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Behind the Light Thou Shall Rise 2
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-28-2021, 11:05 AM

Religion is the focus point for most people in America. About 85% of the population believes in Jesus Christ being their lord and savior and this is in the years of science and knowledge.
That does not mean it is 15% is atheist, it just means that there are other religions in this country that eat up that 15%.
America, the land that has so much to offer still being held down by the religious confines of an ancient story written by goat hoarders.
Maybe there is a reason it has stuck around for so long and the other gods died. Zeus, Odin, Brahma, Shiva. All these gods that can be considered false except one.
At least to most of the world.

Jesus Christ.

How is it that he was able to stay on top for so long in a world where he can be disproven time and time again?
Could it be that people fear death, so they try their hardest to believe that there is something more out there? Could it be that nobody wants to believe their loved ones ceased to exist once they breathe their last breath?
Perhaps it is the vicious cycle of being raised into it. Taught it from birth which same goes for the parents, grandparents, great grand parents to the beginning of their belief system.
Giving the believer a sense of purpose and perhaps “wisdom” that the normal people cannot see.
Is it odd that we still swear on the bible before court, before taking office or any position of power? What does this tell more advanced countries in the world? What does this mean for the politicians that take office? Does their swearing on a book of stories mean they will be honest and true?
Absolutely not. If anything, it gives a good cover to hide their true intentions. If they were true believers, then why swear upon their sacred book and tell a mistruth?
Might as well be swearing on a George R.R. Martin novel. Must be leather bound and thick. The thickness gives it weight not only in pounds but in the mental gymnastics it’ll make you do.


Does the moral compass really come from the belief in the bible?
Could it be true that everyone in the world that is decent has the Christian god to blame for their righteousness?
To Change a murder, to save his eternal soul and make him one of the good guys. Is that justice? Is that righteousness? Is that something people are willing to accept?
So far it seems quite clear that it is something they are willing to accept.

True believers.

Are there actually truth believers out there or are people just doing it just in case?
Most people do not want to die.
Why would a Christian not want to die? To enjoy all that glory in gods embrace. You would think there would be a line of people ready to die, people would be happy for death to take loved ones but instead they cry and allow it to ruin their lives for weeks and perhaps even months and in some cases years. What kind of belief system is that?

All these things swim around Morbid’s mind as he reads the “Good book” thinking about how not good the book is.
Virtuous stories people claim they are but a lot of them have disgusting undertones and straight forward incestuous implications.
What is he supposed to make of this? Should he take this as truth or just a lust driven novel written by people that want to have sex with their own daughters?
Perhaps it is proof that he is god and Satan both combined. After all, you can’t have good without evil and why not be both.
Maybe this is what he wanted to be. One with both sides, good and evil with more of a proclivity for evil. His entire life he has been nothing but a rotten excuse for a human being. Casting a shadow of pain and suffering across the world with total disregard for what collateral damage he left in his wake. Just like god.

It took him three days to read the entire bible. Mostly because it was jam packed with so many stories and rules that he had to take notes. How could one person remember the entire bible and take it literally when it is so obviously written by nobody religious? How could a god condone all these actions? Why would the true god need to be worshipped like this god does? Shouldn’t he just want his people that he created to just be happy and acknowledge him while they prosper? Why should people have to scrape and suffer then still kiss his holy ass for the promise of possible luxuriousness after they die.

After reading all that he needed a God shot…but he is sustaining from all that now. He swore off drugs and his beloved God shots. Now he depends on legal substances to keep him in shape. Besides, nobody will listen to a preacher that looks like he injects steroids into his balls. He’ll instead depend on his speaking prowess that he learned while working with Spetsnaz years ago.
How did Spetsnaz teach him speaking potential you might be asking yourselves.
Well simply put they not only train in superior fighting tactics but also in the art of talking. In order to gain control of some situations you have to be able to talk and be convincing to who you are talking to. You get their guard down and you can do just about anything you want. To have complete control over someone mentally makes it that much easier to get what you want.

Morbid Angel sits in his office. His pointer finger presses down on the cover of the bible as he looks at it. His face looking shockingly surprised at the contents of the book. Papers in messy piles on his desk with biblical passages hastily written on them. He seems tired. Mentally drained from all the senseless drivel within the confines of the text.
Is he more the wiser now that he has read it cover to cover or is he the same person but with a slightly different perspective of what he already knew?
Most people that are religious have never read the bible cover to cover, they only know what was told to them or taught in church. If they had read the entire book and were able to comprehend what is inside with a lick of intelligence, they probably wouldn’t blindly follow something like that into the darkness. People of lower intelligence probably still would follow a god like that. There are always exceptions to the rules when it comes to people.

