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Survival of the Fittest - PPV - 11/11/18
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-07-2019, 01:28 AM

NOTE: I thought it would take at least a week if not more to recode everything from the other site to this site, but once I got on a roll, it was a lot faster. So enjoy.

[Image: j2xha9l.png]

Cameras fade in to the MGM, Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada

And fireworks begin across the Ramp way to begin the Pay Per View.

Suddenly ‘Good old boys’ by Waylon Jennings hits the Arena’s Sound System, and from the back steps Smoking Bob Williams, or SBW for short. He has a cigar in his mouth, but it’s not lit. He also has what looks to be the Universal, and Television Titles, hung over his shoulders. He walks to the top of the ramp way. The crowd isn’t sure what to make of him, as this is the new Assistant General Manager and it’s his first XWF show. He’s running it. Also from the back steps what looks to be a big muscly bodyguard. He has the Tag Team Belts and Hart Title hung over his shoulders to. The body guard walks close to SBW.

SBW looks behind him. ‘Power’ by Little Mix hits the Arena’s Sound System, and out walks Valeria Montgomery, she’s dressed up in a business attire, and looks all smart looking. She has the Bombshell and X-Treme Titles, hung over her shoulders. She too walks to the top of the ramp way. She too is new to the XWF Management. She stops, looks at SBW, gives him a small nod, and they both, with the bodyguard, walks to the ring.

All three of them get inside, both Valeria and the Body Guard walk to the back of the ring, and Valeria leans up against the ropes.
Then SBW walks to the back of the ring, receives a microphone from an assistant at ring side, walks to the center of the ring.

"Thank you all for coming, What a turn out, especially since the XWF has been on it’s South American tour, and is getting ready for it’s Australasian Tour coming up. So you all must be wondering why we are holding all 6 Championships?"

“Well earlier I asked for all the Champions to come to me, and give me their Titles, they won’t be getting them back until their chamber matches, should they win them of course. So because I’m in charge of this Pay Per View, I will presenting the titles at the end of each match to all the champions, should they be new or old."

“Now you maybe wondering why it’s just us three in the ring, well Chris Chaos has his match coming up, and he needs to focus, and Vinnie’s given Darius Xavier the night off. He’s watching from his home. Hey Darius. But speaking of the boss. Please make welcome Vinnie Lane….”


The crowd goes ballistic as "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane, with his vivacious fiance Roxy Cotton on his arm, emerges from behind the entrance curtains. Purple and pink strobes flash across the jam packed sold out arena as Vinnie and Roxy make their way to thee ring. When they arrive, Vinnie grabs the middle rope and dangles from the apron, opening the ropes apart enough for Roxy to step through after leaning down low and seductively to plant a kiss on his lips. The low cut mini dress on Cotton gets plenty of wolf whistles from the men in attendance.

As Roxy gets into the ring, Vinnie pulls himself back and slingshots himself into a baseball slide under the bottom strand, sliding across the canvas on his side until he comes to a stop right at Roxy's feet, resting his head on his hand. He then stands up and soaks in the fans' adoration for a few moments before holding a quieting hand up and speaking into a provided microphone.

"Wow guys, thank you so much for coming out and seeing us here tonight! Me and "Smokin'" Bob have definitely got a great show in store for you all tonight, don't we, Rox?"

Roxy takes the mic from Vinnie and does a bit of a twirl in the middle of the ring, eliciting cheers and cat calls from the crowd.

"That's right, bb. So proud of all the work you and the boys did."


Vinnie grins as he takes the microphone back.

"Sometimes, adversity rears its head in life. That's true here in the XWF just like it is anywhere else, dude. Sometimes you have to just take that lickin' and keep on tickin'."
Roxy blushes.

"The XWF has had its share of ups and downs, and the last month or two have been a down for sure. But it's the people like you who keep us going! The fans! The loyal XWF-ites who stick by us through thick and thin! So we decided to reward you with a completely unique concept, a brand new event that's never been done before in XWF... right here tonight, every singles championship is up for grabs within the confines of an elimination chamber match. All of them. The Hart Title, the TV, the X-Treme, the Bombshell, and yes, even the coveted Universal Championship will be determined in tonight's main event. Throughout the evening you will also see a two out of three series of matches to decide the Tag Team Championships. NOTHING of this sort has ever been done before, and it's all for YOU."

The crowd cheers, putting itself over.

"So... I won't take up any more of your time. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, each and every one of you, for being the best damn fans on the planet. Let's get to the action already! Dude....... "

Suddenly there is a sound of a commotion from the big screen on the stage, which stops Vinnie from finishing what he was going to say. He steps forward to the front of the ring, as does SBW.

A junior referee comes running out from backstage, and runs down the ramp, and slides in underneath the ropes. SBW, Vinnie, and Valeria, who was at the back of the ring, comes forward to surround the young referee who is telling the three what’s happening. Vinnie looks at SBW and gives him the go ahead.

SBW steps towards the front of the ring again and lifts the microphone

“It seems like there’s been some sort of ‘incident’ back stage, and we are getting some cameras on scene.”

Suddenly the big screen goes from black to showing a picture of a fallen wrestler. It’s the Miz. He’s on the ground, and his nose is bleeding. He looks around him, and notices cameras.

“Where am I being beamed to?”

He gets told off camera from someone that he is being shown in the arena.

“Who’s out there?”

“It’s me, Smoking Bob Williams, Vinnie Lane, and Valeria Montgomery, out in the ring.”

“Is this how you do things in the XWF? Let people in masks run around back stage, attacking your talent.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve just been attacked BOB! By a masked man.”

"Are you injured? Do you need to miss your match?”

“NO BOB. I’m sure that’s the reason why I was attacked. Someone doesn’t want me in the Chamber Match, but I’m not a quitter BOB, I’m not someone who will lie down and let someone take my place BOB. You may have people in the XWF who do that but that’s not me.”

SBW looks across at Vinnie. Vinnie lifts up his microphone.

“So you are all right to go Mizzy?”

“Who’s that?”

“Vinnie Lane, YOUR BOSS.”

“Yes, Vincent I am all right to go. What are you going to do about the attack?”

Vinnie looks at SBW “Hey you’re in charge tonight, you can sort this out.”

Vinnie looks back at SBW and off microphone he is heard to say “I’ll leave it in your capable hands.”

As ‘I Wanna Rock’ by Twisted Sister starts playing, Vinnie, leaves the ring, followed by Roxy, followed by Valeria, and SBW looks at all three of them go, and then he too leaves.

A commercial break is then taken.

Smoking Bob Williams and The Miz are in the first aid area.

“Other than hematomas and a bloody nose he’s good to go,” said the First Aid Medic

“Of course I’m good to go,” yelled The Miz “No one is taking me out of my debut match here in the XWF.”

“You do know you’ve pissed off a lot of people around here with your mouth?” asks SBW

“Yes, anywhere I go I piss off a lot of people for quite simply telling the truth. Am I free to go, I have a match to prepare for.”

SBW looks at the Medic, who nods.

“I’ll start an investigation into what happened,” replied SBW

“Don’t bother, I’ll do my talking in the chamber,” said The Miz jumping down from the table and walking out of the door

SBW shakes his head, as we head to the first match of the Pay Per View.


Tripp Kincaid
- vs -
The Miz
- vs -
Mandii Ryder - Pod #1
- vs -
Barney Green - Pod #2
- vs -
Bella - Pod #3
- vs -
Chris Chaos © - Pod #4

'Trip The Darkness' by Lacuna Coil hit’s the Arena’s sound system. Smoke fills the beginning of the ramp, and then Chris Chaos walks through the smoke, and stops. He sets himself, and looks down, before throwing his arms up in the air, and fireworks go off behind him. He then walks down the ramp to applause and stops at the entrance to the chamber. He takes a look around, and then enters the chamber. The referee ushers him to the pod #4, and he goes in, and it’s shut on him. He now has to wait.

'Beautiful Dangerous' by Slash and featuring Fergie hits the Arena’s sound system. A deep pink and bright purple mixture of pyro is set off from either side of the ramp. Bella appears at the beginning of the ramp before raising her fist in the air with a smile on her face. She skips once before walking down the ramp, and high-fiving fans on her way to the chamber. She stops at the entrance to the chamber and looks inside before turning and raising both fists over her head. The fans scream and begin to chant “Bella! Bella! Bella!”

Bella then turns back to the chamber, and takes a deep breath, and walks inside where she is directed to go to pod #3. But before she goes she takes a look at pod #4, and gives a slight smile to Chris, before giving him the fingers. She goes inside pod #3, and the pod doors are closed. She sits down cross legged, and waits.

