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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Past Prologue
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Stevie Tyler Offline
This sucks.

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06-29-2013, 04:26 AM

4 Months Ago
Stevie Tyler is regaining consciousness, little by little. He can't see anything, but his hearing has returned. Sounds like a mob on all sides of him.

"STE-VIE TY-LER!" *clap-clap-clapclapclap "STE-VIE TY-LER!" clap-clap-clapclapclap

"Duuuuuuuuuude...That. Was. SICK!" he hears right as his vision returns. He's startled by the site of his hulking, symbiotic demon, Gary. The next of his senses to come back to him was his feeling, which sucked. Not only was his body killing him, but he now could feel Gary's slobber all over his face from yelling at him. