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Unknown Soldier vs Michael Graves
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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08-27-2019, 06:30 AM


[Image: KHcvSr.jpg]

The mid-afternoon sky had just begun its descent into the evening as the foreboding clouds up in the air began to cast a shadow over the opening scene of our introduction shot. The trees begin to sink their limbs down towards the ground, as well as the flowers drooping their petals as if sadness had suddenly taken over the entire atmosphere. The birds, crickets, and conglomeration of all wildlife that was rattling and chattering about the scene just moments prior, suddenly come to an abrupt halt as silence now filters the darkening evening air. When suddenly, skipping and frolicking gayly on the sidewalk now making her way into the screen is none other than XWF's own Dolly Waters! Rocking her typical Levi hip-hugger jeans and a white tank top with some dark-colored flannel plaid over shirt. The typical girl next door type attire if you lived in a trailer park right across the street from a Wal-Mart.

As many of you know, Dolly has been dealing with some seriously stressful situations as of late. And who could blame her to be honest? Losing to the likes of Tony Santos, who is really the one picking at scraps nowadays by subjecting himself to Hart title matches with Scully, when you think about it. My how the mighty have fallen, to the realm of main event star level type of matches to a title division that Vinnie Lane just keeps around so people like Ghost Tank and Peter Gilmour can feel somewhat relevant. Do you feel important now? Do you @Tony Santos? Knowing that in a span of two days Unknown Soldier becomes Xtreme champion and has single handily surpassed the likes of your recent accomplishments? Bottom feeder...

Dolly had also mentioned how a loss and devastating feud to Michael Graves had caused her to drift off into a deep depression and experiment with drugs. So the fact that Dolly has now subjected herself to this type of debauchery as a result of these tragic events that just took place in her life is not much of a shocker, to be honest. Getting stoned smoking marijuana and watching Dora the Explorer was a way to unwind and forget about the nasty shadows of her past and probably delivers about the same level of entertainment value as watching a Michael Graves promo ironically. Leading us on adventures through the insane asylum with his dumb monkey sidekicks and trying to escape some prison, just like the majority of Mexican children these days locked in cages under Trumps America.

The confused little teenage girl stops to take one last look at the setting sun and notices something a bit odd and perturbing about the entire situation. She takes two steps backward and notices that the sun begins to rise again? Then another two steps forward to just watch it's lucent glow over the evening sky dip back down once again. Puzzled, she strokes her chin but then merely shakes her head as if shaking off the thought completely and simply chalking it up to too much marijuana from earlier in the day.

For you see, Dolly had decided that although the Xanax and marijuana had been taking a toll on her fragile young brain, that her accepting her losses to Santos and Graves were far beyond the realms of these types of drugs. Suicide probably would have been the best option, but that would be something her very religious and devout father would be against. She instead needed something harder, in fact, the hardest. What would be the hardest thing that someone could give to a teenage girl? No, not a Michael Graves pedophile microscopic little penis, but instead the same drug of choice that puts hair on the balls of even young teenage girls -- Crystal methamphetamine.

She acquired an address from her marijuana and pill dealer. He explained to her that the person at this designated address, oddly carven into a piece of black wood and not written on paper, could provide her with the most hardcore and purest form of crystal to ever know existed. The kind of stuff that made you feel like a pack of mules just kicked you in the balls while a steady supply of street hookers serviced you sexually. Looking down at this strange engraving that was more like a map than an actually written address, she thought that she would be arriving at her destination soon, but she wasn't quite sure.

You see, one of the strangest problems that she kept running into and causing concern for her finding this place, was that every single time she pulled the piece of wood from her pocket the map would look completely different? As if it had downloaded some type of Google Maps or something to it and kept updating constantly. The carvings on the wood would simply adjust and move right before her eyes as if by magic adhering and modifying to every step she made.

Dolly now came upon what she believed to be the final destination. A house that sat upon a hill over a river that dwindled far in the distance from the city blocks and streets she was surrounded by. According to the map in order for her to reach it, she needed to cross six bridges along six streets for six miles. The street deviating and breaking off from the sidewalk onto the beaten path towards this home, was very strange indeed. It consisted of a yellow brick rather then it's gray cement counterpart. It was incredibly old and left a pathway of Dolly's footprints behind in a trail of dust as she wandered on down it's the long and winding path.

