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Finale Rosso
Author Message
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-28-2019, 07:18 PM

“Not a sparrow falls to the ground without His seeing it." "But it falls, just the same. What good is seeing it fall?” 

-Mark Twain's “The Mysterious Stranger” (also known as “No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger”).

Lux checked the seamlessness of her facial prosthetics in the rear view mirror, checking for any telling gaps or creases. Finding they were satisfactory, she tightened her hands around the steering wheel of the stolen cleaning service van. “Presti-Clean”, is what the side of the van shouted, complete with a smiling cartoon of a freshly pressed shirt. HELPER had been instrumental not just in finding the Boy's location, but in discovering the precious piece of information that would be her only inroad to the safe house where he was being kept. Turned out even unwitting servants of pure evil needed their uniforms and bedding washed.

It was a blessing really. The Blackwater Security safe house in rural Oregon was as well defended as it was secretive, and the likelihood of success of any other form of infiltration was nil, given the omnipresent nature of the security cameras on the premises, and the bullet proof glass reinforced with steel latticework grates that defended each window. The downside of course, was that everyone who was not a Blackwater employee could only enter after subjecting themselves to passing through a metal detector and a full pat down. Lux was going in completely unarmed, and knew she would have to improvise along the way as she waged her assault against the 10 well trained Blackwater personnel within, and perhaps even this mysterious Number 44 himself.

Drawing in a deep breath, she put the truck into drive and called out “We're going in.” Two knocks sounded in response from the rear of the truck. She smiled viciously when she heard them, thinking to herself, “Oh if they only knew....”

Puling the truck up to the automated gate, she rolled down the window and waved to the camera, but not before ensuring her hat was pulled down at a jaunty angle to conceal a portion of her face. For as much faith as she had in the prosthetics, she wasn't going to take any unnecessary risks. She tensed a bit as she waited for the gate's welcoming buzz, but buzz it did and she was allowed entry. Releasing a breath she didn't even truly realize she had been holding, she rounded a corner past a copse of trees until the safe house came into view.

[Image: photodune-788572-home-of-your-dreams-s-620x415.jpg]

She almost chuckled at it's veneer of urbane gentility, and wondered who did Blackwater's gardening. They certainly didn't spare much expense at making it look as unassuming as possible. And considering that her experience with Blackwater's hires often left her surprised that they were capable of more than primitive grunts and pelvic thrusts, she knew these flower patterns certainly weren't the work of any of their mercenary foot soldiers.

Lux brought the truck up to park before the front door, and before she could even unbuckle her seat belt, she saw one of the mercenaries step out the front. Holding his hand up, he gestured Lux towards him imperiously. Lux took stock of his arms, a single pistol in a shoulder holster. He was dressed in a simple polo shirt and slacks otherwise. I need to get my dolly. Lux called out without stepping from the vehicle. The merc considered the request for a moment, before making a sweeping motion with his hand, giving her the “go ahead”. Carefully, Lux disembarked and walked around to the back of the truck. Throwing open the door, she took hold of the dolly, shooting a cursory look at the bin of soiled garments that concealed her passenger, before slamming the door shut again. Bringing the dolly up to the front of the house, Lux met the mercenary. Her heart hammered a bit in her chest, this being the other choke point where things could go from bad to worse.

You new? The merc asked.

Lux did her best to keep her glance at the man short, but not short enough to draw suspicion. Yeah, I started last week.

They didn't say anything about somebody new.

Fuck. Lux cursed inwardly. Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. Wanna see my ID?


Lux reached into her pocket, removing the leather wallet that she had stocked with fake plastic credit cards and assorted bills to make it look as realistic as possible. Then, withdrawing the forged ID, she presented it to the man. Lux tried to breathe normally as he perused it. The Presti-Clean ID badges weren't exactly an advanced affair, but it didn't rule out the possibility that the fake she and HELPER had spent the last 24 hours perfecting was undetectable. After an excruciating series of seconds, he handed it back to her. You'll have to step through a metal detector and be....