He gets up after a while of quiet contemplation before making up his mind on what he was going to do.
Does he have what it takes to become one of the few?

His checks were modest at best working for the church but still something he needed to consider when it came to apparel. Every preacher wears nice suits and are always clean cut.
Perhaps he will break that mold.

The scene fades to Black.

January the first, 2021.

Prosperity is something that is preached when you enter Victory Forever hall every Sunday and Wednesday. Kyril is the man in charge and head of the church. He created the monster that holds his congregation, having his own show that airs on The Christian Television Network or CTN as it’s more commonly known.
Kyril sits in his office, large and full of books and a cabinet full of notes and quotes that he jotted down for future sermons. He was ready. He was dressed in a nice suit. Not black but more of an off black tone which played off his salt and pepper hair and well-kept beard.
He thumbs through some papers trying to find the right speech to give that promotes the giving spirit in people.
This is the idea of these kind of churches. Preach what people want to hear and the money will start rolling in if you say it takes in order to give.
Plant a seed into Gods church and your harvest will be large and bountiful.
The seed being money to the organization and your harvest will be a large return of wealth or prosperity to you and yours.
The idea is that God wants money and he designated one man or a small group of men the ability to heal, save and prosper in his holy name by the donations given by the worshipper.


Kyril slowly looks up from his pages.

“Come in.” He said in his low-toned voice.

The door slowly opens, Morbid not even looking. Perhaps he thought it was one of his aids walking around before the show seeing if he needed anything.

“Morbid! Holy shit!” A familiar voice said.

This got Kyril’s attention. He remembers that voice very well…Fucking Vinnie Lane!

“YOU!” Kyril said in almost a growling tone. He quickly looks up at the man that entered to confirm his suspicions.

It was in fact Vinnie Lane! The bane of Morbid Angel’s existence!

“So, what do I owe this…pleasure?” He said as he sat back in his chair.

Lane strolls in and take a seat across from him in one of the few chairs in the office. He grabs a page from the desk and looks at it.

“I heard you were still alive and well and I was just curious as to what you were up to.” He said as he looks around the office nodding his head in an approving manner.
“Seems like you changed” He squints his eyes at the words on the page."A lot.”

“You came here to check on me after all these years? Why”

“Oh, I’ve been watching you for quite some time now. I’m a huge fan of your TV show.”

“Really?” He said with a surprised look on his face.

“No.” He tosses the page back onto the desk. “I am here to talk to you about your repayment”

“HA! What repayment? I don’t owe you anything.”

“For getting you here.” Lane said while crossing his arms.

“You didn’t get me here, I got me here. You left me to rot on the streets! I built all this!”

It is quite obvious that Morbid Angel is still inside of Kyril and very much alive as the anger grows.

“Calm down Morbid, I’m not here to argue with you. I am here to get back what is owed…I can’t believe you don’t remember.” Lane said with a smirk.

“What exactly should I be remembering? The part where you fired me?”

“The part where I helped you get here…You really don’t remember?”

The scene fades to Black.

Years earlier. Before the almighty Christian Kyril Krizchiv ruling his empire of believers. We have the before time. The time when he was nothing more than a homeless piece of trash.

Theo Pryce and Vinnie Lane were driving around together. Perhaps because they are friends or because they had business to attend to later in the day. They don’t live around here; they flew in and rented a car. They were on their way to sign new talent from a training school just outside of Boston Massachusetts. It was rumored that there was a few that could be able to reach championship level and they wanted first picks.
As they drove around town, waiting for the school to open and they could view these specimens they decided to stop and grab some fast food at their local Arby’s. One could only consider it food if by food you mean processed to high hell and mixed with colors and chemicals, but it tastes good when you eat it fresh.
The two park the rental car and go inside. They have an hour to kill and who doesn’t like curly fries?
They order and then take a seat.
The two did not say much to each other at first, they were more interested in eating and they had already discussed the monetary value they were willing to spend on new talent and spoke of the files that were given to them weeks ago by the scout they sent out first.
One thing that can be said about Lane and Theo is they are hands on when it comes to their talent and are willing to go that extra mile to sign people to the company.

