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Griffin MacAlister answers YOUR questions
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

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Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-05-2020, 07:34 PM

[Image: T82yA0u.jpg]

"Howdy there - XWF... Griffin Timothy MacAlister, here and today I will be answerin' your questions. Yes, you heard me correct, wrestling fans. You all sent in and submitted questions online and now, I'll be reading off those inquiries and answer them, to the best of my ability. How it'll work is that there's a teleprompter, stationed directly across from me, questions will be selected randomly and presented to me on its screen, that I will then read off and supply my answers."

"As it stands, I have no idea what these questions are going to be about, all I know is that they were asked by the fans of the XWF. I just hope there's not too many stupid ones. There are a lot of idiots in the world though and most of them can be found online, so I sorta feel like I'm setting the bar too high, when I hope for such things. Hey but maybe, I'll be proven wrong in that assumption. Fingers crossed y'all... fingers fuckin' crossed. All right, lets get started. Question number one..."

How did you start wrestling for the XWF? - Kyle Warren. Richmond, Virginia

"Uh... well, Kyle. I started wrestling for the XWF back in June of 2012. I was recruited by Shane and technically brought in as his personal, private body guard. See, there were folks out there that were threatening his life, if you can believe it. I was working for a diner and one night a group of drunken assholes, decided to go out of their way to mess with me. One of them thought it would be hilarious to stick their foot out and trip me, while I was walking past, carrying a big ol' arm full of dishes. I hit the floor, hard and popped back up to my feet. A fight ensued and I kicked the shit out of them."

"This of course drew the attention of my boss and owner of the establishment, who rushed out hollerin' about calling the cops. That's when I chose to book it out the back. Sitting in the back of the restaurant was Shane and as I was making my exit, he stopped me and handed me his card. I would later call Shane and he would offer me a job. The rest is history and I've been employed with the XWF ever since then, although the friendship between Shane and I, would eventually crumble and deteriorate, to the status it is today. We're basically enemies that make it a point, to stay out of each other's way but there was once upon a time, when we were fairly close and I even lived with the guy. Kinda hard to believe but it is very true and I've gotta give credit, where it is due. Shane is the one that hired me and gave me, my start as a wrestler in the XWF."

Who was your first opponent? - Dinah Keller. Salt lake City, Utah

"The first dude I ever fought was a man by the name of... Zydeco. The guy used to cut promos, while jogging around the streets like a freak, speaking these long as fuck, run on sentences. Seriously, it was like man, take a breath already, you're going to pass out. If you woulda printed out the transcripts of his videos, you would have seen these paragraph long sentences and wonder, how the heck he spit all them words out, without stopping to breathe. It was ridiculous. He's not around anymore and I have no idea what became of him or if he even still wrestles? He was terrible at wrestling... fucking god awful, so I really doubt it."

What do you do, besides wrestle? Marvin Jones. Queens, New York

"There's a reason why I go by 'The Mechanic' Marvin, cause I'm a mechanic. I own a shop and when I'm not wrestling, I fix vehicles for a living. I'm good at it, probably the best and that's not merely me, tooting my own horn. I really am the best mechanic, you could realistically get the privilege of doing business with and if I can't fix something, it can't be repaired. I started repairing vehicles when I was twelve years old and have been fixin' shit ever since. My pops taught me all there is to know about it and it's knowledge that I still retain to this day."

"On top of that, I am also a member and team leader of The Elite. A group of extraordinary beings that patrols the city and keeps the world safe, from the forces of evil. Meaning, I go out there and put myself at risk, time and time again. In order to protect people. At times it's a thankless job and there are folks out there that like to talk smack and say that our group isn't real, little do they know how many times that we made it so they could sleep peacefully, at night and not have to worry about the world comin' to an end."

"We take care of the various issues and crises, so ordinary folks don't have to stress about them. We eliminate the bad elements and threats that would otherwise rock the world on its very axis and promises to threaten the fabric of society. And we do it without being asked or told to do it. It's a difficult task but someone's gotta do it. I'm just glad that there are so many of us, that are willing to take up the good fight and see to it, that this planet is protected. Always."

Are you single? - Lewis Lewistein. Bridgeport, Connecticut

"Oh geez. Are you for real, right now? No. I am not single. I'm in a committed relationship with my live-in girlfriend, Lila Laroque. Azrael Erebus' daughter. I'm also straight, so even if I was single, you would not have a snowball's chance in hell, Lewis. Sorry buddy, thems the breaks."

Are you an only child or do you have any siblings? Keith Charles. Schaumburg, Illinois

"I have an older brother named Reese and a younger, half brother named Dillinger D'Marco."

Do you have any children? Lily Reihnheart. Georgetown, Washington D.C

"No. I have not personally fathered any children. Although, my girlfriend has a seven year old son, Grey that was sired by Nathaniel Idenhaus and the kid lives with us. However, I wield the responsibility for helping to raise him and take care of Grey, like he's my own offspring. In spite of the fact that Nathaniel, recently decided to make it a point to be in Grey's life."

