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An Inexplicable Super Baby??
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Hotdog Offline
Now in new North Korean War Pig flavour!

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08-09-2021, 02:28 AM

Awaking from his daffodil-induced slumber, the abominable Hotdog stumbles his way through a nondescript door and into a miscellaneous hallway. As he shakes away the well-document effects of the notorious flower (in his world, anyway), he strains his evil eyes to focus on what he sees. He snorts under his hot, rank breath that smells like Charlie Nickles's jockstrap got shat on by Herschel Kiss.

"Oink oink... oink oink oink OoINK?"

His vision returns and confirms that yes, that is exactly what he is seeing.

"Oooiiinnnkk... oink ooink ooink oink oink ooiinnkk..."

Before he can outline his diabolical plan aloud - as any good evildoer would - the Inexplicable Super Baby flies into action and rockets down the hallway, fist-first, colliding with Hotdog's temple. That's the most evil part of his head!

Hotdog goes down for an enforced sleep again.

World domination delayed once more.
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[-] The following 4 users Like Hotdog's post:
Arcana (08-09-2021), Dolly Waters (08-09-2021), JimCaedus (08-09-2021), Ned Kaye (08-09-2021)

Messages In This Thread
An Inexplicable Super Baby?? - by Jessica Tremor - 08-07-2021, 03:36 PM
re:An Inexplicable Super Baby?? - by JimCaedus - 08-07-2021, 08:18 PM
re:An Inexplicable Super Baby?? - by MrBoB - 08-09-2021, 01:57 AM
An Inexplicable Super Baby?? - by Hotdog - 08-09-2021, 02:28 AM
re:An Inexplicable Super Baby?? - by Arcana - 08-09-2021, 02:22 PM

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