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Lethal Lottery: First Round
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THE Tristan Slater Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

10-25-2019, 03:41 PM

It’s been a long couple of days on top of a long couple of months is your name is THE Tristan Slater because nothing has seemed to fall in his favor. It’s been a few months since Tristan has competed inside an XWF ring, not sense the Tag Team Tournament, and yet now we’re back in a similar situation with the Lethal Lottery that’s kicking off Saturday Night on Savage. Our scene opens as we are post Warfare following a controversial finish to the Universal Title match that’s taken place between Unknown Soldier and Chris Page. THE Tristan Slater and Adam Barker are on each side of a gurney that is being pushed by EMT’s and has Chris Page strapped to it in a neck brace following Shane ’s brick lead attack. They reach an awaiting Ambulance parked on the loading dock of the Stadium where the EMT’s load up Chris and as Adam tries to follow in the back of the Ambulance he’s held up by an EMT who shakes his head from side to side before closing the door in Adam’s face. Sirens start to blare as the Ambulance begins to take off out to the busy streets leaving Adam and The Tristan Slater pretty much holding their dicks.

”We should have saw it coming.” A dejected Adam Barker states. ”We should know known there was more in play.” Adam let’s out a deep sigh.

”I should have stayed out there…” I take more responsibility for what happened to Chris than Adam ever could. I was there, I came out and handled Gilmour when he got involved… but I never should have walked back through that curtain, I should have planted my ass ringside. ”I’m sorry.” Adam attempts to comfort Tristan to a degree as he states.

[blue]”You can’t beat yourself up over it.”
The headlights of an approaching car pulling into the loading dock of the Stadium can be seen as Adam continues. ”You didn’t know what was going to happen much like I didn’t.” The car turns around inside the stadium before Adam and Tristan approach. ”We just have to get to the hospital and see what the doctors have to say.” Adam opens the back passenger door of the car allowing Tristan to get in followed by Adam himself before closing the door behind him. We fade inside the car as he pulls out of Liberty Stadium.

”I hear what you’re saying but I can’t help but feel responsible. He’d never left me like that.” The friendship that I have with Chris is as strong as an oak. He saw how I was treated here in the XWF under the rule of Shane and took me from the outhouse that is the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and took me to the penthouse that was the WGWF, he believed in guys like me, guys like Joseph Page, guys like Tax that made up the backbone of that reboot; and had anyone else asked me to come back to this place other than Chris I’d said nope without hesitation. Tonight I let my friend down and there’s no telling to what degree he’s going to suffer because of it.

”He didn’t want either of us there to begin with and had you stuck around he’d probably gotten pissed off over it. Chris has always wanted to do things by himself so he could claim he did it on his own merit and not because someone else had to lend a helping hand.” I can feel where Adam is coming from because reality is Soldier didn’t beat Page because it’s hard for an unconscious man to speak… but this IS the XWF where “reality” is apparently a figment of the imagination. ”Chris is going to eat up how all this went down and he’s going to have a lot of fun doing it. What you should be centering your attention on is the Lethal Lottery that you elected to take part in. If he knew you wasn’t focusing on what you have in front of you he’d probably bitch slap you harder than he slapped Soldier, twice.” I have to admit even I got a good chuckle with those slaps to Solider, and Adam is right when he says Chris would probably do it to me if I wasn’t honing in on what lies in front of me and dealing with this Lethal Lottery nonsense. I’m not going to stand before you and pretend that this is remotely a big deal to me… because it’s not. The powers that be took that away when they took away a title shot to the winner of the entire thing and promised a “match against someone of their choosing” as a featured attraction for a Pay-Per-View. Way to go guys! Thanks for the peanuts for the person who takes home the top prize because if that’s not motivation I don’t know what is. ”I saw the first round pairings and to say you’ve got yourself in a very interesting situation would be light to say the very least.” This car ride conversation starts to unfold as a way to try and not think about what’s going on in that ambulance that’s speed away with one of our best friends in the back of it.