It's ok, I know.

The merc nodded and gestured her inside. Passing through the front door, she saw that the metal detector was front and center. Just beyond it, to the left was a living room area, and to the right was a dining room. Another merc stood next to the metal detector, he a bit more geared up with a bullet proof vest. Lux let go of the dolly and removed her keys and wallet, placing them in the plastic bin the merc with the vest offered her. She stepped through the detector, waited for the beep of confirmation, and then stepped out. The polo shirted merc then pulled the dolly around the detector. He instructed her to turn around, before running his hands up and down her body for a very thorough pat down. Lux gave a nervous chuckle, adding a bit of authenticity to the simple low wage worker she was portraying. The merc looked up as he finished the pat down.

Don't get excited now. He said dryly.

Oh, I won't. Lux added a touch of a stammer to her reply.

As the merc finished his inspection, he nodded to bullet proof vest before returning his attention to Lux. I'll take you to the laundry room. Lux nodded in confirmation, and was lead through the dining room and into a kitchen, the merc opting to carry the dolly. Taking a hard right past the fridge, the merc opened up another door, leading her down a flight of stairs into a finished basement. At the bottom of the stairs, to one side was the typical accoutrements of a basement. Hot water heater, some storage. On the other side was a door with a key pad entry. Most likely their security monitoring station for the house. Lux was led to the more conventional side, and the merc pointed to a smaller side door to the left of some plastic totes. He opened the door for her, but a niggling sensation struck Lux like lightning when she saw that the lights inside were off. The merc gestured for her to enter.

Can you turn on the lights?

You afraid of the dark? The switch is on the right.

Something's not right. Lux hesitated. The polo merc, noting her pause, frowned.

I ain't got all day. I'm waiting on you to get your shit. He muttered.

Lux forced a smile and grabbed the dolly from the polo merc. She stepped into the room. But someone was already inside. Hearing the distinctive, but barely perceptible sound of plastic moving, Lux knew it was a trap. Seeing the light behind her begin to iris shut as the polo wearing mercenary tried to close the door behind her, she stuck one foot back to wedge it open. And that's when the night vision goggles from the deeper recesses of the room sprung on. She felt a shove from behind as she was pushed into the room, and the door slammed shut behind her. Using the momentum of the shove, Lux tucked and rolled into the dark. A spatter of assault rife fire split the ground in her wake. FUCK! she screamed inwardly, knowing she was in an unknown space with an assailant that had every advantage.

Lux sprung to her feet, putting a hand out to try to get some bearing of where she was in the room. Finding a wall, she looked into the green orbs of the goggles to judge her attacker's response. She darted again, and felt plaster kick at her back as bullets tore into the wall she just left. Lux rolled again towards the source of the gunfire, and ended up barreling into his legs. The gunman cursed, retraining his aim on the ground, but Lux had already pinioned her legs around the man's knees, taking him down. Hearing his body hit the floor, she waited to hear the gun hit as well and was disappointed when it didn't. Realizing the time for finesse was gone, she leapt on his body, feeling for the gun to ensure it was not aimed at her. He tried to bring it to bear, but Lux was able to take hold of his gun arm and hold it at bay while she zeroed in on his face with her teeth. Finding the bridge of his nose, she bit down hard until she felt the fresh warm rush of blood on her mouth. The man howled in pain, bringing his free arm up to grasp the back of her neck and try to wrench her off.

Lux wrapped her legs around the man's torso then, like a black widow spider devouring a mate, and reared her head back and forward again to deliver a brutal headbutt to where she determined his nose and mouth to be. She heard an enraged howl, but the grip on the back of her neck loosened, so she did it again, this time feeling the sensation of a tooth breaking off in her forehead. The grip on her fell away, and Lux delivered the coup de grace, chancing the opportunity to slide his goggles off his face to deliver one last blast to his eye socket. That seemed to do the trick, as her enemy was now motionless. Wasting no time in picking up the night vision goggles and the gun, she placed the goggles over her own eyes.

