock on the wall ticked. Tick. Tock. Estrella had sat there in silence while her head and the clock were all she had heard. The door opened around 2:45 AM as Ciela came walking in laughing. Estrella walked up to her daughter, who still had the mask on. Estrella looked worried as she spoke. ”Mi hija. Please have a seat and allow me to tell you somethings about Huracan Rabiso that may upset you.”

Ciela shook her head but, out of love and respect for her mom, had a seat in the chair. She looked up as Estrella slid the mask off of Ciela, placing it gently on the mantle. She looked at it, sitting beside the ashes of the luchadora herself. Both women looked at the picture of Huracan with a world title beside the urn. Estrella shook her head as she mouthed to herself. ”Ay Dios Mio.” She, then, turned her attention to her daughter and spoke softly. ”Huracan Rabiso was a great wrestler but how she got to her place at the top is not of honorable mention. She would do anything to get there. My mother despised Huracan for the most part. Do you know why?”

Ciela shook her head as her mother continued. ”Huracan once had an affair with my father. She wanted to win a world title and my father wouldn’t allow it. Huracan used sex to get what she wanted. She was Atara Themis, way before Atara was thought of. She used it to get ahead in life and that was all the wrong ways of doing things.

Sex can be fun and should be enjoyed but it shouldn’t be used to get ahead in any business. I could have slept my way to the top, as could have you, but we have more morals than that.”

It was weird hearing about morals from the woman who beat people to within an inch of their lives with a lead pipe but Estrella continued. ”We need to start separating the woman from the wrestler. Inside the ring, Huracan was an amazing star to watch but outside the ring, Anabel was a despicable person. You and I have to be amazing in the ring and out. We don’t hide our identities like Anabel did. Estrella Luiz and Ciela Luiz are our real names. Our faces are who we are. We didn’t hide our faces with masks and we shouldn’t start now.”

Ciela looked at the mask as she spoke to her mother. ”But, due to the OCW mishap my reputation is scarred.”

Estrella nodded a bit as she kissed her child on the forehead. ”Scars make us who we are. They make us individuals. They make us everything that defines us. The thing about scars is they fade in time. So shall your small OCW run. In your time there you defied the odds. You beat people you shouldn’t have. You earned a title shot. Like Huracan, you broke barriers and you did it in a better fashion. You will continue that when you become the NEW XWF Television Champion. You and Betsy Granger are friends and this match has been hyped since you went to OCW. You and her will again break down barriers and steal the show at Bad Medicine but, in order to get there, seven people stand in your way. Beat them and show them why the Luiz family and Television Titles are synonymous. Go and get your belt girl. The one OCW kept out of your clutches.”

Ciela stood up and hugged her mom, however, her gaze was also set on the mask still on the mantle as the scene faded to black.

Scene 3
Cameras : ON

The scene opened up to Ciela Luiz sitting in front of the time machine which had brought her here. She shook her head as she entered the access code. The machine beeped before a female voice was heard. ”346010 Ciela Luiz. Access Denied!”

Ciela smacked the machine as tears rolled down her face. She was pretty sure she had made a mistake. She wasn’t meant to be in this time and all because she wanted to see what people she knew were like in the present, she couldn’t return to her rightful time period. She looked into the camera. ”Fuck it all! I am on a suicide mission. I am going into this tournament like it is my last time ever in a ring. I don’t care who it is across from me, every match will be treated like it is my fucking last. I am tired of being overlooked. Tired of being told I am not good enough. You want good enough? I will give you fucking great!

I don’t care if Coleman or Estrada are next. I will put either one into early retirement. When your injuries are too severe, what will you do? What happens when you come face to face with the unknown? You can’t know me. Hell, I don’t even know me half the time. Sometimes I want to be loved and sometimes I want to be hated. Sometimes I want to be champion and other times I want to hide in the shadows. Right now, I want to hurt people and you all happen to be in my way.

Marf is someone who knows my aunt Geri very well. Marf and Lycana, like me, turned their back on Geri like I did Makayla. I guess the Vayden’s are easy targets for that. I get it, I do. I am someone who is all about getting ahead and Marf, you are someone I can say I respect. If I don’t win this whole thing, which I will, I hope you win. I want to see you in the finals. I will run roughshod over the competition if you do and I will see you in the finals.

Betsy, my friend, I am coming for you. You helped me get hired by OCW and I owe you deeply for that, but don’t think I won’t hurt you in order for my journey to reach it’s destination.

Bad Medicine is right around the corner and Ciela Luiz is JUST what the doctor ordered. Drink it all in because you will go to sleep soon. All of you will!”

The camera panned in on Ciela’s face. Her mascara covered her cheeks as the scene faded to black.
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JimCaedus (11-05-2021), Marf (11-06-2021), MrBig (11-06-2021), Peter Vaughn (11-06-2021), Thaddeus Duke (11-13-2021)

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The Huracan Chronicles : Television Killed the Movie Star - by Ciela Luiz - 11-05-2021, 10:43 PM

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