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Saturday Night/Early Morning Savage 2-17-18
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
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02-17-2018, 05:49 AM



X-Treme Wrestling Federation Presents:

- vs -
WHO WILL IT BE??? Mezian will have to wait until his opponent's first RP to find out!

X-Treme Rules!

Standard Savage Match - 3 RP limit/2500 word cap!

- vs -
Super Savage Rules!
3 RP limit - NO Word Cap


- vs -

Standard Rules!

[The scene opens up simply to Tommy inisde the locker room, getting ready to fight Myst.]

[Image: ecw292.jpg]

Tommy:"Myst, your time is up on being the queen bitch of XWF. You are on lifeline, with your boytoy Chaos. I mean, both of you people at one point had a strong postion as champions, but now look where you guys are now. Escpcially you Myst.

You had the chance to prove to these fickel minded fans that you are a Bombshell champion, but you got to comforable with your little ego, and now you are in a place of being nothing more than a ring rat of this federation.

I will get rid of you in this match, since this match is "super savage" rules. That simply means, that I can use whatever weapon I dare to blunge your multi color skull of yours until you bleed.

Myst, I hope you are in the backstage praying to god, because once that bell rings.......


[Static appears on the screen, to the next segment.]

- vs -
X-Treme Rules!

Introducing first, from Cincinnati, Ohio, standing in at 6'3 and weighing in at 230 pounds... MEZIAN!

The light begins to dim to a faint blue, and flashes of light strike in tune with the music as Mezian comes out to the ring.

Introducing his opponent, from New York City, New York, standing in at 6'5 and weighing in at 200 pounds... DEVON J. REED!

Devon J. Reed walks down to the ring.

Referee Mika Hunt signals for the bell to ring, and the two circle around the ring, nodding and sizing each other up.

We have what looks to be an entertaining opener here between two up-and-comers in Mezian and Devon J. Reed.

Yawn. More like a snoozefest.

Oh, hush you. How about you do your job, yeah?

Reed and Mezian opt for a collar-and-elbow tie up, both men trying to get the upper hand and assert their dominance early. The shorter yet stockier Mezian manages to back Reed into the corner, and keeps him pressed there as Mika Hunt starts to count. Mezian backs off slowly, however before he could press his advantage Reed takes advantage of the separation with a quick thumb to the eye! The fans start booing and Mika Hunt reprimands Reed, but he blows her off and turns his attention back to Mezian.

Picking up the assassin-for-hire by the hair and Irish Whipping him, Reed takes Mezian down with a quick shoulder block! Reed then runs off the ropes, Mezian turns over as Reed hops above, and as Reed comes back off the ropes, Mezian takes down Reed with a slick arm drag and continues to work the arm with a devastating wrench.

Smooth back and forth action here, neither man seeming to have a clear advantage as of yet.

Oh hey, I forgot I had Candy Crush installed!

You're actually unbelievable.

Mezian tightens the wrench and punching Reed in the side to magnify the pain throughout his body. Reed's face is contorted in pain, but he keeps control of himself and tries getting back onto his feet, however that gets stopped as Mezian wraps his legs around the arm and locks in an ARMBAR! Reed immediately begins screaming out in pain as Mezian responds by tightening the hold more and more! Mika Hunt is in Reed's face now and asking him if he wants to submit! Reed emphatically shakes his head no, but Mezian continues to bring the pain with his armbar! Slowly though, Reed starts positioning himself better with his feet and starts pushing himself up and gets Mezian in a pinning predicament!



Kickout! Mezian is forced to release the hold to kick out as Reed is able to breathe a sigh of relief, however his arm is now hanging limply at his side.

Brutal armbar by Mezian here. He has his strategy in weakening the arm, and Reed is on the ropes.

Hey, where was Shakespeare born?

Stratford-upon-Avon, but I fail to see how that relates to-- Are you playing Trivia Crack?!

Uh, yeah.

Mezian smiles wickedly, however as he advances Reed hits him with an open-palm SLAP! The echo reverberates around the arena as Mezian turns back... only to get hit with a low blow by Reed! Mezian crumbles and Mika Hunt looks furious! Reed shrugs in response as he picks Mezian up and hits a HUGE Piledriver! Mezian's eyes look glassy as Reed covers him. Mika Hunt is forced to count...



Kick-out! Mezian is able to power out again-- AND GRABS THE INJURED ARM AND LOCKS IN THE ARMBAR AGAIN! Reed is howling as Mezian locks the hold in deeper and deeper!

Reed spies the ropes on the other side of the ring and starts crawling there with his legs, however the sheer weight of Mezian and the pain coursing through his arm is forcing him to take longer than he wants to. And Mezian tightens the hold further and plants one of his boots right against Reed's face! Reed is getting pissed off now, rolls over and starts punching the crap out of Mezian with his free arm! Mezian is forced to drop the hold and cover up as Reed continues his ground-and-pound!

Holy crap! Reed is beating the shit out of Mezian!

What's the element symbol for gold?

Ugh, I give up. Au.

Mezian shakes Reed off with a STIFF headbutt! Reed staggers back to his feet with a slight but steady blood stream starting to trickle out as Mezian gets back up on his feet. Mezian grabs the dazed Reed-- FALL FROM GRACE-- NO! Reed takes a half-smoked cigarette out of his pocket and jams it into Mezian's skull as he screams from the pain! Reed smiles as he grabs the assassin-for-hire's arms-- STAR WARS 3D! ANOTHER COVER BY REED!



THR- KICK-OUT! Mezian still is somehow in this match despite all the damage done to both sides!

Both men are slow to get to their feet but once there Mezian grabs Reed and tosses him into the corner as hard as he can. Reed's head bounces off of the top turnbuckle, slightly dazed Reed stumbles out of the corner and into the waiting arms of Mezian who plants him in the ring with his devastating finisher Apocalypse Now!!!!

Mezian rolls over and hooks the leg.




Winner: MEZIAN

[b]The shot opens inside the offices of Dr. Milton Matthews. He's seated at his desk when Bombshell champion Madison Dyson walks in, title slung over her shoulder.

Ah, Madison, thank you for coming.

Madison places the title on Milton's desk.

Yeah, sure. I got things to do though so how long is it it gonna take to rip Jenny's grimy name plate off this thing and slap mine on there?

Milton gets up from his desk, an awkward expression on his face.

Actually, switching the name plate wasn't the real reason I asked you here...

I guess I can get the feds to give you one pass on kiddy porn, but anymore than that and I make no promises.

Milton looks annoyed.

What?! No, I don't look, you're making this a lot easier. Look Madison, we have an issue. A member of the cleaning staff found this in the garbage from your locker room. It's been in there since the night you won the Bombshell title.

Milton opens a drawer and pulls out a prescription bottle. The camera closes in on the bottle and we can see the label is in Russian, but there is a sticker emblazoned on it with Vladamir Putin winking and giving a thumbs up with the words "Olympic quality" written underneath. Madison blanches.

What the fuck are you trying to say?!

I'm saying we have reason to believe you may have been using performance enhancing drugs. Which is honestly pretty incredible given that we JUST busted your client The Engineer on a wellness violation at War Games. I mean....heh, really though?

First off you little Reddit-puke, there is no way you can conclusively prove that's mine. Nor can you be 100% sure that somebody didn't put that in my trash at any point during the last two weeks when I haven't been here.

You're right. But it does give us enough reasonable suspicion to request you submit to a simple urine test. Now, this is usually Taylor's domain, but seeing as how she's indisposed she has asked me to do the...erm...honors.

Milton also pulls a urine analysis cup out of the desk.

Go pee in the cup Madison.

Go fuck yourself.

Let me be clear, this is not a request. Either you take the test or we will have no choice but to strip you of the Bombshell title.

Fine. I'll do it. In two weeks.

Nice try, but it has to be NOW.

Madison looks at the cup, then at Milton, and then at the title on the desk. Suddenly, Madison grabs at the belt and rushes for the door. Milton sighs. When Madison throws open the door, Little Feather and the rest of the security team is already there. Little Feather grabs for the Bombshell title and Madison engages in a tug of war with it.

Give me that back you red skin piece of shit!

With the help of the rest of the security team, they are finally able to wrest the title from Madison's grasp. Madison starts trying to slap and claw at them, forcing the team to pick her up bodily and carry her away. Madison can be heard screeching down the hall as she is escorted from the building.


Little Feather hands the Bombshell title to Milton. He just shakes his head.

**Sigh** So with that said, the Bombshell title is now VACANT. At Turning Point, we will now have a three way dance between Jenny Myst, Jessalyn Hart, and Mandii Rider to crown a new champion. Sorry about that folks!

- vs -
Super Savage Rules!
3 RP limit - NO Word Cap

The following contest is scheduled for wink wink under SUPER SAVAGE RRRRRULES with a fifteen minute time limit!!

Introducing first...

The lights goes off in the arena then start to flicker as Tommy Wish's theme begins playing on the X-Tron.

Hailing from wouldn't you like to know and weighing in at 250 poooooounds...he is THE OUTSIDER...TOMMYYYYYYYYYY WISH!!

The lights turn white, Tommy steps from the curtain and walks down to the ring giving high fives to the fans along the way. He then rolls in and begins warming up for his opponent.

Tommy Wish here has been having some trouble with the cheating ex, Jonee I believe, as of late. He's more than likely in a foul mood tonight and with the Super Savage Rules in effect I'd advise our former Bombshell Champion to be cautious.

