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Nathan Kennedy
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Nathan Kennedy Offline
The Scottish Spitfire

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-07-2018, 07:54 AM

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Basic Information

Name: Nathan Kennedy

Real Name: Nathan Kennedy, Jr.

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: November 17th, 1992

Height: 5'11

Weight: 217 lbs.

Hometown: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Picbase: Kenny Williams

Personality: Hard-headed and stubborn, Nathan refuses to go back on any choices he makes, which continuously fucks him over. Thankfully, Nathan has Edward Osborne by his side, a shady businessman with a shadier backstory that's fulfilling the role of his manager. Still, Nathan sometimes has a bit of a rebellious streak, going against Osborne to suit his own needs. Nate also detests who he deems as 'assholes,' and has made it a personal mission of is to sock every last one of them in the face.

Family Members:

Heather Kennedy - Heather is a loving sort, though she's not one to be pushed over, showing tough love along with Nathan (Senior, not Junior) over her three kids. However, after Nathan (Junior, not Senior) became estranged from his family when he turned 18 for mysterious reasons, his family cut Nathan out of his life, mother included. Now, Nathan rarely if ever talks to Heather.

Father: Nathan Kennedy, Sr. - Both Nathans have a rough relationship with each other, even before Nathan became estranged. As time went on, Nathan (Senior, not Junior) became somewhat of a drunkard, haggard almost every few days and talking horribly to Heather and his children. This only fueled Nathan (Junior, not Senior)'s desire to see the outside world, which could have potentially culminated in his becoming estranged. Now, both men admit to others that if they saw they other again, they'd likely sock each other.

Sister: Clara Kennedy - While Nathan Sr. was becoming a drunkard and Nathan Jr. was becoming more independent, Clara was stuck at university, trying to make a living for herself. As a result, for the most part, the events that transpired between her little brother and her father was lost on her. Both siblings keep in contact with one another, but with them having gone on their separate ways, it's still rare.

Brother: Calum Kennedy - Nathan has said multiple times that his younger brother, Calum, is one of his few true friends, being the only family member he still regularly keeps in contact with. The two have been together literally their entire lives, and have a bond deeper than blood.

Biography: Not much is known about Nathan Kennedy... yet. After leaving behind his family when he turned 18, he turned to the streets to make a living. Around this time was when he met his mysterious manager, Edward Osborne. After joining the XWF on June 7th, 2018, Nathan quickly signed up for the 20th of June edition of Wednesday Night Warfare, issuing an open challenge to anyone who was ready for a shot at the card while trying to get his feet wet in the XWF. The sky seems to be the limit for this youngster.

Wrestling and Gimmick Information

Alignment: Nathan doesn't get defined by the standard face and heel alignment - he goes along his own path, suiting his own needs, though he won't hesitate to take a detour if it means caving in the face of someone who pisses him off. The closest you could define this loose cannon as would be a face-leaning tweener.

Wrestling Style: Primarily a striker and a high-flyer, Nathan is absolutely willing to sacrifice life and limb in order to walk away with a W.

Strengths: Nathan is extremely versatile and quick on his feet, ready to adapt on the fly to whatever opponent may be in his way. He can slug it out with the best of them, and can take to the air as if he was an acrobat his entire life. His 'never-say-die' attitude has him absolutely refusing to tap out, no matter the odds, and you'd have to practically kill him to keep him down for a three-count.

Weaknesses: Nathan can be goaded into having his temper getting the better of him, leaving him more prone to openings and mistakes. In addition, he's missing raw strength, meaning he'll be forced on his back foot when going against someone much bigger than him.