Barney Green’s music hits the sound system, and Barney Green comes out directly, and heads to the chamber. He stops and looks at the structure from the outside, before heading inside. As the referee tries to usher Barney to Pod #2, he goes directly to Chris’s chamber, and they stare at one another, before Barney then walks over to Bella’s chamber and stares down at her as she still sits cross legged, smiling up at him. Barney then gets pushed over to Pod #2, and he goes inside and stares back at Bella, and Chris.

‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ by Panic! At the Disco hits the sound system and smoke fills the entrance to the back, and Hart Champion Mandii Rider steps out onto the beginning of the ramp. Pyro shoots out from either side of the ramp while sparks rain down behind Mandii. She smirks at the sound of the crowd erupting in cheering before flipping her hair back, and beginning her walk down the ramp. Once halfway down the ramp she begins to sprint, but she stops at the entrance to the chamber, and takes a look at it. She raises her hand and with a smirk on her face, steps inside the chamber.

Even though the referee tries to usher her to Pod #1, Mandii goes directly to Chris’s pod, and like Barney before him, they stare at one another, before Mandii motions to Chris, that she’s going to win the Hart championship back. Chris just laughs.

Mandii then heads over to Bella’s pod, and Bella is still sitting cross legged. Mandii gives her a sadistic smile.

Mandii then walks across to Barney’s pod, and once again gives him a sadistic smile. Barney hits the pod glass. It’s unbreakable. It doesn’t faze Mandii.

Mandii is finally pulled over to Pod #1, where she goes inside, and the door slides closed.

“I came to play.” Hits the sound system, and from back stage The Miz walks out, and poses. He then walks calmly down the ramp to the Chamber. He surveys the chamber, before entering.

At first he doesn’t acknowledge the other four, but after a few seconds he walks around the chamber, first looking at Chris, then at Bella, who is still sitting crosslegged, then at Barney Green, who again uses his fist to hit the glass of the pod and then at Mandii who gives him back a sadistic smile. The Miz motions to Chris that his Hart belt belongs around his waist and without waiting for a reaction, he walks to the middle of the chamber with his back to both Chris and Mandii. They are both seething from their respective pods.

“Better now,” by Post Malone hits the sound system. The lights dim and a spot light lands on the entrance to the arena. After a few short moments, Tripp Kincaid, in all of his glory, pushes aside the curtain to backstage, and steps out onto the ramp. He stares out at the crowd, then throws his nose up in the air, and walks down the ramp towards the chamber, and ignoring all the fans of the XWF Universe on the way past.

He gets to the entrance to the chamber, takes a quick second to gather it in, before walking in. He doesn’t register Chris, Bella, or Barney Green, or Mandii Rider. He just starts trash talking against The Miz, who just stays where he is, and gives him a disapproving look.

The door to the chamber is closed, and the bell rings, and the Pay Per View, Survival of the Fittest is now underway.

Tripp runs at The Miz, and tries to hit him with a fist, but The Miz, blocks it, grabs Tripp, and suplexs him. Then The Miz gets back to his feet, pulls Tripp back to his, and sends him flying over the ropes into the Chamber wall. Tripp slides down the wall, to the floor. The Miz climbs to the top of the right hand corner post, and waits for Tripp to get to his feet, which he eventually does, and the Miz takes off and hits him with a flying elbow. He collapses back to the floor.

One minute passes, one minute to go, before the next entrant.

The Miz rolls Tripp back into the ring, and climbs in. He snaps a bulldog, and then gets up, and helps Tripp back to his feet again, and just as the 10 seconds starts counting down, The Miz snaps his Skull Crushing Finale on Tripp.

As the 10 seconds get to 5, The Miz rolls Tripp over for the cover.





The Miz quickly gets to his feet, and poses. The crowd boos just as the first pod opens and out steps, Mandii River.

The Miz turns to face Mandii, and Mandii smiles sadistically at The Miz, before walking casually towards him. Tripp is seen being escorted to the Chamber door.

The Miz starts trash talking Mandii and asking her if she saw what he did. Mandii starts clapping, and then all of a sudden slaps The Miz across his face. The Miz stumbles backwards. Mandii follows up with a big boot, sending The Miz into the ropes, and as he comes back, Mandii connects with a clothes line, and they both go down.

Mandii gets up first, and grabs The Miz, and helps him to his feet, and snaps a Swinging DDT. The Miz is now in all sorts of trouble.

One minute passes, one minute to go before the next entrant.

Mandii grabs The Miz, and irish whips him into the corner, she follows up, but somehow, The Miz manages to dive out of the way. Mandii stops as she gets to the corner.

The Miz rolls out of the ring, onto the chamber floor, and once again Mandii smiles sadistically. She climbs out of the ring, and walks towards The Miz.

The Miz lifts his hands up to ask for time, but Mandii keeps on walking towards him. The 10 second clock starts counting down, just as Mandii kicks at The Miz, but he scrambles out of the way, and reaches the wall and realizes he is trapped.

He starts getting to his feet, and as Mandii reaches him, the second pod opens and out steps Barney Green. He starts laughing out loud. Real loud.

This causes Mandii to stop, and look back in the direction of The Miz, That’s what The Miz needed was a simple distraction, and he hits Mandii with a shoulder block to send her flying backwards into the ropes. The Miz follows up with a drop kick, making Mandii go back through the ropes into the ring.

Mandii lays where she falls for a few seconds trying to recover from the attack, when she feels the ring vibrating, and she looks to see Barney Green running toward her.

Barney has a massive smile on his face as he lines up Mandii, ready for a suicide dive.

Then from out of nowhere, The Miz comes flying across the ring, and knocks Barney Green off balance, off the target of Mandii. Did The Miz just save Mandii?

The Miz gets back to his feet first, as Barney stumbles side ways into the ropes. The Miz quickly goes on to the attack, and follows up with a flying clothesline that sends

Barney Green over the top rope onto the chamber floor with such a thud the whole chamber vibrates.

The Miz looks back at Mandii who is getting back to her feet, confused at The Miz’s sudden help.

The Miz can be heard saying “We need to work together to get rid of this fat bleep.”

Mandii is wary of helping The Miz out. But Barney gets back to his feet, on the outside, and Mandii takes off to use this opportunity.

She gets to the ropes, and jumps on them, and uses the ropes to catapult herself towards a shock looking Barney. Mandii hits Barney with a flying big boot, and as she ricochets off of Barney’s fat body, Barney stumbles backwards into the Chamber wall.

One minute passes, and one minute to go before the next entrant.

Barney comes forward and tries to make a lunge at Mandii, only for The Miz to come out of nowhere again and springboard over Mandii, and hits Barney with a flying cross body check. That’s the second time he saved her.

Barney hits the chamber wall again, and The Miz gets to his feet, only for Mandii to kick him with an ax kick to the back of the neck. The Miz goes down, and the crowd boos.

The Miz was doing Mandii a favor, twice, but Mandii didn’t give a shit.

Barney looks down at the fallen Miz, and then up at Mandii, and Mandii slowly backs towards the ring, and just points to the Miz and mouths the words “He’s all yours.”

The 10 second clock starts counting down. Barney picks up The Miz who is struggling, and suplexes him into the chamber wall.

As the 10 seconds winds down, Mandii looks in the direction of the newest entrant, the 2nd to last entrant which is her sister Bella. They both smile at one another as they meet in the middle of the ring, and talk about what’s going on with The Miz and Barney.

Barney has The Miz set up for a power bomb, and he power bombs him back into the ring. The Miz is in all sorts of trouble.

Barney keeps his focus on The Miz, and looks like he is setting him up for the Foleyplex a.k.a Fisherman Suplex, when all of a sudden Bella comes out of nowhere and hits Barney with a round house kick strong enough to make him stumble into Mandii’s Swinging DDT. Which she snaps quite easily and they both go down.

One minute passes, and one minute to go before the last entrant out of the pod who is Chris Chaos, who is watching on in excitement.

Meanwhile Bella follows up with a Swanton Bomb which manages to knock the stuffing out of Barney. Mandii picks up the Miz, and drops him onto Barney, knocking more air out of him, and The Miz some how goes for the pin.





The 10 second count down starts as both Mandii and Bella high five each other.

Barney rolls towards the door. The Miz gets up looking confused, but taking the second pin to his name. As Chris Chaos is released to be the last one into the Chamber, both Bella and Mandii attack the Miz.

Firstly Bella grabs the Miz and sends him into the corner and then follows up with Turnbuckle Thrusts, then Mandii follows up with Neck scissors, and then as well follows up with a spinning face buster.

This leaves The Miz in all sorts of trouble, and Mandii lets Bella cover the Miz for the pin, before turning her attention to Chris Chaos.

Bella goes for the cover.





The Miz shakes his head as he starts rolling out of the chamber.

Both Bella and Mandii look at Chris who is clapping them from where he is standing.

Mandii gives a sign to Chris to make the first move. Which he does. By walking calmly towards Mandii, just as he gets to Mandii, he quickly side steps her, and hits Bella with a forearm. Bella stumbles backwards grabbing her face.

