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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » LEAP OF FAITH 2018
Chapter VI. The Betrayal
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-16-2018, 10:59 PM

Peter should choose his friends more wisely

Peter Gilmour

I sigh!

I have seen the promo and to be completely honest with you I nearly lost my lunch, listening to you ball wash Chaos was mind numbing! I never thought you did CPR by sucking ass, apparently, I’ve been doing that wrong my entire life. Just be careful okay? Keep sucking that hard you’ll have a mouth full of shit! You could get hand foot and mouth or some shit! Then you go on to explain how Leap Of Faith works, like no one has tuned in to watch one of the XWF’S most famous pay per views! his pay per view hasn’t been kind to you? Peter the past 5 years of your career hasn’t either! This was the normal Peter Gilmour, shit show a jumbled mess of bull shit no one wants to pay attention too, but like always here we are scratching our heads! Wondering what the fuck! There’s a simple reason why you want this briefcase so badly, you’ve been the same way your entire wrestling career. You want things to come trouble free, knowing damn good and well Peter you don’t have the sack between your legs to do it all on your own without a walking aid to help you along the beaten path! You need a crutch, you always have, and if you don’t have one. You can damn sure bet there will be a plethora of excuses! No one will give you a Universal Championship[/u] match, because to be direct you haven’t earned it! I’d go as far as saying you don’t deserve it! You’ve built your entire fucking career around plain sailing, no sweat! To dumb it down Peter the easy way out! This time isn’t any different than another! Hell, you said it yourself you want to cash in on Engy when he least expects it! We all know facing the man one on one Peter you lose every time, tail tucked firmly in-between your pussy lips! We don’t need another Robbie Bourbon type reign! If somehow you did manage to get that shot, then against all odds you by the grace of God you somehow someway beat Engy! What’s next? A long reign as top dog? Slaying opponent after opponent?

Hell No!

I could take a piss longer than your reign would last! Peter let’s be straightforward here, okay? Let’s not over complicate things! Doing things, the burdensome way just isn’t your style! Never has been! No sooner than winning the damn belt I’d come and take it away with ease. No fuss no Muss! There would be no breaking a sweat, within a blink of an eye I’d smack you around like I have done so many times already, once more making you my bitch in the ring! Your reign over!

Robert can be heard snapping his fingers

Every time that you and I have come face to face I’ve suffocated you! I’ve out grappled you! Each clash becoming less and less of a challenge! Look at the facts here Peter your strained and broken down! I’ve forced you down time and time again Peter don’t make me do it again in this match! Don’t make me demonstrate just how in-affective you truly are when you stand toe to toe with elite talent! If you decide to step in my path I’ll show the world once and for all who you are compared to “The Omega”! Each time I defeated you what did you say? You tugged any ear that would listen telling them! One quote! “I pushed (insert name) to the limit”! Seems that line there is your only saving grace anymore! Has that now become the Peter Gilmour silver lining when you lose a match? The “I pushed you to your limit”? Now I might be a lesser man than you by saying this, but I didn’t think we handed out moral victories around here! We don’t give people a trophy for just participating! Are you looking for someone to pat you on the back Peter, every time you go out to the ring and “push someone to their limit”? Those are your words, not mine! Maybe your next shirt on XWF shop should read Peter Gilmour “I’ll push you to the limit and still lose”! That can be your new motto. Hell, I’ll even let you have that one for free!

Robert laughs

Oh, if and when I do decide to pull the trigger on the Universal Championship I want a fucking challenge! I want a fight to the death like I had last time with Engy When I throw down the gauntlet I refuse to take the Peter Gilmour or Chris Chaos route! I will not camouflage my intentions or cloak myself within the shadows! I might be a lot of things but one thing I am not Peter is a god damned snake! I’m surprised Chris hasn’t hired a hitman to take our Champion out. He has always been an “if you can’t beat um join um guy” If that doesn’t work kill um! Now back to me! I want to grind my teeth looking our Champion in his eyes. When I accomplish something the right way, I want to feel good about it. I don’t want to feel like the scum of the Earth! I want to go white knuckle! To stops, no speed limits! There needs to be merit to my victories! Like I said in my first promo! I don’t need a briefcase to get what I want! I already have it! The difference between you and I Peter is relevance! All I have to do is ask and just like that, I have it! I won’t beg for something I don’t deserve, I’ll never line cut for a Championship or accept one that has fallen into my lap! Unlike you Peter & Chris Chaos I won’t interject myself into every single XWF title picture and there is a reason for that! One it’s below me. I get comeuppance the right way. I stand in line just like everyone else. Nothing in has ever been just handed over! I am this companies best-kept secret, I am that diamond in the rough, I have the right to lay claim to the Universal Championship.

I won’t go out there and blow every Tom, Dick and Harry to get a Championship match! You’ll never find me in uncle Vinnies office panhandling for a Championship match! If you mention Championship match Chris Chaos comes out of the woodwork faster than a drug-addicted prostitute! He’d take it up the ass just for another hit! At one time, maybe the two of you dicks did deserve Championship matches, now you’re lucky to have jobs on this roster! Now secondly, I don’t ask for Championship matches because well I’m Hart Champion! You might have heard of me? Or has your head Peter been so far up Chaos’s ass for so long you forgot everything? The longest reigning Champion in XWF history! That’s me! The most title defenses, me! When is the last time either one of you two pricks can say you did anything record setting? I’d wait but I’d die from no air! Lastly Chris & Peter I retain my Championship when I defend it, and you can interject whatever rhetoric you’d like here. Tell me I haven’t faced the best in the business or I’m in a weak division! I did defend it against you Peter and you got wrecked! Or am I just a paper Champion? Or do I just rule with an iron fucking fist? Now I’m sure you two will throw you’ve both been Champions several different times, and you have a valid point, one I certainly cannot deny! But the way I look at having several Championship runs is like fucking ten different girls on a one to ten scale, the two of you have been fucking all ones! Ten ones don’t make ten boys, even with beer-googles on! It’s all about the quality of the run as Champion! Not the quantity of Championships you have acquired over time!