When she finally reached the house, she could see in full view the worn and dilapidated broken down nature of its surroundings. The entirety of its outdoor wooden structure was falling apart by the apparent evidence of termites, and the paint job on the outside was nothing more than a collective artwork of graffiti all depicting the same mark, an inverted pentagram. In various sizes and colors, the pentagrams wallpapered the outside of the house, but they were, in fact, the only epigraphs drawn on the outside of the home.

Suddenly, Dolly becomes quite startled as a shrieking cry from inside the house splits the sky and drops a noise nuke in the size of an atom bomb on her eardrums. She turns to react to the source of the sound and sees flying through the window of the house, the biggest and blackest giant dildo she had ever seen. Crashing through the window and spraying broken glass all over the place.

"Where is it! Where is my precious!"

Dolly was sure she had heard the voice before but wasn't quite sure what to make of it now. She moves in closer to investigate and instantly regrets that decision as another object comes flailing out of another window shattering more glass into millions of separate pieces. This time resembling a lifelike sex doll bearing an odd resemblance to XWF's legend Steve Jason. The doll was covered in black marks all over the naked body as if someone had been smearing a crayon all over it.

"Lost! Lost! Lost! My precious is lost!"

Dolly now recognizes the disturbing shrillness in the voice and identifies it as...

"Soldier!? Unknown Soldier is that you?"

From inside the home an abrupt silence, followed by the front door opening and revealing the Demon Dicked Defiler, the Midnight Murder Machine, Mr. Epitome of Evil himself..... Unknown Soldier! In a very hunchbacked Quasimodo fashion, Soldier saunders over towards Dolly Waters with his eyes ablaze. He has his mouth wide open and his tongue flinging itself back and forth across his face as he spoke.

"Very good you have come, now you must follow me inside and help me find my precious!"

Although it doesn't seem very ironic that when given the address to the best meth dealer in the known universe, Dolly still had questions about how and why she had somehow arrived at some strange place outside the realms of reality with Unknown Soldier.

"Wait a minute, how the hell did I get here?"

"I prayed to SATAN! for a new auxiliary character and so here you are! I would have preferred my old pal Doctor D'ville, but none the less it seems the dark lord is punishing me yet again and so I guess I'll have to make deal with you. Now come, inside you must help me find my very special necklace!"

"Wait, why should I help you? Especially after I'm pretty sure you just insulted me!"

"Because I have a house full of the best drugs money can buy."

Soldier winks at her and then Dolly shrugs her shoulders and nods and then makes her way inside the home, following Unknown Soldier the entire way. The meth fiend now reaching back to try and hold her hand and walk her in as if guiding a horse with reins, but Dolly continuously bats his hand away at numerous attempts.

"Can I just get the meth and go, you're really starting to creep me out to the point I wish I were in a Michael Graves promo."

"You mean you'd rather be yammering on and on and on in conversations with your auxiliary characters for an ungodly amount of time about impertinent details that have no underlying theme to the story?"


"Oh, nothing, heh, what I meant to say was.... BEHOLD!!!"

Soldier takes from out of his jacket pocket a tiny crystal pipe. Outstretching it up in the air and holding it up high into the air while staring at it. Looking all He-Man like in his pose. The pipe is filled to the brim with tiny glass shards of crystal methamphetamine. So clear and so pure that even Walter White would shit himself if he saw it.

"It only takes but one hit my little pretty, and you'll be dancing devilishly on a distant universe higher than the heaven's themselves... But I must warn you, you will become immediately hooked!"

Soldier takes a gigantic hit off the end of the pipe immediately after finishing his sentence and exhales a cloud of black smoke that hovers malignantly around in the air inside the home. Dolly can almost feel the energy in the air surrounding her rise as the smoke seductively straddles just above her shoulders. Soldier winks wickedly and passes the pipe to the tiny underage girl. She reciprocates the same method as Soldier and inhales deeply off the end of the pipe. Exhaling the same black smoke that once again fills the room.

Her body now feels as if a freight train had run up behind her, slamming her heart up to the front of her chest. In her fit of immediate eroticism and awareness, she notices something a bit different now about her demonic drug dealer. Strangely and miraculously a silver medallion necklace suddenly appears out of thin air around the neck of Unknown Soldier. Teleporting its way onto the scene by an unknown force. It shines ceremoniously around his neck with a silver glint that reflects abnormally abundant in the light surrounding it.

"What the hell is that?"