Chris ducks as Mandii tries to punch him from behind, and he comes back up for an uppercut, which connects, and sends Mandii backwards into the ropes. Chris follows up with a clothesline to send Mandii out onto the Chamber floor.

Chris turns around, and Bella is still holding her face from the attack, and within seconds, Chris runs, and hits Bella with a spear. Mandii sits up and looks inside the ring, and receives a huge fright, to see Chris cover Bella.

“Noooooooo,” she yells



Mandii jumps to her feet.



Bella is grabbing her sternum as she is helped towards the chamber door, and Chris gets up smiling as Mandii races into the ring. Chris catches her off guard with a flying forearm that smashes into Mandii, and down they go.

Chris gets to his feet first and stomps Mandii, then helps her to her feet, and snaps a German Suplex, and then a second one. Mandii is in all sorts of trouble. A third German Suplex, and then Chris goes for the cover.



Kick out.

Chris gets up, and runs to the far side of the ring, rebounds off of the ropes, comes back and tries to connect with an elbow drop, but Mandii somehow roles out of the way.

Chris sits up grabbing his elbow, as Mandii rolls out of the ring.

Chris gets back to his feet, and quickly walks towards where Mandii is, only to be confronted with a big boot to the face. Mandii, some how quickly recovered, races back inside the ring, grabs Chris and sends him flying into the ropes and he comes back and Mandii snaps a Scissor Lock on him, and lets him go, Chris goes flying over to the ropes and then outside onto the chamber floor.

Mandii is on him in seconds, helping him to his feet, and sending him crashing into the Chamber wall, not once but twice. She goes for a quick cover.



Kick out.

Mandii gets to her feet, only for Chris to grab her, and roll her into a small package.



Kick out.

The pace is fast, and furious. Chris gets up, and somehow helps Mandii to her feet, and throws her into the chamber wall, and then throws her back into the ring.

Mandii crawls over to the far side of the corner, and looks as Chris gets back into the ring, smiling at her. Mandii uses the corner to get back to her feet, and suddenly Chris comes running at her. He’s going to spare her...

Chris flies through the air, just as Mandii flings herself out of the way, and Chris goes diving into the corner post, with his shoulder. He comes back out clutching his shoulder, and looks in pain. Mandii follows up with a Swinging DDT.

She needs to stay on top of Chris, and she needs to end this now, because Chris has a way of fighting his way back to top health and quickly. Mandii goes for the Arm Ripper a.k.a (armbar but she stands up and puts her foot on the shoulder of the opponent aiming to dislocate the shoulder).

Chris writhers around in pain, but he doesn’t tap, nor does Mandii want him to tap, as she keeps him locked in for a few more vital seconds before letting go, and setting him up for The Dare Devil Falls a.k.a (Last Ride) Chris tries everything in his power to try and break the move, but the Arm Ripper has done it’s damage, and Mandii connects with The Dare Devil Falls. She then goes for the cover.




The miss spear attempt into the corner post with his arm being hurt, cost Chris, and then Mandii was able to follow up pretty fast.



Mandii gets up pretty pleased with her efforts as the ‘Good Old Boy’s’ once again hit’s the Arena’s sound system. Smoking Bob Williams with a new cigar in his mouth walks down the ramp with the Hart Title. He gets to the chamber doors, which are opened fully. Chris is there grabbing his arm, basically yelling at the referees who are helping him that he was robbed.

SBW goes inside the chamber, and presents the Hart Title to Mandii, who snatches it from him, but says thank you after wards.

Just as SBW and Mandii are about to leave the chamber, an image of an fallen wrestler comes up on the main screen. It’s Bella, she looks like she has been attacked. Mandii looks concerned and shocked.

Commercials are taken.

The commercials end and the cameras fade in back stage to the Medical Area, and SBW comes out of the Medic Bay.

“This is the second time tonight that one of my wrestlers have been attacked. By a masked person. Bella’s fine, well she will be. She just needs to recover from her match and her attack. In the mean time I’ll keep up the investigation into the masked assailant. Let’s get to the next match please.”



Peter FN Gilmour and Michael McBride

- vs -

Jessalyn Hart and Vita Valenteen



The words NEVER...BE...SILENT!!! appears on the screen as "Confrontation" By Otep begins to play. The lights go out and are replaced with strobe lights at the top of the ramp illuminate the silhouettes of The Midnight Dolls. The lights come on to them facing the ring. They make their way down the ramp, before sliding into the ring before climbing the turnbuckle with arms in the air.

"Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In this Moment replaces "Confrontation" By Otep as Peter Gilmore, one-half of the KILLERS, steps out onto the ramp. Pyro rains down from behind him as he points to the ring where the Midnight Dolls are standing in the middle of the ring before doing a belt motion around his waist. He enters the ring through the middle rope before climbing to the top of the ropes and throwing up one fist in the air.

As "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In this Moment begins to fade out, "Wolf Blood" By Adrian Von Ziegler plays throughout the arena. Michael McBride steps out from the back before standing in front of the pyro that goes off behind him. As he makes his way down the ramp he throws his arms up to hype up the crowd before entering the ring through the middle rope. Instead of climbing up to the top rope he walks over to Peter without taking his eyes off the current Tag Team champions. The two talk as Wolf Blood" By Adrian Von Ziegler fades out.

Peter and Jessalyn are the first to enter the ring as the bell rings.

The two circle for a moment before locking in the middle of the ring. Peter managed to overpower Jessalyn with brute force and shoves her to the ground. Jessalyn looks up at Peter who is laughing before pulling herself up and sending a fist to the face of Peter. Peter takes a moment to process the hit before kicking Jessalyn into the gut and sending her to the mat with a stunner.

Jessalyn falls back onto the mat dazed as Peter bends down and begins to pull her up. However, Jessalyn doesn't allow Peter to pull her up fully before she sends her fist into his gut and follows it up with ramming her knee into his face. Peter stumbled back holding his nose while McBride is seen extending his hand for the tag. Peter goes to take him in but Jessalyn pulls Peter away from McBride before sending a kick to the side of his head. Peter falls to the ground while Jessalyn yells something in his face. She walks over to her corner and tags in Vita.

Vita comes darting into the ring and pulls Peter up before grabbing him and tossing him in the corner away from McBride. She delivers kick after kick to the midsection as Peter slowly slumps down in the corner. Vita goes to send a big boot to Peter's face but no one is home! Peter is able to move just before the boot collides with his face and Vita's foot goes through the ropes causing her to become somewhat unbalanced. Peter takes this opportunity to trip Vita before delivering Japanese arm drags. Once Vita appears to have gone stiff Peter goes for a pin.




Jessalyn yells at Vita while Peter pulls himself up onto his feet and tags McBride in. McBride walks over to Vita and pulls her off the mat into a Fall Away Slam. Vita lays on the ground for a moment before McBride pulls her into a sharpshooter. Vita is seen yelling but is unable to reach the ropes. Just before she can tap, Jessalyn comes in with a save delivering a kick to the side of McBride's head. She goes to pick him up but is told to leave by the ref. Vita rolls over and gets up to her feet as does McBride but before he can do anything to Vita she spears him to the ground and sends a couple of blows to his head.

Outside of the ring, Peter is reaching out his hand as far as it will go and screaming for McBride to tag him in. Vita pulls McBride up from the ground before sling shoting him into the corner where Jessalyn is waiting. Jessalyn holds her leg up high enough that McBride's head bounces off it once he reaches the corner and Vita spears him deeper into the corner. Jessalyn gets a few cheap shots in before being told by the ref to stop. She holds her hands up as Vita pulls McBride out of the corner but as she does McBride takes her down with a Russian Leg Sweep.

McBride gets back up to his feet and drags Vita to the opposite side of the ring by her foot before taging Peter in. Peter lays on the ground with his legs bent upward as McBride delivers Semtex Suplex (Exploder Suplex) causing Vita to land hard onto the legs of Peter. The ref ushers McBride out of the ring as Peter pulls Vita into an ankle lock. Vita refuses to tap out and manages to turn around and kick Peter in the chest causing him to stumble back. Vita takes this time to crawl to her partner and manages to tag Jessalyn back in.

Jessalyn darts over to Peter and sends him down to his knees with an Enziguri. While there, Jessalyn takes a few steps back before hitting him with a Shining Wizard. Peter falls back on the ground as Jessalyn clotheslines McBride off the apron! Jessalyn turns around to see Peter still laying on the ground and goes for the cover.




Peter puts his arm up just in time and Jessalyn grabs it before locking Peter into an armbar. Peter manages to get to the ropes causing a break in the submission move. Jessalyn gets up to her feet and before Peter can she drags him from the ropes before reforming a Standing moonsault. Jessalyn goes for the cover.



