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A night of fatherhood... from a living weapon's perspective
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-23-2021, 09:28 PM

Here's the scenario for ya. I finally got Silas, to go to bed. Not an easy task. Oh my fucking god, I can't stress that enough! I feel mentally exhausted and fearful for Silas' forthcomin' teen years. If it's this hard to get him to go to sleep, at three... holy fuck, what awaits me in the future? Oh well, let me just go right ahead and answer that question for myself. I'm going to be contending with... well, myself... essentially (Ha! Can you imagine if that scenario took place in a wrestling ring? Like that would ever happen.) and I was no joke, out of control.

My dad wasn't the prime example of parenting though... far from it actually and as soon as I could get outta the house, I ran. His idea of parenting was "do what I say or I'm going to beat the shit out of you" and it caused me to lash out at the world, thus getting me into even worse trouble and therefore, I distanced myself from home as much as possible. Can't hit what ain't there, right? Till I turned 15 and I punched him in the throat, defending myself. After that, he never attempted to hit me again, still didn't stop him from screaming all the dang time. Which in turn, made me take to the streets, where I ran amok, far away from my house. Unless I had a job that he tossed my way and I needed the cash, I wasn't there. I didn't wanna hear my dad's shit. The only connection, I had with him was that he taught me everything I know, about being a mechanic. Still have the bike he passed down to me when he died too.

I don't want to have that kind of relationship with my kids. My goal is to raise them better than I was raised and teach them right from wrong, without the use of violence or unnecessary harsh words. I do my best to provide for them and exercise that concept everyday. In spite of everything I experienced, I am determined to do right by them. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that I've passed down something to Silas and given the transformation I went through, all the procedures, experimental drugs and mental conditioning. All of that shit, that changed me. Altered me into becoming a living weapon. My genetics were seriously fucked with, in ways few would comprehend and even though he shows zero signs of having violent behavior; save his mega-tantrums, I did sire him and I can't help but dwell, on what he might have inherited? From me.

Making these moments of frustration from a toddler, that should be perfectly normal for everyone else, a reason for me to wonder if I should take notice and exception. Is this a sign that there's more in store or am I overthinking things?

Yeah, I really know how to make myself nuts, huh?

I need to smoke a bowl and fuckin' chill.

Silas is asleep, Grey is in his room and Lila is working late at the museum. A shipment came in and she has to verify and catalog it all. Perfect time for me, to sit my ass on the sofa and smoke a bowl. That's exactly what I do too. By two hits, I'm pretty relaxed, calm and the panic that was trying its best to overwhelm my brain, well it's gone. That's when from behind me, I hear...


Instantly, my eyes snap to the very visible bowl and remove it from the coffee table, pocketing it quick action like, while feeling extreme nostalgia towards the days, when I didn't want to be caught smoking pot. The voice belongs to Grey and he more than likely knows I do but I still feel kinda weird about it. Maybe if he was a little older, I wouldn't care but he's thirteen. Ironically, the same age that I was when I first started smoking weed. Huh? Life's funny, isn't it? Glancing over my shoulder at him, standing behind the sofa, near the entrance of the living room, I give a nod and ask.

"What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"We're doing it now, so sure. Anything in particular on your mind?"

"Well the thing is..."

He walks around the couch and sits down, then grins and I know that grin cause I've broken it out a million times, right before I said something concise. Which is odd cause Grey and I aren't related by blood, he's the product of Lila and Nathaniel. I guess it goes to show you, some traits can be absorbed simply by being raised by someone long enough and livin' around 'em. It ain't a fool proof theory but it's the only way I can explain it.

"You were smoking pot, weren't you?"

Being that I had hit the bowl a couple of minutes ago and the smell of reefer is probably still in the air... I am torn, between lying and flat out telling the truth. So I find a happy middle ground answer instead.

"I wasn't not smoking."

Based on how I talk, most wouldn't know this about me but I never use double negatives.

"So what's going on, what did you need to talk to me about? Everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. I was just thinking, you know how I'm turning fifteen at the end of the month?"


"Arkin's fifteen and he joined the XWF."

Oh, he better not be going, where I think he's going with this...

"Yep, that is Arkin's age and he did go, and join the XWF."

"What if when I turn 15..."

Nah... no ways, I'm shuttin' this shit down, real quick like.

"Nope. Not gonna happen."

"You didn't even let me finish the question! How can you refuse, if you don't know the full question?"

