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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Winners and Losers
Author Message
Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-27-2013, 01:39 AM


5:17AM – Time of Message Recording
10:07AM – Time of Message being delivered to the XWF Public.

Ricky sits in front of the crackling log fire, a glass of whisky in hand once more. He grabs the remote and switches off the message recorded by Shawn Steele after Madness went of air earlier in the week. He holds his head in agony after several hours of attempted sleep had evidently failed. Thoughts rushing through his mind faster than Usain Bolt. The thought of his soul mate's death was torturing him in more ways than imaginable and he was looking forward to finally seeing a shrink on the morrow despite the fact the tiredness would have well and truly sank in. His beard is unusually overgrown in comparison to his usual sleek shave. He is not suited up but rather is sat in his boxers and a dressing gown. He fiddles around with the camera for a moment before hitting record and placing it in front of him. In his mind this was as good a time as any to send a message to the XWF Roster and audience. His voice is as rough as his beard. Laughing groggily, he grasps his composure and begins to stare down the camera lens, clicking his left knuckles as he does so.

“Shawn you are so wrong. The record books will not remember that match as a Shawn Steele victory. They will remember it as the night you had to get a concussion test because you were that damn beaten up.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will hold onto a disqualification win for the rest of your career though because that's a bout as impressive as you will ever be. A DQ win and a battle royal win in a match that no one other than you cares about or remembers. You've already made it clear to me that despite all of your strengths they are dragged down by your weakness. This sickening desperation to cling onto any bit of glory for as long as you can. You know you weren't the victor this week. The match would have been mine to win anyway but The Connection just couldn't resist doing as much damage to that thick skull of yours. It comes natural to predators Shawn and unfortunately you were in the wrong place at the wrong time against the wrong person. If you are desperate to make an enemy of yours then I have no problem sending this endearing warning to you. If you want to fight us, you want to go toe to toe with The Connection, there is no doubt in my mind that the tiny enclosed world around you will crumble and you will be trapped beneath its tight grasp for eternity.

You may have passed the concussion test this time but next time Shawn you may not be so lucky. You're clearly angered by the events that took place. You even felt the need to send our dearest interviewer Steve Sayors away when he pointed out the obvious just because you couldn't control that hot red temper of yours.

You asked me some questions that I think were supposed to be rhetorical but I would like to answer them sincerely anyway, because that's what I do.

: You think you can get away with this? You think I’m not going to make you pay for what you did? Is that what you think Ricky? That I’m just going to tuck my tail between my legs and run away? Like a coward? Do you think I’m a coward, Desmond? Do you think I’m the kind of guy .. the kind of guy who’ll call for backup when all hope seems lost? The kind of guy who needs a fucking wrecking crew to save him from the ass beating that he so rightly deserves?! That’s not who I am. That’s who you are, Ricky. 

You are damn right I can get away with it. I hit that Million Dollar Bill on you harder than I have ever hit it before and to be fair I respect the fact that you have managed to get to your feet. I respect the fact that you're still standing and you did pass a concussion test. Maybe I did make an error when I didn't offer you a place amongst the Connection. It seems as though you have sailed that boat of opportunity away though unless you ever change your mind that is.

However, seeing as I see that as very unlikely it seems I must continue to decimate you not only with fists but with words.

You will not make me pay for what I did, because you simply can't. You hold nothing other me. I don't think I will get away with it, I know I will get away with it.

I also don't think you will run away because you are clearly not a coward, you're too foolish to be a coward and if you really think that you were on the verge of 'giving me a beating' then I suppose you re-watch our match punk because it sure as hell was not one sided and you're a moron if you think it was. I know that when all was said and done I would have walked away victorious but it's too late for that now Shawn. Now we will never know because you're going to have your hands tied whilst John Austin deals with you and beats you to a pump. He's your real rival so stop trying to get ahead of yourself by making to many enemies because creating enemies is my job not yours.

If you really want to fight me again then in the not so distant future I am sure something can be arranged by this corrupt management team.

Speaking of corrupt management team, you will ultimately end up a loser Shawn just like you did after our match on Monday when I had you on your back for the three count. Austin is going to beat you to a bloody pulp when he gets the chance so I would just watch your damned back... However, on Warfare... I will ultimately end up a WINNER. When I defeat 7 other men, and Adam Rollins and Christine Nash to become the number one contender for the X-Treme Championship. That right there Shawn, is a fact.

I take it you are planning on entering the tournament on Madness this Monday that I have decided I shall not enter. You're an idiot if you think anyone other than Andrew Aldway or Andrew Morrison is going to win that tournament. What a final that would be, Aldway vs Morrison. The Connection vs The Connection. Although, I don't know why I said 'what a final that would be' when what I should have said is what a final that WILL be...

Good luck in the tournament though,

and good luck in getting your ass handed to you once more by the most dominant group this federation has got to offer.

To Shawn Steele and his hopeless tasks.”

Ricky raises his drink to the camera, and cackles arrogantly as the footage cuts. Ricky takes a sip of whisky whilst staring into the burning flames.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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Winners and Losers - by Ricky Desmond - 07-27-2013, 01:39 AM

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