World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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Joined: Tue Feb 19 2019
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Hates Given: 19
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05-13-2019, 08:13 PM
This is the part where I allow you, through whichever media you choose, to go through my list of of promotional videos and find the part where I directly copied and/or quoted someone and then responded to said quote.
I’ll wait.
Still waiting.
Yep, still waiting.
AAAAAAAAAND still waiting.
Know why? Here’s why: There is a thing in this business called a receipt. Whether it is physical (like jumping a dude after he jumped you) or verbal (pulling up something you said and/or did previously to contradict what you are saying and/or doing presently), in order to “give someone a receipt,” you have to axly GIVE them a receipt. And unfortunately for you, just like when your lardass tries to take one Walmart receipt for those seven Hungrymans you ate in one shot and return them as “already opened” at a DIFFERENT Walmart, it doesn’t fly.
Oh, holy hell BUT!
Since you DID devote a full seventeen percent of your latest lame attempt at my beautiful, shined hourly Federweight championship to a false premise, I’ll give you one more chance to peruse my promotional videos (all neatly catalogued for you...YOU’RE WELCOME) in order to provide that receipt.
I’ll give you more time. There ARE nineteen of the fucking things, after all.
So! Still back with nothing, huh? Here’s a dose of reality when fighting me, something that name after name AFTER NAME has learned in the XWF:
Making up random shit about me isn’t going to work. Presenting falsehoods as facts isn’t going to work. Just ask around, Oh Fierce Warrior of Research, and see how well not bothering to know about your opponent works when facing me. See how well approaching me like some random person in the ring gets you. Factoid: NO ONE is like me.
But that’s okay! After all, YOU’RE the guy who thinks that schoolyard insults win championships! YOU’RE the guy who thinks that HE is the big bad wolf who is going to crush me, even though LITERALLY eighty-five percent (give or take) of my opponents are bigger and stronger. YOU’RE the guy who thinks that I don’t know EXACTLY how to kick down a larger opponent while focusing on the joints begging and pleading for a break from your bulk. YOU’RE the one who thinks that he, and HE ALONE, is the person who is going to succeed with a style and repertoire mine is literally built to counter and destroy.
And you want to talk about earned?
Ask Fucktard Bro #3.
I’m the Queen of the Ring for a reason, slowpoke. Literally have 65 wins in a career shorter than your Sergeant Serpent.
But then again, YOU’RE the guy busting out a Proverb about how wise it is to keep silent while contesting for a championship based on talking.
AND the guy who can’t spell Christopher.
I can only expect so much!
Vinnie! Darius! ANYONE! Call it before the dude ragequits! I’m begging ya!

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-14-2019)