Does Fate Whispers Your Name?
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05-22-2018, 06:28 AM
Previously...Mezian and Abigail discussed how a the council had hired her to kill him. They had given her Bloodsilver rounds. He took this as a chance to get revenge on a Seraphim named Draziol. He had Abigail set up a meeting to turn him in to Draziol. |
Mezian sat in the Abigails office. He began to wonder if what he was doing was smart. What if Draziol actually kill him?What if Abigail and her people get hurt in the altercation. What if Draziol doesn't come alone. Or worse what if a member of the council comes. Abigail and two of her men came into the room.
Cheer up, Pat, its not like you are gonna die. We have your back, I wont let anyone hurt you.
The words Abigail spoke were meant to relive some of the pressure and stress of the situation but they were empty for Mezian. he needed to explain the possibilities.
I'm not worried about me dying. Even they bring the entire council, I can survive that. I'm worried about you and your men.
I am not worried. I have some of the best mercenaries in the world at my disposal. They won't stand a chance. I will put them all down.
No, no you wont. They are Celestials. They cannot be hurt by human weapons. even if you use the rounds they gave you to kill me. They are more powerful than you and your men understand or could even fathom. Draziol is the lieutenant of Raphael. He is the will of the creator. You would know him as the Will of God. Raphael has the power to change anything around him that he wishes. If he wants your guns to shoot gummie bears, they will shoot gummie bears. I have had one fight against Raphael, I barely got out alive. He is not to be taken lightly. Draziol is no different. They are without a doubt the most powerful of the Council. I need you to make me a promise.
Of course love, what do you need?
When you take me to the spot where they are going to show up. You have to leave me there. You have to get as far away as you can. I don't want you to get hurt. I have already lost too much in this war against the council I couldn't handle losing anymore.
But, Pat, I can...
Mezian placed his hand on her mouth.
Im telling you that you cant. I need you to promise me. If I die it will be of my own mistake. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. You have to promise me, please.
Abigail removed Mezian's hand. With tears in her eyes she spoke in a soft broken voice.
I....I...promise to leave you there, I promise.
Mezian wiped the tears from Abigail's face. He kissed her gently on the forehead. As he whispered in her ear.
It will be alright, I never walk alone. Nothing bad will happen I swear.
He leaned back up, smiled at Abigail and walked towards the door leaving the office.
So, where are we meeting the asshole for this little endeavor of ours?
The voice said it was to be a church outside of London. He just gave me coordinates.Draziol said that he needed you to be alone. So why a church?
Because we are not allowed to kill each other on holy ground. We cant even physically touch one another. It was a law
made by the creator before the first war of the ancients. The church he wants us to go to sits on a seraph site.
A what now?
Seraph sites are effectively our battery chargers. On the site we are unstoppable. I have near limitless power and are effectively gods. He picked the site because even with all the power I would have I cant touch him. Draziol is fucking taunting me, he always knew just how to get under my skin. Well...Lets head out to the car and get this done and over with.
Abigail shifted awkwardly in her seat as the car drew closer to the church outside of London. She stared at Mezian, he seemed no tot be bothered by the situation. He seemed calm. Like he didn't have a care in the world. It began to bother her.
Bloody Hell Pat! Arent you at least a little worried or upset about this? I am basically sending you into a trap where you may not make it out alive. How can you be so calm?
Mezian smirked a little as he continued to stare out of the window. His gaze fell upon the people and objects passing by as the car drove. He lets out a sigh.
It was never meant to be this way. We were never meant to be at war with each other. We had a purpose, he had a goal. We were created to help with the protection and guidance of the human race. We were meant to be the shepherds, the guiding force. The Archangels and the Seraphims both, to live among the humans.
I had a wife and children. The first time I mean, before the first war. That war changed everything. It all began when Micheal and the Archangels that would take over the council had decreed that humanity was "too independent". The suggested that the Celestials revokes humanities free will. That humans needed to believe in only the things we taught them. We were to be seen as gods and they were to worship us. While the Seraphim like Lucifer, Lillith and Myself were against it.