What're you trying to say, Brent? He might take out his anger on Jenny just because she's another female?

That's exactly what I'm saying, Audrey. And the thing is, it'll be legal.

Yeah, well, Jenny Myst can handle herself. She's no stranger to mixed gender matches and she's a former champion to boot.

And his opponent...

From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 100 pooooounds... She is THE FIRST LADY OF THE XWF...JENNYYYYYYYYYY MYST!!



Tommy, face twisted in spite, paces up and down his side of the ring never taking his eyes off Jenny whom remains relatively motionless on her end, her eyes following Wish, a look of "fuck you lookin' at?" plastered across her visage.

And here comes the first of three Super Savage Rules weapons pods!

Weapons "pods"? That's a piñata, Brent. A very very large orb piñata, that thing has to be like 15-20 feet across in diameter! I have one question are they to remove the weapons?

Traditionally with a bat, Aud' but in this scenario whomever snatched the bat first would undoubtedly exclusively use that and only that on their opponent, keeping them AWAY from any of the OTHER weapons. This is actually fair...Jenny and Tommy have to use their hands for this first pod.

As the large piñata pod finishes descending, both Myst and Wish make a dash for it and leap. Tommy swings in midair, punching his right hand and forearm into his side of the pod on the lower hemisphere as Jenny leaps and punches through with BOTH hands on HER side.

The weight of both competitors serves to rend the lower hemisphere and tear the pod apart, two weapons falling free to the mat: a kendo stick tightly wrapped in barbed wire and a-

Is that a hoe!?

Ha! It IS a hoe!

Who the... Who the HELL would maliciously add THAT as a weapon!?

Wish is quick to snatch up his trademark barbed wire kendo stick just as Jenny dives for the gardening tool and rises to one knee, raising it in a double armed thrust to block the immediate downward swing from Tommy.

The kendo stick bounces harmlessly off the hoe's lengthy hardwood handle and Myst rolls backward to pop up to her feet before Wish can swing again.

Instead, Tommy charges in wildly, raising the stick above his head for another arc swing as he does-

-screeching to a halt and bowing his back with a mini leap to NARROWLY avoid taking Jenny's two-handed swing of the hoe blade-first in the side.

Jenny swings again, stepping forward, and Wish again backs up, now using the kendo stick in a one-handed fencing type motion to do his best at batting away Myst's now CONTINUOUS swings, further backing him up!

That hoe is gonna KILL someone!

Who needs to be cautious NOW, Brent?? Get 'im girl!!

Tommy finds his back hitting the ropes behind him which he hazardously twists his head to glance at in surprise-

-receiving, luckily, the opposite of the bladed side right in the ribs with a pained grunt! Jenny swivels her wrists, swinging the hoe up and around over her head, angling diagonally back down for another midsection hit on the return from the right, this time with the tool's bladed side!

Tommy lifts his left arm and catches the hoe between it and his torso, taking the hit from the bladed end!!

He grimaces (though his skin doesn't seem to have been broken) and snatches the hoe handle with his left hand!

Jenny tugs to no avail.

Uuuuh ooooh.

"BITCH! I'll fucking KILL you Jonee!!"

Oh my God...

Jenny's eyes widen in alarm right before Tommy pulls her toward him and disarms her with a hard kick to the stomach, tossing the hoe aside!!

Jenny doubles over and backpedals-

Jenny get out of there!!

-Wish lunges with an overhead swing and cracks her across the back of the head!! The fans "OOOH!!" in unison with her stumbling forward then "OOOH!!" again as she takes a second swing to the SIDE of the head!!

She sidesteps from the impact as Tommy loses it, now swinging away at her madly, Myst taking crack after crack, her many areas of exposed flesh now dotting with barbed wire bloodletting!!

Christ, I can't believe what I'm seeing! This is EVIL! I don't think even Jenny Myst deserves this!

Somebody HELP HER!!

As unpopular as Jenny is, the electric buzz of the California crowd begins to turn in her favor...more appropriately, that of half the crowd showering boos upon Tommy Wish as he follows Jenny around the ring, smacking away like a wildman. The other half, the men, are chanting in support. Hence:





What is WRONG with these guys!? How can they APPLAUD this!?

Lot of hate for Chaos and Myst, Audrey, are you surprised?

Yes but this is going too far!

Not according to the rules it isn't...and that means Jenny is in deep shit!

Wish swats Jenny into the far corner and connects with a few more swings to her head before finally taking a moment for a breather.

Jenny acknowledges her bleeding arms, sides...her golden blonde hair is dark and matted at several areas around her scalp with blood...then she raises her head- she SMILING!?

Wish catches her grin and frowns in anger, then swings again at her head-

-Jenny takes the hit on the raised forearm, still smiling! A second hit and blocked with her limb...still smiling!!

