Chris Page
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04-18-2021, 07:35 AM
XWF Exclusive Interview:
April 16, 2021
At some point Saturday Night Savage will take the air live on television in front of millions of fans all around the world all to bear witness to a loaded lineup; until you reach the Main Event, excellent call from the booking committee because that shit surely delivered, yet the eyes are glued on one chance encounter that will see “Chronic” Chris Page set to defend the XWF Universal Champion against some fuck named Demos. A lot of words have been slung over the last week or so; you know since Charlie and Demos FINALLY showed up to TRY and play, cannot speak for the week prior were all that was heard by the challenger were the sounds of crickets chirping.
But now you all get the moment that you have been eagerly anticipating.
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Steve Sayors is shown entering the frame as he takes his seat; camera right, while several seconds later we are joined on frame by the XWF Universal Champion “Chronic” Chris Page.
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Steve Sayors: Chris Page, XWF Universal Champion thank you so much for joining me today on the eve of your upcoming title defense against a man; who well, has kinda sucked lately in Demos.
” I think saying he has sucked is putting it a bit mildly, don’t you think? The dude has done nothing but loses time after time after time after time over the last eight weeks, but we have a lot of time on our hands Steve, and a lot that we are going to cover in very short order.”
Steve Sayors: I would like to start by at least addressing what we saw on Warfare with Bob taking a knee to King Doc? Was this a collective decision or a shot that you called?
” Steve first of all let me correct you because you, much like everyone else continue to promote your narrative that BoB has a leader. It does not, now was there a point in time when Oswald was running around calling himself the leader? Yeah, why? Because that is what we wanted you to think to the degree Oswald was not even smartened up to the bigger picture. BoB is a collective group of talent put together for the sole purpose of breaking YOUR system. Everyone involved can walk out that door at any time, I just happened to be one of the ones that have cultivated this organization since its inception.”
Steve Sayors: How so?
” By carefully plotting and planning every move we have made since before BoB was even a thing. I am sure you have heard all about it; Demos tried to crack jokes about it not being relevant for a week only by doing so MADE it relevant by giving it so much of his precious time; however, if that does not tickle your fancy try this one on for size, if Origins; which was a story that HE elected to attack mind you if Origins is that irrelevant that is chronicling the true beginnings of what you see before you TODAY how the fuck is that not relevant? I was unaware that showing character development was frowned upon by someone who has the intelligence of a fucking slug. Just by running his mouth about it for as LONG as he has while constantly making the fundamentally simple mistakes along his way such as not being smart enough to see a TRAP like this a mile away. The things people say.”
It was oddly strange that my opponent took this approach as if it was the best thing since sliced bread knowing this entire time that I would wait and let him continue to dig that hole that is about to find himself deeper in. If you listen to Charlie and Demos, even to this day he is under this delusion that he is leaving with my Championship, he is misguided in his efforts yet has shown us all over the last week what the true scent of desperation is. In his simple attempt at “strategy” saw him reserving the right to remain silent throughout the first week of our promo cycle.
Why Demos?
It was a failed attempt at getting material for those “bangers”, I hope I said that correctly this time, as he tried to sandbag his way to my level. It did not work out for you like you thought unless you are Charlie or Demos himself.
” I guess I should thank him for watching and thank him more for being the complete idiot I assumed he was and trying to leverage it to fit his narrative that has been all over the place. The guy cannot pick a direction and go because he does not know what a direction is. Why do you think he shifts his personas? Why do you think he bounces back and forth like a ping pong ball? He does it because he has no other alternative when his ass is being pegged by a castrated dolphin dick being crammed up his ass by Jim Jimison; I digress.”
Sometimes I cannot help but just let the words flow even if it means digressing from my initial point, but unlike Demos, I always circle back around to tie it all together. Perhaps he should up his game and get on my level; never mind, it is too late for all that. He couldn’t beat his way out of a wet paper sack if his life depended on it. The juvenile name-calling, the miscalling of history, trying to sell the world he kidnapped a member of BoB and even sold it in a promo. You cannot be any more incoherent with your overall direction that watching your shit is like watching crash TV only crash TV is remotely entertaining.
” Back to BoB and my role in putting this all together? Go watch Origins and you will answer your goddamn question, and as far as taking a knee for the King is concerned? No one forced anyone to take a knee to serve his majesty we all did that willingly. King Doc earned that crown for a second time… and who did he beat for that crown?
Steve Sayors: Demos.
” Twice in the same goddamn tournament.”
