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Author Message
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-12-2021, 06:47 AM

Reminder: Last summer BOB sent Micheal Graves into space to hack a satellite.

BOB has a satellite.

Through evil tech that is far to complicated for you to understand, the following video interrupts EVERYTHING digital.

Cable broadcast? CHECK!

Youtube? Fuck Youtube! Every internet browser period is highjacked and taken straight to BOBtube!

No cable, no internet?

That's fine, this shit is coming on over the radio too!

What, no radio!?

No worries! Check your mailbox in an hour because BOB is shipping DVDs of this announcement to every household in the world!


Ozzy's money, duh!

With that said, the video opens to a stern faced Miss Fury!






Miss Fury pauses for a moment to contain her anger.

"Demo's, next time ask before you borrow my playthings. Also, I'd appreciate it if you make Herschel stick to his diet. No more than 12,000 calories a day! Also make sure he stands up from time to time. If you leave him sitting for more than a day his legs struggle to lift his weight. It's pretty crazy."

Suddenly Miss Fury is unexpectedly (or is it?) interrupted by a nameless BOB thug.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I thought you'd want to know that Ms. Tatum has been taken care of."

Fury grows wide eyed an angry!

"Quiet you idiot! We're live!"

"Well yeah, but she isn't!"


Fury scrambles to end the intrusion with the press of a big red button (we keep things simple in BOB) and suddenly all of your devices revert back to normal function.

**Editors note: The DVD will not contain the admittance of possible foul play in the disappearance of Solace Tatum.

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
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Charlie Nickles (04-12-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-12-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (04-12-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-12-2021)

Messages In This Thread
re:HERSCHEL KISS KIDNAPPED BY DEMOS?! - by Miss Fury - 04-12-2021, 06:47 AM

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