Dolly points to the inverted pentagram silver necklace that suddenly appeared around Soldier's neck.

[Image: 468428705_tp.jpg]

"There you are my precious! I've been looking for you for 666 hours!"

She looks around the house to see an overturned sofa with the cushions all torn out of it as if attacked by a dog. All the cabinets and drawers in every room are wide open with all the contents emptied all over the place. In general, the house is completely overturned and looked as if a tornado had just run through it.

"Great, now what?"

"Now, we must take it to the fires of Amon Amarth and destroy it!"

Dolly shakes her head and tries to defuse the obvious insane suggestion.

"Soldier; what the fuck, no, you're hallucinating or something. Why would you want to destroy this supernatural superpowerful medallion of yours anyway"

"My MASTER! has forsaken me. First, he made me lose to Peter Gilmour, then, he failed to give me C.Diff after months and months of begging, and eventually let the XWF replace me with an overrated lackluster James Raven at War Games. What kind of GOD! would let something like that transpire! If James Raven is back in the XWF and running the show, then there is no GOD! Dolly! There is no GOD!"

A jolting bolt of lightning flashes amongst the sky and lights up the room through the broken windows. Dolly has suddenly transformed in attire, from her jeans and plaid shirt she used to wear, and she is miraculously now wearing a white robe and carrying a giant staff. Soldier has too transformed and is now dawning the dress of that dreadful day in Norway so long ago when he first came in possession of the necklace. The meth smoking lunatic now grabs Dolly by the hands, who has now given in to this request as she absolutely assumes now that she is dreaming, and leads her outside.

It is there, where the two bear witness to the very most dark and dreadful volcano known as Mount Doom! Leering over the horizon where a vast city once stood when Dolly had arrived. Now a vault of fire and lava with black smoke and menacing-looking clouds leering over a black landscape. They walk towards the mountain now, hand in hand, with the silver inverted pentagram necklace glowing a radiant shade of light as if calling for it to be saved. From behind, Dolly has to take a second look, as she assumes her hallucinatory dream is now spewing forth more images of distortion as she sees some sort of hologram trailing them in the distance bearing an exact replica of Unknown Soldier.

"I think we're being followed?"

"That just be my identical twin brother, come to claim my precious for himself. Make haste, we must destroy it before he can catch us!"

They both quicken their approach and in around 666 hours finally reach the peak of the mountain, where inside the fires and lava of the volcano glow with an unwelcoming light. Soldier stands over the tip of the edge of a cliff with his medallion danging off the end of his index finger. The slightest slip downward of his fingertips and the entire necklace would be cast into the fire.

"Go on, do it then, what the hell are you waiting for I got school tomorrow?"

Unknown Soldier still gives her no answer, but instead glares deeply and immensely into the reflection of the inverted pentagram that now mirrored its image into the burning reds in the centers of his pupils. Distracting him from the dastardly act that was about to fall upon him, as his twin brother suddenly appears from behind him and takes the necklace from his possession. Dante Kyllen then leaps towards his identical twin brother Damian again, and just as in the past encircles his hands around his neck.

Squeezing him and watching his face turn colors as he struggles once again for oxygen. The two begin to struggle immensely, which leads to the two of them rolling over the side of the cliff at the exact same moment. Dolly lunges towards the scene of the accident to see if both Dante and Damian had tumbled to their certain deaths in the lava below. Peering over the edge she catches a final glance of both Dante and Damian holding onto one half of the necklace each. Wrapped around a long tree branch that stuck out from the side of the mountain and was the only leverage allowing them to not plummet to their imminent doom.

Dante reared back and kicked his brother directly in the face, forcing him to let go of the necklace and fall to his ultimate terrible and yet inevitable fate. Dolly reaches her arm out at the last necessary moment for Soldier to latch back onto it and get pulled to safety. She battles to bring Soldier back up from over the cliff and eventually is successful in her weary strength inducing endeavors.

"You alright?"

"I've never been better......"

Something seemed off about the sounding of his voice but she could pay no attention to that as the necklace still continued to glow and bring that same glazed look over on her face. That same maniacal and infatuated face that had bestowed itself among Unknown Soldier many years ago and still does to this very day.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

"Wake up!! Wake up!! You lazy drug bums need to get the hell out of here!"