As they waited for their food, they were looking out the window, watching the cars circle the building as they order and collect their food orders. As they looked outside, they noticed someone moving around by the dumpster. Normally they wouldn’t give it much attention, but the person had a familiar look to them. The look of a former champion that was almost 7ft tall, wore all black, had long hair and covered in tattoos.
This called their attention.
They watched as he opened the lid of the dumpster and began rummaging through the trash, he pulls out a half-eaten sandwich from earlier today or maybe even late last night. He began to eat the already eaten upon sandwich.
Lane covered his mouth as it became apparent on who it was.

Morbid Fucking Angel!

“Holy shit! Is that…” Theo said as Lane interrupted.

[i]“Morbid Angel.”
He said as he shook his head.

“How can we be sure it’s him? I mean look at him…He is so…small.”

“Oh, it’s him. Just look at that face. A face only a mother can love…not his mother but some mother somewhere at some time.”


“I mean he is fucking ugly.”

The food arrives.

“If it is Morbid Angel we should help him out. I mean, look at him. He is ruined.”

“He did it to himself. Nothing we can do for people that let themselves sink to this level.”

“We could point him in the right direction. At least get him off the streets.”


The two quietly finish their meals and clear their tray. As they were walking out the establishment Lane noticed a corkboard by the door and stopped to look at it as Theo finished clearing his tray.
He reached up and plucked a card off the board and put it in his pocket. The two exit the building.

“What about Morbid?” Theo said as he motioned towards the dumpster.

“Later, we have to go. Don’t worry, he isn’t going anywhere”

The two of them get in the car and leave.

Hours later, it’s well past 9 at night when Theo and Lane pull back into the Arby’s parking lot where they last witnessed Morbid Angel eating a dumpster dinner and looking like haggard ass.

The two sat in the car hoping to see the former champion again so they can keep a safe distance but he does not show.

“Go over there and look behind the dumpster” Lane said as he nudged Theo slightly.

“Go over there and do what? Give him some money?”

Lane reached into his pocket and pulled out the card he took off the corkboard inside the restaurant earlier in the day.

“Give him this. It’s for a church that helps people in need. Right now he needs more help than what we can offer. Who knows what drugs he is on.” Lane said as he handed the card over.

Theo exhaled sharply and takes the card and gets out of the car and starts to walk over to the dumpster. As he approached the trash truck pulled up and lifted the receptacle into the air to dump it. Theo notices that Morbid Angel was laying behind it and rushed over flagging the trash man to stop for a second.
With the lights beaming in the face of Morbid, Theo approaches with the card in hand.

“Who the fuck is that? Is it you, Lane! BASTARD!”

Theo walks closer, the smell of Morbid was awful

“I’m not Lane but I’m here to help you.”

He said as he reached his hand out towards Morbid Angel to hand him something. Morbid reaches back and snatches it from his grasp.

“Go there, they will help you become who you were supposed to be” Theo said as he slowly walked away.

The scene fades to Black.

“So, as you see…You owe me.” Lane said after completing his story.

“That was you?”

“What? You thought it was god? HA!”

“What do you want from me?”

“We want you back in the XWF.”

The scene fades to a Blood Red

As it would seem I have a match. How will this go? I see no formidable opponent in this match. Claude Savage seems like a joke and not even a funny one. More like a pathetic one.
Savanna Knightley is another one that seems to be like a waste of time. Shame.
Then we have the almighty Azrael Erebus. Or should I say not so almighty? Now that you lost your powers you have nothing except your talents and from what I remember you have no talent. You were what you were because of your so-called powers. I do not fear you. In fact, I realistically wish you death. After all the shit you put me through it’s the least I can offer in way of repayment. I beat you before and I plan on doing it again!

Now, we have Osira Themis. I don’t understand what is so great about you. You are obviously a hack just trying to sell sex appeal to these horny fans. It’s pathetic! You are pathetic and it will be a pleasure to defeat you. I hope you prepared yourself for something you can never get out of. I will make an example out of you!

I can’t say much for Tommy Gunn and Oswald. They can beat themselves with their idiocy. Should I even waste my breath other than saying that?

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-28-2021), Chris Page (01-28-2021), Mr. Oz (01-28-2021), Osira Themis (01-28-2021), Theo Pryce (01-29-2021), Unknown Soldier (01-28-2021)
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Mr. Oz (01-28-2021)

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Behind the Light Thou Shall Rise 2 - by Morbid Angel - 01-28-2021, 11:05 AM

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