She LIKES it Brent! Jenny Myst seems to LIKE the pain!

Chaos, what've you been doing to this girl behind closed doors?

Wish unloads on her, Jenny taking the hits and slowly dropping to one knee, holding to the middle rope, rivulets of blood now running free, painting her exposed skin in crimson!!

Whether she likes the pain or NOT, she can't keep taking this kind of abuse!

I TOLD you, didn't I?? Tommy Wish is like a rabid dog right now! See what you women do to us??

You did NOT just say that to me!

Did I condone it? Did I? I'm just saying, some women have a way of bringing out the devil in certain men! And for the record, as horrible as this may be, it's a Super Savage Rules match, Audrey!

A final crack over the head and the kendo stick suddenly snaps, the broken portion shooting off into the crowd and leaving a length of barbed wire to now hang limply.

Jenny looks up from her one knee position...STILL SMILING, HER FACE A MASK OF WET RED!!

I can't bear to watch anymore of this! She's bleeding out for Godsake!

Tommy BELLOWS in rage and swings the kendo stick again, the now loose barbed wire end whipping towards Myst's face-

-NO!!! Jenny CATCHES the barbed wire with her left hand!!

What's this??

Tommy yanks, HARD, pulling her up to her feet and forward-

-and Jenny TUGS BACK AND DOWN, pulling Tommy forward simultaneously with her bowing down to the mat to swing her right leg up and OVER her head, connecting with a sole kick to Tommy's face!!


Tommy relinquishes the kendo stick/whip to Jenny and backpedals, a stream of blood running from his left nostril. He dabs at it...and boils over with fury, looking to Myst who doesn't break his gaze while tossing the kendo stick into the hard-camera first few rows. Her smile melts to a sinister scowl.

This chick is PSYCHO!

Tommy charges in with a clothesline-

-Jenny shoots forward and ducks it, sliding on her knee pads to the hoe which she plucks up just before she POPS up to spin and swing with all her weight behind it-

No! No, look out!!

-however, Tommy's swift follow up charge has already brought him into close proximity with Jenny, the relatively harmless hoe's handle hitting him and snapping in half a split second he LEVELS her with a clothesline from Hell, sending her flipping over 360° and slamming to the mat face first!


And here comes the SECOND weapons pod!

The second pod, much smaller than the first, about the size of a medicine ball, does indeed begin lowering to the ring but Tommy doesn't notice, he's too busy pulling Jenny up by the hair...picking her up, tossing her headfirst over his right shoulder...turning...then SLAMMING HER back down to the mat!!

Tommy reverses to the ropes and off the rebound drops a leg across Jenny's throat before rising back to do it again!

He hooks the leg!




Oh thank GOD she's still got enough in her!

I admit I'm impressed but she needs to face facts. In this scenario without rules, WITH weapons and a crazed Tommy Wish...Jenny Myst is at a DANGEROUS disadvantage!

Tommy pounds the mat and rises, quick to pull her up once more.

In cro-mag fashion he grips the back of her head by her hair with his left hand and nails her with his right forearm to the face!

A second time!

A third!

He whips her to the ropes with authority then catches her on the rebound with a POWERSLAM!!

Hook of the leg!




I don't know how she's doing it!

She won't be for too much longer. Tommy is DESTROYING this girl!

"Fucking BITCH," Tommy screams! He rises and violently pulls Jenny right back up, giving her NO quarter! He clips her with an UPPERCUT and she backpedals-

-he takes a big step forward to grab her wrist and pull her into another whip-

-into his own arms for a HUGE BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!

Wish doesn't relent, instead rushing to the nearest turnbuckle and climbing to the second rope-

-flying off with a splash, CRUSHING Jenny beneath his full 250 pounds!! He goes to hook the leg-

-then finally notices the second weapons pod piñata. He smiles wickedly, rising back to his feet as Jenny lies prone.

What's this scoundrel planning now??

He wants whatever it is inside that second weapons pod! He wants to batter Jenny Myst some more and this match still has SEVEN MINUTES to go before time elapses!

Tommy runs and leaps with a double hammer blow-

-the piñata BURSTS from the impact-

-and a miniature bat adorned with pounded through NAILS drops to the mat!!

Oh, this is SICK!

This is...gonna get even uglier...

Tommy laughs like a man possessed, grabs the spiked mini bat and turns to advance on Jenny. Again the fans, raucous the entire time, split up with chants for both competitors.

Once Tommy reaches the still unmoving Myst, he reaches down with his free hand to force her by the hair to her feet. Jenny does so wobbling, still apparently-

-Jenny sparks to life, kicking Wish square between the legs forcing him to drop his newfound weapon and while Tommy looks around to grab another Jenny Myst quickly makes her move! She grabs Wish by the neck, blows a kiss to the ground and then hits him with PINK PERFECTION!!

