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Compassion, Vita or Fear - You can't have it both ways
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-20-2019, 10:29 PM


Mastermind managed to reach his Auntys place but he was still in a bad way. He kept seeing images of his two boys racing through his mind.

He started banging on his Aunt's door. His Aunty, Cheryll, was one of his favourite Aunties. Actually she was even his Godmother. They were really close. He had stayed with her during the School holidays when he was growing up. They were really close.

The door opened and his Aunty looked out.

"'M' is that you? What's wrong?"

"I won't let them take Vinnie, or Jacob!!!" Sobbed Mastermind "Please Aunty Cheryll don't let them take the kids,"

Cheryll looked at the condition of her nephew, then looked past him to see who he was talking about but she couldn't see anyone (yet).

"'M' where are the boys?"

"In Wellington!"

"Then where's Maria?"

"Right.... here.... Cheryll," panted Maria running up, out of breath

"Maria, what the hell is going on? Why is my nephew in this state?"

Mastermind turned to Maria and dropped to his knees.

"Please don't let the terrorists get our kids,"

Maria started stroking Masterminds hair, trying to calm him down.

She looked at Cheryll "He's not taking what happened last week, down here, very well at all. He was in the States competiting, but being so far away from the country he loved so much while this happened, has not helped."

Cheryll watched as her nephew put his head against his wifes stomach.

"But didn't he host the XWF'S Wednesday Night Warfare up in Wellington two weeks ago?"

"He did yes, but then he went to the States to put all in his energies into trying to win their damn King of the ring tournment for the upcoming Pay Per View. He was too focused on that, and then when last week happened, his emotions came spewing out of him."

"I see," replied Cheryll sounding not too impressed by the whole situation

"Excuse me Ma'ams," came a voice behind Maria

Maria turned around to see Ricky? Who had the syringe in his hand.

"Is that you Ricky?" asked Cheryll

"Yes Ma'am,"

"What's in your hand?"

"It'll help calm the Boss down,"

"It'll sedate him, Cheryll," said Maria "If we don't he"s lible to go destructive and we don't want that."

"He's at my place," replied Cheryll "I'm pretty sure he won't even try. But I won't stand in the way, you know him best,"

"I'm sorry Cheryll," nodding at Ricky "But it is for the best."

With a concerned look, Cheryll watched as Ricky came slowly foward, and put his hand calmly on Mastermind's.

Mastermind looked up at him with tears still running down his face.

"Sorry boss,"

With a quick movement, Ricky administered the injection, at first Mastermind hinted that he was going to react with the attack, buy Maria's soothing touch kept him going crazy.

The injection soon took control and Mastermind slumped forward unconcious. Ricky grabbed his boss.

"The spare room is made up," said Cheryll sternly "You guys can stay, I want make sure my nephew is okay. And, Maria, you and I need to talk."

Both Maria and Ricky nodded.

Ricky had placed Mastermind in bed before leaving to sort out stuff that hiss boss would want him to. Meanwhile Maria made sure her husband was comfortable. He was out to it, fully asleep.

Half an hour later Maria walked into the lounge with a laptop under her arm. Ricky had brought in their over gear. She walked over to the table. The kitchen was adjoining the lounge, and Cheryll was putting a meal together. She looked into the lounge to see Maria setting up the lap-top.

"How's my nephew?"

"Sleeping comfortably,"

"That's good,"

"Cheryll," started Maria "I know you want some answers, and I'm going to give you them, but if you can give me 15 minutes, I just need to get a promo out on behalf of your nephew, when I'm done you can have all the answers you want,"

Cheryll gave a wry smile "Go right ahead. Would you like a cuppa?"

Maria smiled back "Yes please,"

Maria sat down and pushed the button to go live to the XWF Universe.

She sat there in silence for a few seconds with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Vita Valenteen....... What an extraordinary eletter that you sent through XWF Management so that they can us, sorry to my hsband halfway around the world......"

Maria went quiet again.

"But I have to say.... WOW..... For such a young girl you write witha bucket full of compassion. What you said meant a lot. It touched me right here."

Maria put her hand on her heart.

"And it certainly effected my husband as you well and truly intended to do."

Maria sat forward, clearing her throat.

