Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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07-17-2018, 10:13 PM
A ballad of metal commences vulgarly in the background
MICHEAL do you remember this song? A song from days gone by? A time when we walked the same direction! We took the field against the entire XWF roster waging war! Brothers bonded for life! United we stood, divided we fell! AX3’S entrance music was a peach! Ah, those were the days. It still makes the hair on my neck stand at attention. Do you ever just sit back and reminisce? Wondering how things could have been? If we made more unconventional moves? Where could we have ended up and even where we might be today? I certainty do!
The sluggish creeks of the swings, rust-covered, decaying chains advancing back and forth on the gentle evening breeze, sent tremors up and down Robert's spine. All the memories of his childhood came flooding back all at once! The once metal tunnel was now a brown-beige covered in oxidation barely visible through the patches of weeds and vines. What had been a place of boundless joy, of placidity and tranquility, could now be the set of a grindhouse horror picture.
The atmosphere was intensely brisk as the wind swirled about. I could feel the hairs on my neck raise as the goosebumps covered me from head to toe! The fridge wind hit my face gently blowing my beard to the side. I sat on a swing just leering off in orbit for a few moments. Graves was a sensitive subject to me! Each reason was vastly contrasting! The landscape had changed so much over time the XWF is barely recognizable. New champions, new faces each week, and death. Jim To be exact.
MICHEAL It’s been quite a long time since you and I have communicated face to face. I just hope you can take a split second and really consider the reason why? Understanding it shouldn’t really take much speculation, there are a considerable number of particular reasons as to “why”! None of them was your wrongdoing per say! The whole Dolly Waters thing though? You locked that poor girl in a freaking cage! That was ghoulish man! That right there, I did have an issue with, that seems like millions of years ago now. It’s water under the bridge now! Plus, you seem better nowadays, you just won the Tag Team Championships! Congratulations are in order, and any time someone can beat the living shit out of Chris Chaos I’ll give a shout out and a pat on the back! But back to you and me! You and I just haven’t traversed paths for a while now. You took some time off, which I don’t have any issues with. We all need some time off to reevaluate everything going on around us! As fate would have it, here we are standing face to face at a crossroads! There is a considerable amount of ways this could all shake out, off in the distance the greatest prize of them all! Well at shot at it at least. I want to be the first to say this, I want you to heed my warning! You are hearing it from the horse's mouth! Where you decide to go from here is strictly your choice and yours alone!
Fate was as forbidding as death, which was something Robert knew first hand. They were the demons in his life, the ones that fastened onto his neck so tightly they squeezed the air out of him. Yet Robert figured that at least fate would get exasperated and stop the suffocating, that its clutches would burn out. Love seemed to be the same way, but like everything else, it too always deteriorated and eventually let go. Even so, love was authoritative, but fate was overpowering, relentless, unstoppable. At last fate, like an overtried mother or father who has grown tired of giving subtle hints to their unheeding children, brought down by their heavy hand that crashed down upon them.
Now MICHEAL I want you to know this isn’t intimidation foreshadowing or even a threat, nor a promise or anything in-between. But take this sentence to Hart! Graves if you decide it is in your best interest to cross me at Leap Of Faith! I will personally make sure you pay for your sins in blood! Now I’m not saying come at me or you should even back down from confrontation! I’m not saying that at all! You have certain goals in mind and I have my own agenda! I plan on being that thorn in Chris Chaos’s side that just won’t go away! I am going to make sure I personally ruin his night, and I’ll do that by any means necessary! So, go ahead and do what makes you happy MICHEAL! Go after that case and claim the glory you once had in the past. Rejuvenate your career with golden lifeblood. I’ve made it crystal clear going in what my intentions are! There isn’t a hidden motive behind my words brother! I can still call you brother, can’t I? I don’t have a secret to hide. I'm being right out in the open. I’m going into this thing to do what needs to be done, and that is to make damn sure Chaos never gets his hands on no case. Many have tried to stop Chaos many have failed their careers ruined! I refuse to let a man walk away with an opportunity at the brass ring! I don’t give two shits., a fuck or a damn if there are 100 cases hanging from the rafters! I don’t want a god damn case!
I already have a Universal Championship match lingering in the wind for me! Whenever I want it! All I have to do is give Engy the Doc Holiday and “say when”! Like I said previously and in every other promo this past week I have one goal in mind and one only. Graves you know firsthand how I am with goals, once I set my mind to it there is no stopping me! I want one thing and one thing only Chris Chaos’s head on a platter! Once I get that head I’ll place it on a stake out front of “The Omega” cemetery where I’ve buried so many other carcasses! I don’t care if Finn wins this match, wait a second who the hell is Finn? Better show up to the party kid, you’ve been quiet! For being the supposed future of this business, I find that hard to believe! At this rate, you’ll be on the unemployment line, or cleaning the shitters! Sorry Graves just had to get that one in there! Anyone can win this match accept Chaos you should not care who wins brother! Honestly MICHEAL you and me should want the same thing. We should be on the same page on this one. Jim was a friend of yours as well!
