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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Bring me BOB!
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Ruby Offline
The Super Dear'o

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05-29-2021, 06:28 PM

Ruby was sitting in the couch in Centurion’s apartment, twirling the tape she stole from Miss Fury’s in her hands. It was some sort of leverage against Vinnie, that much was certain… But she wasn’t entirely certain if she should watch its contents. Because of Vinnie’s privacy first and foremost, and because she didn’t want to have to potentially claw out her eyeballs after. Centurion noticed Ruby’s state of distress, and sat himself down next to her before gently tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Centurion: “You know, leverage is worthless if you don’t know what it’s worth.”

It was a sentence that seemed silly, but Ruby also knew that he was right. Still, she felt bad about the whole affair. She clapped her hands.

Ruby: “I’m stumped. I see only one solution.”

She looked over at Centurion in dramatic fashion.

Ruby: “Bring. Me. BOB!”

[Image: rEuB2NG.gif]


Ruby didn’t often consult her lawyer, but if ever the time was right, it was now. Last time she had used his services it was when he had taken up the mantle of the Super Dear’O to find out how much she could get away with, legally speaking. After all, vigilantism was very much still frowned upon by actual law enforcement, and Ruby didn’t want to butt heads with the boys in blue. Given that, having a guy like Bob Loblaw on speed dial was rather fortuitous.

He got up from his desk as she walked into his office, and pointed two pistol-fingers at her.

Bob: “The Super Dear’O! My preferred client by a clear country mile! Mostly because you pay me in cereal these days, and that stuff is killer!”

Ruby: “Killer? It’s supposed to be healthy! Fantastic for the colon, if you believe the XWF website. Which, on this rare occasion, you certainly can.”

Bob: “That’s what I meant! These days, it just SLIDES…”

Ruby: “BOB! Sorry to interrupt my guy, but we’re kind of on the clock here.”

She slammed the tape down on to the desk.

Bob: “What’s that, Rubes?”

Ruby: “Heck if I know. It’s supposedly leverage against my bossman. Which tells me that it’s probably him doing something ‘legal, yet stupid’. Which is a good summarization of the dude.”

Bob: “What’s on it, then?”

Ruby: “I don’t know! And I’m not sure I want to. See, this chick is trying to put all of Vinnie’s business I the street. Now, I’m not a fan of not respecting one’s privacy to begin with, but she’s also using it to make him put me at a disadvantage. He had a match reversed, had him put me in a lumberjack match?”

Bob: “That the match where you cut down a tree the fastest?”

Ruby: “Nah. I wouldn’t want that. They’re the lungs of our planet! GO trees! Bring us that sweet, sweet oxygen! No, here it just means the ring is surrounded by other wrestlers who can beat you up if the ref isn’t looking. Except in this case, most of those lumberjacks will be B.O.B. members. AKA her lackeys. Meanwhile, I have a severe LACK of peeps in MY corner, ya dig? Which is fine. I’m not looking for an unfair advantage. I just wanna know if watching this tape could get me in trouble down the road.”

Bob: “Well, sure. Anything can get you in trouble. It’s also possible this tape is blank.”

Ruby: “Yeah, that’s possible I suppose. And I’m not stupid, I know Fury has a dozen contingency plans. That’s not the only copy, she likely has five dozen copies spread out all over the country just in case. This isn’t her first villainy rodeo. But what would I gain from knowing what’s on this?”

The lawyer sighed.

Bob: “Way I see it, if it’s compromising material you’d have to potentially turn on your boss. And knowing you, that means you’d have to take down the entire XWF, in which case you might as well…”

Ruby: “Join BoB?”

Bob: “Precisely. And if there’s nothing on there, you know you’ve been bamboozled. In which case, this Miss Fury will be living inside your head rent free. Not what you want before such a big match, right?”

Ruby took a deep breath, and nodded.

Ruby: “You’re right. I know what I have to do.”

She took the tape and left the office.

[Image: rEuB2NG.gif]

Ruby had made her way to an abandoned back alley. Usually, this was the kind of setting where she’d stop crimes, but right now she just needed to get rid of something. A small firepit was burning wood, and she looked at the tape.

Ruby: “Either you’re harmless and useless, or you’re harmful and dangerous. So it ain’t no lie, bye bye bye!”

She threw the tape into the fire and watched it lick at the plastic, before melting the film. She started whistling, before humming a song.


I am a hero and I am okay.
I fight all night and I work all day
I cut down foes, I brush my teeth
I compete on Anarchy.
On Thursdays I go wrasslin’
and have Ruby-Ohs for tea.

I am a hero and I am okay.
I fight all night and I work all day
I cut down foes, I flip & skip
I like to kiss my Centy
I put on hero´s clothing
and hang around on roofs.

I am a hero and I am okay.
I fight all night and I work all day
I cut down foes, wear my hair with bows
Some chap stick & a mask
I guess I’m not that girly
But B.O.B is dead and gone

With the tape destroyed, her copy at least, Ruby could go into Leap of Faith with a clear conscience. One of the greatest battles of her career awaited. All of the odds, all of the decks stacked firmly against her. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

[Image: dY7KZz4.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-30-2021), Lycana (05-30-2021), Miss Fury (05-29-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-29-2021), Theo Pryce (05-30-2021), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-29-2021)
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Miss Fury (05-29-2021)

Messages In This Thread
Bring me BOB! - by Ruby - 05-29-2021, 06:28 PM

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