"You said your heart goes out to my husband and our family and to the nation of New Zealand. That right there was a major tear jerker all on its own. You knew my husband was vulnerable and you knew it would make him even more."

Maria sat in silence trying to regather her composure.

"You even apologized for making it looked like you were making fun at my husband's shock of finding out what happen to Christchurch last Friday. I genuinely believed you and so did my husband. Once again you exploited my husband by using your strong compassionaite side."

Maria sighed.

"But then you let your true colours shine, Vita, and I must say how sneaky you've been about it. My husband won't admit it of course as he likes to think of himself as a true master of minds. Not that I'm calling you a master of minds, but just a manipulator at best.

"Because on one hand,"
she brought up her left hand "You have shown yourself as a young compassionate person, but on the other hand," she raises her right hand "You are showing yourself to be a vixien of manipulation."

Maria smiles almost like her husbands infamous smirk "I do see through you Miss Vixen and I'm not the one who has the mental capabilities of that, that's my husband,, but I've been learning a thing or two over the years, and it is now that I can use it with my husband temporily out of commission

"You Miss Vixen have very cunningly used your compassion to get inside my husband's vulnerability, and to get inside his head. Not many people have been able to do that. In fact only one person has been able to claim that. The one the only Doctor Louis D'Ville.

"Yet Miss Vixen. Vita Valenteen. Doctor D'ville you are clearly not, because the Doc would never have gotten caught in trying to manipulate someone. He would already be in his opponents head."

Maria starts laughing. Then she starts pointing to her head and then pointing at the screen.

"I truly see what you are doing you cunning bitch you. You use jokes to deflect from what you are really feeling. You, youself are feeling scared. True scaredness at the sight of how powerful my husband can get when he is truly unhinged.

"You deflect that by using it to show my husband that if he gets too out of control then it's on him when it comes to consequences should someone really get hurt."

Maria starts clapping "Well done Vita, very well done."

Suddenly she stops clapping and she becomes serious.

"Let me tell you this Missy. You are X-treme champion missy. You use anything and everything at your disposal to injure or incapicitate your opponents, that's why you've been champion for 71 days (as of monday), and that you are chasing down 5th position. So you if all people, Vita, know in order to stay champion you must go the extra mile to be extreme and that means pushing boundaries even if it means crossing the line.

"So don't for one second paint the picture for all the world to see that my husband could become so grief stricken that he could be a danger to not only himself but to everyone around him, including you and your bestie Jessalyn Hart. Because we both know that if it came down to it, you, Miss Vixen, could drown someone if you were had the chance. Because after all, you are the bitch of extreme."

Maria composed herself as she felt she was too worked up.

"So Miss Smarty pants your play book is now out in the open for all the world to see and if you want to feel real fear, then I'm going to come to the States with my husband and if it comes down to unleashing all hell on the Pool Side Massacre Match, I'm going to instruct my husband's staff to take him off all medication, should he be on any that is, and let him weave his magic so he can become three time x-treme champion."

Maria starts laughing again but stops once again. She sits forward as close to the screen as she could get.

"One last thing, bitch, evening by mentioning time travelling you are desregrating the very memory of the people who died in the Christchurch mosques, and peoples grief. Some might argue that those people and everyone else involved wouldn't even remember if time was reset, even those that died would be brought back to life.

"I will say.... bullshit to that arguement. It's called disrespect and then after all that I believe the universe does things for a reason. As hard as it to see what happened, happen, I believe New Zealand as a whole was suppose to experience the events of last Friday, three days ago, and learn a lesson from it.

"And boy we are showing the world a lesson. Kiwis standing up as one behind the Muslims, and instead of showing anger, but showing compassion and love.

"But you, Vita, want to discredit that, by changing time. But believe you, me, bitch, the Universe would find a way to course correct and time correct itself, and all the issues will just spring forth again. That means YOU, VITA VALENTEEN, would never learn the lessons. So how fucking dare you even to suggest that.

"Do us all a favor and leave the fuck alone. So be a good girl and focus on other things.

"I'll talk to you again, soon, Vita, you can count on that. And if your so called bestie ever shows her face, I've got words for her too."

Maria sits back and ends the promo.










Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Compassion, Vita or Fear - You can't have it both ways - by Mastermind - 03-20-2019, 10:29 PM

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