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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A New Threat (Pt. 1)
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-01-2018, 04:33 PM

Six Months Ago

My consciousness faded in and out with the heat of fiery brimstone. My veins felt like hell was rushing through them as my entire body fell motionless. Screams coated every thought I had with no sigh of escape. My lungs longed for a bitter breath but to no avail. I was trapped in my own body, longing for death or at the very least a breath.

My wish came true as my eyelids opened exposing my eyes to a white liquid. From the first touch of the liquid my eyes began to burn and my body ran with heat causing my body to jolt up. As soon as my lips touched air they opened to a high pitched gasp as though my lungs were finally able to scream. Thick white liquid ran down my face and emitted from my mouth with every cough and deep breath of air. I could barely see where I was through my blurred vision and my dimly lit surroundings. I began profusely rubbing my eyes to try to remove the liquid and lower the burning sensation. When I reopen my eyes the room around me was still somewhat of a blur but I could see enough of my surroundings to feel a sense of fear.

Two bathtub like containers sat on either side of me with tubes that resembled red, blue, clear, and white snakes slithering down into the murky white water. An annoying beeping noise echoed in the room from three heart rate monitors including mine. I took in a deep breath and wiped my face of the white water before noticing two needles in my left arm and two more in my right. I ran my finger tip over the top of one with the absence of pain. My skin felt cold to the touch and almost stone like. I tried to pull at the needle but a sudden surge of heat forced me to stop. I tried to pull myself out of the tub but was only met with struggle and no progress of getting to my feet.

I released a sigh and slumped back into the tub. My head rested on the back of the tub as I took in a deep breath and pushed myself up using my neck and back. Suddenly, I lifted with ease over the side of the tub and was met with a cold concrete floor. I pushed myself away from the ground and looked up at the heart monitor I was still connected to. It was pumping something into the four tubes connected to my veins causing me to once again feel weak and disoriented. I began scratching at my arms forcing the needles above my skin. Blood dripped from my arms as I ripped the head of the needle out of them. I held in every wail of pain as I forced myself to my feet and grabbed a nearby hospital gown.

Getting out of this place was my only thought as I rammed the door of the room open and stumbled into the hallway almost losing my footing and falling to the white tile floor. I gathered myself together and used the wall as leverage to begin walking. I limped past window after window showing off rooms full of tubs like the one I escaped from and large tubes with people in them. I tried to focus less on what this place was and more on escaping when I passed by a room full of what looked to be doctors doing surgery. Men and women dressed in blood stained scrubs crowded around a large white table. One of the woman lifted a scalpel and sent it into the body on the table releasing a red spray that covered the front of her. Blood curdling shrieks echoed in the room loud enough to be heard from the hall as I ducked under the window and covered my mouth. My blood ran with heat again as I looked down to a puddle of blood coming from my arm.

Why aren't I healing?

My thought was shattered by the ear piercing siren that sounded over an intercom in the hallway.

Code Yellow...Code Yellow...Code Yellow

My breathing became heavier as I turned to notice the door to the room that I had just been watching flew open. A man in brown stained bloody scrubs stood towering over me. It didn't take long for me to also notice the three men practically out of breath running up behind him following the blood path I made by using the wall to walk. I darted to my feet and started to run down the hallway while being chased by the four men. I finally reached the door at the end of the hall and practically ripped it off the hinges as I swung it open and ran out into the sun lit forest. The sun blinded me and caused my vision to blur even more but I was able to see the titanium building surrounded by trees as I ran into nearby bushes and subbary.

My lungs felt like they were going to burst, my mouth was as dry as the desert, and my feet hurt from small pieces of broken beer glasses and small spiky plants on the forest floor. I could feel every tear in my skin from thorns on the bushes and every bruise burned under my skin. I was free but I didn't know where I was or how I had ended up in that wretched scum filled lab. It was like I had been in a deep sleep for god knows how long. The worst part is my strength was dwindling and I was unable to self heal. My body had finally had enough when it collapsed near a dirt road and my vision faded to black.

Present Day

I woke up that night in my old hide away, alone. My strength slowly returned and I started to feel like my old self again. I knew that I had to return to that lab to get everyone out but I also knew charging in without being at full strength was the stupidest move I could make. I laid low and did research on the lab but surprise surprise there wasn't much I could find out about it. The only conclusion I could draw from being there and meeting a man at a bar who knew about vampires and werewolves was that humans were getting smarter, they were finding out that fairytales and nighttime terrors do exist and they share a planet with them. My guess was that lab was picking apart supernatural beings to see what made them tick and how to kill them and with me being me I knew I had to stop them...but not alone.

I managed to track down and find the vail that hid the Sirens. Almost two years had past while I was in that lab and that meant I had been missing for almost two years to them. I didn't know how the court was going to take me not only coming back but also forming a group to go back to the lab and destroy it. That's why I currently stand leaning on a tree with a lit cigarette debating the thought of crossing or not cross the vail. On the one hand I was their superior princesses warrior queen who saved them and everyone on the planet from Helen's god complex. On the other hand I abandoned them for two years with no warning and the court aren't the kind of people to understand circumstances.

I decided to suck it up and cross the veil after my cigarette. Things seemed so different than before. The ponds that once flowed with spring water were dry and barren. The beautiful willow trees no longer hung but were bare from leaves instead. The grass I took a step on crunched under my foot and thorn bushes over grew the rose bushes.


I didn't receive an answer so I continued to walk until I reached Helen's castle. It was rotting away and looked like no one had been in it for years. I started to get an uneasy feeling until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swung around to see Amaryllis. She embraced me in a hug and I could feel her warm tears stream down her face.

You're back...We thought something had happened to you.

That's kind of why I'm here.