Myst drapes one arm across Tommy while the ref begins the count





As soon the bell has rung, the arena lights goes off. Fans are giving mixed jeers, but when the lights came back on, Tommy was back inside the ring with a chair on his leg hand and a Kendo stick on the right. Myst turns around...

Tommy Smacks her with the Kendo stick a few times to her mid section, and to her back until she kneeled on one knee on the mat. Then he hits the back of her head with the stick with force.

Tommy then looks at the downed Myst, and he gets tossed a mic from the outside. He then speaks to her downed body, as the fans gives some boo's.

Tommy: Well, I guess you are right little girl, you are going to become a "two time" Bombshell champion. But now, you are laying on the mat in pain. I hope that when the Turning Point comes up soon, you end up in the hospital with the fact you aren't going to even come out alive agains the other broads in the ring. I congratulate the fact this match was a steeping stone for you...because I want to release all my pent up sexual anger upon you!

Tommy then lifts Myst up to her feet, and kicks her in the mid section, and HideYaFace her on the chair. He then turns her over to her back, and kisses her on the lips. Then we see the fans of Myst starting to throw trash inside the ring, as Tommy leaves the ring with a smile as the next segment happens.


- vs -

”The following contest is for the XWF Television Championship and is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minutes time limit!”

”Introducing first, the Challenger. Weighing in a random weight and hailing from a random planet, RAAAAAANDOOOOOOM!”

Random randomly appears in the ring as his random theme plays on.

And his opponent. He is the current reigning and defending XWF Television Champion, weighing in at 224 pounds.”

”Hear that? He lost a pound!”

”And coming to you from Los Vegas, Nevada, DREEEEEW ARCHLYE!”

Drew walks out from the back as the opening chords of "Ready For This" hit the airwaves. Drew slaps hands with some of the fans that are lined up along the entry ramp. Once Drew reaches the ring he quickly walks up the steps and climbs in between the top and middle rope and into the ring. Drew removes his leather jacket and tosses it outside of the ring while he leans against the turnbuckles and waits for the match to begin.



The bell rings, and the two waste no time getting into it! Random runs across the ring, as Drew meets him in the middle! The two immediately lock up, exchange forearm shots and elbows. Neither one wanting to back down, Random lets out a roar and lays into Drew with a brutal elbow shot. Suddenly, Random strikes out again and slaps Drew across the face, leaving him stunned. Random reaches back for another elbow, but Drew connects with an elbow shot of his own! Random staggers backwards, as Drew delivers a hard slap across his face!


The audible slap sends a chill throughout the audience, they react loudly as Drew grapples Random. He wastes no time with rest holds, instead he wraps up Random and tosses him to the mat! Random lands hard, on his neck and shoulders, quickly rolling out of the ring to escape anymore punishment. He stays on the outside, catching his breath as Drew quickly follows. Drew drops down, rolling underneath the bottom rope as Random catches him with a right hook. Drew stumbles backwards, hitting the steel steps awkwardly.

”A rough landing for Drew Archyle!”

”Hasn’t been a great start for him so far, Random is just laying into him right now!”

Drew holds the back of his head, as Random moves in and kicks him hard in the ribs. Random puts some space between him and Drew then rushes in for a knee to the head, but Drew quickly scurries under the ring. Random tries to pull him back out, but Drew connects with a kick that pushes him away! Drew scurries under the ring, while Random recovers, popping up on the other side of the ring, He quickly slides into the ring, rushing across the ring to deliver a SUICIDE DIVE TO THE OUTSIDE! He collides into Random, sending them both crashing into the barricade!

Random crawls around on the outside, trying to get his bearings as Archyle gets back to his feet. A running kick to the side of Random’s head stops him momentarily. Drew tosses the apron curtain aside, Chaz Bobo calling for the two to get back into the ring. Drew ignores him, instead opting to get Random back up to his feet. He hits him with a European Uppercut, before tossing him back into the ring. Random does his best to get back to his feet, but he’s still dazed from the spill on the outside. He stands up, only to be caught with a Double Underhook Suplex! Drew tosses him through the air, sending him crashing hard into the mat! Random doesn’t have a chance to recover, as Drew quickly covers his for the pin!




Random staggers up, as Drew get to his feet. Random ducks a right hand, catching Drew with an open hand slap to his chest. he grabs his right arm, putting his right foot under his chin and throwing himself down towards the mat, his foot shoots into his jaw, causing Archlye to fall backwards! Random uses this moment to recover, he looks to get enough momentum for this next move. A Running Kick to the ribs of Drew sends him rolling back out of the ring. Drew stays on the outside for a moment, as Random looks on. he shoots towards the opposite side of the ring, running at the ropes with full speed and fury. he bounces off, coming back towards his original side. Drew slowly gets up to his feet, as Random launches himself between the top and middle ropes. Drew looks up, and sees Random crashing into him at full SPEED!

