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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-11-2020, 08:52 AM

The sun is setting just over the horizon, as the colors in the sky glow, illuminating everything in the area is blanketed in a nice orangish hue. The branches and debris crack under each step I take. It still hurts to breathe as I approach a small grove with a creek running through the middle of the openish field. I notice an older man sitting next to a babbling creek. Humming to himself and just watching the water flow.

As I approach the man I slow my pace , and once I get closer, he quickly turns around and takes a defensive position. I hold my hands up, one arm closer to my chest than the other to keep the pressure on my ribs. Something was off about this man. He wasn’t dressed like anyone else from the castle or kingdom. Since we were miles away from civilization you’d expect him to be rough around the edges, but he was clean. There was however a large scar down the left side of his face. It wasn’t fresh, it was worn and almost blended back to his normal skin color. His skin was ashen like, not white, but almost a dusty hue of gray. Everything he had was neat and orderly. Every object had its place and if it was disturbed he quickly placed it where it belonged. I found this out when I brushed past a few of his things and they were disturbed, and he quickly fixed them. His rucksack draped around his one shoulder, the weight forcing him to lean to his right.

“Sorry….” I let out a small, but painful cough. “ How far is the closest town?” The man hemmed and hawed for a moment. Then extended a hand for me to sit down. “I don’t have time, I have to keep moving…”

“Sit down, the next town is a day's walk from here. You look like crap, and need to rest.” Reluctantly I sit down. He digs around in his bag and begins to set certain items aside, and then his attention quickly turns to building a fire. It didn’t take him long, the blaze was roaring in quick order. This clearly wasn’t his first time building a fire. “So what are you in a rush to get to?”

“Revenge.” I said as I held my hands towards the glowing fire. He looks me over for a moment.

“You don’t look like you’re in the best shape for revenge…” He smiled and chuckled. Just a few words said by him and I felt a calm come over myself. “Looks more like vengeance to me.”

“Whatever you want to call it, same difference.”

“Something seems off about you.” The man once again glanced over to me, only this time his eyes were glossy and the fire made it seem as if his eyes were glowing red. “I’m usually pretty good at reading auras, but yours seems off slightly. There is a fire inside of you, but the calm on the outside doesn’t fit. You said you were here for revenge, but we both know that isn’t what this is all about. You’re ALL ALONE.” The emphasis on that caught me off guard. I didn’t have a second to think any longer on it before he continued. “I can tell, everyone you’ve had up and left you to fend for yourself. You did well, rising to the top and becoming KING. It seems as if you’re trying to hold water with your hands. Everything is slowly dwindling down, and even if you’re KING, you can’t keep those closest to you around.”

“...” The truth hurts it really does. I know that this crazy man can’t read auras, but if he’s not right on every facet. I’m hurting, both physically and mentally. Sure I was King, but what good is the throne without someone to share it with. The spoils of battle are wasted on one man. That’s why I tried to share, but it seems as if the universe had other ideas in mind. It seems that when a person goes out of their way to help someone these days, all they get is backlash and questions of integrity. I knew what I was doing, don’t ever doubt that, but to think that they didn’t earn or deserve the accolade placed upon them is asinine.

“I’m not wrong, so who did you anger this time?” He said as if he knew that this wasn’t the first time. Again, he wasn’t wrong but this guy literally has known me for a few minutes and he’s broken down everything I’ve stood for this entire time. “It’s not everyday I see a two headed serpent sent from The Daughter of Eros…” A quizzical look comes across my face. “So what did you do to piss her off?”

“I’ve heard that name somewhere. I can’t place it…” Think you moron. You’ve seen that designation before, but where. “Where am I?” The man looks over to me and scoffs.

“If you don’t know where you are then you’ve got bigger problems my friend. I think your brain must’ve been rattled.”

“No seriously...not only where, but when, and how?” He’s right something is out of place, and I can’t quite place it.

“Well, the ‘where’ is easy. You are in Greece. That over there..” The man points off to a mountain off in the distance. “That’s where the gods reside, well all but one. As for when, that’s a little bit more difficult to explain. Just know you're in a time when Gods roam the earth. How? I don’t know, but I’m curious to find out. You wouldn’t mind having me tag along with you would you?”

“I mean sure I guess. You do know the lay of the land a bit better than I do, so why not.” His mood quickly perked up and you could see he was excited to go on this adventure. It’ll be nice to have someone along for the ride. “ So tomorrow we head to Olympus then…”

“If that's what you want to do. It’s not going to be easy. They always try to stop mortals from ascending Olympus.” A look of worry and dread quickly comes over his face. “They will stop at nothing to make sure you or anyone doesn’t make it to the top.”

“That’s fine.” I said as I stared right into the fire. “I’m always ready for a fight.”

“Well if we are going to do this I guess it’s only right that we know each other’s names. I’m Thannasi.” He extends his hand and I shake it. His hand is cold to the touch, as if it was covered in ice.