Hey, did you get him? The polo shirt shouted through the closed door.

Taking a look around the room, she saw that it wasn't a laundry room at all. It was completely empty, and lined with plastic to catch what was supposed to be her pooling blood. They had planned this ambush well in advance. Lux let off one more quick burst of gun fire, and followed it up with a high pitched scream.

Come on Anders, fucking answer me!

Lux, doing her best to disguise her voice, called out a choked “Help”! Then, taking a firing stance, she leveled the gun at the door. The door inched open, and the other merc slid his hand up the wall to find the-shit, LIGHTSWITCH! Lux slammed her eyes shut and tossed off the goggles to avoid being blinded. The lights snapped on and Lux lit up the polo shirted merc. He fell against the wall with a choked scream, his blood painting the off white wall as he sunk. Ears ringing, she spent one round into the forehead of the man at her feet, and then another kill shot into the head of polo shirt, before approaching the door. Chancing a look through the threshold, she saw another olive complected mercenary taking cover in the stairwell into the basement. She also noted that the door to the security room was now open. Pulling her head in, she breathed out a sigh.

You're not getting out of here alive! This, from the stairwell. Lux ran a wrist over her forehead, dislodging the piece of tooth that had embedded itself there and coming away with a smear of blood on her forearm. Lux attuned her hearing to her surroundings, mind racing to conceive of a plan. At first, she heard nothing from outside her vantage point, but then she heard the sound of another pair of feet moving down the basement steps. Cocking her head in that direction, she heard another sound soon after that made her blood run cold. It was the sound of something small and spherical bouncing it's way towards her position. It began to hiss as it rolled. Tear gas! Lux slammed the door shut, brain screaming. Then, her eyes setting on the plastic, an idea dawned on her. Scrambling for the edge of the plastic sheeting, she quickly tore away a sizable chunk of it and wasted no time wrapping it around her face. Clamping it round the back of her head with her free hand, she held her breath and spoke a silent prayer to the heaven's above before throwing open the door into the rapidly growing smoke and tossing herself into the basement, firing blindly in the direction of the stairs and the security room. Hearing cries of surprise, she pressed the advantage of her insane act, rushing the stairs and firing. Then, tearing the plastic away from her face, she barreled into the open security room door, hitting the far wall and spinning in one smooth motion. The merc who was taking cover next to the door looked at her in astonishment, but it was the last thing he could do before she lit him up.

Despite the plastic covering she had put over her face, Lux still felt a dull sting on her flesh from the gas. Nonetheless, she knew she had to keep moving. Forcing the dead body out of the way, she took his vantage point, but saw no one at the base of the basement stairs. Realizing they must have retreated back up to higher ground, she cursed inwardly as she assumed they must have positioned themselves at the top. Thinking quickly again, she picked up the body in front of her, but gasped a bit for the weight of him. Mustering as much strength as she could, she wrapped one arm around his waist and hefted him up, forcing the dead weight out in front of her as she stepped up to the base of the stairs. Then, using the body as a shield, she fired blindly up the stairs. She heard one pained scream and cheered inwardly, but then felt the thud of multiple rounds impacting the corpse, and then a fierce burn on her forearm. Lux called out in pain, dropping the body and looking up the stairs. The olive complected man from before was prone at the top, but still alive. Lux risked a look down at her forearm, and saw the path of a flesh wound that one of the bullets had carved through her arm.

