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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes RP Board
Entrospective of.....
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-27-2020, 06:58 PM

[The scene opens up to, well does it really matter? We see Reggie holding his title on his shoulders, and holding his recovered Fuck Tha X-Treme championship by his hand, we see him rocking a Che Guevara shirt, black pants, and black sneakers. We see him doing some photoshoots with the belts, and he see’s that one of the camera guy is waiting for him off screen. We see Camera Guy Joe looking all impatient at Reggie, who then leaves the backdrop to get some drink of water.]

Camera Guy Joe: Yo, Reggie you need to cut the second promo! Time is wasted doing this shoot!

Reggie: Dude, why did you bother coming here?

Camera Guy Joe: You told me that half past 10am, to meet you at this studio to have me help you cut this promo. Now, it’s fucking 1pm, and you haven’t even finished your shoot!?

Reggie: Look man, I wanted to take this pictures of myself for the company’s site. I forgot I told you to meet up with me, I guess my mind was busy on other things.

Camera Guy Joe: Well, are you finished or what? You only have until 4pm with me to help you shoot your second promo. Plus, i heard you went over the soft deadline for your shoot, it’s gonna cost you another 200 bucks.

Reggie: Really… okay fine, let me finish up this shoot, and we'll do this second (or not legally counted) promo.

Camera Guy Joe: Fine, make it snappy!

[Then we see Reggie back at the backdrop, doing various amount of poses with his two belts. Then about two hours later, we see that Reggie is standing at brick wall with the High Stakes banner behind him. Then we see two random people dressed up like Dick Powers comes around the area, drunk with two bottle of 40oz in their hands.]

DP Fan #1: Wha wha what is this… are are you shoot shhooting something?

[Then DP Fan #1 takes a sip of his 40oz bottle, as the second fan ended up puking on Camera Guy Joe on his shirt. Then Joe backs away in anger, and Reggie tries to confront them both.]

Reggie: Hey fellas, this isn’t time for your antics. Please head elsewhere, like say to Game Grump’s house or somethin...

DP Fan #2: Shut up… mexican! You don’t even know who were are…and..and

Reggie: And what are you..both as? Some rip off Blue Blazer from the late 90s?… or let me guess you both be listening to NSP in your cars, as you blow one another off.

[Then the Dick Power fans comes up to Reggie, they both had their fist balled and ready to go, but Joe then clobbers them with his own camera. He hit one in the face, as he hits the other fan with the back of the camera. Then both of the Dick Power fans hold their faces in pain, as Joe places the camera down, ready to fight em but Reggie held him back.]

Reggie: They aren’t worth getting into trouble this afternoon, Joe.

Camera Guy Joe: Nah bro, LET ME HAVE EM I WANT EM!!!

Reggie: You need to calm the fuc down before they see us acting out. We got too many people passing by, ready to cal the cops on us. So calm the fuck down.

[Then the two Dick Power fans then come up to Joe, and Joe raised his fist up. But they both put their hands up in surrender.]

DP Fan #1: I’m Sorry dudes, we didn’t mean no… no.. what is term, dude?

DP Fan #2: No uhh trouble dudeeee....

DP Fan #1: Yeah what he said… and we just wanted to know about somthin..

[Then one of them pulls out thier GPhone 12, shows Reggie the screen shot of High Stakes card with his name replaced with Main’s against their fan favorite, Dick Powers.]

DP Fan #2: Yeah… why is your name against him?

Reggie: I don’t know, go ask the promoters. I have nothing to do with that change.

DP Fan #1: Well, just so you know… you gonna lose to him on Sunday. That belt is coming home to the man, the sex god, the one who shall be the emphasis of what X-Treme is! You are nothing more than uhh… uhhhhh....

[Dick Power fan #2 jumps in…]


[Before he could finish his words, Reggie pulls out his loaded pistol and aim at the second Dick Power mark, and shoots him in the shoulder. Then he aims for the other guy, and shot him in the gut. Then both of the fans are slowly running off, holding their bullet wounds. Then we see Reggie holding his pistol, as Joe looked at him with worry.]

Camera Guy Joe: Bro, you didn’t have to do all that to them. You didn’t need to pull out your pistol out and shoot them, now you are going to be in trouble with the law.

Reggie: I’ve done worst things, and I don’t care. I don’t like these fans running their mouths about playin with the outcome, and whoever sides with them.. deserves a bullet in their fucking head. So, do you want me to do this promo or what?

[Reggie aims his pistol at the Joe, and he ended up putting his camera down. Then he runs off, and leaves it behind, then Reggie picks it up, and he throws it with force onto the brick wall. Then the whole footage goes to static, then fades into black.]

Watch what you say!(this might not be counted great.)

“I didn’t mean to shot those two Dick Power marks in that alleyway, to be honest, that’s how I feel when people be doing the most belligerent things around me. I know they are fans of Dick, and I can’t blame them for being in the position that they are in, but that one kid had it coming by calling me a fucking paper champion or “transitional”… while to some, those are honorable label to carry in the business, but to me it tells me that I am not much worth of being a champion of a reputable source of a company like this.

I mean, I have no doubt that if Dick beaten me off, and gotten this belt out of technicality, then he’d be a perfect one time champion who couldn’t even stand being on his feet kicking out every single attempt, while having to defend this belt for about five whole matches plus more if they are willing to test the boundaries of the X-Treme champion, AND holding this belt for deer life for 8 weeks or more, until they granted a 24/7 briefcase to cash in on ANY belt they choose. I know Dick want’s that responsibility, while having to manage to deal with his little fan club who write nonsensical fanfic about him and his dick, oh what a time to be alive to be a Dick Powers fan.

I have a simple question to ask those who are fans of him… where is Dick Powers?

Is he hiding from someone?…

Is he hiding from his overzealous fans?…

Does he owe some money to Main, and he decided to duck down?…

Or is it the fact, that you are shocked to learn that Main ended up in another dimension, when I took him out through that mirror last time. I guess I was right, he was afraid to take you on in this match on Sunday for this belt, so he had waited and WATIED for the right moment to say “aight imma head out” from this match to focus on his own shit, which is fine by me but a bitch move to you. So now, I have to be responsible for defending this belt against you, since you earned it.

I know you worked your ass off to face off against someone who’d you know, you’d want to have an huge fight feel for, but got ended up tossed against a guy who’s willing to snivel my way out for this belt, which you could have done at that time. Maybe, this match wouldn’t even be existing, if you had took my place of getting the job done early, and have some hispanic aristocratic man getting all upset about robbing him out of his title. But you waited too long, and now have to take that flight to Arionza to fight me in my kinda match.

Tricky Dick, you are so blessed to be in this position you are in, because once that bell rings you won’t be able to come out of that ring, riding your horse with your X-Treme championship on your Elvis hips of yours, so I dare you to not even bother showing your face around these parts. But if you do show face, that means you aren’t hiding from what is in front of you, and I can take that was you not being a punk ass bitch.

It’s your call, Tricky Dick….”

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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Entrospective of..... - by Reggie Estrada - 11-27-2020, 06:58 PM

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