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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2021 PPV Board
Heart of Darkness III
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Andre Dixon Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-24-2021, 10:34 PM

It’s been a while since I last stepped into a ring for an actual match. A match that meant something. And while I’ve still been around physically. I’ve been metnally checked out for a while now. I even missed my court ordered therapy sessions and almost ended up right back in jail. Mentaly I’ve been somewhere else dealing with bigger things that have kept me from being my best self.

With War Games coming up the last team I ever thought I would end up on would be a team with Thad and Doc but here we are. The talent level of our team is through the roof. If I show up the way I know I can we have a chance to be unstoppable with Thad, Doc, Chris, and myself.

I may have been a little checked out over the past few weeks but I’m ready for War Games and to once again prove that I am one of the best young wrestlers this company has and that my career is just getting started. What better way to do that than by running through superstar after superstar at War Games and showing everyone, including B.o.B. and my War Games teammates, that Andre Dixon is just getting started and is going to be a force to be reckoned with for the next decade.

The scene opens up to a dark office room located somewhere in Atlanta, GA. Inside we see a woman sitting at a large chair and across from her on a couch is what looks to be Andre Dixon.

“Tell me what’s going on with you. Last week was the first time you ever missed one of our meetings. Why now?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what’s up with me right now. I wish I could give you a good reason why I didn’t show up. I was ready to go and then I just didn’t.”

“I’m supposed to call your PO if you miss even a single session. You could’ve went right back to prison.”

“I know Doc, I know. I appreciate you doing that for me. I know you didn’t have to. I probably didn’t deserve that but I do appreciate it and I will make it count.”

“You’ve made a lot of progress in the past year and I don’t want to see you fuck it up.”

“I don’t either. But you try and balance the home life with the wrestling life and my home life is...well complicated. You know that.”

“So you’ve been back to your old neighborhood?”

“I had to Doc. I had no choice. A brother needs you and you don’t turn your back on him. When I left to go chase my dreams and become a wrestler I left a lot of people hanging. A lot of close people. They said they understood but I knew they needed me.”

“They use you…”

“You don’t know what it’s like Doc. You can’t sit there and tell me you could turn your back on a brother. Someone who has been there for you through everything.”

“What did you do, Dre?”

“Nothing Doc...nothing.”

“I’m going to choose to believe that this time. I know you have a tough upbringing. Your past isn’t normal by any means.”

“That’s why the XWF fit me perfectly. The roster is far from normal. I’m talking about a lot of crazy motherfuckers.”

“You told me a while back that B.o.B. were your brothers. That you truly believed that. Is that still true?“

“Of course it’s true. They've always got my back. And I think they know that I’ve always got theirs as well. Even if we are on different teams.”

“Does it bother you that you’re not on their team for War Games?”

“Nah, when I signed up for War Games I knew what it was going to be. It’s partly what I’m looking forward to. Getting to work with three legends is never a bad thing. Looking at our squad we are stacked too. Nah...this funk I’m in has nothing to do with them. I look forward to running through every single team at War Games with Discontinuum.”

“So you’re ready for the match?”

“Am I at my best? I can’t say that I am or I’m not to be honest. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I know when I step into the ring I flip a switch and I’m a whole different animal. All the anxiety and nerves or whatever you want to call it go right out the window. Because once that bell rings I get to put my hands on people. And I think even you know that’s one thing that I’m great at.”

“So we’ve talked about your past a little bit. We’ve talked about your present a little bit. But what about your future, Dre?”

“What about it?”

“What’s next for you? You said it yourself, you're very disconnected right now.”

“I’m just taking it one step at a time. I’m going to go into War Games. Have some fun and kick some ass. After that I can decide what’s next for me.”

“You should think long and hard about this.”

Andre lays down on the couch. “I have been. And hopefully War Games will be the thing that knocks me out of this funk and gets me motivated for that next step. Whatever it might be.”

“When you first joined the XWF you told me about all your plans and all your goals that you had set for yourself. Are your goals still the same? In wrestling, and in real life? Has anything changed?”

”My goals haven’t changed. I still want to make my own mark in the XWF. I still want to be one of the all time greats while doing what I love to do all around the country. As far as real life goes? That’s just a little bit more complicated when it comes to me.”