Do you want children? Heather VanCamp. Blackfoot, Idaho

"Haha! I actually never gave that much thought. Pretty sure that I'm sterile or was rendered that way, when I was put through the 'living weapon' program but I'm not a hundred percent certain, on that subject. All I know is that I've never knocked anyone up. But then again, at the same time,I haven't gone to a doctor in order to get that checked out either. I guess, if it were to happen and Lila told me she was having my kid, I'd obviously step up and raise 'em. I mean, I'm already raising Grey, so it would be weird if I didn't take responsibility of my own child although I probably would have some questions for Lila and more than likely need proof, that it was in fact, my son or daughter."

Do you know the Blackwaters, in real life? If yes, what are they like? Charles Buttigieg. Cardiff, Wales

"Yes. I know them extremely well and have had them over to my place of residence, several times. They are Lila's brothers, after all and as such, it only makes sense that I have interacted with them. What are they like? The closest example I can give is Yakko, Wakko and Dot, the Three Stooges and Marx Brothers. Combined. When they get together, they're silly. Like to put on a show and entertain. Almost like they always believe that a camera is constantly filmin' them. With Donovan, playing the part of the ring leader of their circus, Ezra and Raphael are inclined to go along with his antics and follow his lead. It can be a lot to take in and it's easy to become frustrated or annoyed with them. Still... all things considered, they're good guys and they mean well. They simply get carried away with themselves."

Who is your longest and closest friend? - Kristen Rand. Hoboken, New Jersey

"That would be one and the same person. bRiaN StorM. I met him when I was in the fifth grade and we've been friends ever since. Despite having a large gap in between the time we were in communication with one another. With that in mind, when we finally did start talking again, it was like we never ceased speaking to each other."

What are you? Are you even human? Anders Delacruz. Atlanta, Georgia

"Fuck off, Anders. What are you? Are you even human? Cause it seems like you have never properly communicated to another human being in your entire life. Christ on a cracker, man. I shouldn't even justify this with a response. Yes, Anders... I am a human, male. I went through the 'living weapon' program and was conditioned to become a hired gun and an assassin but I'm still human. My genetics were altered and I was trained to take out targets, that means my skills were simply honed to allow me the ability, to go on missions and follow orders."

"I don't do that anymore, Azrael Erebus aided in severing my ties with The Order and ever since then, I've been a free man. No longer am I tethered by an invisible leash nor do I follow the commands of a nefarious organization. I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want and primarily, I have made it my goal to make up for all the wrong, I did in the world. I opt to do good and protect the innocents, whenever and however I can. Which has proved to be a satisfying choice that I made."

I've heard Peter Gilmour call you an old fossil but you don't look that old. How old are you? Karen Thyme. Jacksonville, Florida

"I'm thirty-three. I was born in Chicago, Illinois on April 18, 1987. Peter Gilmour is slow in the head, he's basically like a functioning simpleton and you should take his words, with a grain of salt. You see, he was born on December 24th, 1976... making him 43. Ten years older than me. So I don't know how the man figures that I'm a fossil but that's the kind of broken brain mentality you get, when dealing with Peter. There is no reasoning or logic involved. Trying to rationalize and understand his way of thinking is virtually impossible and a definite losing battle. I do not recommend it to anyone. You will feel like you took crazy pills. I'm not even close to kidding here."

What do you drive? Tina Root. Carson City, Nevada

"I own a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, a red 1970 Dodge Charger, a 1971 Triumph Bonneville 650 with a '69 motor and a custom 1992 Honda CB750 Nighthawk."

"Who is your current favorite wrestler? Jack Mitchell. Madison, Wisconsin

"There's a number of wrestlers that I've grown to respect. Naturally, first and foremost is my buddy, bRiaN sTorM. Then, I'd have to say Azrael Erebus and no, that isn't because I'm dating his daughter. I've known Azrael for quite some time now and have grown to appreciate both his style and work ethic, within the squared circle, as well as outside of it. There's also Robert Main, Frankie Styles-Blackwater, Tommy Gunn, Zane Norrison, James Raven, Notorious Ned Kaye, Ruby, Michael McBride, Big D, Geri Miller, Shawn Warstein and Centurion. To name a few."

"Fun fact, I am facing bRiaN sTorM and Azrael Erebus, on the next edition of Warfare and Geri Miller is my partner. So that should be a fuckin' wild and crazy time, for everyone involved in the fight. Most assuredly, I'm looking forward to that match, everyone will be throwing down, hardcore style and no one will be holding back or attempting to go easy on each other. When you see us in that ring, everyone will be shooting for that win. Make no mistake about that."

"Not that, I won't be doing the very same thing on Savage Saturday Night, when I take on Felix Jones and Alexei Medved. Still, the fight on Warfare will be undeniably epic, it marks the first time I will be facing my best friend. In the past, we only teamed up but now, I'm going to have to battle bRiaN, and that's crazy as hell. Yet I can say with total honesty, we will not let our friendship get in the way of the match or stop us, from taking the other on. This I promise you. And may the best man win."

