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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Threshold (Twisted Angel #3)
Author Message
Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-31-2013, 09:23 AM

Scene opens at a old abandoned warehouse, with no one around. There was a little light coming in thru the windows but for the most part is was kinda dark. The cameraman was stumbling around looking for any sign of life. He was given this address as where to meet Christine at. But so far he had been there 15 mins with no sign of the girl. He was about to give up when he turned around and was face to face with her. He jumped when he saw her.

[Image: warehouse-2.jpg]

Christine: Did I scare you? I seem to do that to you a lot don't I?

Camerman: Yes, you did.

She smiles when he said that.

Christine: Go ahead flash your smile. A season of fattening prime of the canine and swine-bred children of guile.

Camerman: What?

Christine: I know who I am, Wretched worm. Myself deserving of hell, I fell onto mercy you despised And denied.

Ok, this guy holding the camera thought by now she had totally flipped her lid. Her ramblings... they didn't make sense to him.

Christine: ...watching you torture yourself and whoever else you can bring down with you...

Cameraman shuts up again and lets her continue as she cocks her head.

Christine: So I have a match tonight called a Gauntlet. I am fighting 9, yes 9 men. Well not all 9 will make it to my point so I guess I am really fighting 6, 6 men that will get a taste of the twisted and the unknown as they meet up with me. Not Christine Nash... NO they meet up with me... The Twisted Angel.

She smirks.

Christine: Now There is one man in this match... Ricky Desmond I believe is the name that quite frankly don't think I belong in this match... let alone wrestling. Well you sir are about to have your second... YES I said second bad encounter with a woman as this one here... she is going to kick your freaken Ass. You see, I am not your normal women. I like to play with fire... I like to see who will get burned. I like to play with little boys who think they are God's gift to everyone and show them once and for all they are nothing. I mean nothing but little worms that crawl on the ground that will one day either dry up and die or getting eaten by a bird or fish. You see... I don't take a threat and go run home to play with dolls. NO I rise and I fight!

She twists her head as she continues.

Christine: So many boys in this match that don't know which end is their head and which end is their freaken ass. You boys want to play with the Angel... then I hope you are ready to get burned cause I will be gunning for you. I will come out fighting... all guns a blazing and I will do whatever it takes to walk out of this match the NEW #1 Contendor. Can you boys garentee that? Didn't think so. Sorry Ricky but I don't think you will survive once you meet up with the Twisted Angel!

She crackes her neck and with a evil smile on her face continues.

Christine: So many times we smile in pride. Putting such faith in what we've accomplished, but minutes ago we were... slitting our wrists, running for sympathy.

She smerks.

Christine: I'm senseless, erode my senses
To fill my day with indulgence which leads to my undoing
I'll never look back, I'll never taste it again.

The scene fade to black as the cameraman backs away from Christine leaving her in the building.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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[-] The following 2 users Like Christine Nash's post:
DeathMerchant (07-31-2013), Ricky Desmond (07-31-2013)

Messages In This Thread
Threshold (Twisted Angel #3) - by Christine Nash - 07-31-2013, 09:23 AM

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