”I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t given it much thought.” That shouldn’t be a knock on any of you; I’ve just had more pressing matters in front of me the last few weeks to try and sale any of you that I give two fucks about this. I’m teaming with a dude that I’m not very familiar with in Jim Jimison and the last thing I’m going to do is getting into a pissing contest over who is who all that happy horse shit. With Jim it’s really, really simple, I’ll show up and do my part you show up and do yours and we’re not going to have a problem in moving forward in this lame excuse for an attempted ratings boost. ”I’m teaming with a guy I don’t know or care about and I’m going up against a Champion on Thursday Night’s…” Hi Vita, it’s about time we formally introduce ourselves. I am THE Tristan Slater, and while you don’t know who I am right now I assure that I am going to leave a lasting impression on you by the time this we are through. So, you’re a Champion on Thursday Night’s running around putting that belt on display as you desperately try to make it mean something with all the open challenges here or there; and while I applaud the effort and will give you a tip of the cap… it’s still kind of hard to take that strap of gold remotely seriously when the company itself doesn’t even recognize it on it’s website. Basically what I’m saying is you running around with that belt is like saying you’re the smartest kid with down syndrome; it’s like when Peter Gilmour was the Universal Champion! Don’t you dare stand before someone such as myself and try to get me to fucking believe the show you represent isn’t anything more than lower tier talents that think they are legitimately hot fucking shit… right? ”Some other dude that doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey I roll with the punches.” Let’s be perfectly honest here the only reason I involved myself in this whole “lethal lottery” deal is to test my skills and brush off some ring rust. It’s been a little minute since I’ve been in an XWF ring; before Relentless to be exact, and since my return to the XWF I’ve tried my hand at the “tag team” thing with two different partners that bailed on the federation, safe to say being a part of a tag team isn’t quite my thing; however, what makes this different and peaks my interest doesn’t revolve around the pot of gold.. . or lack thereof … they are offering to the winner, oh no, that’s not enough to motivate me to get out of bed in the morning, but what is enough to make me lace up my boots is the opportunity to use this “marquee attraction” as a breakout performance as I catapult myself back into Singles Action the moment this reaches its conclusion. Showing up and showing out is kinda what I do and this isn’t going to be an acceptation as you’re all about to soon see.

”Do you know anything about the partner you drew?”

”I know he’s got a small cult like following and I know there’s some buzz… and some sort of dolphin deal.” Jim when it comes to you and forming this “team” on our respective roads to the Lethal Lottery I can ease your mind on several fronts. One, I’m going to show up and I’m going to deliver. Two, I’m a former 2 time XWF Champion with an XWF record of something like 23-4 if those kind of stats float your boat. Three, I can more than hold my own against anyone at any time. Reality is I just need you to show up and do your thing while I show up and do mine, I guarantee you that we do that we’re going to advance on to the second round and get one step closer to winning the entire fucking thing; for whatever reason motivates you. Our opponents are in the same boat as they have to kind of force “trust” within each other and come together just like everyone else involved in this fucking party. ”I’m not going to trash a guy I don’t know for the sake of trashing a guy, and while I don’t really know of him that isn’t his fault, it’s mine. Over the next week or so I’m going to get to know a lot more about Jim and everyone else that’s involved in this deal. I just want to show up, show out and beat this poser with a title that isn’t even represented on the XWF page.” As if taking the next step to further my own agenda wasn’t enough motivation to kick into high gear I get the opportunity to serve up a loss to a so called “champion” on this roster, Vita. Unfortunately for you on this first go around I’m going to give you a little more of my attention than I normally would because a part of me feels like your partner is probably going to shit the bed; and while we’ve already established you can’t make something credible that the company doesn’t recognize ; which they might now because I’m not sure if that’s been pointed out, I’m not going to attack your “friendship” with Noah, I’m going to verbally rape you over a title because to you that serious business, and I happen to know a lot about what it means to make titles mean something so you’re going to bring your fucking best every time you grace that squared circle. It drives you and motivates you to try and step out of Sarah’s shadow. News flash for you, when you’re beaten and eliminated in the first round of this Lethal Lottery regardless if you or your partner takes the loss you’ll be forced to swallow the bitter pill that you’ve not even come close to surpassing the former king of the . I know a little about Sarah myself; not a huge fan either. She and Kenzi ended my run at the Tag Titles, shit happens and you move on. Congrats to Kenzi on handing me my fourth loss but it sure as shit won’t be my fifth when the smoke clears and the dust settles. I’m GOING to send you back to Anarchy with tail between your legs… before I come and take that belt.