It was as if the playground had been appropriated by night break and interchanged replaced with something far more sinister. As the colors drained away the swings became like gallows. There was no sound, no bird’s singing their songs or barking dogs. Every rustle of the leaves on the trees surrounding the playground foretold of GRAVE danger, Robert’s pulse began to bang like a drum in his ears.
You should want Chaos to pay for what he did! It is what Jim would have wanted, he would have wanted punishment for his murder and for Chris to pay the ultimate price! No matter how you feel about the whole APEX situation, it’s the truth deep down in that dark soul of yours, you know what I just said is right! Don’t you think for a split second that your name didn’t come up when Jim and I were thinking of a third member! Because it did several times! It was down to you and one other! We both just decided to take a different approach this time around. You cannot be mad about that? There were no hard feelings! Look where it got us? We won War Games! I’m not sure where you and I stand right now either. The one thing that I do know is we both along with every other man in this match should want to watch Chris Chaos crash and burn! MICHEAL it is time to settle the score and here I am offering you a golden ticket, to rid the XWF of one of the most tremendous chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, motherless fuck, bastards known to mankind! The controversy that is open for debate is are you willing to forgo the past and the chance at the limelight! Are you willing to pay the tole and let this chance of a lifetime slip through your fingers?
I’m not saying that you and I need to have an AX3 reunion here and ride together. I’m just saying that I’ve got your back if you’ll have mine for one more ride. Every man…….
I keep saying every man! We’ve got a transgendered Space Freak in this match! Every man and transgendered Space Freak in this match has the opportunity to cut the head off of one of the biggest snakes in XWF history, will you MICHEAL and the rest of them choose greed over eye for an eye? I’m offering an olive branch here!
Robert kicks his feet off the ground taking a swing then motions handing an olive branch over to MICHEAL
Don’t slap it away in a selfish act!
For Robert the world that had a bearing stopped at the very tip of his nose. Most people came to think of him as emotionally oblivious, ignorant and at times careless! He just couldn't see, couldn't empathize with what other people thought or perceived. But deep down inside he honestly didn’t care either!
You could call me a narcissistic, pompous, self-centered, I’d never challenge it! I know what I am, self-absorbed damn right, conceited even egotistical! But do you know how I see it? I see it more as being a genuine human being. No one wants to give away the things they may need. No one wants to give up their day off to volunteer picking up trash alongside some highway! I don’t need to have a good person badge of honor, but to be clear I just don't give a damn, not the way I should anyway. Overtime that has been stripped away layer by layer! I didn't create this world, nor did I make all the bad choices that lead the homeless to their life on the streets! I didn’t make anyone stick a needle in their arm and overdose on drugs, they did that themselves. I didn't make a dwindling education system, the old shot-gun approach that it is. I didn't decide that society would judge people based on how they looked or the price tag of their clothes! So, I'm not taking on the guilt either! A cold-blooded individual wouldn't even make that distinction. That's not me though. I pride myself on my family ties. Blood is thicker than water. There are people out there that want to save the world and everyone in it, they even feel guilty for every over-privileged breath they have taken. That right there isn’t me!
Sometimes I do want to be narrow-minded, is that so terrible? Don’t we all get that way from time to time! I want to go on lavish trips around the world, blow ten bucks on a latte and blueberry muffin. I want to not answer the phone when my friend calls and then turn the ringer off. I want to watch my favorite cartoons on a supersized movie screen with a gallon drum of cheese and nachos. There are days I just don’t want to care anymore, not with the media showing the eternal agony of others and the internet trolls cascading out their special blend of racist soul-poison. The news churning out God knows what! The papers emitting bullshit daily! There are times I want to close right down and tell this shit hole of a world to go to hell and never open my Hart again. I know I'm a distinguished hallmark of monstrosity, one with paper-thin skin that won't stop dancing in the rain, propelled forward by an everlasting confidence of seeing the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow! I know who I am! What I am! I have a creed that cannot be broken! I’ll never pretend to be something I’m not. I’m simply just Robert “The Omega” Main!
Robert pulls a flask from his leather jacket taking a small swig looking towards the ground as he continues to swing.
Let’s talk about the ancient history for a few second here brother! A roll down memory lane! Let’s start with AX3! Everything was tremendous at first, we were playing big league, we gelled and worked as a cohesive unit. Hell, we were the top stable in the wrestling world with not one care in the God damn world! We had all the gold, all of the money, the fame, the glory and all of the women any man could ever desire in his wildest dreams. Life was good, No not good! It was fanfuckingtastic! We had the fans in our back pocket, merchandise was sold out online and every venue we wrestled! We were the first group of individuals to take over SAVAGE! We took over an entire fucking show! Everything was rolling on like thunder! We were sitting on top of the wrestling world! After our meteoric rise, the air on top of the mountain smelled fresh, crisp and clean! It was a long way from the top to the bottom! Once we got to the top though and looked down below us the first cracks in the stable started to form! At first, I thought nothing of it! Like anything else, this too would pass but it didn’t! Each week it got worse and worse and eventually snowballed out of control! We were sought out by every man and woman on the roster! Which was to be expected! When you are the hottest thing going a bullseye gets placed on your back. I knew it would come! I expected it!
