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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Down to Business
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Guy Toadie

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07-24-2013, 11:06 PM

From the manager's room a floor above the Alligator Drink, Guy can hear Jack West strumming away on his guitar. The bar patrons seem largely amused by the newcomer's art, and Guy himself is rather surprised. Jack is a veritable master of his craft. He's been playing for over an hour now, and no one has taken their eyes off the mysterious stranger. In fact, from the moment Jack West walked into his bar, Guy felt an odd sort of attraction to the man. It was almost ethereal. But that was basic bar business. Now it was time to get down to real business. Wrestling business.

He sits on the wrecked pull-out sofa, gently shuffling a series of cards in his hands. They are a series of questions sent to him by the XWF -- a sort of introductory packet. In front of him on the coffee table rests a single camera, propped up by a few books. Largely out of focus, he begins, pressing record on the camera.

"So, I figure I'd go ahead and answer some questions sent to me by the higher-ups at my new employment. Guess I'll go ahead and answer them.

How are you feeling heading into your first match -- a triple threat?

To be honest, I'm at a mixture of nervous and excited. It's a weird mixture, you know. I'm facing two guys who are almost certainly more trained than I am. All I know is fighting and jumping around like a lunatic. I mean, look at my name. Guy Toadie. I'm a toad. All I do is jump and punch. Not much to really go by. But then I look at my opposition...and that anxiety goes away. I have two guys after my hide. Jason E Smith, a true monster of a man. I've heard tales of him knocking guys out cold. Whew. Quite an opponent. But that's exactly where I might shine. He's big and strong. Me? Small and quick. I'll jump around him, toss some punches, and see what happens. He's a lot to look at. But he'll be more to look at after I slam into him from the top rope with a sick Frogsplash, man! He's got some cushion for the pushin', and I'll give him a pushin' of a lifetime...that came off a little gayer that I thought it would. Uh...well I guess there's nothing really wrong with that. Anyway...uh, Chessmaster. I played chess in high school with the nerdy kids and sometimes I'd beat them. So I give myself a solid maybe with that guy. I don't know much about him. So I guess that remains to be seen.

What makes you special in the XWF?

The fact that I'm a genuinely good person! You ever look around those forums, man? Filled with hate and all that sort of diatribe. We need a good man around to show these athletes what it means to be good. Good in the ring and out. There needs to be someone to level out all the hate and evil in the hearts of man. I like reading Socrates. The question of what it means to be good. To spread a word of love rather than hate. Why do you think I opened this bar? Not to make a profit alone. I did it to welcome a sense of community to Shreveport! You hear about murders and robberies on the news and you wonder...what happened to civility? What happened to the good man? He still exists. Right here. Right in my heart. I want to be a good person. But in the XWF, you have these religious fanatics and guys that just want to go mad and rip each other apart. You can only get so much of that before you drop into a pit and it all becomes stale. You need someone the fans genuinely like for their character, rather than the smarks who love to see a heel bash someone's face in. need a Johnny-go-lucky. And that's me...the frog man. The guy who will sacrifice himself -- put his body on the line for the sheer sake of entertainment. And all I ask of my opponents is that we have a cool match. That's why we're there! To entertain, not kill each other. We do it for the paycheck, but more so...we do it for the fans! I love me people out there in the bleachers! Believe in the Frog! That awkward Cajun kid that just wants to hear you cheer and go home happy. That's why I'm here. I'm here to be an entertainer. And if some gold comes my way, so be it. It's all for them. All for you, guys. I live to hear some cheers.

And all I want is civility. Let's come back to the Drink and have some beers after the match. Let's have a damn good time, then go have more fun. Carpe diem. Live for the moment, and leave a cool scar to tell the chicks at the bar about."

And with that, he smirks and presses the stop button, ending his little speech. He lies back on the couch and begins to chuckle. Wednesday will be a blast for him. And he can only hope it will be an even bigger blast for everyone watching.
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Down to Business - by Guy Toadie - 07-24-2013, 11:06 PM

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