The two crash back into the barricade yet again, Drew taking the brunt of the fall this time. He leans against the barricade, appearing to be in agony as Random lays on the floor. Random tries to get his bearings, wanting to get back up to his feet quickly. Drew hasn’t recovered yet though, as he falls down to the floor beside of Random. Chaz Bobo looks on again, starting a count as these two stay on the outside!

“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”

Drew is finally getting up, as Random does, the two locking eyes for a moment. Drew swings at him, but Random ducks again and connects with a low dropkick to his right knee. His leg buckles out, sending him crashing face first into the ring steps! Drew’s head jerks back, as he holds his face.

“Five! … Six! … Seven!”

There is blood, but Random doesn’t pay attention to it. The count has stopped, as Random cuts it off for the moment. he rolls inside of the ring, getting a well deserved break for the moment. Drew stays on the outside, checking the damage. It seems to be a cut on his nose, he quickly moves on from it. Looking around, he tests himself to see if he can get up. Chaz Bobo again calls for him to move, giving him time before he starts another count.


”Drew’s busted open already, but it doesn’t seem to be hindering him at all.”

”The official has been very lenient with the rule book so far, but if I were Random, I’d quit pushing it before he gets dq'd!”

Random looks on in disbelief as Drew gets back up to his feet, slowly sliding back into the ring. He looks across the ring at Random, who’s waiting on him to make his move. The crowd is cheering, as these two begin to pace around the ring. One waiting for the other to do something.

Random rushes out towards Drew, attempting to take him down with a Headscissors. He stops the move completely, swinging Random back around and into a Backbreaker! The backbreaker connects, flush, Drew wastes little time on getting Random back up to his feet. He wraps him up, almost in a Fireman’s Carry position, floating him over into a Neckbreaker over his knee! Random rolls in pain, but Drew is relentless, he picks Random up and tosses him to the mat with a Spinning Side Slam! The crowd is awed by Drew’s sudden conviction of violence towards his opponent. Random looks up at the lights, completely dazed.

”A flurry of offense from Drew Archyle! He’s just gotten himself back into this match!”

”And then some, Random looks to be out of it right now.”

Drew takes his time, walking back over to his downed opponent. Random still seems a bit out of it, he turns to his stomach and tries to crawl back to his feet. Drew quickly wraps him up, his hands around his waist. He pulls him up and into a Deadlift German Suplex! Almost in slow motion, the suplex drills Random into the mat! Keeping the bridge, Chaz Bobo drops down to make the count!




Drew lets go of the bridge, almost looking annoyed that he wasn’t able to put Random away with that. Backing off, he decides instead to use this time to his advantage. With Random still down on the mat, Drew takes a breathe. It’s precious time he can use to recover, as his opponent is still dazed. After a few moments he looks over, seeing the Random is getting back up to his feet. Drew moves over to him, just as Random is back to his feet. Drew quickly settles that with a Pendulum Lariat! The lariat catches Random fully, dropping his back down to the mat again. Drew looks on, as Random lays there on the mat. Once again he drops to his knees, covering his for the pin!




Drew rolls off of Random, almost expecting that he would kick out. Much to his surprise, and everyone else’s, Random is getting up. he stays on one knee, as Drew approaches him again. he lashes out, a punch catching Drew right in the stomach. He doubles over, giving Random the few seconds he needs to get back up. Random grins, as Drew eats a Running Knee from Random. he took his punishment, now it seems that it's his turn to dish it out. Drew lays on the mat, as Random starts walking around him in circles.

”Random has taken back control, these two aren’t holding anything back right now.”

”Every shot, every move seems to have just a little bit extra behind it tonight. They’re both sending each other a clear message right now.”


Drew tries getting back up, pushing Random away from him. He receives a boot to the side of his head from him. Dropping to the mat, Random follows that up with a Sliding Dropkick to the side of Drew’s head. This causes Drew to roll back to the outside, yet again, clutching at his head. Random looks on, considering his options for the moment. Drew doesn’t look to waste any time on the outside, as he grabs for the ring apron. Random sees this, and quickly makes his move. Both competitors reach the apron, Random pulling Drew right into an elbow shot. he lands another hard shot, before trying for a third. Drew ducks, pulling Random through the middle and top rope with a SNAP DDT ONTO THE APRON!


Both competitors crash to the ground, Random having taken the full brunt of the DDT. Drew lays on the outside, still feeling the effects of Random’s attacks. Chaz Bobo moves to their side, checking on the both of them. Drew motions for him to move, as he gets back up to his feet. He wastes no time in picking up his opponent, shoving him back into the ring. Random doesn’t move, but Drew doesn't go for the pin just yet.