“Whatever you do, don't get dragged back into that old life. This might be your last real chance at something real. I don’t want to see you throw your life away.”

[orange]“It’s never that simple. Why’s it so dark in here anyway? I feel like I’m being watched.”

Andre sits up and looks around the room as the room gets even darker.

“Did the room just get even darker? What’s going on in here?”

Are you understanding me, Andre??


Are you understanding how important it is to MOVE ON?!

Andre stands up from the couch as the walls begin to crack and the room starts to heat up. The doctor stares blankly at him, shouting, but their lips don’t move.

”The fuck is going on here?!”

From the very moment you stepped into the XWF…. You’ve been waiting for this moment. You’ve been waiting for this chance. You’ve been waiting for this chance!!!!

The doctor lifts into the air and everything in the room begins to swirl around Andre. He holds his hands and arms over his head for protection as books and papers fly into him.

The time has come Andre…. Corey Smith… Alias…. That Chinese Guy…. And Morbid Angel… THEY are the answers. THEY are our victims. THEY must perish first! And then……… BOB!!!

Andre hears but pays little attention as debris continues to fly around the room and strike him. Finally, he gets enough nerve to head towards the door, but it won’t budge. He sits down in front of it and continues to shield himself from the flying objects until it all dies down and everything falls to the floor. He looks up from his fetal position to find King Doc, in all his glory, standing before him.

My dear boy… It looks like you could use a hand.

”The fuck? King Doc? Where? Where did you come from?”

Andre remains on the ground for a moment, but the King motions him to his feet. He is glowing immaculately.

Rise, my son. No need to kneel at a time like this.

What? Time like…?

Why, we are at war, good sir. And your assistance is much needed. We’ve been betrayed, I’m afraid.

I don’t understand.

You will. Your time to stand on the front lines against a great evil has finally come. On this day, you will fight in War Games and you will ride triumphantly from battle… with me. The brotherhood has left us behind to find their own victories… As we shall prove to them that all victories shall be ours!

Andre, totally confused by the arrival of what he thought was a dead King…. Embraces the presence of him anyway and gives old King Doc a bow anyway… much to the King’s approval.

Well here we fuckin’ go boys and girls! My very first XWF War Games and what a War Games it’s going to be! You guys really fucked up and let me get on the best team? I mean we are talking about having the King of the XWF? On top of that you let us have Chris Chaos who is back and about to fuck shit up here in the XWF again. On top of that our captain is none other than a guy who has done everything here in the XWF in Thaddeus Duke. Sure some of the other teams are good. Now before I get into the team we will be facing in the first round and the horrible fucking name they chose let me just give a shout out to my boys.

B.o.B. I know I haven’t been as active as I’d like here lately but I want to make one thing perfectly clear to you guys and everyone else in the XWF. Andre Dixon IS B.o.B. Andre Dixon will always have B.o.B.’s back. I promise you that much. But even brothers have to fight sometimes. So when we are all in the Finals of War Games I want to make one other thing abundantly clear. I am going to whoop that ass. Nobody is getting spared. I’m not throwing this shit. I’m not looking out for B.o.B. or none of that shit. This one. War Games. It’s for me. As far as I’m concerned at War Games the only team that matters is Discontinuum. I think you guys know damn well just how loyal I am. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that even though I’m B.o.B. that I will take it easy on you or let you win. Discontinuum is walking out of War Games the winners.

I mean just look at the squad. How can anyone think they have a shot? We are arguably the only team that’s great from the first man to the last. We have NO weak links. Some might come out and say that I’m the weak link because I haven’t been around as much, but that would be a huge mistake to underestimate me and what I can and will do in that ring. I’m pretty sure a lot of people are expecting me to not even show up and I can’t wait to prove those people wrong. I plan on getting my hands on as many of you as I can.

Which brings me to the team with the worst name I’ve ever seen in wrestling history. Faith Unifies Coreytopia and Korea in a Triumphant Holy Alliance of Distinction. What in the actual fuck?! Where do I even start? I mean we could talk about the length of the name of this group. Too much bro. Way too much. Ya’ll are trying to hard and it’s easy to see that you’re a bunch of fuckin’ freaks. Where do I even start with this group?