Steve Sayors: That kind of does suck.
” It is Demos we are talking about; but again digressing, kneeling for the King, and offering the services of BoB is mutually beneficial for all parties involved especially if the means justify the end. I am proud that my fellow BoB Elite members see the bigger picture than being blinded by pride. Sorry, that was a full circle to get to the answer but I did just burn a joint and I am known to be rather chatty.”
Steve Sayors: Let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this and talk about Robert Main…”
” Fuck Robert Main.”
I genuinely mean those words whole-heartedly because since he showed back up on the scene he has tried to insert himself into my business. Who the fuck does this cocksmoker think he is? Chris Page? There is only one man who walks back onto the XWF scene and bypasses the lines to go straight to the top; that man is Chris Page. Check the history mother fuckers. I am that guy that you all love to hate because I did not have to pay any dues, I did not have to work my way up the mountain because I am the fucking mountain! I do enjoy the degree people like Demos have to stoop to just to keep up or try to, with someone like me. Unlike my counterpart, I have not been a lazy sack of shit leading into this contest. Unlike my counterpart I have not tried to takes this to other levels because he HAS to. Think about that for a second, how bat shit crazy is Demos right now knowing that every attempt he has made to take me off task has failed harder than any attempt at doing anything of real importance within this federation.
” No seriously, fuck Robert Main.”
Steve Sayors: Chris we cannot go any further with covering “relevant” material if you do not discuss the return of arguably the poster child of the XWF. You were revealed to be behind a calculated attack that removed him from challenging for the XWF Title at Snow Job, you took his place…”
” Blah, blah, blah… Yes, I was instrumental in removing Robert from the equation and I have my reasons for it. Robert Main and I are going to cross paths sooner rather than later, but if he thought that he was going to walk back into the federation and be gifted a shot at the richest prize in the federation he is sadly mistaken. Robert has to earn the right to stand in the ring with me just like everyone else, everyone but Demos apparently since losing everything over the last three weeks qualifies him for some strange reason.”
Steve Sayors: You cannot blame Robert for wanting to get his hands on you after what you had done to him.
Robert Main had better be glad he is more relevant than anything Demos has brought to the table because now for the first time in two weeks we are talking about a worthy opponent, I should know. He has beaten me, twice… Right Demos? The same person who tried to sell us all on how not relevant an origins promotional package that sets the stage for what YOU see today with BoB is the same mother fucker that uses losses from BEFORE that time Origins has even taken place as ammunition to fire in my direction. The question, how is that relevant to today? How is YOUR material relevant to me being the XWF Universal Champion in 2021 versus not in 2019?
This mother fucker is reaching with every word he speaks and has killed his own words with his own words. Amazing strategy moron.
” I never said I blamed him. I said he was not going to get a shot at the title without earning. If Robert Main wants a piece of Chris Page so goddamn bad as he claims to be he can meet me on any program he wants to meet me on and we can do this, no problem, but Robert is not going to do that because he feels like he is entitled of his positioning within the company over the last several years. He has a problem letting go and understanding that everyone’s time runs out and his clock expired back in twenty nineteen. This is not the Robert Main show anymore; it is the Chris Page show all day every day.”
Since winning the XWF Universal Championship Chris Page and BoB have turned the stale nature of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and made the federation the most profitable it has been in the mid two thousand. You all were eating out of the palm of my hands, you all got invested, deeply rooted in the story that was being told, even Demos was clamoring to find out who Anarchy was only to try and rip on Drew Archyle after the fact. Do not get me wrong when I say Drew can fuck off out at sea just as quickly as Robert Main but the same promos Demos is trying to attack are the same promos he was and is invested in just like every other XWF fan. Yet another flaw exposed on my ill-fated challenger that he will no doubt try and backtrack on like he has done with everything else that he was enough to produce on what is his biggest time to shine. Breaking under pressure is something Demos is very, very good at as his more RELEVANT history dictates. See what I did there? I have this twat waffle scrambling on so many different levels that it has become easier than taking candy from a baby. Every step he has taken has been dictated to him by yours truly. Fanboy Demos has got to learn the psychological side of this business; which I mean considering he wants us all to believe he is a loose cannon with all these different personalities at his disposal you would think that he would understand when he is walking into my trap.
Steve Sayors: Savage is on deck and you will once again be defending the XWF Universal Championship against Demos, and I think it is safe to say the war of the words is still underway.
