Charlie Nickles

XWF FanBase: Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos (the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)
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08-06-2020, 12:12 AM
Never Could Stand A Hero -->
I never could stand a hero.
What are you trying to save? Our wicked world stands at the brink of absolute chaos. The collapse is impending. All order is being stripped away as the regretless abyss swallows us whole! What is there to be saved? Our world isn't worth saving. Injustice isn't an irregularity in the system: it's the foundation of it all.
See that's what most people just don't see. Just don't get. Injustice makes the world go round. Violence is the oil that lubricates the machine! Some people prosper, some people perish! Way of the world. You don't have to like it. You don't have to accept it. But it's your reality, and you will have to confront it. Now that confrontation can go one of two ways. You can confront our world blindly, with a mind full of fantasias and myths, or you can come to terms with it, utilize it to your advantage, and come to embrace it.
What is Ruby hoping to accomplish when she puts on that costume? She's not making a difference in the world. No one can. I've tried for ten years to be a great father! To make a difference in the lives of Emily and Tyler. All for what? For the courts to take my kids away! Where's the justice in that huh? Where's the fairness, who's my hero? THERE IS NONE! Because that's real life. That's the real world, jack! A sucker is made every minute. Those at the top reign unimaginable suffering down on the cockroaches below. No mediator. No justice. No heroes.
Only the strongest survive. The rugged individuals, who pull their opponents down by their own bootstraps! You can search for justice all you want but you won't find none around these parts. All you'll find is suffering and misery. Carnage, deviancy, and destruction! There is no justice.
You're teaching a bad lesson to the kids, Rubes. That's wrong. Trying to show them that, if they eat their vegetables and do their homework and listen to their parents life will be fine. If they just play by the rules, a hero will protect them in their hour of need. HORSESHIT! No one was ever there for me, and no one will be their for those kids in the audience when they're melting their first heroin rock on a spoon in an Arby's parking lot. They'll wear your t-shirt while they do it, it doesn't matter. You can't help them. You can't reach those kids, Rubes. They're gone! Alone in the cold world. Unequipped to deal with the brutality of living day after day in this hellish world. Because of you! They were waiting for their hero but you never came. And you were never going to. Because it just can't be done.
I'm going to teach those kids a different type of lesson on Anarchy. Little Tyler and Emily, watch close next Thursday. Daddy's going to teach a lesson to all the little boys and girls across America! A lesson about life. A lesson...about violence. Don't blame me, baby. Way of the world!
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-15-2020), Atara Raven (08-06-2020), Theo Pryce (08-06-2020)