The olive complected man, bleeding deep from his shoulder, reached down for the gun he had dropped on the third step. But Lux was just a bit faster, and she emptied a round into his neck before he could reach it. He gurgled and sputtered, clutching his throat as Lux rounded the corner past him, taking another defensive position behind the fridge. A bullet pinged off the fridge, and then another, as whoever this was seemed to be firing wildly. Lux ducked out from cover, and saw a young man with a military style buzz cut backing up into the dining room and firing. He looked wide eyed and panicked. Lux raced just across from the fridge to tuck behind an island in the center of the kitchen, and was dismayed when she saw a bearded man step clearly into view from a back door leading out to a terrace not eight feet from her. They both seemed to surprise each other, and their opening salvos missed. Lux ducked around to the other side of the island as the bearded man retreated back out onto the terrace. Then, no longer hearing the sounds of gunfire, she peeked up above the kitchen island and could no longer see the young Blackwater merc from before. Assessing the view into the terrace, she saw the other man had disappeared as well. Lux pressed into the dining room, and found the young man taking up cover behind a couch, drawing a bead on her from the living room. His shot went wide, and Lux returned fire, but her bullets simply emptied into the couch.

Walk away, kid! Lux barked, trying to intimidate the fearful young man. But he did not respond. She darted around the dining room table, gun trained on the living room area. But the young man had not popped up again. Then, she heard the tell tale sounds of ragged pained breathing. Circling the couch, she saw that one of her wild shots into the couch had hit the young man in the abdomen. He looked up at her, eyes pleading. Please-! He started, but Lux ended his life.

Just then, something else drew her attention. The bearded fighter from the terrace had returned, and he was eclipsing the door way into the kitchen. Lux saw him just in time to see his arm arc back. He lobbed another sphere into the living room, and Lux realized in horror what he had just thrown. Lux threw herself back up and over the couch as the fragmentation grenade exploded behind it. Tucking into a ball to reduce her surface area, she saw tufts of plush kick into the air as the room was filled with deadly shrapnel. Some of it lit into the ceiling, bringing down chunks of plaster. The big screen television set was rendered into a ruin. Lux uncurled, but as she did so she felt a bite on her thigh, and saw that a piece of shrapnel had passed through the couch to embed itself there. Looking up at the bearded man, she fired across the length of the dining room, taking him in the chest and dumping him back into the kitchen. Hearing thumping from upstairs, she made a dash back towards the kitchen, but her thigh screamed the whole time. Slipping against the kitchen counters, she assessed her wound, and saw it pumping blood. Fighting back a croak, she sat up on her knees and started pulling open drawers until she found a knife. Then, digging the knife into the wound and, letting out a feral scream, she set about pulling the piece of shrapnel out. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! She howled as the knife bit and searched around, but finally she was able to leverage the tip of the blade against the foreign object and pop it out. Lux got up again and hastily grabbed at a roll of paper towels, ripping off a wad and jamming them into her open wound. Pressing it there and letting it stick, she looked back out into the living room and saw two more mercenaries reaching the bottom floor, one of whom was the same guard at the door from earlier. Lux fired at them, and they were both able to duck out of the way. Lux looked down at the body of the bearded man on the floor, and her heart leapt. Attached to his tactical vest were two more fragmentation grenades! Lux pulled the body away from the threshold and took possession of the grenades. Then, peeking back out into the dining room, she spied the the enemies from the second floor advancing towards her.

Please, I give up! She gasped. I'm hurt real bad! Here! Lux tossed her assault rifle through the threshold into the dining room. Hearing the pace of her attackers not let up as they no doubt intended to greedily come in for the kill, Lux sent in a frag grenade to meet them. One explosive burst and two horrified screams later, and her field was clear once more. Stepping into the shattered dining room with a pained grunt, she put more pressure on the paper towels to stanch her own wound again, and she scooped up a fresh assault rifle. Heading to the stairs, she slowly started to mount them, finally finding herself staring down a hallway of four doors. Lux took the first door, finding it ajar. It led into a bathroom. Lux backed up into the bathroom, but the sound of the shower curtain being pushed aside caused her to reel. Stupid! she cursed, as a beast of a man lunged at her from the shower stall with a knife. Lux fell back against the sink to dodge the slash, taking his arm and trying to turn his momentum against him, but he was too strong and her thigh wound too distracting, he pulled away with ease and back handed her in the face. Her vision exploded before her, and she found herself stumbling back into a seated position on the toilet and dropping her gun. The big man lunged again, throwing his weight into her and knocking her off the toilet and onto the floor. Bringing the knife to bear, he tried to force it down into Lux's neck. Then, another threat appeared, a reedy looking man in camo with a handgun appeared in the doorway. Brock, give me a shot! He called, as he tried to aim at Lux.