”Awesome, we’re here.” The car pulls up to the Emergency entrance of the hospital behind the Ambulance. We can see the back doors on the Ambulance burst open and the EMT’s hustling to get the gurney out of the back of the Ambulance and rolled into the patient entrance of the Emergency room. Both Adam and Tristan emerge from the car, shutting the doors behind them as they sprint towards the emergency entrance and into the lobby of the E.R. ”Our friend was just brought in…” Adam states as he reaches the information desk catching the nurse off guard as her head is down and she’s reviewing some papers. Tristan stands beside Adam as the nurse states.

”Sir you’re both going to have to wait in the waiting room. If he was just brought in there’s nothing that I would know, what’s the name?”

”Chris Page.” She types the name into the computer and runs a search which naturally doesn’t pick up any information before addressing Adam Barker.

”Yeah there’s nothing as of yet but as soon as they get him in the system and there’s any news we will let you know.” She points over towards the jam packed waiting area. ”Waiting room is right over there.” Both Adam and Tristan turn their heads towards the waiting room where it’s wall to wall people with various ailments; some sneezing without covering their mouths while holds have masks on while spraying sanitizer around them. Adam shits his head back towards Tristan as they still stand in front of the nurse at the information desk.

”I fucking hate hospitals.” Tristan shakes his head before turning his back to the information desk where right outside to the right of the doors is an unoccupied bench. He starts to walk towards the self-opening doors with Adam following behind him. Once outside they walk over and take a seat on the bench. ”I’ll sit my happy ass right out here and wait before I spend three more seconds inside that infection waiting to happen waiting room.” I’m also not exactly what people would refer to has a “people person” and had I stayed inside I would have probably been escorted out right about now anyway.

”That’s all we can do now… wait.” Adam lets out another deep sigh. ”How bad do you think it’s going to be?”

”I mean, I don’t know… Shane hit him hard enough with that brick to shatter it; we’re talking some serious force, so concussion at best… brain damage at the worst.”

”I never expected it to go this far…”

”He’s going to pay, he’s going to pay dearly.” Shane isn’t going to get away with any of this scot-free by any means. He’s probably savoring this moment but in actuality you’ve just taken this to a completely different level. I see that you’re going to be competing on Spook; which time out, can we at least talk about why we’re doing a Halloween show AFTER fucking Halloween? Don’t get me wrong I get it, it’s cute and all but you’ve missed fucking Halloween. It’s like people who listen to Christmas music in November… it just doesn’t make sense; sorry about that, anyway you’re competing on Spook, don’t be surprised if say “hi”. ” This is not going to go unanswered, Shane and I are going to be in the same building… I’m going to get my hands on him.” I’m coming to this “Spook” with two objectives; the first is to going to be punting Vita and Amjetkun Socio asses back to Anarchy where they belong. The second reacquaint myself with my old buddy and pal… SHANE . I will promise you all this, it’s sure to be a must see night for sure.”

…to be continued.

[Image: 8j7VT0K.png]
- XWF World Heavyweight Champion x2
- XWF United States Champion x1
- XWF Xtreme Champion x1
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Lethal Lottery: First Round - by THE Tristan Slater - 10-25-2019, 03:41 PM

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