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I Love Your Smile
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Madison Dyson Online
Not a fascist! :)

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

09-02-2019, 05:46 PM


Despite suffering what looked like some nasty head trauma, Madison remains completely unfazed by the ongoing attack's of two grown men. Because they are glorified jobbers.

#MeToo? #MeToo?! Do I LOOK like some kind of pathetic victim? No honey, I'll leave that to you and the rest of the Black Lives Matter contingent.

Hey, congrats on making the partnership official guys. Truly. I'm sure the IRREVENT T.H.U.G.S have a bright future ahead of them. Unfortunately, that brightness is less of a "pending success and adoration" kinda thing and more of a "bullet train headed towards a maiden tied to the train tracks" sitch. Because you two are gonna get turnt out faster than Tommy Wish's mom during shore leave.

So what's up with that name anyway? Is that like a ebonics thing or dyslexia? "Irrevent". I mean, if you're gonna go polysyllabic you might want to get a fix on the Spellcheck icon before submitting your team name to the webmaster? Because right now, you two look real, real right out of the gate. But hey, maybe that can be just another cause you fight for. Black Lives Matter. Pedo Lives Matter. Mongoloid Lives Matter! It's like evolution, but in reverse! I can't wait for ya'all's first MLM protest. John and Tommy standing there with their thumb's up their asses trying to figure out how a microphone works while a sea of autistics, pants shitters, and barely sentient brain stems in wheelchairs drool all over themselves in pure excitement. And then when somebody with an IQ north of 50 finally shows them how to work the mic, John grabs it and proceeds to talk in the kind of illiterate ghetto jive that brings all the white trailer trash milkshake to the yard. Look on the bright side John, you'll have your pick of the meth toothed, gunt possessing, chronic yeast infection having litter.

Fucking "IRREVENT." Somebody should tell these guys to stop punching UP. Oh wait, I just did.

Fuck off John Black. You ain't shit. You'll never be shit. And make sure you keep your Jordan's locked up when Tommy's around. Because he'll wash 'em all right, just not the way you think.
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Messages In This Thread
I Love Your Smile - by John_Black - 09-02-2019, 06:48 AM
re:I Love Your Smile - by Madison Dyson - 09-02-2019, 12:51 PM
I Love Your Smile - by John_Black - 09-02-2019, 01:37 PM
re:I Love Your Smile - by Madison Dyson - 09-02-2019, 05:46 PM
I Love Your Smile - by Atticus Gold - 09-06-2019, 05:38 AM

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