What is your opinion of your opponents for your match on the upcoming next edition of Saturday Night Savage? Dean Neville. Kansas City, Missouri

"As I mentioned, I will be facing Felix Jones and Alexei Medved. The fight will take place at the Capital One Arena, in Washington, D.C. There was a stipulation that if Felix was still X-Treme Champion, then it would be a fight for the X-Treme title but Felix is no longer the X-Treme champion. Alexei Medved is currently the champ, so I'm not sure if it's for the title or not. One would assume that since the title is supposed to be defended 24/7 that it's on the line but management gets some wonky ideas, about what's allowed and what is not allowed."

"There is a secondary concept should the X-Treme title, not be in play and that's to determine, the #1 contendership for the TV title, the winner will go on to face Thunder Knuckles. Either way, I'm going into this fight with the mindset of claiming victory, pure and simple. I will do whatever it takes to put my adversaries down. Alexei Medved fancies himself a man that's a part of the Russian mafia and who knows, maybe he is a member of that crime organization. I've dealt with men that were a part of that operation before. I've taken individuals that were affiliated with that mob out in the past and while it was no easy task, one thing remained the same with all of them. I got the job done."

"As for Felix Jones, he's nothing but a pretty boy, in an overpriced suit. Mr. fancy fucking pants. Sure, he'd like you to believe differently but that's all an act, it isn't even remotely true or a substantial reality. When push comes to shove and he gets in the ring with a man of my talents and abilities, it'll be like the weakest round of cards, ever and he will fold. Guaranteed. I'll systematically break that man. If you can even call him a man. Basically, he's nothing more than a child, playing make believe in a man's world."

"And I will prove it, when I stomp the ever lovin' shit outta him in the middle of the ring and leave him nothing more than a crumpled heap, staring up at the stars, watching all the imaginary birdies, flying around. Dude doesn't stand a chance in a fight against me. He's better off facing the ladies. They should bring the Bombshell title back cause that's the only strap he's worthy of wielding. That's why he lost the X-Treme title as soon as an actual challenge, came along because that fool, ain't shit. He's the flavor of the week and his week is up."

"His five minutes are over and come this Saturday, everyone will see that and know it as the truth. When I Reality Check him into fuckin' oblivion. Then maybe the two real wrestlers, will be able to do battle. That's right, Alexei Medved. I'm coming straight for you and I will not stop, until I destroy you, motherfucker. You can count on it, comrade. Look at my face, I'm not laughing or even slightly, cracking a smirk. I am not messing around here. I am dead serious. I'm taking you out. Of this there's no question. You are going down. Hard. And you are staying down."

Who is your favorite general manager? Santiago Mendez. Guadalajara, Mexico

"Gun to my head... Vinnie Lane. We have always had a mutual understanding, for one another. I don't cross him and he doesn't fuck with me and on occasion, we have even shot the shit with each other. Other than that, I don't really make a conscious effort to seek out and talk with the powers that be. Not out of disrespect but because I have never gone out of my way to talk to figures of authority, in general. I think that stems from my youth and having a bit of a rebellious streak."

"I grew up listening to punk rock and getting into random shenanigans, so I always had this 'fuck the police' mentality and the gms in the XWF are the closest thing to the cops, around here. But whereas I would have given them a lot more grief and stirred up trouble in the past, I merely avoid them. Y'know I don't gravitate to them and purposefully, strike up casual conversations.Yet, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Vinnie. He tends to be more laid back and chill. Doesn't walk around like he's got a stick shoved up his ass."

"Okay, last question."

What is your dream match? Adrik Fedorov Preobrazhensky. Moscow, Russia

"My dream match. Shit. I don't know. Haha! Um... I suppose I'd like to take on Scorpio again. We had like three matches, back when I first started out wrasslin' in the XWF and I lost all 3. Tristen Slater would be an option, I never paid him back for the bullshit, he said about me in the past, when he made the comment that he was going to 'own me'. A statement that he did not make good on and failed to live up to proving. It might be fun to kick the crap out of , that's a match long overdue to take place. Man likes to run his mouth a lot and it's about time, I shut it for him. Tommy Gunn is another possibility but that's only because I respect him as a wrestler and I think... nay, I know we could put on a helluva show. If Luca Arzegotti, ever wanders back from the desert, he'd be cool to face too. Same with Tony Santos or Doctor Louis D'Ville."

"Welp... that's all the time I got for ya, hopefully I granted you all some insight into my life and if I didn't answer your question, I apologize for that oversight and maybe, I'll do this again sometime and fix that error. Also, to all my upcomin' opponents on Savage and Warfare, I look forward to stomping the shit out of you. See you all in the ring, eventually."

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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[-] The following 4 users Like Griffin MacAlister's post:
bRiaN sTorM (06-07-2020), Felix Jones (06-05-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-05-2020), Theo Pryce (06-07-2020)

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Griffin MacAlister answers YOUR questions - by Griffin MacAlister - 06-05-2020, 07:34 PM

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