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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
History of Darkness - RP 1
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-26-2013, 04:23 PM

Friday, July 26, 2013 – 7:25PM EST

A lot of things have gone on inside my head since your last visit. Getting buried alive by a man considered one of your closest friends, can do that to any man. I mean, what if, one day, Shane turns his back on John Madison? Or worse yet, Luca Arzegotti? John is already a little off his rocker... Hell, he idles at 'a little off.' The man is a total whack job and I think the entire world recognizes this as fact. However, if either of those two men turned their back on him, he'd go insane. Not just your regular, run of the mill, 'oh he's nuts' kind of insane. I'm talking, your rubber padded room and straight jacket kind of insane. The kind of insane that causes aids to continually feed you syringe after syringe filled with tranquilizers to keep you nice and docile.

I'm glad I didn't go that far.

After I was retrieved by my Brotherhood from that grave- a story I'll tell you at another time- I went silent. The reasons, at least right now, and only to you, are a complete mystery. I broke my silence a couple of weeks ago as I was preparing myself mentally to become the number one contender to a title I never lost. A title I should still hold as we speak. A title that even if I did lose, I'd be guaranteed a rematch.

Oh well, I never really wanted championships, but I will take them. I've had a few since I began my career here in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. You may not have known it at the time, but I'm very proud of the things I've accomplished. Having held the United States, Xtreme, formerly North Korean and that other one I can never remember the name of, each one of them meant something different to me. When I won the United States title, I have to say that, at least to this point, has been my crowning achievement.

I beat Mark Fucking Flynn. You can laugh, but at the time, he was all the rage. Unstoppable. Everyone that stepped in front of him was set down. Of course, when he won that title, I claimed that it was because I was screwed over in that tournament so he never had to face me. Then, I went out at Gauntlet City and I proved to the world I was as good as I said I was. I proved to Mark Flynn that the only reason he won the tournament in January was indeed, because he didn't have to face me.

That night in January, not only was I screwed out of the tournament, but at the same time I was screwed out of my Xtreme title. I vowed I'd never let that happen again. So... I contacted Shane . As they say, hindsight is 20/20, but at the time, all I wanted was redemption. See, I knew that Shane Carvers Black Circle was barely staying afloat. They'd have a good night here and there, but ultimately, they were barely treading water.

I needed them.

They needed me.

When I went to Shove It that night and I made my intentions clear, and I joined that Black Circle, we gave each other the legitimacy we both desperately needed. I knew with in my pocket, that I'd never again have to suffer another screw job from Wallace Witasick or his mindless drone, Tyrone. knew he had the tower of power he needed to help he and his Black Circle enforce its dominance all over the XWF. Not just Shove It, but Madness and Warfare as well.

Gauntlet City.

I defeat Mark Flynn after a favorable call from . Luca Arzegotti won the Xtreme title. We put up a good showing, but ultimately came up short in the Trio match. John Madison walked out as King of the XWF. Overall, it was a great night for the Black Circle.

Shane , John Madison, NAZI, Luca and myself walked out of Gauntlet City riding as high and as strong as we ever were.

A lot of people might not know it, but John Madison and I nearly killed each other the week leading up to that pay per view. He and I never got along all that well. Idenhaus, more commonly known as NAZI, was the glue that held us all together. He was the cooler head that always prevailed between John and I. Once NAZI was shown the door, I should have seen the writing on the wall. I should have seen it coming.

Come hell or high water, John Madison would 'excommunicate' Sebastian Duke from the Black Circle.

I was a loyal foot soldier for the Black Circle. I did what was asked of me even when I knew it was wrong. I never thought it'd ever come to this.

High Stakes.

After a few weeks of playing cat and mouse mind games with Mr. Satellite, it was time to face the man one on one. Buried alive, was the loser. My United States championship versus his Television title. We literally tore the house down for nearly an hour. I hit him with everything I had and he, likewise. All for it to be ended so abruptly with one shot.

That shot was the first shot fired in the war. A war that won't end peacefully. When John Madison hit me in the head with that shovel and had me buried alive it set in motion a course of events that can't be stopped. To John Madison and most others around the wrestling community, Sebastian Duke is just a big man. A big man that can kick a little ass and take an ass kicking as well.

To my Brotherhood, I'm more than that. To them, I'm their leader. To them, I'm their biggest brother. When something such as this goes down, they respond. I mean, how would any of you respond?

The Messenger.

The Messenger is a man that is very close to me. A man that I consider very much like a brother. And I know he feels the same. So, when Sebastian Duke was betrayed, he took it upon himself to begin warning the Black Circle that much to their chagrin, my apparent demise was not a demise at all. Instead, a new beginning. A rebirth. That I would walk again. That I would stalk again.

The Messenger did exactly what he set out to do. He fired back in the first battles of this war. Arzegotti. . Madison. They all felt my wrath through my Messenger in one form or another. This war won't be one and done. I know we'll suffer defeats as well as victories. Only a fool would engage the Black Circle in battle without others in their corner.

Which brings me to....

the Brotherhood....
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(07-27-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-27-2013), AlexandraCallaway (07-27-2013), Andrew Aldway (07-26-2013), DeathMerchant (07-26-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-26-2013), RussellMania (07-27-2013)

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History of Darkness - RP 1 - by Sebastian Duke - 07-26-2013, 04:23 PM

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