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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Mr BoB
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MrBoB Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-02-2021, 01:58 PM


In-Ring Name: Mr. BoB

Wrestler's Real Name: RoBOB System Model #1019587773452 (or the B-800)

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: N/A

Height: 6'4

Weight: 500 lbs. of iron alloy and osmium

Hometown: N/A

Personality: A mix match of various BOBs

Looks Description: Golden metal robotic body.

Ethnicity: Robot

Pic Base, if any: bicentennial man (Robin Williams)

Strengths: IS a robot, very strong and durable. Feels no pain. Waterproof. Not susceptible to electric shock or Electromagnetic Pulse.

Weaknesses: Is a robot, subject to malfunctions. Batteries not included.

Entrance Theme Music: "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys

Special Entrance (if any):


"Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys starts and the arena turns green. Mr. BoB trots out from the back, bouncing to the twang of the guitar in the intro of the song and stops out on the stage. A light shines down from high up in the arena to accent its gold plated exterior. Gold fireworks shoot off like rockets and explode behind it. Mr. BoB makes its way down to the ring while waving to the booing fans, as it doesn't know the difference. When it reaches the ring, its jetpacks activate to boost it up and over the ropes where it lands in the center of the ring. A large "BoB" flag drapes down from a balcony across the arena which it faces and salutes.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1) RoBoB Jab
2) RoBob Uppercut
3) RoBoston Crab
4) RoBoB Superman Punch - via rocket pack
5) RoBoB Haymaker
6) RoBoButts - locked in arms with series of robotic headbutts
7) RoBoB Death Grip

Trademark Move(s):

Loaded Punches (every punch is loaded when you're a robot)- Mr. BoB activates two more arms (like Goro, Mortal Kombat). He grabs his opponent with the lower pair and pummels them with the top limbs. (like Goro, Mortal Kombat)

RoBobby Bomb- A standard Bobby Bomb done by a RoBoB.

Jetlagged- Mr. BoB grabs his opponent and activates its jetpacks. The two soar up in the air and Mr. BoB plants his opponent on the mat on their head.

Finishing Move(s):

MAIN FINISHER- Rainbow Laser Death Anomaly- A Jackhammer into a Thunderstrike. Vertical suplex/Foot DDT. The Rainbow Laser Death Sequence done by Mr. BoB alone.

Secondary Finisher- Bobby's Comet- Mr. BoB stands on the top rope and the turnbuckle somehow supports all of his weight. He activates his jetpacks and flies high into the air and out of the arena! (If the show is outside then up into the sky until he is out of sight) He stays up there for a few seconds before soaring down and striking the opponent with an elbow from the atmosphere!

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Mr. BoB will use his pre-installed features in hardcore matches. He comes equipped with rainbow laser death beams that charge up and shoot from his eyes. A rocket shoots from his left shoulder. There's also a flame thrower attachment on his arm.

Additional notes: This is a robot.
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Dolly Waters (08-02-2021), JimCaedus (08-13-2021), Mr. Oz (08-02-2021)

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Mr BoB - by MrBoB - 08-02-2021, 01:58 PM

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