What I didn’t expect though, what I never saw coming was us introducing a poison that would slowly kill us all! A snake among men! I was against the Chris Chaos project from jump street. I knew what he would bring, but I went along with my brothers to keep the peace. From there, things not only got worse but AX3 was in a complete nosedive with no one at the controls! Egos clashed, wedges were driven in-between us. That was Chaos’s plan to begin with. Get close to Jim and try to steal what he could not wrestle away in the ring! Keep your friends close but your enemy’s closer! Chaos did just that! After you ingest so much poison, it eventually kills you and that it did!
I am selfish, but to me, it's a form of practicality. If I am in a room with four chairs and four people, we’ll all have a seat. If I am in a room with four chairs and five people, four of us will sit, fuck the last guy. If I am in a room with four chairs and one hundred people, I will be the only one sitting. On the other three chairs will be my bags or whatever else I have with me, my ass will be firmly planted along with my feet, to hell with the faceless one hundred others. Maybe that should permeate through my veins and fill me with guilt and embarrassment, but it doesn't. Not for one fucking second! We're the same beings we were thousands of eons ago, evolved to live in tiny groups. We aren't wired to care about the multitude of people and children, though our culture demands that we do. This world is set up like the room with one hundred people and four chairs.
Once Chaos was no more it was too late to save AX3 the catastrophe continued forward, the breakage had already been done! Soon the relics of the past dusted off their grappling gear and rolled in, in that very moment I became conscious it was over! I stayed silent, keeping it to myself! Before too long we were taken to the woodshed, we just didn’t have the numbers, we weren’t staunch enough to endure the King’s court! Soon after we tried to reach out for our own relics or the past! Even a mighty King Slayer could not save us
Robert lowers his lead
It was at this point I was at rock bottom, something anything had to be done and done fast! Enter Cadryn! Once I grabbed this man on top of that triple story cage and tossed him to his would-be death I knew AX3 was dead! I threw away my would be dream as champion thirty feet to the floor below, along with AX3 I saw the writing on the wall, I needed a break from the circus that surrounded me! So, I left! But this is the part of my story that everyone seems to misinterpret! Rumors began to swirl. I never left because I lost to Cadryn!
I left because I was on a sinking fucking ship with not one life raft on board! I was tired! I could have stayed and continued on with the crusade fighting until my last breath. I could have gone down with the ship! We all could have drowned together! But why. I didn’t care anymore! I would have just been in the way letting my brothers down! Graves I did leave your side when you needed me the most. I turned my back on you and walked away as if nothing ever happened! You should have left too. Deep down you knew we were outgunned, you also knew there was no chance in hell we’d survive! We were firmly underneath the King’s thumb! So, you decided to stay and what happened next was tragedy after tragedy! Was it selfish? Sure! It was! So, I will give you that one go ahead and blame that on me. I’ll take it on the chin! Hell, I’ll even admit it! I choose to live to fight another day! I sat there and watched from the sidelines for months. Nothing, not one damn thing went AX3’S way! Nothing! Trio’s Championship’s gone! You can place the blame on me here too if you’d like! Jim lost the Universal Championship poof gone!
Robert snaps his fingers
Step by step we all fell down like toy soldiers, everything was gone and in ruins! Like a train wreck only worse! AX3 was no more! During my time off I decided that I need a change, I needed to reinvent myself. So, I did just that! I went to the gym and put on size. I became stronger and faster than I ever was! I waited and watched until all the pieces fell into place! I came back and wrecked the entire roster, one by one they all fell at my hands! I formed APEX regained my Hart Championship! I brought a division from the brink of utter disaster! APEX WON War Games and continued to conquer everyone who crossed our fucking path! That brings me to right now!
Robert points at the ground
Here I am standing before you the longest reigning Champion in XWF history! I have the entire fucking world by the balls! The problem is this, I wasn’t there to lend a helping hand to Jim when he needed it the most! I didn’t do what a good friend was supposed to do. I didn’t protect him! Now he is gone, a lost soul! Friends often in life have fights MICHEAL, but you were not there for our friend either! He is dead because of one man and one man only! A man we can put to rest once and for all! That is if you choose to do so! We can be the surgeons cutting the cancer away forever! The XWF can be in full remission!
Robert stands up pointing into the camera
Odd’s on favorite? Maybe, but tell me this Grave’s how can I win a match, I have no intention of winning? Now don’t get me wrong “if” I wanted this thing, I’d take it, point blank! That’s just what I’ve always done, but not this time around! I get my hands on a case, I’ll use it to beat Chris Chaos to death! Nothing would feel better than bludgeoning him to death, feeling his warm blood run in-between my fingers. This circus isn’t the next logical step in my career not even close! I have gold draped over my shoulder right now and have for seven months. Graves whether we are friend or foe is of your choosing! I’ve set my sights on the target and that case isn’t it! I’m after something greater something so few men get a shot at in life!
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7