” Sure, and it will be until the final minute of promo time. Demos knows a lot about closing minutes considering he waits to the very last to drop his promotional materials. He has made a habit out of it since the day he entered this federation. Do you know what that says? That says he has to wait for his opponents to drop so he can figure out what personality to shift to fit whatever delusion he force-feeds down people’s throats at that time; I know Charlie or Demos relying on rebutting to whatever is said that he chooses to defend while completely ignoring the very relevant details.”
I bet you dollars to donuts one of the last promotional packages for Savage will be by my opponent Demos. Why are you so late to the party on an EVERY show basis? It is one thing to do it here or there but when you are consistent it not only makes you look weak as a competitor it makes you look like the scared little prick you are in the process because you have just as much time as everyone else does to release your promos. Do you know why you wait when you are under that two promos a show or title defense? Because you always shit the bed and YOU need your opponents way more than they need you. I mean look at EVERY promo he has cut in the cycle and do me a solid and point out anything that has been original or anything that is not a direct response to something said. I’ll wait.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Oh shit, that is right because everything is a direct response. Do you know how pathetic and lazy that is? More importantly, do you know that you do not win major championships with that kind of defense? That is more HWM and TV Title shenanigans better suited for you. I laugh my ass off at the sheer notion that you are challenging me for my Championship; as is most of the roster with just how bad your entire game has been exposed. Listening to your direct responses to all your bullshit is like listening to an adolescent teenage girl who just got her first period. Don’t you worry buddy, your tampons are being delivered.
” I am not going to rehash EVERY stupid thing this dude has done, yet I will focus on what I consider to be the major issues and flaws within his entire approach. When I say this douche’ made my job easy, I mean just that. His single biggest mistake was trying to use a good chunk of his time trying to convince anyone that would listen about Origin’s not being relevant to the present. If that is truly the case and distinct character development amongst the likes of me, Robert Main, Thunder Knuckles, Bobby Bourbon, and Miss Fury is not relevant to what is going on here in the present, that is what he has essentially done, right?”
Steve Sayors: Pretty much.”
” If that is his logic and that is the direction he chooses to take this care to explain to me how losses in twenty nineteen and twenty-twenty play a role in any of this?”
You dumb mother fucker! HAHAHA! Your entire basis of attacking my record has now been thrown out of the equation if you are enough to give a background on a faction that is standing firmly on top of this federation is not relevant to the present you can toss out my record, right? I mean what does a loss to Robert Main two years ago have to do with right now? What does failing to win the Universal Title have to do with right now? You need to stop listening to the whispers in your ear from the people you think are your friend's homie because they are testing the waters using you as the Guinee Pig, and naturally, you bought into it. Dumbass. How many times have you gotten the “you should hit Page with this” from your buddy RL?
How many lines has Corey been feeding you to help you keep up; failing in the process? You are not nearly as clever as you want the world to believe. I have been around this block so many times throughout my thirty-year career you have not shown me anything that I have not already seen a thousand times before. You are a cheap knockoff of what it means to have split personalities, but you believe so much in what you are doing you are blinded to the fact that piss poor is putting it mildly when it comes to your execution.
” I do not expect Demos to understand the error of his ways, because in his eyes he thinks this title is his for the taking. Poor Demos.”
Steve Sayors: Did you know that Demos has eliminated Thunder Knuckles, Bobby Bourbon, Miss Fury, and Andre Dixon from battle royales?
” Oh you little troll you!
Speaking of trolls; Demos and Charlie have tried it with me for the better part of a week as he has baited several hooks that I refused to bite. What did he do when you could not get me? Hey brought BoB into the mix in an attempt to drum up a little material… and that backfired on him. He is already roped into a deal with Bobby Bourbon and now if he stops being a pussy and signs my deal we will have successfully removed Demos or Charlie or whatever other persona resides in that rode hard and put up wet body of his out of any title contention that matters. We will leave you the TV and Hart Title for now, and what you failed to realize is that even IF you do not agree to my terms you are STILL out of the equation when I leave you lying on Savage based on your wager with Bobby. If the pressure is on anyone it is on you to step up and perform; you know, something you would not be struggling with now if you put some effort in a week ago.
Being a lazy fuck has come back and haunted you homie.
Not being on point throughout this entire run is one of the many shots you never saw that has led to your downfall. The misdirection amongst all of your personalities in an attempt to confuse most has not deterred me from what my endgame has always been, defeating you. What you should be learning is how to evolve your game opposite the individual you are working with versus the shame bullshit that saw you taste the smallest of success amongst the bush leagues of the XWF talent pool like you have dealt with and beaten over the last four months; by beaten we are talking about pinfalls and submissions, got to be specific, right?
Note I said four months, not within the last six months.
If you note poor Demos has tried to insinuate that I have slammed Thunder Knuckles by classifying him as a nobody. That win was last year not this year which since you cling to every word that is said you might want to do yourself a goddamn favor and pay closer attention to HOW things are delivered and you would not like a dumb cunt by making false insinuations; but that is Charlie and Demos’ game, always has been and always will be for evolving does not seem to be his thing. I mean I have been relevant in the business for three decades; that shit does not happen if you do not adapt and move forward with the times; what? Am I lying? Haven’t I been the Universal Champion for the last three months?
” Another ploy to cast away from just how fucked he is. While he was busy spouting off at Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles or using what time he elected to give all of you at home calling into questions facts; that according to Demos if it is not happening now is not relevant, right? How the fuck is any of what HE did in matches that require the ability to throw someone over the top rope have to do with anything TODAY? What does the beating Thunder Knuckles, the ONLY legitimate win he has LAST YEAR have to do with today’s current events? “
Steve Sayors: Nothing if that is the stance that is being taken.”
” Exactly one of my many points Steve. Demos or Charlie have absolutely NO relevant material to prop himself up with so he has no other choice but to RELY on his past that, once again, has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything that is going on currently because he is FORCED to. Steve this is the same fucker that could only get the upper hand on Lycana is by blindsiding her with a goddamn two by four; LYCANA!”
Not only has our resident chump refused to talk about time limit draws with JENNY MYST or trying to be a standup Champion that he touts himself to be; he ran from Jenny much as he has RAN from Lycana like running away from the plague. Challenges were issued and nobody answered them, right Charlie? Right Demos? Before you even say you DID accept, which you did, but where is the match? Why haven’t you went to management to follow through since you are not a scared prick? I mean you did go to management and try to defend that draw against Jenny, oh wait… no you did not do that either; probably because you did not have a 2x4 or a team to help carry your delusional state.
” Mother fucker cannot even beat down the Left Hand; hell he got destroyed by them, and the Left Hand was a lesser version of BoB.”
Midcard acts belong with midcard acts and that is exactly why you have floundered in obscurity running from another goddamn skirt on the roster! Hey Demos and Charlie, the question for you. When will you meet Lycana one on one? When will you meet Bourbon one on one? When will you meet Thunder Knuckles one on one? When will you meet Andre one on one? When will you do ANYTHING other than sitting on your dumpy ass trying to play wrestler? Your biggest problem outside of lack of talent and running a piss poor version of multiple personality disorder is your lack of knowledge and ability to stand toe to toe verbally, let alone physically with someone of my stature. I do not take anyone’s shit including yours because you sir are not any better than the toilet paper I wipe my ass with and will serve the same fate when I am done… flushed down the toilet.
Steve Sayors: I do not want to stray into Left-Hand business because they are no longer around.”
” Go talk to my challenger then because he is the one that thinks bringing a faction that is no longer in the mix into the mix; I told you this was amateur hour with him. I was not lying.”
When you sit back and look at all the time Charlie and Demos have wasted talking about any and everything that has NOTHING to do with this clash on Savage you can trash half of the nonsense he has tried to spew over the last week. Every move has been a bitch move and easily countered within a few minutes of dialog. I love that I am standing at the forefront of shutting your mouth once and for all.
You are the one who has his back against the wall.
You are the guy that is in that “must-win” situation and all of that pressure that is currently on your shoulders was put there by yourself. You have been your own worst enemy and I am the guy that is going to take full advantage of it. You are so far behind the eight balls that even a couple of “bangers in the final hours will not help your case. You have already been judged and have been found guilty of being beneath me in every sense of the word; but hey, take solace in the fact that you are in the same position as so many others in this business.
Steve Sayors: We have some interesting side wagers at stake with this upcoming contest. You mentioned earlier how Demos or Charlie, whoever he wants to be at the time, made a point to drag BoB into this; correct me if I am wrong but is there an added stipulation between Bobby Bourbon and Demos/Charlie? Something to the degree that should Demos defeat you that Bobby will leave BoB and vacate his tag title in the process?
” I wish I could tell you one way or the other because Demos never likes to answer things directly. My understanding is a side stipulation is indeed in the mix that WHEN I retain the Universal Championship that no personality residing in Charlie will be allowed to challenge for any title that is being held by any member of BoB.”