Lux did her best to avoid making it easy for the gunman as she also tried to fend off the knife. But she knew this couldn't last forever, so she returned to an old favorite. She reared back and sunk her teeth deep into the man's neck, ripping and tearing to the point that she felt two of her own teeth begin to crack. The blade wielder roared and the reedy man said something else that Lux couldn't quite make out. Seeing a bit of an opening, Lux snapped her arm out to take her gun, and, putting the muzzle directly up the skull of the man atop her, blew his brains out.

Oh fuck! The reedy merc howled as he bowed out of the doorway. Lux tossed the body off of her and crawled to the threshold to see the camo-wearer running down the hall. She shot him in the back and he stumbled, falling ass over tea kettle. Lux spit the taste of gun powder and broken tooth from her mouth, and in so doing realized she was now almost completely deaf on the accompanying side. I hope that comes back... She muttered as she forced herself to stand once more. Using the wall for leverage (her thigh was absolutely throbbing and bleeding anew), she scanned the closed doors before her warily. Suddenly, one of them opened, and another merc in a combat vest appeared. He aimed at her, but Lux was a bit faster, taking him in the face and unscrewing his jaw with her shot.

Lux confirmed her mental tally. That should have been all of them. But there was still no sign of the boy. Lux went to this most recently opened door and nudged it open, seeing only cots. She proceeded down the hall, gun levied in front of her. Opening the next door, she saw nothing but more cots and a gun locker. That left only one more option.

Lux approached the final door and eased it open. Inside, the room was largely empty aside from a large steel door with a keypad entry. A panic room, closed. Reasoning that the boy was likely inside, she went to the pad, but was suddenly cut off by a force blasting her from the side. Her mind reeled as she fell, landing hard on her already wounded thigh. There was no one there! Rolling onto her stomach, Lux again assumed a firing position, and what she saw defied explanation.

Someone WAS there, who was simply not mere seconds before.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ74Oph2Rwr_qZr042O41r...KN1NTFp2Ig]

Recovering quickly, Lux opened fire. And her blood ran cold with the sheer impossibility of what happened next. Wriggling maggots spilled out of the barrel of her gun. Horrified, she dropped it to the floor and looked up at the leering visage of the hawk featured man who stood before her.

Final boss. The mysterious stranger intoned. Lux pushed her way up to a standing position, fresh blood running down her leg. That looks painful. He mused, his voice impassive.

Number 44. Lux whispered.

You're good. He replied, matter of factly. I regret not being able to use this time to reveal my villainous plan for world domination. Our situation IS rather unique in that you've already seen it play itself out.

Lux bit down the pain screaming in her thigh. You're The Beast..... she accused, finally being able to speak truth to power of what she had suspected since learning of the existence of Number 44. That Number 44 was the boogeyman, that indefinable “other” from her timeline who has pushed the chaos engine of the world's destruction into motion. Never actually seen or encountered, The Beast was a vague amorphic pseudonym she and the rest of the resistance had applied to the “puller of strings” that had acted behind the scenes. Some had argued that there was no “Beast”. Some had mythologized that the Beast was some kind of supernatural entity. Or even a God. It chilled Lux to the bone to see, here and now, that the latter may have been correct. What are you? Lux rasped.


What does that even mean....?

You want the textbook definition? Number 44 cocked his head at her, looking amused. But before Lux could reply, both of their attentions were abruptly drawn to the steel door of the panic room, which slid open. The boy stood in place.

Get back inside.

I want to watch you end her life. The boy intoned, his voice devoid of emotion.

The time would never be more perfect. Lux brought the final fragmentation grenade to bear, the grenade she had been palming since she set foot in this room. Depressing the button on it, she lobbed in at Number 44. Catch.

The monster wheeled, instinctively catching the device without quite realizing what he had done.


