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Tick tock. (RP #4)
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Shawn Steele Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-07-2013, 07:06 PM

[Image: abmu77.jpg]

The clock is ticking down. Monday night. July 8th. London, England. The 02 Arena. Madness. We're just hours away and the nerves are beginning to climb to that ever famous edge. With just hours to go, all of the biggest names on the Madness roster have arrived in England, ready to take to the ring. Names like Jessie Diaz. Chris Legend. Brian Braxton. Andrew Morrison. And the main event, Matt Lennox and Hunter Payne. And one man who is booked into the biggest match of his X-treme Wrestling Federation career, though admittedly that’s not saying much, Shawn Steele. Stepping into the ring with John Austin is a huge step up for Shawn Steele. He may not be happy to admit it, but this is going to be a test. The type of test he hasn’t faced inside of the squared circle in years. But he’s more than ready. More than up for this challenge. Or at least, that’s what he says. But, is he really? Only time will tell.

[ .. Static .. ]

[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]

[ .. Fade out .. ]

As our scene begins to fade up from black once again, our focus is drawn to a large sign in the pattern of the infamous “HOLLYWOOD" sign on a California mountain side. Only this sign reads “02 World", signifying the sight for the live July 8th presentation of XWF Monday night Madness. Slowly the image begins getting smaller as the camera pans out, revealing our location to be outside of the arena that will house the “Madness" in just a matter of hours. The time appears to be dusk, the sun having set earlier, but there's still enough light to see Shawn Steele standing alone, simply staring at the building, his hands resting inside the side pockets of his black pants.

[Image: 2nbvrjt.jpg]

Shawn Steele: I've never even been in the building. Kind of amazing, considering all of the places I've been throughout my career. But this one is going to be a first for me. Guess that makes tomorrow night full of firsts. My first singles match in the X-treme Wrestling Federation. My first match against John Austin. My first challenge. If you can really call it that. I know how good I am. What I'm capable of. But John Austin .. John Austin is a bit of a mystery to me. Not because he's some kind of big mysterious character. He's not. There's no big, bad dark secret John Austin is hiding. He doesn't have a mysterious past. But what he does have, is the ability to boast so many utterly outlandish claims that everyone .. even the deaf can hear that he's full of shit. But the question that comes to mind .. ..

Shawn keeps his hands in his pockets as he turns, facing the camera for the first time as he continues.

Shawn Steele: The question that comes to mind, is just who is John Austin? Who is he really? Is he ‘The King of Wrestling'? ‘The Best Wrestler Alive'? ‘Mr. Wrestling'? Or are all of those nicknames, and the dozen others, just a front that he puts up to hide who he is? I know that he has previously accused me .. one of many faceless accusations, I might add .. that he accused me of putting up some kind of veil to hide behind. That my .. my personality, of wanting to inflict damage upon him tomorrow night is some kind of falsehood. That inside, deep down, I'm afraid of him. That I fear John Austin. That I fear the self-proclaimed ‘alpha male' in the X-treme Wrestling Federation. For what reason I would fear him .. what reason I could possibly have to fear him, I do not know. But this, this is what makes John Austin mysterious.

Turning away from the camera again, Shawn takes his hands out of his pockets, slowly bringing his arms up and out along his sides.

Shawn Steele: Me? I'm not that much of a mystery. What you're looking at, is what I am. I don't hide behind a veil of any kind. I don't run my mouth .. constantly .. spouting numerous falsehoods. I don't have to keep a notebook handy to remember all of the unearned, undeserved nicknames that I've given myself. Honestly, how does he keep them all straight? I don't go around, telling everyone about all of my brilliant conquests. Conquests that always seem to end the same way. With yet another loss in my records. I don't spread the falsehoods that I've beaten the living hell out of the top superstars in the XWF, only to see defeat due to the mistakes of others.

Dropping his hands, Shawn turns again, his face betraying his emotions as he's clearly beginning to grow angered at this particular topic.

Shawn Steele: This, is what makes you mysterious Johnathon. Because it seems to me, that there must be a reason for your .. your lack of honesty. Are you projecting, Johnny? It seems to me, that everything you say that I am, is what you're trying to hide from the world. I'm not boastful. I'm not arrogant. I don't tell everyone I can find that I'm the best in the world. But these are all things that you are, aren't they? Maybe this is why you're in therapy. Is that it, John? Do you have inner doubts? Doubts that you'll ever “win the big one"? Doubts that you can step into the ring with a guy like me, and ever be the same again? I think you do. I think you're terrified that after tomorrow night, you won't be the same man who walks down that isle. And I'm here to tell you .. to tell you that you're right. You won't be the same Austin. When you go into that Six Pack Challenge for the European Championship at Leap of Faith, inside of that Cell, you're going to be an entirely new man. A shell of your former self. I wouldn't be surprised if you spend the entirety of your time in that match up on the 13th cowering in fear in the corner of the cell, pleading with someone on the outside to let you out. Championship be damned. This is your survival we're talking about! Stop being a selfish prick for just one minute and think about your loved ones. What about poor Garfield? Who's going to take care of that little fat pile of orange garbage when your fears have taken over, and you can't even pull yourself out of bed? But that'd be too much for you, wouldn't it Austin? Because I live in a world of reality. But sadly, you don't seem to live on that same plain of existence. The plain of existence that you seem to live on is a world full of excuses and blame. Where nothing you ever do, or fail to do, is your fault.

Getting closer to the camera now, Shawn's voice is quiet.

Shawn Steele: What I don't do, Austin, is make excuses. Excuses for why I'm not the best. Excuses for why I'm not a champion. Excuses for why I can't get the job done. Excuses for why I .. NEVER GET THE JOB DONE. And tomorrow night .. tomorrow night is going to be no different. Inside of that arena behind me, you're going to fail again John. You're going to realize what a monumental mistake you've made when you accepted this match with me. You may have asked management all about me, but I promise you this much. Whatever they told you about me, wasn't enough. I like to hurt people, John. It's fun. And tomorrow night, I'm planning on having fun. I'll see you inside .. pal.

Chuckling to himself, Shawn turns on his heals again and heads towards the building as the scene begins to fade away.

[ .. Fade out .. ]

[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]

[ .. Static .. ]

[Image: euegoy.jpg]
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Tick tock. (RP #4) - by Shawn Steele - 07-07-2013, 07:06 PM

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