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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The window to reality
Author Message
Andrew Aldway Offline
The Barmy Brit

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

06-30-2013, 07:05 AM

It's pitch black, and there's a small amount of bustling somewhere in the darkness.


A high pitched laugh comes after the voice, and the room lights up, revealing a small room with a large flat screen television and a black leather couch. Standing in the corner near a light switch is Andrew, dressed in sweat pants and no shirt, still laughing.

"I'm just joshing around please come in, I was just about to watch a scary movie."

He flicks the switch and the room falls dark again. More rustling is heard and the television suddenly springs to life. There's Reaper sitting on a steel chair.

"The eyes they say....are the windows to the soul. That if you look a man in his eyes that you can see what he truly is made of; what he can truly do...."

The screen pauses, and Andrew is faintly visible lazily sprawled over the couch.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Reaper I forgot about you during my Waltzing promo, you'll have to forgive me, I guess I was too busy living to think about you. I know that must have hurt, I can see it in your eyes."

He laughs for a second and the Reaper promo skips ahead on fast forward. Reaper is walking down a hallway of broken glass running his hand up the walk as it crumbles behind him.

"I saw weakness. I saw fear and damnation; I predicted the mockery; and yet they still opened their mouths and still let their words pour forth like blood from a dead mans throat. I looked deep inside them and I saw what they knew they would never be; I saw a woman with a desire to prove herself; a man who thinks he can fight; and a fool who mocks a force of nature, but none of this matters."

The screen pauses again, and in the faint light Andrew is seen bending and grabbing a blanket and wrapping himself in it.

"None of this matters, no truer words have ever been spoken, but this is where it gets good, I love a good ghost story before bed, especially one that makes me think like this one. Now am I the man who thinks he can fight, or the fool who mocks an apparent force of nature? Well let's see, I guess I must be the fool because I KNOW I can fight and I'll make a mockery of whatever I please, including this git's green screen bonanza like I'm doing right now, but we all know horror movies aren't real now don't we."

He unpauses the tv and lets it continue.

"Three opponents. Three victims. I am not coming for your souls; because in the end I will Reap you..."

Andrew fast forwards the video.

".....I have seen you all before. I have defeated each of you before."

Paused again.

"Oh really? So this guy dresses like a bloody monk from the eighteenth century and thinks he's something special, let me point something out to you, ya two bit twit, if there truly is a "Reaper" he wouldnt have time to to step in the ring, people die everyday, all day, all night I honestly don't even know why I'm giving an imbecile like yourself the time of my day."

He presses play.

"I have seen the confident woman; I have seen the drunken fighter and I have seen the fool. I know...."

It's paused again and this time Andrew's figure passes over the television towards the light switch and turns it on.

"You know what that's enough, not only are you clearly delusional, but now you're just repeating yourself like a broken record player, only this time the fighter's drunk? Are you talking about yourself, because you must be pissed out of your tree to actually think anyone believes the load of crap spewing from your lips."

He walks to the camera and picks it up, holding it up to his own face.

"Well sorry I had to be the one to throw a wrench in your whole Reaper thing, but really, you need to come up with something a tad bit more believable for me to finish watching, or to even make me care, about your pathetic grade B horror film you call a promo. Welcome to reality Reaper, hope it's not too real for you."

He laughs, fiddles with the camera for a moment and turns it off, causing the screen to go black.

[Image: 11038946450a12999901768l.jpg]
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The window to reality - by Andrew Aldway - 06-30-2013, 07:05 AM

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