Entrance Theme: "Calm Before the Storm" - Hollow Point Heroes

Entrance Description: "Calm Before the Storm" echoes through the halls of the arena, the fans slowly coming to life, giving their own reception- whether cheers or boos- as Nathan Kennedy walks through the curtains. The Scottish Spitfire scans through the crowd for a hot second, taking in all the faces that have their attention placed firmly on Nathan. After a brief moment, Edward Osborne walks through the curtain, tapping Nathan on his shoulder and pointing his attention towards the ring. Nathan relaxes his muscles, shaking his arms as he starts sauntering to the ring, Osborne following behind. Nathan gives some high-fives to a couple of fans who have their eager arms outstretched, but for the most part, Nathan's gaze is expressed solely to the ring as he slides underneath the ropes, cracking his neck and peering back towards the top of the ramp. Osborne moves to Nathan's corner, shedding his coat and placing it aside as he looks ready to lead Nathan to victory.

Common Moves:
- Various basic punches and kicks
- Superman Punch
- Backhand Punch
- European Uppercut
- Basement Dropkick
- Clothesline
- Enzuigiri
- Knee Strikes (typically done in a Muay Thai clinch)
- Dropkick
- Crossbody
- Backbreaker
- Superkick
- Jumping Corner Splash
- Spinning Heel Kick
- Hurricanrana
- Dragonrana
- Spanish Fly
- Dragon Suplex
- Snap Powerslam
- Tornado DDT
- Neckbreaker (usually done off of the corner/ropes)
- Double Underhook Suplex
- Falcon Arrow
- Spinebuster
- Brainbuster

Signature Move #1: "Swan Song" - Regal Cutter (Nathan usually uses this as a desperation/counter move.)

Signature Move #2: "Dive Bombing" - Imploding 450 Splash

Signature Move #3: "Breaking Point" - Inverted Sharpshooter

Signature Move #4: "Braveheart" - Discus Elbow

Finisher Move #1: "Six Feet Under" - Curb Stomp

Finisher Move #2: "End of the Road" - Ripcord Knee (Bicycle Knee variant)

Comeback: Kennedy is on the ropes, getting beat down upon by (opponent)! And now it looks like (opponent) is making it a point to taunt Kennedy, rubbing his hair, laughing at him, and- OH! (Opponent) just slapped Nathan Kennedy! And as the Scotsman delivers a fiery glare to (opponent), he realized he fucked up.

Nathan shoves (opponent) away before moving to lunge at him! (Opponent) moves to clothesline Nathan's boots off of him, but Nathan is quicker than that, ducking underneath the clothesline and bouncing off the ropes! (Opponent) turns around to face Nathan- basement dropkick to the knee by Nathan! (Opponent) is on one knee, but as Nathan runs off the ropes again, he quickly gets back up- only to get quickly knocked down with a clothesline of Nathan's own! (Opponent) is quick to get back up to his feet though, and he's in a fighting mood as he swings with a clothesline towards Nathan- Nathan ducks! And delivers an enzuigiri to the back of (opponent)'s head! (Opponent) is groggy, but is somehow getting back up to his feet as Nathan runs off the ropes one more time- BRAVEHEART! That one knocked him out cold!

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Basic Information

Name: Edward Osborne

Real Name: Edward Osborne

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: March 21st, 1963

Height: 5'7

Weight: 157 lbs.

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Picbase: Eric Bischoff

Personality: A mystery man of sorts who prefers to deal in the shadows, Edward Osborne is a notable businessman and investor, having made his expansive wealth through the stock market, he's made plenty of other investments throughout the years. With notable connections and wealth, it's no understatement to say that Osborne is an extremely powerful man. Intelligent and cunning, he's a master strategist, ready to see his deals to the very end, and ready to gain maximum profit from it. Did I mention that he really loves money?

Family Members: No Known Family Members

Biography: Outside of his rise to power and a few notable transactions, little is known about the life of Edward Osborne- no known family, his mansion's address is unknown- it would be fair to say that his entire life is a giant, grey question mark. There has, however, been notable rumors connecting Osborne to underground fight pits in the UK.

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Nathan Kennedy - by Nathan Kennedy - 06-07-2018, 07:54 AM

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