"Didn't need you to finish the question... I'm astute like that and also, it's super obvious what you were about to ask. Arkin's in the XWF. Now you want to join too. The answer to that inquiry is a deep, resounding and tremendously loud, flat out - No. Why it's so damn deafening, that word has managed to carry itself around the globe. There are people on the other side of the world, wondering where it came from. Folks are in a panic in the streets, looking around frantically cause they all heard an ominous voice from nowhere in particular yet loud enough for everyone to perceive, respond negatively. To what? Nobody knows. There will be mass confusion and terror. Some will hypothesize over it for years and write books. Others will build a church to the disembodied voice, which is hard because they don't know what to use as the image for it but don't you worry, they'll figure it out cause there are a lot of stupid people in the world. That will be moved to follow something blindly, mostly outta ignorance and fear and that will prompt them to create a picture. I'm hoping for Animal from Anti-Nowhere League cause I think he could convey the word accordingly but y'know... whatever works for them cause it's their thing. And when you eventually receive an email or some piece of correspondence, from the church of "No" the answer to your question, will still be the same then, as it is right now on this very night. No."


"Holy shit. How many reasons can I list off? Okay, lets start with you'll only be fifteen and that's way too young to join a wrestling federation, in my opinion as well as any other sane person on this planet. I know others have done it and your cousin is one of them but that doesn't mean you need to do your best impersonation of a lemming and do the same. The XWF is a serious wrestling company, not a television show on The CW showcasing 'teen' Fight Club. I get you're growing up but you are not a full grown adult yet. There are guys there that won't care how young ya are or how badly they hurt you. You can't 'luck out' and hope someone like Corey Smith, will be your opponent. You could get a real asshole that finds true enjoyment in hurting young people and oh look... now, you've given that person, extra incentive to try and inflict as much pain as possible."

"Lets say you do find yourself fortunate and are placed in a bout against someone that doesn't have that impairment of the brain but check this out, you can turn into a werewolf and haven't yet learned how to control that ability, all to well. You're in the moment, the aggression and adrenaline hit you and you transform. Tear the dude you're facing up real good. What happens then? Probably not much, in all honesty but that doesn't mean you suddenly, know how to control yourself. You're an unstable element. So when management isn't praising you or booking you how you want and you lose your temper, turn into a wolf and rip Theo Pryce's face off. Guess who takes the blame?"

"Not you. Noooo."

"He'll go after me or Nathaniel or both of us. Who's to say, really? I'm willing to bet he goes after us both. There will be lawsuits and most assuredly, incarceration and not in a 'normal' prison, either. Noooo. We're talking Gitarama Prison in Rwanda. You destroy Theo's face and there is no doubt in my mind, at all. That man will want vengeance and pull every string he has in order to make it happen. There is always your uncle Dillinger there to save us from our suffering but then, Nathaniel and I would become fugitives from the law. Hey, at least life will be far more interesting, right? Your mom will be forced to quit and we will all have to go into hiding. Oh boy but it'll be one helluva adventure. I personally dig my life situation currently but I suppose it won't be too difficult to adapt. Certainly, everyone else will feel the similar, including Silas. What toddler doesn't like living on the go, in a tense environment that induces constant fear?"

"Oh my gawd. I get it. I can't join. I thought if anyone you'd be cool about it but I guess I was wrong."

"Look. I understand, you're upset. You thought I'd be 'cool'."

Damn straight, you know I over emphasize those air quotes.

"Let me ask ya something, does that translate into you thought you'd catch me at a time like this given my history, shown in great capacity via the XWF and figured you'd take that to your advantage? Conceivably, I could also be an idiot based on the way I talk and I wouldn't even consider things or think at all, I'd simply go along with you and you'd have that in your favor too? Plus, I bring up boot parties and ultra violence enough, imaginably I would be thrilled that you want to join in on the festivities and violence as well? Maybe even encourage it? Did I hit the nail right on the head with those questions? I'm gonna take your lack of interruptin' as a yes, by the way."

"In all honesty, I should be insulted that you thought, you could pull a fast one on me like that and be exceptionally pissed that someone that I viewed as my own son and did everything in my power to provide for and protect, would look at me so lowly but y'know what? I am not mad at you. Not even in the slightest. I'm a little sad but oh well, that's the part of being a parent and I'll get over it. I understand your perspective too, you seen Arkin joined the XWF and if he did it, obviously... you should too. Cause that's the way it works. You two have to do everything together. But this time you can't. You want to support him and go to watch him wrassle, whenever he does, fine. I'll even bring you to the events, myself."

"That is the utmost extent of it though. I'm sorry if that bothers you but that's the way it is and you have to accept it, even if you aren't fond of the rule. I'm not related to you by blood but I am responsible for you, I have to ensure that you grow up safe, healthy, happy and smart, a man ready to take on everything the world throws at you. After that, you are free to do whatever you want, when you're an adult but until then, you have to listen to what I say and abide by it. Because I only have your best interest in mind and you should trust, I know what's best for you. Can you get that concept?"