Dolly Waters awakens laying in a field in a park in the middle of a big city feeling incredibly nauseous and seemingly still exhausted despite just waking up from what was probably an overnight slumber. She obliges the old man's heckling request by arising from her position and departing from the park. Relieved that her evening excursions into the realm of insanity had just been a dream. She smiles and begins to skip away when suddenly a jolt hits her thigh and it is apparent that something is still in her pocket. Reluctantly afraid of what she knows she might find, she is soon obliged by this feeling of fear when she reaches in her pocket and pulls out the exact same crystal pipe she had used in her previous nightmare.


The next scene depicts a graveyard and as we pan closer to one distinctive grave that reads the name "KYLLEN" on it. From beneath the grave, a hand suddenly appears and from out of the soil our demonic-dobadder Unknown Soldier appears. Rising to his feet as he scrapes off the excess dirt from his shirt and begins to speak.

"Many here in the XWF may have assumed me dead, but as you can see I have been reborn, and now as I rise from the dead to unveil the laundry list of tomfoolery and nonsense that will take a moment of your attention to address since I've been gone. I seriously just got done watching a slew of XWF promos and I am sad to see the state of affairs and how many of you pussies persist in this place! Let's take my opponent at XX for instance, after I got done watching what he had to say about me, I wasn't quite sure if we were having a super hardcore bloodbath buried alive match that he was blabbering on about, or if he wanted to take me out to dinner and a movie! He wanted to tell me how much we have in common and then tell me all about our opposites and how they attract. I mean, seriously people, it was like he wanted to get an apartment together and shoot an episode of The Odd Couple!"

"I just watched a promo the other day where a group that calls themselves the Apex Prophecy all went to the fair together and started winning stuffed animals for one another! What next guys? Brokeback Mountain Volume 2 where the three of you go on a fucking picnic in the woods and then take off your shirts and kiss? I don't even have to mention all my accomplishments and achievements because Michael Graves has already done it for me. You see, he's been slobbering and drooling over a chance to get me in a match that he's probably paid too much attention to my ass rather than my assets in the ring! First of all, we don't even have to get into the first promo that he aired earlier this week since he; himself, already admits it to be boring and nothing but the same Steve Sayors sad little song and dance interview that's been done 666 times by 666 different wrestlers in this federation!"

"Then I almost swore I was watching an identical scene that I had seen that odious omnipotent oaf Ghost Tank cut in the past of an escape from an insane asylum with all his buddies with sprinkles of dry humor and minor homosexual 'grab ass' jokes that a toddler might find amusing. I was eventually relieved when a siren went off as I was watching this second promo, as I had assumed that the boring police were finally going to take Michael Graves away and put an end to this mindless drivel. But unfortunately, after that, he had an entire spiel to give about me and how it's going to be an honor to put me six feet under in his retirement match. Well, guess what you goon, you may be satisfied with hanging up the boots at forty-seven while I'm just hitting my stride. I think you all know what age I plan to retire, and that's not near anytime soon! When I bury you 666 feet under it will be the springboard for me to get back in the spotlight."

"You're welcome... By the way, Michael, for me winning the Xtreme title and giving you a title shot by merely being a fucking hardcore badass like myself. You see, people like me walk the walk and come in the door and immediately win championships and prove themselves to be as good as they really are. People like you talk the talk and try to live out history as if it matters in the present and in the future. In fact, I won't be surprised at all to see the likes of Steve Jason and the rest of a lot of these old-time losers hardly put forth and effort at XX. Come back for their one small pop so that they can go home and finally get off on themselves again. Not me, Michael, no.... I intend on showing up to make a statement that I was, and still, am, the greatest of all time.

“One thing you were right about, is that they all fear me. As is evident by their lack of pin attempts on me after I called everyone out! I haven’t seen s single one of these legends attempt, and in fact, nobody even try in the last three days Sad. That my little cockroach is why I will make an example out of you for the whole world to see and prepare for as the wrath of SATAN! once again reigns down upon XX and the entire XWF!"

Unknown Soldier returns back to his hole in the ground next to his tombstone, tossing sand and dirt and mud on top of himself and slinking his way back into the shadows underground.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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(08-27-2019), James Raven (08-28-2019), Michael McBride (08-28-2019), Misty Waters (12-10-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-28-2019), Theo Pryce (08-27-2019), Vita Frickin Valenteen (08-27-2019)

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re:Unknown Soldier vs Michael Graves - by Unknown Soldier - 08-27-2019, 06:30 AM

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