McBride stops the pin just in time! The ref forces McBride out of the ring as Jessalyn holds on to the back of her head where McBride just kicked. Peter is seen slowly getting up to his feet as he looks at Jessalyn who is pulling herself up as well. Peter tries to pull Jessalyn into a Gilmour Cutter (Modified RKO) but Vita manages to pull Jessalyn out of the way just in time but causes a tag.

Vita climbs the ropes to do a move off the top rope but as she dives Peter catches her and pulls her into Deathstrike (Package Piledriver). Peter goes over the cover.







Morbid Angel
- vs -
Scott Steiner
- vs -
Bilbo Blumpkin - Pod #1
- vs -
Donovan Blackwater © - Pod #2
- vs -
Michael McBride - Pod #3

Wolf Blood by Adrian von Ziegler hit’s the Arena’s sound system, and out walks Michael McBride. He just continues walking to the chamber. He doesn’t even stop to check it out, like the first group in the first chamber match did. He just goes inside, and goes to pod #3. The pod door closes on him, and he just stands there against the back of the pod, waiting.

Bad Kharma by Ida Maria hit’s the Arena’s sound system, and Donovan, Ezra, and Raphael; the Blackwater Brothers; emerge from back stage, led by Donovan. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the chamber entrance, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the chamber entrance, all 3 brothers look inside to see what the fascination is all about, before Ezra, and Raphael step aside, and Donovan walks inside.

The referees on the outside of the chamber inform Ezra and Raphael that they must return backstage. Which begrudgingly, they do.

Meanwhile Donovan has entered the chamber, and walks over to the first pod, and he and Michael have a staring competition before Donovan is interrupted by the referee and gets ushered to Pod #2, where he goes inside, and looks back at Michael. The pod door closes.

The music for Bilbo Blumpkinz hits the arena’s sound system, and Bilbo walks out from back stage. He walks directly to the chamber, and goes inside. He doesn’t even look at Michael or at Donovan and is ushered to Pod #1, where he goes inside and sits down. The pod door closes.

Sirens start blaring, and they are pretty loud too, from back stage walks Scott Steiner who stops on the top of the ramp and flexes. He starts walking down the ramp and half way down he stops and poses. He gets to the entrance of the Chamber and flexes. He then walks into the chamber and as he goes from pod to pod he poses in front of Michael, then poses in front of Donovan who’s not impressed, and then poses in front of Bilbo who just stays seated. Scott walks back to the middle of the chamber, and waits.

Morbid Angel's music hits and he makes his way to the chamber.

Morbid Angel and Scott Steiner start in the ring. They immediately waste time with Morbid giving Scott his trademark 'look of looking' as Scott makes out with his biceps. Morbid roars and charges Scott like a ruthless lion and jumps on the genetic freak, throwing heavy hooks to the chainmailed head of Steiner. Which causes some damage to the morbid one but he shrugs it off. Steiner counters with a belly to belly somehow and then throws Morbid back down with another belly to belly, still grasping Morbid he goes for another. Wait for it. Belly to belly!

Morbid finally breaks free and the two go into a rest hold headlock until the timer goes down to zero for the next pod, releasing Bilbo Blumpkins who crawls his way into the ring like a goblin and grabs Morbid in a weak ankle lock. The three men lay down in the middle of the ring holding onto each other as the crowd grow angry, starting to throw trash at the chamber. Donovan and a weary McBride eyeball each other from their pods. The crowd lighten up when they hear the ten countdown to release Donovan Blackwater!

Force Wave strolls into the ring and looks at the three with disgust, brushing his hand to the side sending a tsunami wave of invisible force against the three who fly against the cage walls in all directions and land with a hard thump. Donovan chuckles as the crowd cheer in appreciation. Bilbo is the first to get to his feet and charges inside the ring trying to tackle Donovan who puts a hand in front of him and stops Blumpkins in his tracks, Donnie walks around the frozen Bilbo who tracks Blackwater's movements with his eyes. Don gets behind Bilbo and moves his body, pointing him to the corner and with a swift hand movement Bilbo carries on his momentum and runs full speed into the turnbuckle! Bilbo falls hard onto the mat.

Steiner tries to sneak up behind Donovan but the clanking of chainmail and jiggling of pecs alerts Blackwater who throws an elbow back into Steiner's nose, instantly breaking it! Scott holds his nose and stumbles back, blood now pouring from his nostrils. Donovan faces the big bad booty daddy and knocks him the fuck down with a beautiful spear. Donovan goes for the pin!





Scott Steiner is eliminated! Donovan gets to his knees and looks behind at the fallen Bilbo as the crowd counts down for the final time this match. Blackwater's gaze quickly snaps to the towering figure of Morbid Angel from beyond the ropes, staring daggers at Donovan holding something. Morbid has a fucking knife! What the fuck!? He smiles looking at Donovan but he loses it with a heavy boot to Morbid's dome! Angel falls to the steel and the knife clatters to the outside. The crowd erupt as McBride and Blackwater glare at each other. Donovan stands to his feet but Bilbo grabs onto Blackwater like a dog trying to hump his leg, Donovan simply bats Blumpkins away with a hand and swiftly turns dropping Bilbo with Making Friends! Bilbo is basically dead! Ezra goes for the pin as Morbid gets back up and charges McBride who gracefully sidesteps and Morbid falls over the ropes and into the ring like a drunken homosexual. McBride and locks on the Wicklock onto the fallen Angel! Ezra hooks Bilbo's leg.





Bilbo Blumpkins is out! Meanwhile McBride is twisting Morbid's ankle to the point of snapping it, forcing Morbid Angel to tap!


The last two fighters remain. and the crowd cheers and switches chants as the two square up, talking shit to one another. McBride is the first to strike with a heavy blow to Blackwater's temple! Donovan stumble back and pushes forward with some extra force, knocking McBride hard against the ropes; Michael somehow manages to stay on his feet and runs back to Blackwater delivering a Celtic Clothesline! The pair fall, Donovan staring at the lights as McBride now winded catches his breath, he crawls to Don and covers him!



KICKOUT! McBride rolls off Blackwater and gets to his feet, he grabs Donnie's hair and pulls him to his feet throwing him to the corner and landing some boxing blows against Blackwater's stomach. Donovan ends the barrage of blows with a headbutt and capitalises with a kick to McBride's sternum whilst holding the ropes. McBride is pushed away and Donovan takes advantage with a tilt-a-whirl DDT! McBride goes down on his head hard.

Donovan delivers a few kick to the chest of McBride who hollers in agony before rolling away, Donovan grabs McBride and gives the Irishman a taste of his own medicine, throwing him into the corner. Blackwater goes to McBride and gives a few degrading slaps to Michael's cheeks and then lifts McBride up to the top turnbuckle going for a Superplex! Donovan lifts but McBride keeps a foot on the ropes, not shifting. Donovan tries again but McBride counters with a quick uppercut causing Blackwater to fall, McBride than stands up straight on the top turnbuckle and leaps off delivering a huge leg drop!

Donovan clutches his throat as McBride falls against the corner and rests against the bottom ropes. He throws a few nasty kicks at Donovan who retreats. The two get to their feet and charge one another again, both trading blows. McBride manages to overpower Don and gets him in his trademark Semtex Suplex! He lifts Blackwater up but he slips out falling to his feet behind and countering with a leg sweep, Mcbride hits the mat and Donovan raises an arm using his powers to force McBride back to his feet so he can deliver a devastating roundhouse kick to McBride's damaged sternum! The crowd pop as Donovan covers McBride!



Thr-NO! McBride barely gets an shoulder raised! The crowd erupt Donovan kneels up in shock and gets to his feet, he goes to grab McBride but throws a hand against Donovan's shin and causes him to fall, Michael maneuvers around Donovan and locks in the Wicklock in the centre of the ring!!! Blackwater is struggling as McBride hangs on for dear life, Donovan stretches his hand out as his ankle is torn! Blackwater clutches his fingers and quickly lowers and raises his hand, resisting the urge to tap!

With a fire in his belly, Donovan screams bloody murder and twists his body, kicking off McBride and desperately rushes him!


Donovan filled with adrenaline quickly pulls McBride back up and transitions into THE SHATTERED MIRROR OF ILLUSIONS!!! Blackwater covers!!!






The Good old Boys start playing on the Arena's sound system as Smoking Bob Williams returns the chamber this time with the X-Treme Title. He awards the Title to Donovan who holds it up in the air, for the crowd to react. Suddenly there is more commotion back stage, and the big screen shows Raphael Blackwater, collapsed on the ground looking like he's been attacked. Donovan looks concerned and shocked.; And SBW is really angry.

Commercials are played.

The commercials finishes and the cameras fade back into the First Aid Area, where they see Donovan Blackwater, and his brother Ezra in with Raphael. SBW comes out, and again doesn't look amuse.