Number 44 leapt away from from the boy, landing on the floor and using his own mass to conceal the detonation. Lux averted her gaze and sunk to the floor. The boy simply watched, fascinated.

The detonation tore Number 44's body apart, the metal bearings and jagged edges blowing out his back. His bottom jaw was ripped clean off his face and sent spiraling away, and his legs blew away from the rest of the torso, pinwheeling wildly before coming to a rest. Gore and viscera were the expected result, but not quite what Lux had obtained however. Because while Number 44's body had been roundly decimated, there were no entrails or even blood to speak of. His insides were nothing but a mass of formless blackness, that started to ooze out from the broken pieces in a delayed fashion. Lux's stomach lurched at the strangeness of the sight.

The boy, somehow seeming less daunted, instead shifted gears straight into self preservation. Realizing his protector was no more, he started inching back into the doorway of the panic room, hoping not to draw the assassin's attention. But draw it he did, and with a sharp surprised intake of air, Lux saw what he was doing. Reacting quickly, she scooped up the useless rifle and chucked it at the boy. It struck him in the face, sending him stumbling back, which was just enough of an opening for Lux to make a mad dash for the open door. Just as she reached the threshold, the leg beneath the wounded thigh went numb and buckled, and she fell on top of the boy. Grasping for the gun, she pushed it up and underneath the boy's chin and pressed it down against his throat. The boy clawed at her, his eyes overcast with rage as a froth started to pump out from beneath his lips.


The dismayed voice spoke behind her. That completely, horribly, awfully expected voice. Corey's voice. Lux ignored it, continuing to throttle the child.

Corey appeared then in front of her, face a morass of shock and anger and disgust. What are you doing?!


Jesus Christ....LUX! Corey howled, eyes locked on the child, and then on her. STOP IT!

Lux kept her gaze focused on her target, desperately trying not to betray any feeling as she proceeded with her kill.

STOP IT! His voice started to sound shrill and desperate now.

Lux continued choking the child.

I told everyone that what you did was about hope! DOES THIS LOOK LIKE HOPE TO YOU! KILLING A KID?! YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!

Her eyes started going blurry, even as the boy's struggling began getting weaker and weaker. It was almost done. Corey would hate her forever, but please please God it was almost done....

Then, Lux suddenly found herself on her back. Her mind reeled. What the hell just happened? Oh no... Her arm had gone dead, no, not dead. Out of her control. Trying to quell a fresh surge of panic, she understood what was happening. Corey was fighting her for control, trying to push her back down and under. Lux put the arm she could still control under her, sitting up just enough to gain a view of her situation. The boy was panting and spitting up on the floor and Number, please no.....

Number 44 was piecing himself back together.

The thick black ichor that had started to pool out from his devastated appendages had tightened and congealed into a webbing, webbing that was reaching out, grasping for the largest mass that was left of him and connecting the splayed extremities back to their home.

Lux found her head forced back down to the floor, and her chest heaved and bucked. COREY YOU NEED TO STOP! She commanded. The body seized again, violently, as Lux's plea went unheeded. With an anguished cry, she turned herself within, pushing back against Corey's will with everything she had. WE'RE GOING TO DIE!

The boy forced some more bile up and through his lips, working out the pain in his throat. But more than the pain, the child was beholden to a burning rage. Coughing, he disappeared into the panic room and reappeared with his knife. Lux craned her neck up just in time to see him approach, and then it was pulled back down again as a fresh assault from Corey made her go numb. Tears squeezed out of Lux's eyes. No, no, no....please....Corey....please.... She pleaded.

The boy mounted her, sitting down on her chest. Lux noted with disgust that an erection was tugging at the little deviant's jeans. His mouth split into a feral cry of triumph as he raised the blade above his head, intent on plunging it deep down into her sternum.



The boy's head split open like a crushed watermelon, brains avulsing out the back of his skull and raining down on the floor behind him. His face sagged for the force of the shot, nearly deflating like a spent balloon. His body toppled over.