I pushed myself away from her embrace.

Something did happen and I need a few people to help me.

You won't find anyone here...

I watched Amaryllis wipe her tears away before looking around the ground.

But I can take you to Serena she should be able to help you.

She seemed to be holding something back, what I didn't know but it seemed important. Since spending so much time with Amaryllis trying to stop her mother I caught onto small details that told me something was wrong. Still, she spun around on her heels and I followed her to Serena.


Amaryllis pulled aside a cloth to expose two females laying on a bed. I froze for a moment before being ushered by Amaryllis into the room.

If this is a bad time I can come back later...

Before I could turn and leave the room Serena walked in dressed in a nightgown.

You aren't disrupting anything dear, it is so nice to have you back.

Uh, yeah, thanks. Listen, I need a few of your strongest.

What for?

Humans know we exist.

The two women on the bed looked at each other with concern. Amaryllis seemed to grow more uncomfortable as she looked over at Serena.

What proof do you have of this?

I pulled the sleeves up on my shirt to reveal scarred arms.

Because I was one of their guinea pigs.

Serina quickly settled the two women down and ushered them out of the room while Amaryllis shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Something wasn't right about the way they were reacting. Normally, this problem would be taken care of with no issues and no questions asked.

Please, explain to me what happened in detail.

Uh, well should I start with the fact I can't remember the last two years or when I woke up in a bath of cum.

Both Serena and Amaryllis gave me distasteful looks. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

Guess I'll cut to the chase, there is a lab in the middle of a off map forest. In this lab are quite a few people who enjoy cutting things open and poking at insides. I wasn't the only one there and I doubt I was the only Siren there. They had these baths filled with this merky white liquid and large tubes with vampires and shapeshifters in them. Judging by the equipment I saw...It didn't look like this was something new. They looked like they knew what they were doing, like they had seen these creatures before.


So what you wish for me to do is send you with my best to infiltrate this lab and do what exactly?

Let the ones who can get out on their own free and see how many others we can save. The dead can burn with the rest of the place but we have to see what these people know and why they are doing tests on us.

I will send five of my girls with you to help in your search and rescue. Truth be told we have noticed a few of the younger sirens have been missing. If you find them, please let me know. I'll let my girls know to get ready and you may head out tonight.

I nodded and left the tent like structure with Amaryllis. She seemed quite and nervous. Now I knew something was wrong.

Ok, shoot the shit what's going on? Helen's grounds look like no one has been there in years and no one cared to look for missing sirens? There's something you and Serena aren't telling me and normally I wouldn't care but Serena was to understanding. What's going on?

I can't say.

I stopped in my tracks and pulled on Amaryllis arm.

Oh you aren't getting off that easily. Why is Serena acting like she's in charge? Where is your mother because she sure as hell isn't here.

Why do you care where my mom is?

Normally I wouldn't, I'd be happy I don't have to deal with her but Serena gave in way to quickly and you've been acting weird. So, again I ask, what's going on?

Amaryllis sighed and pulled her arm away from me.

A prophecy. Everyone is worried some prophecy is going to happen and if it does...

It's the end of the world...

Kind of...

And this prophecy has to do with your mom.

Not just her...

Ok fine, one thing at a time. Let's get these girls, set that hell hole ablaze, then deal with this end of the world bull crap.


Night fell over the trees and the sound of crickets chirping echoed in the forest. I sat on a taller tree branch near Amaryllis looking out over the small lab below us. I visited this place enough after regaining my strength that I knew when the place would have minimum security.

Mandii...There's something I need to tell you...

Do you really think this is a good time?

It's about the prophecy...They have my mother locked up in that castle and refuse to let her go until the prophecy is over.

Ok, so?

She's not the only one the prophecy talks about...

Before I could get another word out of Amaryllis we got the cue to show time. Both Amaryllis and I jumped down from the branch and darted for the back door of the lab while three girls took the front and two came from the top of the building. Once in the blinding white halls we could hear a security system.


I'm on it.

A girl with golden hair ran past me and in a matter of minutes the alarm was disabled. Amaryllis broke off from me and entered a dimly lit room while I carried on down the hallway until I found my room. Inside, I saw there were no longer any bathtubs but instead filing cabinets. I walked over to one and read S-W. I pulled open the cabinet but before I could read any of its contents I could hear Amaryllis at the door.

Mandii, there's something you need to see.

I grabbed at a couple of files, including my own, and exited the room. Amaryllis lead me down the hall in the opposite direction we came in. The white painted walls and white tiles slowly changed to brick and concrete. There was more to the building than just the few rooms I saw when escaping. Suddenly, we stopped in front of a single door at the end of the hall. Amaryllis put her hand on my arm as I reached for the doorknob.


Just from the look on her face I knew something was wrong. I pushed open the door and what I saw made my blood run cold. I stood in shock and dismay as a body laid out on a stretcher came into view. I felt the warm sting of tears as they rushed down my face, my gut now a knot. On the stretcher, only covered with what looked to be a black garbage bag, laid Jason...My brother...



No, No, NO!

Amaryllis closed the door as soon as I stepped foot in the room. I ran over to the table and grabbed Jason's hand in mine. His skin was like rock and even paler than normal. I begged, I pleaded, I ask to take his place but I couldn't get him to respond to me.

Why is he even here?! He's...He's human...why did they...


Amaryllis slammed the door open, a loud alarm going off behind her.

We have to go, now!

I'm not leaving! I'm not leaving him!

Amaryllis pushed me aside and pulled Jason over her shoulder.

I need you to get us out of here Mandii, NOW!

...To Be Continued...


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A New Threat (Pt. 1) - by Mandii Rider - 02-01-2018, 04:33 PM

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