Steve Sayors: What does that do to Tag Team Turmoil in the event you do retain the title and RL and Demos win the turmoil match?”
” I suppose the runner-ups get the shot, I mean not that I give a flying fuck about who wins turmoil versus who does not. The reality of the stipulation in play is this is just another example of how Charles has opened his mouth and inserted his foot by writing another check his fat ass cannot cash. If I am RL I am more than a little pissed because that very stipulation puts them as a lame-duck team that will not gain anything should they be victorious; what I am more concerned about is MY challenge that I laid out.”
The running of Demos continues from LEGIT challenges. Is anyone else seeing this trend? I cannot be the only one that sees through this lame fucking façade of putting up front masking yourself as anything less than a fucking coward. It is like running away from Lycana when she had no wins under her belt.
” I am not sure if you are aware but not only do I have him by the nuts on the challenge issued and accepted by Bobby; which is probably why this dumb fuck REFUSED mine.”
Steve Sayors: The locker room is a good place to observe and get some good gossip so yes, I am aware of the challenge if we are talking about if you retain he does not EVER get to challenge for the belt again versus if he wins the title you do not challenge for it again.”
” That’s the one I am talking about and the one that he backed away from faster than a rematch with Jenny Myst; so you also know that he returned with a challenge of his own which was eye-rolling at best.”
A challenge that is STILL on the table for you Charlie. Stop being the cuck behind your other personalities and accept my wager if you are THAT confident in your abilities to defeat me.
” Demos or Charlie are not in a position to make negations with me. I think it is safe to say based on his latest promo that he is WALKING AWAY from this wager, and as he should for no other reason than he at least will get himself that THIRD shot at trying to be the top-dog on the roster; ya know, the attempt that he said it would not take him to procure the strap.”
Another foot insertion from the badass known as Demos is not confident in his skill to put his money where his mouth is. That was the ultimate put up or shut up the moment that you have glossed over and brushed away because YOU know your fate is fucking sealed. The actions of a coward speak volumes as I am still prepared to ink my agreement. You are not in the position to amend shit, your only move is to man the fuck up and show the world that you are not the gutless turd I know you to be. You tuck tail and run from people who you do not think SHOULD defeat you while openly accepting matches with King Doc KNOWING you will fail but can spin that loss to fit your narrative whereas losing to Lycana or Jenny Myst does nothing but further expose you as the talentless hack you have shown yourself to be. Stop pretending to be something you are not; stop trying to boost yourself on some sort of a pedastool when you are only as good as your last match. How did yours turn out? Let’s go ask Marf.
” He had his chance to put his money where his mouth is, he refused. Now naturally his response to this will be I did not sign his; the predictable route or he does not owe me a response, the chicken shit route. Right here, right now he had the opportunity to be something other than the second-rate cookie-cutter opposition; he failed, again.”
Steve Sayors: What is your take on the shifting from personality to personality? It is a tactic that Demos uses frequently, even so with you over the last week or so.”
” It is his only defense, and to his credit, it works on most of the people on the XWF roster mainly because of their lack of experience and allowing themselves to get lost in the message he is trying to deliver. Look at what he has done this week alone, within his promos he has shifted into different rolls more times than Thaddeus Duke changes direction when his ass is in a crack. You either get lost in his bullshit or you do not. I elected not to and I elected to stay my course doing my thing while slicing and dicing him each step of the way. Charlie and Demos’ biggest problem rests when it comes to dealing with someone like Chris Page you have to be on top of your game; he has to spit out a lot of verbal diarrhea in an attempt to mask his many flaws, he has wasted his time spouting off about nothing tangible, he punched himself out after his second promo and has been on rehash mode ever since.”
Rehash and retort have always been one of your strong suits when it came to dealing with people that do not see through you the layers of bullshit that is your entire gimmick. You look like an old man but have the mentality of a kid in his late teens with some of the babble that you have elected to spew. Wait, that is all the personalities, my fault, just another way to mask your lackluster at best showing over this course that has led us to Savage and led us to YOUR defining moment. Yes, I said yours because this is nothing more than another day at the office to me for win or lose my career is still intact and I will remain one of the focal points of this federation whereas when you are defeated you have nowhere else to go but to opening matches; the only difference is it will not be because I have demanded it.
