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Hello XWF, I'm Oliver Danielson and I need your help
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Oliver Danielson Offline
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(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

01-17-2021, 10:20 PM

Oliver is seen backstage standing behind a podium.

Oliver: Hello, my name is Oliver Danielson. I figured it was time I introduced myself. You may have heard that I recently arrested Baphomet. I was tailing this guy for a few months and I didn’t want to make this move, but I had reason to believe that he was planning a massacre of XWF wrestlers soon. So, you’re welcome.

Oliver adjusts his tie.

Oliver: Look, I’m going to get right to the point. I need your help. If anyone has any information on Baphomet and the Left Hand, please get in contact with me.

I’ll tell you what I know. Baphomet, real name William Keen, is a strange case. This is a life long criminal. After we did a blood test on him upon arriving at the prison, it turns out he has a different blood type from the William Keen we have on file. But it’s obviously the same guy. You can look at him side by side with the pictures.

Baphomet was not the leader of the Left Hand. He was just a second in command. Their real leader is still out there. And I have reason to believe he is already here, in XWF, under cover. It has something to do with this “Pale Horse” they’re talking about. They think it’s clever to leave these little clues but it’s their downfall. I don’t know what their plan is for the XWF or what they’re here for. Maybe that’s where you all come in.

Look, I get it. You don’t know me. You don’t trust me. I’m CIA. I’m “the man”.

Oliver does “air quotes” with his fingers.

Oliver: But we have similar goals. You want the Left Hand out of the XWF, I want to arrest their leader. Now speaking of the Left hand, we saw recently they had a few people leave their group. I’d like to hope that I played a part in that. I let them know that conspiring with a criminal organization might not be a great career move. As for the rest of them, think about doing the right thing. Come talk to me, testify against Baphomet. We can make a deal. I’m here to take the head off the snake.

I’d like to talk to Alias if I could. You seem to have dealt with these guys the most. They did permanent damage to your hand, I’m sorry about that. That’s one of the reasons I had to make my move. I know you want revenge. Let me help you.

Oliver continues standing at the podium as he waits to see if anyone has anything to say about the Left Hand.

-Oliver Danielson
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Hello XWF, I'm Oliver Danielson and I need your help - by Oliver Danielson - 01-17-2021, 10:20 PM

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