"I am going to get to the bottom of whoever is attacking my people. And the culprit better end the attacks quickly or else. That's a warning from the entire locker room. Raphael will be fine by the way, just a few bruises and a couple of stitches. Let's get back to the next match. Please."



Peter FN Gilmour and Michael McBride

- vs -

Jessalyn Hart and Vita Valenteen



The words NEVER...BE...SILENT!!! appear on the screen as "Confrontation" By Otep begins to play. The lights go out and are replaced with strobe lights at the top of the ramp illuminate the silhouettes of The Midnight Dolls. The lights come on to them facing the ring. They make their way down the ramp, looking slightly irritated, before sliding into the ring and climbing the turnbuckle with arms in the air.

"Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In this Moment replaces "Confrontation" By Otep as Peter Gilmore, steps out onto the ramp. Pyro rains down from behind him as he gives a smirk toward the ring where the Midnight Dolls. He enters the ring through the middle rope before climbing to the top of the ropes and throwing up one fist in the air and doing a belt motion on his waist.

As "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In this Moment begins to fade out, "Wolf Blood" By Adrian Von Ziegler plays throughout the arena. Michael McBride steps out from the back before standing in front of the pyro that goes off behind him. As he makes his way down the ramp he throws his arms up to hype up the crowd like before, before entering the ring through the middle rope. This time, he goes to the top rope and raises one of his hands in the air with a smile plastered on his face. Once he drops to the mat Jessalyn rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

McBride and Vita are the first to enter the ring as the bell rings.

The two quickly tie up in the middle of the ring before McBride is able to get a Russian Leg Sweep on Vita. McBride is the first up to his feet and pulls Vita up to hers before dragging her over the corner where Peter is waiting. Peter tags himself in by touching McBride's back before climbing up to the top rope. McBride pulls Vita's arm out before Peter comes down on her arm from the top rope. McBride is forced out of the ring by the ref as Peter grabs Vita's arm and twists it behind her back. He then picks up Vita by her arm and performs a back to belly suplex across the ring.

Jessalyn is seen hitting her hand on the corner of the ring while she yells in Peter and Vita's direction. Vita is seen holding her back as Peter climbs up to his feet and walks over to her. He goes to pick her up by the hair but she elbows him in the gut before sprinting over to Jessalyn and tagging her in. Jessalyn comes in gun blazing with a Shining Wizard to the back of Peter's head while he is still doubled over from Vita's elbow to the gut. Jessalyn locks Peter into an armbar but before he can tap out McBride runs over and breaks up the submission. Before Mcbride can get up to his feet, Vita is seen getting into the ring and as soon as McBride turns around to her she spears him to the ground! Vita makes it up to her feet before being told to leave the ring while Jessalyn is seen rolling McBride out of the ring. Vita slides under the bottom rope and walks back over to her corner, while inside the ring Peter delivers a clothesline to Jessalyn as she turns from getting McBride out of the ring.

Peter looks down smiling at Jessalyn before delivering kick after kick to her midsection. Finally, he pulls her up into a Gilmour Cutter (Modified RKO) but Jessalyn miraculously manages to avoid the cutter and turn in into Death Awaits You (Packaged Crucifix Driver). Both Peter and Jessalyn layout in the middle of the ring while their partners yell at them with hands extended for a tag. Jessalyn is the first to stir as she goes for the cover.




Peter gets his arm up just in time but is still seen breathing heavily as Jessalyn rolls over onto her back. Jessalyn is the first up to her knees and she looks over at Peter is now on his side. Vita yells at Jessalyn to tag her in as Jessalyn gets to her feet. Before Jessalyn walks over to the corner where Vita is, she delivers a dropkick to the back of Peters' head then runs over to the corner where Vita is and tags her in.

Vita walks over to Peter and pulls him up while sending a couple of knees to his gut. She pulls him over to the ropes and performs a bulldog off the ropes sending Peter's face deep into the mat. Vita is seen getting back on her feet before attempting to pull Peter back up but as she does so she is sent to the mat with a snap DDT. Peter goes for the cover.




Vita raises her shoulder so Peter shoves it back down to the ground angrily and goes for another immediate pin using his weight advantage to keep Vita on the ground.




Vita manages to use all her strength to push her shoulder up. Peter rolls over Vita looking angry as he starts to yell at the ref. Peter makes his way back up to his feet and pulls Vita into Deathstrike (Package Piledriver) but before he can send her to the mat, Jessalyn enters the ring and dropkicks him from behind! Peter drops Vita as Jessalyn gets back up to her feet and sends hit after hit to the top of Peters' head avoiding the ref. McBride enters the ring and sends Jessalyn down with a clothesline taking her down before sending fist after fist to the top of her head.

Peter picks up Vita while Mcbride is seen keeping Jessalyn at bay but just as he pulls her up she hits a DDT on him and goes for the cover. However, no count begins due to the ref trying to get Jessalyn and McBride out of the ring. Vita stops the pin before running over to McBride who has Jessalyn in the corner sending knees to her midsection and attempts a dropkick. McBride moves just in time to miss Vita's dropkick and causes her to drop kick Jessalyn in the chest!

McBride smiles as he rolls out of the ring as Peter, who is now to his feet, sends Vita down with a big boot. McBride, now on the apron, yells at Peter to tag him in. Peter looks down at Vita then over at Jessalyn before walking over to his corner and tagging McBride in.

McBride enters the ring and pulls Vita up to her feet while Jessalyn pulls herself back up and finds her way onto the apron. McBride pulls Vita into a Fall Away Slam before going for the pin.




Vita barely gets her shoulder up in time. McBride frowns at her before getting up to his feet and beginning to pull her up. Vita pulls down on McBride's neck and rams her feet into his chest before flipping him up and over her causing him to land on his back. Vita manages to get up to her knees but is obviously exhausted and still having issue with her arm from early in the match. Jessalyn yells at Vita to tag her in so Vita springs up from her knees just enough to tag Jessalyn in.

Jessalyn runs over to Mcbride who is down on one knee and sends him all the way down to the mat with an Enziguri. Jessalyn then gets back up to her feet and rams her elbow in the face of Peter causing him to fall off the apron and hit his head on the barricade! Jessalyn turns around and pulls McBride up before slingshotting him into the corner of the ring. She then runs after him and monkey lips him out of the corner causing his back to skid across the ring. McBride tries to get back up but is met with a moonsault from Jessalyn off the top rope. Jessalyn goes for the cover.



Jessalyn appears shocked as she looks up at the ref and holds up a finger. She shakes her head and gets up to her feet before pulling McBride up to his. Jessalyn climbs up on his shoulders before sending him down with a Hurricanrana and rolling him up onto another pin.




Jessalyn now seems to be furious as she argues with the ref. She brushed him off before walking to her corner of the ring and taking the covering for the top turnbuckle off. She walks back to Mcbride, sending a couple of shots to his head before slingshotting him into the corner. McBride bounces off the turnbuckle holding his back before Vita sends a slap to his chest. Jessalyn runs over to the corner ready for another monkey flip but McBride catches her and almost sends her out of the ring by pulling her over his head. Vita manages to catch Jessalyn so she doesn't get hurt but the ref sees this a tag.

Vita gets in the ring while Jessalyn drops from the turn buckle onto the apron and looks on slightly confused. McBride pulls Vita into a Semtex Suplex (Exploder Suplex) but instead of sending her into the mat, he sends her into the corner without the cover on the top turnbuckle. Vita bounces off and McBride sends her down with Piledriver.

Outside of the ring, Peter comes up from behind and pulls Jessalyn off the apron causing her to hit her face on it. She turns around into a big boot from Peter and he continues to lay into her outside of the ring.

Inside the ring, McBride is seen pulling Vita up onto the top rope. The arena erupts in cheers and screams as McBride sends Vita down with Banshee's wail (Bloody Sunday) and goes for the cover.





Commericals end, and once again the cameras come back stage, to further commotion. SBW is back in the Medical Area, with Tripp Kincaid who looks to have his arm in a sling, and a bloody nose. SBW sees the cameras and walks out of the First Aid Room.

"This is getting beyond a joke now.; Tripp was on his way to the airport, because he's finished of course, when he was attacked in the parking lot, by a masked assailant. Whatever he is trying to do, we don't know yet. But I will get to the bottom of it. If not tonight then over the coming weeks. Let's get to the penultimate match of the pay per view please."



Nyx Nephthys
- vs -
Todd (Bombshell Champ)
- vs -
Moxie Monarch - Pod #1
- vs -
Alister Dante - Pod #2
- vs -
Mastermind (Television Champ) - Pod #3

The Monster by Ememim and Rihanna hits the Arena’s Sound System, and the lights go out. When they come back on Mastermind is seen standing to the entrance of the Chamber. He walks inside and goes to Pod #3. The door is locked, and he waits.

