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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Vegas Calls. Agony Awaits.
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Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-25-2013, 10:19 AM

The day after my previous RP titled 'Meet Ricky Desmond'.

I remained in solemn on the bench whilst thinking of my soul mate's death that happened right in front of me all that time ago but seemed like only yesterday. The thunder and the lightening had finally stopped but the rain continued yet much more peacefully just like the day she died. Everything was the same except there was no gunfire and she was with me. The things I would do to stare into those peaceful eyes once more yet that opportunity was never to arise.

My one weakness was her. My love for Isabella has tortured me since the day she had gone. Despite my brutal passion to fight and my undying hatred of the weak I knew that every single person on this Earth had a weakness. This side of me may rarely come out to the public eye but it was always there. My weakness and my love will always be there.

The rain finally stopped and I turned to see the sun beginning to rise. How long have I been sat here? Despite my heart's undying choke hold on me, telling me to stay, I must move on. I needed to see a counsellor but perhaps that would wait for another day. In that moment I wanted to do something different, something spontaneous and it occurred to me that what's the craziest thing I could do that I have never done before.


I took off my coat, and put it over my shoulder after rolling my sleeves. Heading back to the car I realised the damage I had done to my favourite car after I put my fist through the window in a burst of anger.

Of course it would be foolish not to go home first, so I quickly went back to pick up all of the obvious things before telling Frederick to start the limo and to drive me to the airport.

Then I made the important phone call.

“Giles, you're in charge of the office while I'm gone okay? I have sent a memo from my phone to let the others know......

What do you mean you're not up for the job?.....

You will fucking well do it and that's a damn god order if you want to keep your current job...

This isn't the best day? Why what's happened?....

Broken into? What have they taken from a fucking dating agency besides a load of shit computers?...

They didn't take the computers? Nothing is missing except a load of files from under my desk? You better fucking find them hadn't you Giles?”

I hung up on the lump of shit that for some reason I put in charge of my most important office across the states. We got in the car I noticed my forehead had begun to sweat unusually, my knuckles crunched and I began to panic about the files that had gone missing. There was a lot of very important, secret and hidden information in that file. All dirt on me. I poured myself a glass of whisky to cool my nerves.

“Frederick by the way, may want to let the pilots know we're coming. Private jet pilots tend to be doing fuck all the majority of the time. That's the problem, I pay them all this money so they can sit on their ass and watch Madagascar 2 for the 76th time this year. Oh well, the point is I want the jet ready, none of this waiting around bollocks you hear me?”

“Yes sir, of course sir.”

There was no waiting around, I hopped on the jet immediately, with Frederick. To take up some of the time I cut a promo verbally ripping Griffin MacAllister apart, (See RP: weak opinions even weaker facts.) but that didn't take long.

Eventually we arrived at Vegas, I took no time in ordering a drink and placing a bet. That's what Vegas was for obviously.

My money was rapidly decreasing as a hooded man came and sat next to me, he did not order up a bet and did not have a drink in his hand. He tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to face the mysterious hooded man. His eyes were razor sharp like blades and his face was as evil as any face I had ever seen. He stared deeply into the eyes and he whispered...

“You know why I am here don't you Ricky?”

This puzzled me completely, I had never seen this freak show before but my blood was curdling and my spine was tingling almost immediately. The mole on his face was almost as disturbing as the fact that this guy knew my name.

“I have no idea who the fuck you are, how the fuck do you know my name?”

“I suggest Ricky that we do this somewhere quietly, we wouldn't want that pretty little face of yours to get hurt now would we? Take me to your room immediately.”

I said nothing. I just downed the rest of my drink and rushed past the crowds of people and out of the casino, heading directly for the luxurious hotel opposite. I had left Frederick to take my belongings to my room and his belongings to the room next door that was around half the size, but what would I do without my butler? God forbid I do anything tedious myself. Although this mysterious freak was becoming more and more tedious by the second. I stepped into my room with the key to see Frederick tied to a chair and gagged. The reasonably old man was terrified, a tear rolling down his face along with sweat. He was redder than a cherry and evidently struggling to breath. Two other men surrounded him although both of them were masked intelligently. One of them was rather large, the other not so much. If we were going by stereotypes the small would be intelligent and the big one would be thick as shit. Of course not everyone small and tall person were Lenny and George from Of Mice and Men.

The small one immediately began to talk before I could get it a word in, the door slamming behind me.

“Listen here Ricky, there's a tournament next Monday, and we would really really appreciate it if you and your little Connection posse did not enter it, is that understood?”

“No it's damn well not understood, who the fuck are you and what is your fucking problem? You can untie my butler as well unless you want your ass put through that window.”

“Don't make threats to those who hold the vilest dirt on you my friend or you will truly regret it.”

“If you hold all this dirt then what's the reason for kidnapping my butler you invalid?”

“Well we like to make an impact. Why else would we have sent down a mysterious man rather than just call you. Making an impact has always been a Ricky Desmond kind of thing to do though hasn't it? How the tables have turned...”

“Are you going to tell me who you are or what you want?”

“Where would the fun in that be? We know your deepest darkest secrets Ricky, all we needed was the evidence to prove it... We have been stalking and waiting for the day that you didn't show up to work but you were always too damn committed. Luckily you left a buffoon in charge so it was all but too easy. Although the majority of trashing was done whilst you were moping about by that lake again. Isn't that becoming a little tedious now? There's plenty of shrinks about you know Ricky, although I could diagnose you right now if you like?

You're an arrogant British snob with insomnia and an underlying anger issue. There you go, you have been diagnosed. That will be 200 dollars please.”

I stared at him whilst he laughed.

“No seriously, 200 dollars please.”

I threw the some money at him before flames filled me from the inside and fury flooded my voice.

“I am just about sick of this, I do not see what you people have against me. I find it very odd that the gorilla you have stood there hasn't uttered a word since I got here. Typical 'muscle'. Let me guess, he's really good at throwing a punch but he can't spell stroke with out actually having a stroke?”

“There are many reasons why we hate you and are torturing you but we would rather not reveal them just yet. This one here could knock you out with one punch you're right, but he's more more intelligent than the average added muscle. Now Ricky, I'm going to be generous, your friends are free to enter this tournament to earn a golden opportunity, however I don't think that I am willing to allow you the same privilege. So do we have your word or do we have to ruin your present and future by regurgitating the past to the public for everyone to see.”

“Fine, I won't enter the damned tournament. I don't see what this is all about but I want my butler released unharmed. I want these documents returned immediately as well.”

I knew it was an unlikely scenario where they would actually hand over the documents, but it seemed like it was worth a shot...

“Hang on how did you get to Vegas so fast from New York?”

“Let's just say, your usual pilots are on leave shall we?”

“So you've attacked my pilots as well, you lot are something else.”

“By the way Ricky, these documents aren't going anywhere, we're going to make your life a living hell for a lot longer yet. So don't get carried away yeah?”


They untied Frederick and released his gag as he began gasping for air desperately, holding his neck in pain. He struggled over to me and I held him by the shoulder close to me, staring deeply at the men.

“You will pay for this you know.”

“There's only one man around here paying anything Ricky. Consider this a warning.”

The three men began to cackle as I placed Frederick down on the leather sofa, it became clear to me that he was unwell though. After the three men vanished I immediately called an ambulance, Frederick was rushed to hospital to that evening.

I was left once more. Alone and isolated. I sipped away at some whisky and undid my tie, staring out into the city, the lights and the noise continued as did my pain.

"Nothing's ever straight forward is it?"

I asked myself.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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Vegas Calls. Agony Awaits. - by Ricky Desmond - 07-25-2013, 10:19 AM

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