Grabbing Random, Drew quickly lifts him up onto his feet. He scoop slams him hard onto the canvas and lifting him back up again. Lifting Random off of his feet, Drew drives his knee into his back, with a backbreaker! Random looks to be in pain, as Drew keeps him bent in an awkward position over his knee! Using his arms to push down on his throat and legs, he creates a focal point for the pain. Chaz Bobo quickly steps in, checking on Random. He asks him if he wants to give up, but Random responds with a knee to the side of Drew’s head!

”What a counter there!”

”Brilliant escape from Random!”

Drew breaks the hold, allowing Random his freedom once again. Random lays on the mat, clutching his lower back after that bit. Drew tries getting back up, but Random beats him to it. he grabs Drew, pulling him right into a Snap DDT of his own! The move plants Drew head first into the mat, allowing Random anothis chance to catch his breath and recover. Drew isn’t looking well, the knee and DDT certainly stopping anything he was hoping to accomplish. He pulls himself to the nearest turnbuckle, as he tries to get back up to his feet.


Random easily lands an Enziguri, as Drew slumps back into the corner. He sits on the mat, as Random brings his boot across his face. he does it once, and then does it again. Another scrape for good measure, as the crowd can see the Facewash coming up. Random steps backwards, getting a nice running start. he hits the ropes, exploding towards his opponent as he connects with a brutal Facewash! Random almost slips through the ropes, with how fast he was going! Drew doesn’t fare very well, the cut from his nose re-opening yet again.

Facewash to Drew Archyle!”

”Random’s really going for broke here tonight.”

Random doesn’t waste time, looking to do the most amount of damage he can. Drew tries getting back up, but Random clips his right knee from behind. The move is effective, as Drew crumbles to the mat in a heap. He grabs at his right knee, locking his right leg up, Random twists his body and drops BOTH of his knees onto his leg! Added damage now, Random finally has something to wear down.

Drew tries crawling away from Random, but he has no luck. he easily pulls him into a Leg Lock. The move weakens his right knee more, but not enough to submit him just yet. Random stares at Drew, as he shouts out in pain. he smirks, wrenching the hold even tighter. Drew lets out a yelp, rolling to his side as he is able to get to the ropes. Random quickly lets go, stepping back to connect with another knee to the side of his head! Drew slumps down to the mat, as Random covers him for the pin!




The crowd “oohs” as they thought Random had quickly taken this match. Drew is in a world of trouble now. Random takes a break, trying to collect himself as he decides on what to do next. His opponent is hobbling now, doing his best to recover. Random looks on, stepping in with a kick to his leg. The outside kick almost drops Drew, as he falls into the ring ropes. Random steps in again, delivering another harsh kick to his right leg! he’s yelling something at him, and isn’t letting up any time soon! Random steps back again, Drew side stepping out of the way just in time. Random bounces off of the ropes, and right into a Rolling Elbow from Drew!

”What an elbow!”

”Random’s eyes just rolled into the back of his head! He's out on his feet!”

Random, stunned, staggers around the ring for a moment as Drew looks on. Almost like he’s waiting for him to fall over. Random falls backwards into the nearby ropes, but it seems to have been an act! He springs off of the ropes with fury, catching Drew with a Running Bulldog! The crowd reacts appropriately, as Drew is drilled into the mat! Random quickly moves in for the cover!




Random doesn’t seem all that surprised, Drew doing what he can to kick out. Random uses this chance to get him up, shoving him to the outside. Random rolls out of the ring, as Drew is dumped to the outside. Chaz Bobo calls for him to get back in the ring again, but he ignores him. Random directs Drew towards the barricade, leaning him against it. Drew stands there, as Random takes a few steps backwards. he readies himself, running towards him as he throws his body into his with a Crossbody! Drew crashes hard into the barricade. It was well executed by Random, who seems to have taken no damage from it. Chaz Bobo, annoyed, begins counting.

“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”

Random, looking up at Chaz, rolls his eyes as he moves towards the ring. he gets up onto the apron, speaking with the ringside official. We can’t hear what he’s saying, but it seems he has issue with him trying to count them out. Random argues his case, fighting with Chaz Bobo as Drew stays on the outside. It seems to be that Random is winning the argument though, as Chaz raises his arms up in frustration. The crowd cheers as he backs off! Satisfied, Random returns to where Drew was laying down.



The sound reverbs through the arena, a Cutter crashing Random face first across the steps! Random falls to the mat, as Drew crumbles as well. Green alien blood begins to trickle out of a small cut on Random's forehead. With neither man moving Chaz Bobo begins to count. The crowd certainly doesn’t seem to appreciate it.

“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”

Drew and Random still aren’t moving, the crowd starts to become worried as Chaz Bobo continues to count!

“Five! … Six!”

There is a buzz in the crowd, as neither competitor is moving! Chaz Bobo doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon!