Until the World Goes Cole by Trivium hits the Arena’s Sound System and then the lights dim. Slowly, Templar emerges from back stage. He stops and gazes out onto the packed arena. Dressed in a black hooded cape, a black bandanna covers the lower portion of his face but his eyes see all and he observes everything. Allowing his eyes to pan the entire arena, he remains momentarily still. Then; almost instantaneously, he takes off towards the chamber. Full on running, he leaps into the air and dives through the chamber entrance. Immediately rising to his feet, Templar looks at Mastermind in his pod. Mastermind doesn’t break eye contact. Alister Dante is ushered to Pod #2, where he goes inside and the pod door closes.

Ain’t Been Done by Jessie Jay hits the Arean’s Sound System before fluorescent pink and red lights take over the stage. Just as the beat kicks in Moxie Monarch takes center stage kissing her palms and blowing a kiss. She begins her decent to the Chamber stopping now and then to take a selfy with some lucky fans. "Making her way to the Chamber, from Seattle Washington, Moxie Monarch!" Fans in attendance screech with excitement and enjoyment as Moxie uses the stairs to the chamber. She takes her robe off in a seductive way.

After removing her robe she enters the Chamber, while cheers echo in the stands, Moxie stands in the middle of the Chamber entrance to show herself off. She then walks to the middle of the Chamber where she seductively moves in front Mastermind’s pod, then in front of Alister. She is then ushered to Pod #1, where she goes inside, and the pod door is closed. She waits with her arms folded.

Suddenly all the attention is turned to a camera man near the top of the ramp, and Todd looks unsettled. He has to pass his camera to another camera man who’s waiting to take his place, and Todd gulps as he makes his way to the Chamber. As he gets to the Chamber entrance he backs away. He turns looking to run away, only to have the referee nearby grab him, and ushers him into the chamber.

Todd has no choice but to go. He enters the chamber and looks around. He makes eye contact with Mastermind, who smirks back at him. Todd gulps and waves at him.

Next he makes eye contact with Alister Dante, who looks at him in bewilderment. Todd gulps again and waves at him.

Next he makes eye contact with Moxie, who smiles back at him if only for a second. The Sound of the next entrance music sends Todd scurrying over to the far side of the chamber.

The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen, hit’s the Arena’s Sound System, The arena darkens, momentarily before taking on a purple, radiant hue. Lavender mist, seeps and seethes along the floor, while amethyst and indigo fireworks erupt in a magnificent display and Nyx Nephthys, emerges. Greeted by hoards of screaming fans, she shows little emotion as she walks to the Chamber. As she climbs the steel steps and enters the Chamber. Where she walks to the center of the chamber entrance, She steps forward again, just outside of the chamber, whispering something softly to herself as she raises her left hand, high into the air. Suddenly, a bright blast of lilac energy is pulled down into Nyx's raised hand and then, quickly blinds the entire arena in an epic flash. Dispersing as swiftly as it was created, it is revealed that everything has returned to normal and Nyx has taken her position within the chamber where she awaits the match to begin.

The Chamber Door is closed, and the referee calls for the bell to start the 3rd Chamber match.

Nyx looks around, to see where her starting opponent is. She spots Todd, who is cowering at the far end of the Chamber. As she takes a step towards him, Todd squeals, gets up and starts running around in a panic mode. Nyx stops to stare at the reaction.

Todd quickly manages to get past Nyx, who’s unsure what to do, and he starts thrashing at the Chamber Entrance door. Tears are rolling down his face. He starts yelling for Gator.

When ImSippingTeaInYoHood by XXXTentacion hits the Arena’s Sound System, this brings a smile to his face.

Todd looks behind him worried, but Nyx is still standing trying to talk to the referee about what’s happening.

Gator strolls down the ramp and gets a lot of cheers from the crowd, and gets to the entrance door. Todd is yelling at him to get him out of there. Gator lazily tugs at the chains on the door, and shrugs. Todd gives him the poppy dog eyes. Gator looks into the chamber and spots the pod that had been used by Chris Chaos as a last minute entrant after winning the Hart championship on Saturday Night Savage.

Gator makes a groaning sound and walks around the outside of the chamber, meanwhile Todd follows him on the outside. And then Gator nods to the unused Pod, which Todd sees and suddenly a huge smile crosses his face. He runs into the pod. Gator some how on the outside of the Chamber manages to get his hands inside the Chamber, and in Todd’s pod, and closes the door, and locks it. Gator has magic powers that no one knew about. Not even Gator.

Gator gives Todd the thumbs up, and Todd claps merrily like a little child knowing that he got his way. Gator starts to leave, and gives Mastermind a wave, who smirks back at him. Gator blows a kiss to a still confused looking Nyx, who mouths the word ‘Oh come on.’

Just before he leaves his last act is to give the middle figure to Moxie, who looks shocked, and just like that with the crowd in full awe of Gator, Gator is gone, having to get ready for his main event match.

Back inside the Chamber, Nyx stands with hands on her hips looking at Todd, who merrily waves back at her from within the pod. Nyx starts getting annoyed and takes a step towards Todd’s pod. Todd starts looking nervous before a buzzer sounds, which makes Nyx stops.

She turns to see the door to the Moxie Monarch’s pod automatically open. And Moxie is now officially in the Chamber match. Moxie confidently walks out of her pod, as she sees Nyx smiles. Suddenly without warning Nyx runs at Moxie. Moxie stops, waits for Nyx to attempt an Hurricanrana, which she does, and Moxie turns the move into a Monkey Flip straight into a Tripped Trump a.k.a (headstand headsissors take down). Which she succeeds in doing before going straight for a schoolgirl pin.





Moxie gets up celebrating as the referee helps Nyx to roll towards the chamber door. She looks at both Alister Dante and Mastermind who are still in their respective pods, and poses. Mastermind doesn’t look impressed, Alister looks angry, and for a second, Todd, who’s still trying to hide in a pod, takes a brief look at Moxies figure. Then drops back to the floor of his pod.

The 2 Minute countdown turns into 1 minute. Moxie knows who is next out, and walks to the furthest corner of the ring, and jumps on the middle corner rope and sits and waits, looking at her finger nails.

10 seconds start to countdown, and then the 2nd pod open, and outsteps Alister. He walks slowly into the ring. Moxie still sits on the middle corner rope ushers for him to come closer, but Alister shakes his head. Instead he walks straight over to where Todd is hiding, and tries shaking the door. Squeals can be heard from inside the pod.

This is Alister’s mistake as he has his attention taken off of Moxie, or so he wants people to think.

Moxie takes the bait, and slowly gets off the middle of the corner rope that she is sitting on, and starts stalking Alister. Alister bangs on Todd’s pod. Some more squeals are heard from within. Just as Moxie gets close, Alister pounces, and turns and launches himself as a enziguri move on Moxie, a shocked Moxie reacts too late, and is caught in the move. Down she goes.

Alister gets up as the final two minute countdown starts for Mastermind in the last pod.

Alister helps Moxie to her feet, and head butts her, she stumbles backwards. Alister goes to grab her hand which she lets him, and he tries to snap a Testament of Faith a.k.a (a superplex). But somehow Moxie stops the move and reverses it by sending Alister crashing into the corner. Moxie follows up with a foot choke in a headstand position, throttling Alister with her foot, and making him collapse into the corner.

The final two minute countdown turns into 1 minute.

Moxie helps a sick looking Alister to his feet, and drags him to the center of the ring. She then looks in the direction of Todd’s pod, and a smirk crosses her face. With all her strength, she sends Alister out of the ring, onto the chamber floor in front of Todd’s pod. She quickly follows Alister out, and as he gets up, she stuns him with a powerful round house kick that sends Alister smashing into Todd’s pod with such force, that the unbreakable glass breaks into a thousand pieces. Now Todd can be heard screaming as the 10 Second countdown starts for Mastermind.

Moxie walks over the fallen body of Alister, and looks in to the pod, and grabs Todd by his head, suddenly from out of nowhere Moxie is hit with a flying two handed ax handle, making her release Todd quickly, and flying across the other side of the chamber.

Mastermind gets up from where he had fallen after executing the move. He got out of the chamber quick enough, just in time to save Todd.

He yells at Todd to stay put, which Todd is glad to. Mastermind walks off after Moxie, who is getting to her feet. Suddenly Mastermind gets to her, and he snaps a DDT.

Moxie goes down hard. He goes for a quick cover.



Kick out.

It’s not going to be that easy.

Mastermind gets up, and grabs Moxie, and sends her back into the ring, and his attention is taken away from both Todd and as far as he is aware the fallen Alister Dante.

Mastermind gets into the ring, grabs Moxie, and helps her to her feet, and snaps a Running Bulldog, and goes for another quick pin.



Kick out.