I guess it’s best to start at the top, isn’t it? Which would be Alias...oh shit...did you think I was going to start with you Corey? You may be the captain but your bitch ass ain’t at the top of shit my guy. You will probably come out and boast about beating me for the TV Title. A title that I was going to say was beneath you but...well it turns out you lost the belt already. Not only that but to a member of B.o.B. Yikes bro. I could have told you that your whole TV Title bullshit was going to be a bad idea. What did you have to gain from it exactly?

You showed your true colors. You showed that you want things given to you instead of having to earn them. Sound familiar? You’re a former Tag Team Champion who didn’t ever WIN the Tag Titles. You were given them by...oh yeah MY team. If it wasn’t for Thad and Doc you’d never even be that. The only thing you really have going for you is that you won Leap of Faith. But instead of using that momentum to go at Alias, you went at me and the TV Title. How fuckin’ pathetic is that? You really THAT scared of Alias?

As far as you go Alias, I have nothing but respect for your weird ass. It’s always the weird ones who end up being great. I’m not going to come out here and shit on you. I will say that this is an opportunity that I’m very much looking forward to. When Discontinuum knocks out both Corey “bitchmade” Smith AND Alias in the first round it’s going to be pretty fucking epic. The Universal Champ and the number one contender for said belt getting knocked out in the first round of War Games and then having to watch the rest is going to be very satisfying. Especially since this is going to show Corey that without Thad, he ain’t shit.

Then we’ve got North Korean War Criminal. I mean if anyone should be prepared for War Games it’s this guy, right? Then again this isn’t North Korea and nobody is scared of this little Kim Jong Un wannabe. You somehow are the weakest link and that’s impressive considering old ass Morbid is on your team as well.

Which brings me to the last and probably the least in Morbid Angel. A guy who has had every chance to turn his career around and continues to shit on his legacy by taking L after L. I would know because I gave him one of those L’s at Leap of Faith and I’m fairly certain the guy hasn’t gotten any better since then. I may not still be the TV Champion but I promise you that I will still beat your ass at War Games

I know people will look at this team and think they are a real threat because of Corey and Alias but the truth is they’re the biggest group of freaks in this thing and Charlies Carnies are a team. War Criminal is probably just looking out for number 1(North Korea). Morbid is probably going to try and save everyone with his Jesus nonsense. And then you have Corey who is going to try to act like he’s Alias’ equal when we all know he isn’t even Thad’s equal. What’s he going to do when he gets shit on by his idol?

It’s funny though that our first match is probably the toughest of them all. We are going to take out our biggest competition right away and then move onto the Finals and run through the remaining teams as we all make a statement. A statement that combined we are four of the best wrestlers in the XWF and it isn’t even close.

I know that Thad and myself have never really seen eye to eye. We’ve never really been on the same side before this. I’ve always been on the fuck Thad side but the respect has always been there. I respect what he’s accomplished. I respect that he is one of the best this company has ever seen and that it’s straight up in his blood. He’s taken his fathers legacy and furthered it. Some could say that he could be a great mentor to me and maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Maybe this is just a one time thing. But winning...well winning forms bonds. Winning War Games together is going to show everyone that no matter how different you are, that with the right amount of talent you can get anything done. And I think it’s fair to say we have a lot of talent on this team.

We aren’t scared of any of the teams. Do some of them have some great wrestlers? Sure. Do any of them really stand a chance against the talent that Team Discontinuum has? No shot. I know a lot of people don’t expect us to work well together either and that’s where people are going to be surprised. We may not have the time together that some teams like Team B.o.B. but I think from the time we’ve had together our chemistry has shown to be very promising. We all have the same goal in mind and there’s nothing and nobody who will be able to stop us.

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[-] The following 8 users Like Andre Dixon's post:
ALIAS (07-25-2021), Chris Chaos (07-25-2021), Chris Page (07-25-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (07-25-2021), Dolly Waters (07-24-2021), JimCaedus (07-25-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-25-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-25-2021)

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Heart of Darkness III - by Andre Dixon - 07-24-2021, 10:34 PM

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