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Chitty Chitty Chat Chat
Author Message
Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-17-2019, 07:59 PM

"Oh you think I'm Azrael from your current timeline. Nope, that's not a reality that coincides with the truth, I'm from 2012 originally. Come on, tell me that's a lie too, dumbfuck. I swear, hearing you speak is like witnessing the devolution of mankind, in slow motion. How were you the sperm that won the race of existence? Geez lousie! Do you really think that your words make any sort of impact, whatsoever? Please. That's naive, even for a sub-level species.... like yourself, to assume. Believe as you will, it makes no difference to me. Your thoughts and opinions, change nothing, in the grand scheme of things. Regardless of how wrong they are or misconstrued the logic truly is, it alters nothing. You're still the idiot proclaiming fairy tales as fact. Preaching that I'm a liar, based on the proof of a twitter feed because there's no way that could be false or untrue. A twitter feed that popped up and suddenly legitimized your argument. Sure. Cool story bro, whatever you say. Hey, for your next trick, maybe you can sign into your fake Kim Granger account and talk about how I used to be a way better shit talker and should have stayed away. Even though, I'm experiencing all of this... for the first time. Nah. I never traveled through time, that doesn't correspond with anything even remotely true that was documented and recorded in history, based on video footage that was released in the XWF. I'm just a crazy liar that makes up stories about sleeping with whores. I'm probably lying about being an alien too. Right-o. You keep drinking that grape Flavor-Aid. Meanwhile, I'll be over here, pointing and laughing at your utter ignorance."

"Fucking wanker."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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[-] The following 3 users Like Azrael Erebus's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-17-2019), Rain (04-18-2019), Tony Santos (04-17-2019)

Messages In This Thread
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-11-2019, 01:17 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Noah Jackson - 04-11-2019, 01:28 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-11-2019, 02:10 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Noah Jackson - 04-11-2019, 02:13 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-11-2019, 04:32 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-11-2019, 06:05 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Noah Jackson - 04-11-2019, 04:36 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Kid Kool - 04-11-2019, 06:59 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-11-2019, 07:08 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by John_Black - 04-12-2019, 03:36 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-12-2019, 07:09 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Kid Kool - 04-12-2019, 09:12 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-12-2019, 04:10 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-12-2019, 10:19 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-13-2019, 05:22 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-13-2019, 06:24 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-13-2019, 09:30 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Corey Smith - 04-13-2019, 09:20 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Kid Kool - 04-12-2019, 10:26 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-13-2019, 06:23 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Kid Kool - 04-12-2019, 10:39 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by John_Black - 04-13-2019, 10:08 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-13-2019, 10:13 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-13-2019, 08:20 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Luna Hightower - 04-13-2019, 08:28 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-14-2019, 09:10 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-14-2019, 07:31 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-14-2019, 11:08 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-15-2019, 02:54 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Noah Jackson - 04-15-2019, 03:49 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Lacklan - 04-15-2019, 03:54 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-15-2019, 04:37 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-17-2019, 07:55 AM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Luna Hightower - 04-17-2019, 12:00 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-17-2019, 12:15 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Luna Hightower - 04-17-2019, 12:20 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Azrael Erebus - 04-17-2019, 01:45 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Azrael Erebus - 04-17-2019, 03:50 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Azrael Erebus - 04-17-2019, 05:15 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Corey Smith - 04-17-2019, 05:54 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Luna Hightower - 04-17-2019, 09:37 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Azrael Erebus - 04-17-2019, 07:59 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-17-2019, 08:36 PM
re:Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Centurion - 04-18-2019, 03:09 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-18-2019, 04:51 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-18-2019, 07:37 AM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-18-2019, 03:59 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Rain - 04-18-2019, 05:52 PM
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-18-2019, 07:27 PM

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