Mastermind gets up, and as he helps Moxie to her feet, yet again, he hears a scream. He turns his attention to where the scream is coming from, and sees Alister Dante back up on his feet, and has Todd by his throat, and lifting him up out of the pod. He choke slams Todd onto the metal floor of the chamber.

Mastermind starts to move, but he is stopped by some kind of pull. He turns to look at Moxie, who is smiling at him, and she executes a Puppy Chaser, a.k.a (A springboard takedown) which she gets right taking Mastermind down hard.

She goes for the quick cover.



Kick out.

That’s not going to be that easy either.

As Moxie gets back to her feet, she hears a whimpering and looks in the direction of Alister who has Todd set up for his Enlightened Salvation Finishing Move, a.k.a, a GTS.

Moxie grabs Mastermind by his head, and makes him watch. Alister snaps the Enlightened Salvation and once again Todd hits the Chamber floor hard. Alister goes for the cover. Mastermind struggles in Moxies tight hold but it’s to no avail.





Alister gets up, and grabs Todd, and with his carcus throws him towards the chamber door, which is not yet opened, and Todd’s body hit’s the Chamber door, and slides down it.

Alister starts laughing and turns back towards the ring only for his smile to disappear as we see Moxie turning Alister’s foray in to her advantage, as she drops Mastermind, runs across the ring, leaps onto the ropes, and springboards herself off the top rope, and booty saults onto Alister. They both go down. Moxie quickly snaps a Spine Buster on Alister, and goes for the cover.





Alister’s mistake was Moxie’s advantage and she proved that she was right to take her chance.

Moxie quickly gets up and climbs back into the ring. Mastermind is no where to be seen. Confused, she looks all around the ring. No Mastermind. Suddenly the crowd alerts her to where Mastermind is. Right behind her, right on top of the nearest chamber.

Moxie turns around only to be hitting with a diving spear, and the two of them roll into the center of the ring. Mastermind goes for a quick cover.



2 and a half


Kick out.

Moxie some how amazingly kicks out.

Mastermind gets up but no sooner as he does so, he falls to one knee, he grabs his stomach. He’s done some damage of his own with the diving spear. Moxie pulls herself away from him. Gets up, and tries a roundhouse kick, but Mastermind ducks, and rolls and acts as a bowling ball crashing into Moxie as she comes down from her attempted roundhouse kick. They both go down, and Mastermind goes for another cover.




Mastermind tries to get back to his feet, but again the pain in his stomach is interfering. Moxie realizes this, catches him offguard in a bridging fujiwara armbar. Mastermind squirms in pain. But he won’t submit. He kicks at Moxie to release the hold which she does, and turns the move into another school girl pin.



2 and a half


Mastermind in all of that pain, somehow kicks out.

Moxie gets up. She doesn’t look flustered. She knows it’s just a matter of time. She pulls Mastermind to his feet, and waits for a few minutes. For some reason giving Mastermind time to recover. She goes to whip him into the corner, but somehow Mastermind reverses the move, and with all his strength, turns the move into his Mind Sleeper, a.k.a (Sleeper Hold). Moxie struggles and struggles, and starts to succumb to the move.

But she’s just building up strength, and then without warning with all of her force she elbows Mastermind in the side of his stomach where he is injured, although not letting go, he does relax the move, and then all of a sudden Moxie takes both their legs out from underneath them, and they hit the canvas with such force, that Mastermind head bounces off of hers like a headbutt. Mastermind goes backwards onto the canvas dazed. Moxie goes for the cover.



2 and a half



Amazing Mastermind kicks out. Moxie gets back to her feet, as Mastermind is still dazed, and picks him up and sends him flying into the corner so hard that his injured parts hit first. He grabs his side, as Moxie follows up quickly and she executes a Docile Dolly, a.k.a Turnbuckle Headstand Head scissors takedown which works right.

Mastermind struggles to move after that, Moxie looks down at him after she gets up, and she starts laughing. Suddenly Mastermind grabs her, and with all his remaining strength puts her into a small package.



Kick out.

Moxie gets up irate, picks up Mastermind, and does one more Puppy Chaser, a.k.a (The Springboard Bulldog). She quickly goes for the pin.







Both Moxie and Mastermind look exhausted, as Moxie struggles back to her feet. Mastermind uses the ropes to get to his feet, as ‘The Good Old Boy’s’ start playing again on the Arena’s sound system.

Moxie is smiling as she sees Smoking Bob Williams and his Body Guard walk down the ramp and into the chamber. SBW is holding a microphone while the Body Guard is holding the Television Title and Bombshell Title.

SBW walks to the center of the ring, and ushers both Moxie and Mastermind to come forward.

He lifts the microphone to his mouth.

“That was a great match, and a great ending. You two took each other to the limit. To hell and back. Just like you did with your promos. So here’s your rewards.”

SBW takes the Television Title, and the Bombshell Titles from his body guard and as he goes to give Moxie the Television Belt, he ends up giving it to a confused Mastermind, and he gives the Bombshell Title to a confused Moxie.

Moxie can be heard saying “What the fuck is this?”

SBW lifts the microphone back to his mouth “I’ve had a busy night with talent being attacked by a masked man, so I’m in a bad mood. We heard what you said in your promos about disrespecting the Bombshell Title. What did you call it? The Bumshell Title?”

Moxie nods.

“Here’s a decree from myself and the rest of Management. The Bombshell and Television titles are virtually exactly the same, so we are enforcing this. For you to disrespect that title is virtually disrespecting the Television Title as well so therefore to put the respect back in both titles, you, Moxie Monarch will now be Bombshell Champion and make it respectful again for all the ladies to look up to, and Mastermind will retain the Television Title, as he’s already respected it. You want to argue the point Moxie then show us how respectful you can be towards the title.”

Moxie seems livid and looks at SBW with such venom.

[font color=#FFFFFF]“Try anything and my friend here will easily deal to you.”[/color]

Moxie looks at the body guard, and then back at SBW and then back at Mastermind who is still trying to come to terms with what’s been said. He looks at SBW and then at Moxie and holds out his hand for a sign of respect.

Moxie rolls her eyes, and flicks her hair, and goes to make a move, but only manages to knee Mastermind in his groin area, before delivering a takedown DDT.

She gets up and grabs the Television Title, and looks at it, and throws it down on the fallen Mastermind, and picks up the Bombshell title. She looks at SBW, and places it over her shoulder, rolls her eyes, and flicks her hair, and heads for the chamber door. SBW shrugs his shoulders as if to say, fine, at least you’re not taking your anger out on me.




The PPV goes to Commercials.



Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
Peter FN Gilmour
- vs -
The Engineer © - Pod #1
- vs -
Drezdin - Pod #2
- vs -
Gator - Pod #3

#ImSippingTeaInYoHood by XXXTentacion hit’s the Arena’s Sound System. The lights go dark as the intro to #ImSippingTeaInYoHood plays when the bass kicks in the lights go on revealing Gator at the top of the ramp sitting in a lawn chair sipping on tea from a fine china cup. He looks to the chamber and springs up hurling the cup and coaster and begins to bounce down to the chamber bopping his head, high fiving and taking selfies with fans along the way. He walks through the entrance of the chamber, takes a look around, and is guided to Pod #3. Where he goes in and folds his arms as the door is closed and locked.

Orion by Metallica hits the Arena’s Sound System, the lights go out the and the fans briefly erupts. Drezdin walks from the back onto the ramp, down the ramp and takes a look around the outside of the chamber before going inside. He walks over to where Gator is, who gives him a nod with his head, and Drezdin is guided to Pod #2. Where he goes inside, and waits. The pod door is closed and locked.

The entire arena is then washed in sterile white light as the following words are spoken through the sound system:

Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?

On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue the sound slips into "Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches. As the offbeat tune picks up, the test screen fades and is instead replaced with a series of Rorschach ink blots. Each panel of ink blots at first looks innocuous, but soon slithers into the shadowy outlines of terrible scenes: a knife going through a head, a body with entrails spilling out before it, a bisected human torso, a figure whose face appears to be slipping off. Interspersed with the morphing inkblot tests are other images of rats flitting about in sewers and pictures of pleasant “whitebread” 1950’s families whose members have no faces. The white lights are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that look like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.

The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, as an unsettling grin appears on his face. He stomps down to the chamber, ticcing and yelling at real and imagined voices as his son, Joachim Bright, trails from behind, trying to make sure his father doesn't assault somebody on the way to the chamber. Engy stops to look at the chamber from the outside before walking through the entrance. He turns around to see the referees on the outside telling Joachim he must return to the back. Joachim and Engy exchange one last final glance, before Joachim turns and heads back to the locker rooms. Meanwhile Engy, walks back into the Chamber. He walks past Gator, who also gives him a nod, and then Drezdin who looks at him in a weird gaze. Engy says something but nothing can be heard, and he is guided to Pod #1.