"Now, I'm tellin' it to you for real here, straight off the cuff and treating you with respect, even after you attempted to outgun me and I'm explaining it in this manner, in the hopes that you get where I'm coming from."

"I understand and I apologize for the disrespect. Arkin and I have done everything together though, we're not only cousins, he's my best friend. Now he's in the XWF and will get to travel to places and meet new, cool people. I'm worried he's going to forget about me."

"No ways. Believe me. That won't happen."

"How do you know?"

"Just ask your uncle Brian, he's been my best friend since the fifth grade and that didn't change, despite the roads our lives took. Understand that's not to be confused with the severe case of Stockholm syndrome your uncles, Donovan, Ezra and Raph seem to have developed."

I crack a smirk and raise an eyebrow and Grey laughs.

"If I can't join the XWF can I ask for something else?"

"Within reason, yeah. Run it."

"Can we get a dog?"

"That's an interesting shift in request."

I laugh.

"What the hell, you got it."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. You better be ready to take care of it, cuz I ain't doin' shit."

"I promise. I'll do everything, you won't have to remind me, once."

"Good. Why don't you go on, run off and tell Arkin, you're getting a dog. I'm certain, he'll be happy to hear your good news and may even want one too and hey, if Arkin winds up getting a dog, when you both hang out, the dogs will as well."

Grey doesn't say anything more, he merely rushes off to do as I suggested. After he's out of sight, I retrieve the bowl, happy that the contents didn't all spill out in my pocket and hit it. Ha!. Payback is a bitch. All those fancy suits and expensive furniture that Donovan owns, I bet they'll look fuckin' fantastic, covered in dog hair. Yeah, I shouldn't be petty, then again he shouldn't have allowed Arkin to join the XWF. For fuck's sake, what was he thinking?!?!

"Snow Job. The act of deception performed by flattery or persuasion. A character from the old 80's G. I Joe cartoon. And a sex act of passing ejaculated semen from one person's mouth, to another's. What an awesome name for a pay-per-view. The XWF really killed it this time. I wonder which thing inspired it? I hope it was the character from G. I Joe cause he was voiced by Rob Paulsen and that guy has done some pretty incredible voice work in the cartoon industry. However. Considering the gm team is comprised of mostly men and one woman, if it is the latter of the options, that's... well, um... not any of my business nor do I want it to be. I'm sure everyone keeps themselves hygienic, healthy and remembers to go to the clinic, regularly. And relax gms. That's y'all business and you will receive no judgement from me, whatsoever. In fact, this is the last I speak of it."

"Instead I'll focus on my opponents."

"Claude Savage and Savannah Knightley. I have no idea who you are but I look forward to finding out. Yeah, don't think my lack of knowledge means it'll stay that way and I will research everything I can about you as soon as possible. You have my word."

"Osira Themis. The other Themis sister, did you know I beat Atara once? Yeah, it's true. She's cool though. I got no beef with her or you, for that matter. It is what it is though. We will be on opposite sides of the ring and ergo, have to fight. In a match based on football. It's a good thing they decided to put you in the match because nothing screams football more than, skinny attractive women. I know that's what I think, when I watch football. I'm like... you know what this team needs, females that look like models, that couldn't catch or throw a football if their life depended on it and may have never even touched a stationary one, in their entire existence. Tell me Osira, who's your favorite team? I was born in Chicago but I've always been a Minnesota Vikings fan, myself."

"Broken Oswald Autem. Oh look, you're in the match too. That's... that's, something. What's your deal, man? Are you like a demon or necromancer or what? Hey, I have a half brother that's an intergalactic, demigod, with a blood lust and a big ass sword that can slice through the fabric of reality. After it absorbed enough life essence from all the killing he does, of course. Since I am acting leader of the Elite, I try to send him on missions that involve evil monsters and other dastardly beasts, to curb his desire to murder innocent people on Earth. He can't help himself, blood lust and all."

"Tommy Gunn. We lost a match together. I imagine that's going to make you want to target me. Rightfully so. I have no excuse for my failure, it was simply an off night, it happens and you should know cause it seems it was an off night for you too. Please, feel free to step up and come at me with all you got, I'll do the same and lets really make up for that performance, does that seem like a legit plan to you? You let me know what you think."

"Azrael Erebus. Oh my god. Holy shit. This fucking sucks. No offence. If I don't do my best to kick the shit out of you, then I'm being disrespectful but if I hurt you too bad, your daughter will never let me hear the end of it. That's if she decides to solely use words. Straight up, I'm going to avoid you like the plague, even if it means tossing the first person I see, in your way as a distraction. Sorry, in advance Finn."

"There you have it. My upcoming adversaries in the Football Massacre. Yay!"

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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A night of fatherhood... from a living weapon's perspective - by Griffin MacAlister - 01-23-2021, 09:28 PM

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