FUCK YOU YOU LITTLE PECKER! The gravely voice belted out in triumph. Lux gasped in relief at the sight of her accomplice.

[Image: Doug-Hutchison-as-Davros-24-Season-8-1024x576.jpg]

Dexter fucking Bright. The Engineer his goddamned self.

Engy waded into the thick of the chaotic scene, waving his high caliber pistol wildly, a look of pure manic glee on his face.


The former longest reigning Universal champion of XWF's modern era considered the inhuman monstrosity piecing itself back together on the floor. It's broken jaw, tethered and being reeled in by one of those strands of black ichor, was halfway back to his face when Engy shot through the tether, severing it.



He empties a shot into Number 44/Aiwass' skull, blistering it open.













A sickly howl escapes what's left of Aiwass' lips, which by this point is effectively all that's left of his skull. The tendrils of black slime release their hold on the destroyed appendages, and start retracting like whips into the largest mass of the beast's torso. Engy recoils as the whips snicker-snap into the air as they pull back in, and in a flash, the main torso is simply gone. Engy looks about, dismayed. And then, he pumps his gun hand in the air jubilantly.


Engy starts humping the air furiously., thrusting his pelvis in and out.


Finally his gaze lands on Lux, almost as an afterthought.

Oh shit, you okay?

Lux swallows, and she pinches her eyes shut. Corey is no longer resisting. I don't know.

Whew, that was a close one. Engy shakes his head. And then, he stumbles a bit, his eyes starting to lose focus. Startin'...uhhhh....startin' to feel like maybe I gotta sit down.....overzerted meself errrr.....

Engy collapses in a heap. And Lux starts to cry exhausted tears.

-------------------------------------------THE BLACK QUEEN--------------------------------------
The evilest woman in wrestling history leers into the face of the U.S. Representative from the great state of Iowa, Steve King.

You ready to get fucked, bitch? Madison Dyson purrs.

Steve, ball gag firmly wedged in his mouth, nods excitedly, causing his doughy pasty body to sway a bit in the leather sex harness suspending him from the ceiling. Steve is completely nude, save for a massive dildo shoved all the way up his asshole. Protruding from the end of the dildo is a lengthy wick, like the kind you might find at the end of a firework. Steve is positioned in the elaborate contraption with his ass in the air, taking a servile position. Madison slaps him across the face, and fixes the jaunty Nazi officer's cap on her head.

[Image: 200px-Werewolf11.jpg]

The room surrounding them is filled to the brim with Nazi relics and memorabilia, including a life size wax replica of Adolf Hitler. Steve King's face is facing Hitler, and judging from the throbbing boner he's producing the sight of Der Furher is doing it for him. Madison withdraws a book of matches from the breast pocket of her kitsch Nazi jacket, strike's one of them and lights the fuse at the end of the dildo dangling from between Steve's butt cheeks.

But then, something in the air changes. The swastika banners in the room start to gently flutter. The full size Hitler replica rocks a bit. And then, a black pool begins to appear right in front of the leader of the Nazi party. Steve notices it first, his eyes going wide. And then, a skeletal torso starts to lurch itself up out of the depths of the black pool.

[Image: justdungeonmasterthings-a-lich-who-is-re...some-2.gif]

At that point, the Fascist congress critter starts to scream beneath his ball gag. This finally draws Madison's attention, and she steps to the fore to see what's going on. Her lips part at the unearthly site.

The skull of Aiwass' broken body rights itself, and the lipless jaws part to gasp out a single word. Maaadiiiiisoooon....

Madison's face goes slack with shock. And then she quickly recovers, her features tugging down into an expression of...pure annoyance?

Oh you fucked this up somehow, didn't you?! Madison stamps the heel of one of her black thigh high boots petulantly on the floor. Steve King screams again in terror, right before a spray of red white and blue fireworks come pulsing out of his ass.


ooc: im engy, lol

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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Finale Rosso - by Corey Smith - 03-28-2019, 07:18 PM

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