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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Arguing With One's Self
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-28-2013, 08:23 AM

In the afterglow of another brilliant Wednesday night, back at the Promise Land, Mystica is nevertheless beside himself. There are many things to worry over. As he approaches his cabin, the sun is just setting. Around him, the hard-working folk are returning to their own domiciles, passing him small glances or little waves, and he is more than happy to oblige, sending back little grins. But inside, he is in turmoil. With the tag belt in his hand and his new partner now revealed, what more could he hope for? He has something to believe in now -- something to fight for.

With Eli's involvement in the Black Circle, Mystica wonders if that qualifies him as being involved as well, being Eli's disciple. It felt right bowing before Eli, but while he does that, is there something more in that symbolic gesture? Is he bowing to Madison as well? To Luca? To something bigger? God?

Slamming the door behind him, he knows he is in relative peace now. Here, he can let himself go. Slinging the Tag Title off his shoulder, he places it in its rightful place over the fireplace, on the makeshift hooks he has screwed into the wood. The Title leers down at him with an unseen face. Its invisible eyes watch him as he changes out of his wrestling gear and into his sleepwear. He feels oddly embarrassed by it, being seen in his most primal, even by something so innocent as a Title Belt. As he finally seems ready for bed, he lies down on the sheets and stares up at the ceiling, counting the little imperfect marks running down the wood.

"So what was that shite all about?"

"What shite?"

"The Angels of Death? I thought we'd agreed that we're with Eli."

"Just because we bow to Eli doesn't mean we can't have other vocations."

"Eli handed us that Tag Title! And in two weeks, we have the opportunity to prove we deserve them! We have to prove this. More so than ever before. We didn't win that belt. When we face Duke and...whoever he has with him...we'll be winning them."

"Yes, we owe Eli that. But think of the thing we can do! Ignore two weeks from now, fool. This week, we can earn ourselves a shot at the US belt!"

"That's Eli's belt!"

"A valid point."

"I'm not going to fight Eli."

"Then all we do is weaken the opposition. It's a gauntlet, lovey dove. We beat down everyone, then lie down. Be a good dog. Woof."

"We're not a guard dog, but we're not traitors, either. We're brothers in arms with Eli and Elisha. We are part of a bigger picture."

"We could BE the bigger picture."

Mystica sits up in bed, now sweating a bit from the heat. There's no air conditioning, so he quickly makes for the window and opens it, allowing a cooler breeze to flow through. Satisfied, he returns to bed.

"I don't want to be the bigger picture if it means fighting the people I care about. He saved us. Er, me. Yeah, me! Why are we still having arguments?"

"We're not arguing. We're debating."

"Not the point. Why are we still two different people in one body?"

"Because you're not man enough to win on your own. You cannot fight. It wasn't you smacking Gilmour around with a chair. It was me. You need me. I fight the battles. You do the diplomacy."

"Fine, fine. But mark my words, if you do anything to jeopardize my relationships..."

"No worries, love. It's all downhill from here. Those Tag Titles are safe as long as Elisha is on his game. As for us...I say we simply destroy all opposition to Eli on Wednesday. Not win, but...make anyone who might win hurt. Snap some bones, taste the marrow."

"You disturb me."

And with his final word, David turned to the side-table light and switched it off, disappearing into a world of darkness. The sounds of the forest echoed through the room, finally lulling David into the sleep he had been wishing for for so very long. Finally, a good night's rest.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
  • 1x US Champion
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Arguing With One's Self - by Mystica - 07-28-2013, 08:23 AM

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