I pause going into deep thought!

What is a thought but a screenplay in indistinguishable space, an untouched well protected place to do research and development with concepts before we speak? It is an auditorium of unseen dances, a race track for cars that burn rubber without uneasiness of the next turn. It is the independence to meander without the anxiety and dread of getting lost, for all it takes is the bark of a dog to bring us back.

If all of my thoughts were distinguishable one would see an inverse explosion, outlandish, irrational, chaotic twists and turns of light all coming together as just one idea, one word. Though they spin in a way that appear nutty as fruitcake or without design or even logic, they always shimmy their way through my mind, to a way of living that celebrates life without contaminating the very people we hold precious. I know at times I can be mad as a hatter or even out of my own tree! Unplugged from reality, unbalanced within the world I live, unglued and unhinged! Everything can be taken from me by force but one thing is for sure, I’ll always have my thoughts! They give me peace of mind! Thought is a fiction of the mind, so how is it that it can still carry a hangover of indiscretion? Why is it that an infraction of the mind, wandering a path that is destined to go untrodden brings such internal malpractice? Perhaps it is that I know I must stick to just one path before moving forward to the next, that means leaving such beautiful thoughts to be figments and no more. Perhaps the liability is a warning of sorts, that if I look through doors I cannot enter, they will only bring me that much more sorrow. One person’s blue might be grey, their less could be more, their shiniest day might just come in the middle of the night! The window to the world might be your own front door. Life is filled with confusion, I just have to wade my way through it!

Robert stops for a few moments

Yet there are days when it feels like I should not advance on these doors knowing will bring worse torment, but walking away from what is right would hurt more. This remains my one and only thought! I need to remain true, and I guess that is for best. No-one gets hurt anymore when I achieve my ultimate goal! The status-quo will fall back into place for better or worse. How is it that just a thought can bring long-buried emotions and stir what was settled at the bottom of my soul? I guess that's why people say to leave things be, to not go walking into the past so blindly. But here I am! Maybe I should have listened to my father! Bury the hatchet, let bygones be bygones. But with Chris Chaos things are never going to be that simple! If I do not stand now I could be next on the hit list! Dead and gone killed by a mortal enemy, imagine the last thing I see would be that sadistic smile on his face! But what else is there to do when the way forward is the way back? Perhaps though it is just selfish to live in the past, to make others feel what was healthier for them to forget? The subconscious mind, my mind the astonishing land of imagination, has been missing the memo about negation in speech and written language.

What the conscious mind reads as black and white, the subconscious receives something vice versa a disconnect, when a contradiction is used, and so the carousel of confusion continues. If you want true astuteness, talk to your subconscious mind and that of others with positive phrasing and positive metaphors and watch your intelligence climb to new heights, watch the shackles of discomposure break free! From there you will grow the paws of the lion you were born to be. Not the sheep you had become! You must learn to roar

Thought’s trundled through Robert’s brain like a train, with no hope of stopping!

Just when I believe I am the administrator of my own point of view, fate takes a cruel turn. My emotions come like the hands on an expensive clock or a wheel on my motorcycle taking me somewhere different than the place I had expected. The destination may be alluring, bewitching even, yet I am anxious, suspicious and at times apprehensive about it is all new and my heart beats harder.

It's like a void. A dark void. A never-ending dark void that consumes everything, so your left feeling nothing. Empty. Nothing to subside your hollow soul that creeps in the shadows, away from any other human life because it's emptiness is so consuming I cannot bare to pretend that everything is adequate. Nothing is satisfactory! People walk around this Earth each day pretending that everything is tolerable, and it always will be. Why can't we all just admit that we are just hollow plastic dolls with a painted happy face revealing no guilt, sadness, emptiness and no emotion?

The emptiness is always there Peter! I consider myself decent at hiding it, masking it with the normal everyday human emotions. No one is going to ask me why I'm smiling. It shelters everything, this emptiness, in my mind, my Hart. And my soul! There isn't any getting away from it anymore. My nightmares seem to help me fill the darkness, with what I don't care to elaborate on. They remind me of my childhood when I went to bed at night worried about things that go bump in the night! The emptiness is the monster under my bed. I'm so fucking scared of it, but I need it. I need to feel something. I need something to go to shit, something to be imperfect. I think, sadly, I feel safer when something is wrong. I need that monster under the bed. I need it to distract myself, from not everything else but, simply, from myself. Peter for a long time now I have tamed the demon inside of me, keeping it at bay. Chris Chaos placed the key into the door of my darkness unlocking it! Everyone seems to think that there is something wrong with me. There isn’t! I am just saying what everyone else is thinking! I want Chaos gone! No more! Peter Gilmour here is your chance to become something you haven’t been in a very long time! Chaos used you like a cheap whore. Once he was done with you, he tossed you aside like yesterday’s garbage! He replaced you within a matter of seconds, turning his nose up at you. You have a chance at retribution! I’ve said it before I’m not interested in the briefcase, so you’ll won’t have to try and stop me! I want Chaos you can either be with me or against me. That choice will be yours! But imagine this. The man that stabbed you in the back winning the briefcase and moving on and stealing the Universal Championship like a thief in the night! Could you live with yourself knowing you let that happen? Could you sleep at night? I know I couldn’t!

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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Chapter VI. The Betrayal - by Robert Main - 07-16-2018, 10:59 PM

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