“You don’t seem like a ‘Shawn’ , maybe something that starts with the letter F maybe.” He said with a coy smile on his face as if he knew.

“Oh..” I chuckle. “Yeah, HE’S still there, but he’s not ready for prime time again.”

“Well Shawn, we’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We should get some rest.” Thannasi tosses me a blanket from his satchel. I grabbed it and tossed it over my shoulders, as I laid down on the dirt using my arm as a makeshift pillow. It wasn’t long before he was asleep. I fell asleep as well, but not for long. Off in the distance the figure with the blue hue was on the horizon. I decided not to follow it right then and I was left there to question everything. How did this man claim to know so much about me, even the guarded secrets that I've kept? He claims Auras but I’ll just keep an eye on him. I closed my eyes for what seemed to be only a moment to be awoken by the crackling on the fire. Each pop louder than the next as the fire rages on. I sit up and hang my head. A deep sigh followed by a look of disappointment comes across my face.

“Just what do I have to do to get through to people these days. I say one thing, they say the opposite. Like you know I’m right, so why even bother. In the end you’re just going to look stupid. I guess around these parts that’s a state of mind isn’t it? Well then, here we go again…”

“If it’s a war of words you want, then I will grant you such a request.”
I nod my head and flare my hands out to the side, with my eyes never breaking it’s sight line. “Yet where do we begin? You blew so much hot air that it’s difficult to determine where I should begin. I guess I’ll just take it from the top.” As I lower my hands to the flame from the fire crackling. Embers float aimlessly into the air. I quickly point to them and follow them up.

“That right there. Those embers are a metaphor for everything you’ve said. Fast to ignite, and quickly fades to black. Quickly into nothing. *POOF* Just as quickly as you appear, you’ll soon be gone and forgotten. It’s really a sad statement. You huff and puff, but your asthma takes control. Or how about you drop the fucking act… chu kno what iz beeeez talkin’ bout? No? Okay then. Get the fucking roll of quarters out of your mouth and speak clearly so we all don’t need to consult the Urban Dictionary just to make some sense of what you’re saying.”

“Let’s start this all off with a bang shall we? You thought you *KNEW*, Fuzz. Bitch you and I have never even been in the same ring at the same time, yet you claim to know about me? Yes I’m a legend. Yes, an Icon. And yes the Current standard for which everyone strives for.”
I begin to wag my finger. “But don’t ever call into question my integrity. The way I go about things has always been a little bit different than the ‘norm’, hell when I came back the world seemed flipped upside down. Now there are copycats trying to do what I do, and it’s laughable. No matter how hard they and YOU try, you’ll never be me. Sure I cashed in the briefcase….”

“You’re telling me you wouldn’t? Did you not see Engy attempt to thwart that? No, all you saw was what fit YOUR narrative. I went out of my way to leave, but he took it too far. He chose his fate. I didn’t, yet you would know that if you actually watched my promo, or anything else that is outside of your little Chicano bubble.”
A slight laugh and a head shake. “Then again I’m not sure you can read English, or Spanish for that fact. I think the only person here without integrity is you. You walk around like you’ve done something of note. As if I should be fearful of you. What you’re failing to realize is, they aren’t laughing with you when you say a ‘joke’....”

“They are laughing at you. Not a single person can possibly believe that you are anything more than a slight annoyance to me. Hell there’s another competitor in this match, and I’ve mentioned him more than you. Like you do realize that all I have to do is pin Grif and I still walk out the champion? Or is that my lack of integrity showing?”
I slightly turn my head and smirk. “Or is that just how the business is. You’d scream from the mountains that you were screwed, but then again you had the same opportunity. It’s not my fault that I’m willing to play within the confines rules. You are about respectability, and that’s nice and all, but I’m about results. And mine speak for themselves.”

“Then all of a sudden, I’m a bully. Why? Because I vocally say what I want? Because I’m outspoken?”
I pause for a moment as a look of concern comes across my face.

“You’re goddamn right. You know the old saying right? Nice guys finish last? Yeah. I’m not a nice guy. I am a bully. How else do you think I’ve made it this far? I’ve been beaten, battered and left for dead. Guess what? I got back up and didn’t change a fucking thing.” A deep breath, and a quick exhale. “ But hey I don’t have to tell you right? You’re nothing but a winner, and you’re a nice guy.”

“Now I’m going to get into something I don’t usually do, and that’s the politics of everything surrounding me. How did you put it puta? Hand Picked. The powers that be PICKED me for this situation. Okay let’s assume that is correct for the moment…”
I clasp my hands together and point both index fingers forward.“ That tells me a few things. One, you don’t think I deserve to be where I am. Two, that management is on my side. And finally, that I didn’t earn anything that I accomplished. Your opinions are just that, yours. So let’s tell you my side in all of this and show the world that Kid Kool has more sense about it all.”