Let us talk for a moment about opening Savage up versus waiting all night to steal the show. My counterpart would have to believe it is because what, exactly? Tickets, oh yeah that is right selling tickets. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but over 90,000 fans at March Madness, you are welcome, over 80,000 fans at Snow Job, you are welcome. That is a lot of tickets to see me headlining in the Main Event while you were busy getting your ass handed to you by Doc for the third time and dealing with Barney Green at Snow Job; great job because we all know that Demos and Barney packed a house, am I right? You and your arguments are so moot, and yet you continue to make them like it is doing something other than driving more nails into your coffin.
” Guys like my challenger are like just about every other person that has come across my path; the same dribble about the same nonsense that loves to talk about repetitive I am only to be repetitive with the course of attack which REQUIRES the tedious response. It is not my fault the lack of creativity to come up with something as simple as an insult is asinine at best with guys like Demos and Charlie.”
I am sitting pretty looking at you. I have nailed you at every turn and have exposed you every step of the way for the sham that you are. Where this ends with you and I is on Savage, and as much as you wanted to drag my boys into this the only thing you have done is made yourself a target in their eyes. Good luck with that bruh because if you could not get past Jenny Myst there is no way that you will get past ANY of them, Thunder Knuckles included. When I am done tearing your ass up all over Bridgeport you are going to run away from anything BoB related like a scolded dog to pad your record and resume against the Dean Roses of the federation. Here Demos, here some Aloe so you can start treating these burns because the thing I want to look at on Savage is the burned flesh of a goddamn poser.
” Demos thinks he is in the driver’s seat; good, that is exactly where I want him to be so when I bitch slap him on Savage, when I humble him and embarrass him in front of millions of people around the world on FREE TV in the OPEN MATCH of the show it will make that oh so sweet taste of success that much better going down when my arm is raised in victory and I am holding MY Universal Championship high in the air over your broken down, beaten body adding yet another “big time” loss to that padded record of his. What is beautiful in my eyes is really how overconfident he is; he pulled this same shit with Lacklan , Robert Main, Doc, and any other loss attached to his name; he might talk about how I am not any of those names, and he is right, I do not live my life trying to be OTHER people, I live my life being the ONLY Chris Page while he continues to be that dollar general knock off.”
Steve Sayors: Would you say that things are heated between you and Demos?”
” Not on my end; anytime anyone challenges me for the Universal Championship, regardless if have EARNED it…”
I finally figured out how Demos got into this position; you know he was spouting off about how Miss Fury was giving blowies to Vinnie and Theo over my title defenses; you guys remember right? It never hit me why he elected to bring that into the equation after all the losses that have attached to Demos name; it never was Miss Fury tugging their cocks, it was that cuck Charlie Nickels so he could watch Demos perform his own Eobard impersonation in a wrestling ring.
Your time of relevancy is coming to an end dear little lad.
Your meal at my table is about finished and it is time to cast you back to the kiddie table where you belong eating the table scraps left in the wake of the real star in this equation. Me.
” When you step in the ring with me for my Championship you are public enemy number one; being the measuring stick of this federation is something that I take incredibly seriously. Am I heated with Demos? Nah, he is doing the best job that he can to convince anyone that will listen that he stands a chance at doing something he has not been able to do; win the big one.”
Steve Sayors: Are there any last words you have for Demos?
” I have said everything that I need to say about this cunt cake that needs to be said. He will come out and do his song and dance he has done for a week trying to spin his web of tomfoolery. That mouth has already gotten him into a shit load of trouble as it is and it will only get him into more as we prepare ourselves for the battle that is about to take place. I am going out to not only retain my title but go ahead and end any shot Demos or Charlie has to go after any title that is being held by any member of BoB. I did not ask to play the role of dream crusher, but I will play it to perfection. This starts on Savage and it ends on Savage, it ends with Chris Page STILL the XWF Universal Champion… the only thing Demos can do is like it and nothing.”
Steve Sayors: This has been an XWF Exclusive Interview with the reigning and defending Universal Champion “Chronic” Chris Page, good luck on Savage as you defend the title against Demos.
” Luck is for losers and Demos, he is the one that needs it. When you wake up in the morning and piss perfection like I do when you have direction regardless of how things play out, and when you are constantly on top of the world regardless of a strap of gold you are on Chris Page’s level.”
Steve Sayors: You heard from the XWF Universal Champion.”
This boils down to nothing more than a glorified handicap match that will see Chris Page taking on Charlie Nickels, Charlie Dimes, and Demos. All week long I have done nothing but skunk you with every promo that has been put on the table. All of your excitement for just being in the conversation has been noted but does not change what is going to happen when that final bell tolls. I have said it before I will say it again; I am leaving Savage exactly as I enter.
The XWF Universal Champion.