World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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Joined: Tue Feb 19 2019
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04-12-2019, 05:21 PM
So, it’s Friday, right? And I am BORED out of my MIND! My Beloved is busy working. My Padawan Dolly is finishing up her promotional video that’s gonna murder VV. My bestie Angie is busy flirting with Drew Archyle by way of cat gifs. My OTHER bestie Roxy is at that gross and disgusting tanning salon AGAIN. And its because of THAT boredom that I realized that the "hey, lets talk some shit!" title is currently held by the dude who can only find wins over the likes of a monkey from an island that can't talk, a viking from the past (I think?), and a mini dude in a mask.
Yeah...that's not gotta fly with me. Time to pin this dude.
Here’s the dealio, dud: This business is no longer about muscle-bound jackoffs like you who make your big break in the business by oiling up and serving cocktails at some fabulous party where your server uniform is a Roman military uniform. The business is no longer about 260 pound fatasses who can’t bend over, much less chase down a badass like me. And it’s CERTAINLY no longer about someone with a tongue so swollen that they can barely spit out their cliche catch-phrases and shitty nicknames.
Big D.
Sweet Baby Jesus, what an embarrassment.
The reality is that while YOU were spending the last decade sitting on the couch and eating Bon Bon’s while taking about that ONE TIME when you won some “world” title in a fed no one remembers or cares about like some weird combination of both Al and Peggy Bundy, the entire business has left your flabby-ass behind. We travel the world while you whorf down your greasy sandwiches. We fight in every style will you keep it simple with some punches and kicks. We tear tendons and break bones while you pick someone up and gently set them down with the Dan Slam. And if you had to face a single of one us instead of the aforementioned collection of dipshits and morons, you’d find yourself staring up at the lights and salivating over your hope that you can get to catering after picking up your minimum wage check at the loser’s window.
I’m here in the XWF because I am DONE with hasbeens and losers like you. I am DONE with this business being full of slothful gluttons who think that giving the BARE MINIMUM is going to cut it. I am DONE with entry-level talent like YOU being considered a “world champion.” And, Christ Almighty, are you and your ilk going to get knocked on your ass when having to face someone like me.
Because I’m the Queen of Anarchy, dearie, and while you cry about holding this title you didn’t deserve in the first place and being disrespected, I’m the one sitting (very!) pretty at the top of the food chain.

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