As an act of Dominance Micheal and the other archangels would raze countless cities. Each one deemed unworthy in their eyes. Entire cities and villages wiped from existence. When the Seraphim and I found out about it we began to keep watch over the larger cities. That didn't stop them. Lucifer and a few others left to defend another city while my self and legion stayed behind. The end result was Luci and the rest being called deserters and exiled from the Celestials. That was the first time Micheal overstepped his bounds. It wouldn't be the last.
Micheal and Lucifer would fight for decades. Each side losing countless numbers of human and celestials alike. I stayed out of the war for the most part. Micheal tasked me with starting the Greystalkers. We were created to hunt down the Forsaken, that is what Micheal called them. While I was teaching them how to kill their sisters and brothers Draziol took over as the leader of the Legion. I was in Pompeii when it was destroyed, the history books will say it was a volcano. It was but the council caused it. Micheal and the other made me and a few others watch as our families and our lives on earth were enveloped in lava and smoke. From that point on I was basically at the beck and call of the council. I had no family and no reason to be on earth.
Abigail sat in front of her friend and began to finally understand why he was the way he was.
Why are you telling me this? What could I do to change any of this?
Because if I don't make it out of here alive I want someone to know why I have been doing this. Why I have run head first into a one-sided war with little no resources. I am doing this to set things right. I doing now what I should have done Millenia ago.
Which is what exactly?
Kill Micheal and all of his goons. And give back to humanity what was taken from them...Their freedom.
The sound of gravel crunching under tire signaled their arrival at the old church.
It looks like we are the first ones here. I don't see anyone else here.
You aren't supposed to. It is an element of surprise when we hunt. You are right they are not here yet. Which mean you have enough time to get out of here before he shows up.
I still don't feel right leaving you out here. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I cant just let you die out here.
It doesn't matter what feels right Abigail. Something bad is going to happen and I'm not gonna die. Now, leave or I will port your ass back to the house. Trust me, this is not the way I die.
Abigail stood there looking at Mezain, thinking about all things she wanted to say but she knew it wouldn't work. She walked back to her car and got it. Mezian watched as the car rolled back down the gravel roadway that led to the old church.Mezian walked towards the church and entered the centuries-old building hoping it would not be his tomb.
To Be Continued...
Chris, I admire your bravado, I honestly do. The idea that you are some sort of mountain or unstoppable force is cute. I feel like that after all this time in the company you would come up with a better gimmick of promos. The whole "I'm the best at what I do" thing gets kinda old after a while. I feel like the only reason you are even back in the picture in the company is that Jenny was dethroned.
All of that is irrelevant realistically. So let me touch on what you said. Yes, I keep coming back, I keep getting knocked down and I keep losing. You see that as some sort of weakness, you see it as an inconvenience to those who are more deserving of a title chance. My question is, who is more deserving? Have you ever thought that I get the shots because I am the only one who has stuck around? Maybe after the all the shit, I have gone through in my life it has taught me not to give up? Do you honestly think I enjoy beating up new talent? They come to talk shit get their ass handed to them and walk out. They never come back. I get my ass whooped and I come back for more.
I look at all of this as a learning experience. Whether it is you, Neville, Nixon, Cain or your butt buddy Eric Black. The people who have held that title have progressively made me a better. Hell, John Holliday taught me a thing or two as well. You see losing as something that is a march against your character as a person. Like its something that you should be ashamed of.Whereas I see it as a building block towards a better person. You can not know what success is unless you fail a few times.
This is the same attitude you had going up against Reno. You know how that ended. The oxygen at the top of Mt. Everest is really low so that may explain the way your talking. Remember Chris pride comes before the fall. The last time I check that mountain is 29,029 ft tall. That is a long way to fall due to arrogance and egotism. Maybe your past accomplishments will soften the impact since that is really all you have to fall back on.
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