“So just to start with the last point. No one ever handed me anything. I had to fight for everything. I lost everything and left for nearly a decade, and you know what I learned? That even the lowest of the low swing for the fences when things don’t go their way. You say I’m hand picked because of what? The fact that the past two Pay Per Views ended with me winning? With me holding a title belt? Again, it’s not my fault I’m better than everyone here, and have the belt to prove it. You’re going to want to take notes from here on out there pal. Nobody cares about what you say. You are nothing. You’ll always be nothing. You will never be able to even compare yourself to me in any sense of comparison. Let’s break it down shall we.”

Shawn Warstein:
2x And Current Universal Champion
Hall Of Legends Member
Top 50 Of All Time
Lethal Lottery V Winner
Star Since Birth
Ratings +++
Not Seen as a Failure

Hanari Carnes:
Never time Universal Champion
Can’t get past the bouncer to get into the Hall
Pretty sure can’t count to Fifty
March Madness Runner Up (Note: Not the winner)
Looks like Rocky Denis had sex with a pine cone and you’re that love child
Drastic Drop in ratings if he’s even mentioned, and permanent blackouts when you’re on the screen
Somehow a bigger failure than Griffin

“I mean there’s a lot to go by there, so still rolling with the assumption of being Hand Picked. You can see why it WOULD be me right? There’s no one else quite like me. And as you say I’m convenient to their plans? Sure let’s follow this broken train of thought. If I was CONVENIENT, why did it take a year? Why not pull the trigger at Lethal Lottery? Or Cunt Fest? Simple… because I wasn’t supposed to be here right now jackass. I was never supposed to get to this point. Saying I’m THEIR champion is true, but only because I forced their hand. They had to give me the Briefcase because of my run with the X-Treme title. They didn’t have a choice on when I cashed in. You’d like to think it was some big conspiracy, when it really wasn’t. All I said to Theo was, it’s tonight.”

“That’s it. No big plot or plan. He couldn’t say no. It was my right that I earned by being DOMINATE for the better part of a year. While you were nowhere to be found, I was here. I was showing everyone that MY ERA is and forever will be better than anything this company has put out since then.”
I begin to rock my head back and forth in a bobbing fashion. “ But Shawn you waited to cash in, sounds like you were scared!? Ha Gotem!”

“Or you have to let things play out to the point where they needed to be, or are you forgetting and I was holding two titles, and had to defend them? No you’re forgetting about that, why? Because you weren’t fucking here. All you’re doing is talking out of your own ass in a vain attempt to make yourself feel better.”

“Listen here Handjob, you say that I faltered in the biggest moments of my career? I thought you said you knew me? Obviously you don’t. I already ran everything down, so let’s just go with recency bias. When the lights are the brightest I ALWAYS deliver. Lethal Lottery? Yup! Cuntfest? Yup! March Madness? You fucking know it. I mean seriously how many times are you going to bring up the fact that I cashed in? Any more and I’m pretty sure your punch card will be full and you’ll get a free shot at Thunder Knuckles. Aim for the sky kid.”

“Oh but you are, aren’t you? You little try hard. You think if you speak loud and carry a big stick people will actually think you matter. In the grand scheme of things you don’t.”
A quick Aha! Moment as I raise my index finger. “ Right I almost forgot about you twisting my words…. There you go fitting your narrative. You’re right I said “Anyone Can Challenge Me” and I also did say “You should be Lucky I’m allowing it.” I don’t see where the disconnect is. I get that English isn’t your first language, and I’m not going to hold that against you. Yet the point is clear as day. Anyone can challenge me, but it’s up to ME to allow them to. Just because you ask doesn’t mean I have to say yes. Well in your case I didn’t have a choice now did I?”

“Well we are on the topic of respect…”
I kiss my fingers and blow it away, waving as I finish. “ While people may not respect me, at least they know who the fuck I am. The reason why you don’t get anything… is because no one knows who the fuck you are. They didn’t respect Fuzz? They don’t respect Shawn? That’s cool. It’s wrong, but cool. Respect is earned, with everything I’ve done the respect is there, whether you choose to think so or not. Again speaking about respect, you know what I don’t respect?”

“People taking my promos, and cutting them in with theirs. It's like you’re either too stupid to remember what was said, or too lazy to think of another way to do it. Notice how I haven’t done that? Why? Well because I don’t need to pump up my view count by using click bait.”
I clear my throat, and put a slimy expression on my face. “Hey vatos, look what dis cabron said bout me! Roll de footage.” I recompose myself. “Then all of a sudden there’s my face in your promo, that right there is the second closest you’ll ever get to the Universal Title. A video package of me in your own promo. Next time grab a notebook, it’ll help you to not look like a fucking moron.”

“Well would you look at that?”
I stated as the fire began to dwindle down and the sun began to rise at the same time. “As the flame of Carnes fizzles out, the star of Shawn rises above. How fitting.”

I stand up and stretch smiling at the sunrise as the camera fades to black.
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Ένας άνθρωπος έξω από το χρόνο - by Shawn Warstein - 04-11-2020, 08:52 AM

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