At first Engy refuses to go inside, but then he calms down and goes into the pod, where it is closed and locked. Engy looks a bit worried and tries the door, but nothing happens.

Daddy's Fallen Angel by In this Moment hits the Arena’s Sound System, and from the back steps Peter Gilmour. He is greeted with boos, and looks all beaten up from his tag team matches. His shoulder looks in pain. He slowly makes his way to the chamber through more boos, and walks inside. He smiles as he walks by Gator, Drezdin, and Engy, as they are all locked inside their pods.

These Two Boots Of Mine by The Bruisers hits the Arena’s Sound System, Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the chamber without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. He walks straight into the chamber without stopping, to take a look at the outside, and walks straight past Gator, doesn’t even register Drezdin or Engy, and his eyes are fixated on Peter Gilmour. The referee gets in between the two of them as Griffin starts trash talking Peter.

Finally Griffin does as he is told and backs off to a distant that the referee is satisfied with. The referee then calls for the entire chamber to be locked, which it is, and then he calls for the bell.

The final match of the night, the final chamber match, and the Main Event is now underway.

Griffin runs at Peter, and Peter runs at Griffin, but Griffin gets to him first and takes him down, and starts throwing punches into Peter’s face. Peter manages to roll over, and starts punching Griffin in his face.

The two keep this up as the two minute clock counts down and The Engineer looks restless.

Finally Griffin gets up, and grabs Peter, and throws him into the ropes, as the two minute countdown turns into a minute.

Peter comes rebounding off of the ropes, and Griffin clotheslines Peter. Griffin goes back to attacking Peter with punches as the ten seconds countdown.

Griffin hears the beep as Engy’s pod door opens. He quickly gets up off of Peter, and pulls Peter up as Engy springs from the pod, and into the ring. Griffin sends Peter flying towards Engy. Engy smiles and hits the fast moving Peter with a stiff lariat.

Engy grabs Peter and sends him flying out of the ring onto the Chamber floor. He turns his attention to Griffin, who comes running at him, and Griffin manages to take Engy down first, and starts throwing punches like he did with Peter, but Engy blocks them. He pushes Griffin off of him, and gets up only to be hit by a Headbutt from him. This doesn’t phase him.

Engy gets to his feet, and Griffin gets back to his feet. They both turn their attention to Peter, who is trying to get back into the ring as the two minute countdown starts.

Griffin runs towards where Peter is and baseball slides out of the ring, and connects with Peter, Peter goes flying into Drezdin’s pod, who is next out.

Peter gets up looking dizzy. Griffin tries to climb to the top turn buckle only for Engy, to grab him and snaps a Beal Toss, a.k.a (making him fall backwards and land on his head in the corner.

Engy then does a F You Eat Shit move, an a.k.a Top Rope Foot Stomp to the head of Griffin.

Engy starts laughing as he looks down at Griffin.

Two minutes count down to a minute.

Peter is laughing at Griffin from where he is standing, leaning against Drezdin’s pod.

Engy helps Griffin to his feet, and throws him like a sack of potatoes to the other side of the ring. He turns his attention to Peter, just as the 10 second countdown starts..

Both Engy and Peter turn their attention to Drezdin’s pod, as the beep goes off to allow Drezdin into the chamber. There’s only Gator left, who’s just relaxing in his pod, taking no notice of what’s going on.

Drezdin comes out of his pod, and ducks an attempted clothes line and punches from Peter. He looks back at Peter, and shakes his head.

Suddenly he doesn’t see it coming, Engy is up on the top corner post, and launches himself, and jumps onto the back of Drezdin. Drezdin stumbles around the chamber trying to get Engy off of him. Peter is laughing again, just as the two minutes start counting down.

Engy jumps off Drezdin as he tries to back into the ring arpon. Drezdin hurts his back as he doesn’t stop.

Suddenly from out of no where Peter hits Drezdin with the Gilmour Cutter, a.k.a (modified r.k.o) which makes a landing even worse on the chamber floor. Peter quickly goes for the pin.





Peter gets up laughing just as the two minute countdown goes into a minute countdown for the last time during the PPV.

Suddenly Engy hits Peter from out of no where with a low blow, dropping Peter to his knees, as Drezdin is helped out of the chamber.

Engy sets Peter up for the Delirium Tremens, a.k.a (Head drop power bomb)

Engy snaps the Delirium Tremens also from outside the ring on the Chamber Floor just as the final ten seconds count down. Peter’s head bounces hard on the floor. Engy goes for the cover.





Gator’s pod door opens just as Engy quickly gets back to his feet, and Peter is removed from the chamber with force, as he tries to argues the point that he’s still in the match. Clearly he’s got concussion.

Gator comes out of his chamber near Griffin. But Griffin has snuck up to the side of the chamber so Gator can’t see where he is. As he turns the corner, Gator is surprised to see no one, only for a minute later to be set upon by Griffin and starts being punched.

Meanwhile Engy, sets himself up seated on the top turnbuckle in the furthest corner looking on with interest.

Griffin gets up off of Gator, and helps him to his feet, and tries to snap a DDT, only for Gator to reverse the move into a side suplex.

Gator goes for the quick cover.



Kick out.

It’s not going to be that easy.

Gator gets to his feet, and grabs Griffin and tries to throw him back into the corner, only for Griffin to reverse the move, and Irish Whips Gator towards Engy’s side of the ring. Gator goes running towards Engy, Engy smiles and launches himself and hits Gator with a diving spear, and then into mounted punches, before going for a cover, thinking that he has Gator in all sorts of trouble.



Kick out.

Engy gets up smiling only to be hit from behind by Griffin with a round house kick. The action is frenetic.

Griffin goes for the cover.




Kick out.

Griffin gets up, and grabs Engy, and sends him flying out of the ring onto the chamber floor. He turns his attention back to Gator, but Gator hits him with a running high knee that sends Griffin stumbling back towards the ropes. Gator follows up with a clothes line that sends him flying out of the ring.

Griffin lands beside Engy. Who just sits up. Gator looks at both of them from inside the ring. And just smiles at Engy and says he’s all yours and backs off.

Engy gets to his feet, and helps a distressed Griffin back to his, and Engy sends Griffin into the side of the chamber with such forces it makes Engy laugh. He doesn’t stop. He does it again and again. It’s like a game to him.

On the fifth go, Griffin isn’t moving. He’s bleeding though.

Engy goes for the cover.





Engy gets up only to be set upon by Gator, sensing his one and only chance to win the Universal Title. Gator gets up after landing on Engy with a leg drop. He throws a couple of forearms. He then does what Engy did to Griffin, and sends him flying into the Chamber wall.

He then goes for a pin.




Not even close.

Gator gets up shocked. He helps Engy back to his feet and sends him into the ring, thinking it has to be another way. As Engy tries to move, Gator hits him with a lifting knee strike. Engy goes down again. Another cover.



Still not even close.

Gator gets up not like his usual calm self. He grabs Engy, who for some reason starts laughing and gets him to face him. He asks him what’s funny? Engy responds ‘This’, and eye gouges Gator, then follows up with a low blow, and then follows up with a sit out jawbreaker.

He goes for the cover.




Kick out.

Somehow Gator kicks out.

Engy gets up laughing again. He helps Gator up. Gator with all his remaining strength tries pushing Engy into the corner with all his force, but just as he gets to the corner, Engy stops, but it’s too late for Gator who is following up, Engy gets out of the way, and as he goes by, uses his own energy to push Gator into the rest with such force that

Gator’s sternum hits the corner posts. He comes away clutching his chest, trying to breathe.

Engy goes in for the kill… Moving Gator into another Delirium Tremens, this time into a Kawada Bomb. Gator surely can’t recover from this.






Engineer gets up just as ‘The Good Old Boy’s’ starts playing on the Arena’s sound system, and helps Gator to his feet. Smoking Bob Williams walks into the chamber with his Body Guard, and Engineer is seen shaking Gator’s hand.

SBW hands Engineer his Universal Title, and they shake hands, as does he and Gator. The camera fades out as the PPV comes to an end.

]OOC: I like to thank the following people

Gator for his earlier Banner work.

Mandii for the latest ones.

Mandii for writing the tag matches.

Gator for helping me out and writing the 2nd Chamber Match

The Judges for judging.

You guys who role played/promo'd

And more importantly Vinnie and Darius for giving me a chance letting me run a PPV, and having my back and keeping me going when I was feeling the pressure.

The rest of Management for helping me out with advice, and kind words.

I do hope you like the results.

I hope to do some more stuff like this, but not for a while.

I hope you like the intrigue of the side story, there's a carry over story that's all I can tell you, the person doesn't want to be made known yet, he wants to be kept a secret.
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Survival of the Fittest - PPV - 11/11/18 - by SBW-SmokingBobWilliams - 10-07-2019, 01:28 AM

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