Relief, as Drew tries getting back up to his feet. Random is moving as well, but he hasn’t gotten back up yet. Drew looks to the ring, as he takes a deep breath.


Using his all of his willpower, Drew tries walking to the ring but his right leg seems to give out! He falls, gripping onto the ring apron for support! Behind him is Random, as he gets to a knee.


The crowd is yelling for both competitors to get up, at this point. They don’t want to see a draw. Drew grabs the bottom rope, pulling himself up and into the ring! The crowd cheers, and Random isn’t far behind as he runs and slides in. Both competitors lay in the ring, doing what they can to recover as the crowd gives them a round of applause!

Drew and Random finally start to move, Random slow to get back up to his feet. He lets out a roar, from anger and pain and charges his opponent. A forearm shot catches Archyle, but he responds with one of his own! Random and Drew go back and forth, forearm for forearm! Random lunges at Drew, but he ducks and catches him with a Right Cross! Random stumbles back, but steps in with a Hook Kick of his own! It catches Drew, just as he’s about to try another elbow shot! Drew stumbles forward, falling to one knee. Random quickly latches onto him, putting him into a deep Guillotine Choke!

”Look out! he’s got him!”

”Oh man, Drew looks to be in trouble with this one!”

Wrapping his legs around his opponent, Random squeezes as Drew tries to defend the choke. It’s in tight, as Drew tries to reach out for the ropes. He’s able to grab the middle rope, as Chaz Bobo steps in. Random lets out another roar, ignoring his instructions to let go! The crowd boos, as Chaz begins to count. With each count, getting closer to five, it doesn’t seem that Random wants to let go! Suddenly, Drew stands to his feet! Letting go of the middle rope, he rushes forward and spikes Random into the nearby turnbuckle!

Random lets go of Drew, leaning backwards into the middle turnbuckle. The damage to his back enough to give Drew an edge. He winces in pain, as Drew climbs the turnbuckles, looking to end this right now! Drew waits patiently as Random slowly stands up. He staggers as he turns to face Drew. Drew seeing his opportunity, leaps off of the top rope looking to connect with The Funny Bone.


It was a trick! Random moves, and grabs Drew by the back if the head, shoving his knees into his back as he falls to the mat with a Back Cracker! Random quickly covers him for the pin!




To his surprise, and everyone elses, Drew Archyle kicks out.


Random looks up to the clock, as Drew does his best to get up. Random knows that he needs to pile the pressure on quick before time runs out. Random springs back up to his feet, trying to get Drew to his. Drew starts getting up, but Random throws a kick into his ribs! He yells out in pain, allowing Random ample time to think up his next move. Random hurries to the apron, an attempt at a springboard move would definitely keep Drew down. But just as quick as he heads to the apron, Drew has followed him. He jumps onto the top rope, just as Drew knocks him OFF AND SENDS HIM CRASHING INTO THE BARRICADE ON THE OUTSIDE!!


The crowd is on their feet, Drew taking a breathe as Random is laid out on the outside. Drew doesn’t even bother following him out, as Chaz Bobo looks to the outside. Drew watches on, as he begins his count.

“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”

Random stirs a bit, but looks to be in pain as he tries to get up. Drew, on a knee, holds onto the nearby ropes for support.

“Five! … Six!”

Random is on a knee now, surprising most people in the audience and Drew Archyle. He watches, as Random slowly rises to his feet. He takes a step, but then collapses in pain! He reaches for his lower back, clearly hurt by the barricade!


Random doesn’t want to stay down, willing himself to try and get back up. Again he rises to a knee, trying to get back into the ring before the count!


The crowd is stunned, as Random stands up and slides into the ring! He beat the count easily, but looks to have paid a huge price.

Drew looks on, as Random writhes around on the mat in pain. He isn’t quite sure how to follow up, as he’s still recovering himself. Drew looks to his positioning, and then the nearby turnbuckle. Without much hesitation, he begins to make his way towards it. Slowly, he walks over to the turnbuckle and begins to climb. Random doesn’t move, he’s in a bad spot as Drew gets to the top. He looks down at him and waits as Random clumsily climbs to his feet. Drew leaps off and connects with The Funny Bone!


Drew Archyle pulls Random up to his feet and quickly connects with Ill-Gotten Gains!

He covers him for the pin!






[Image: duNE4JL.gif]

Special Thank You To:

Finn Kuhnt
Jim Caedus
Michael Graves

OOC: A segment was added to the show between the 1st and 2nd match. This segment regards the Bombshell Title!
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(02-17-2018), Finn Kühn (02-17-2018), JimCaedus (02-17-2018), Mezian (02-18-2018), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-17-2018), Thomas Nixon (02-18-2018)

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Saturday Night/Early Morning Savage 2-17-18 - by Dr. Milton Matthews - 02-17-2018, 05:49 AM

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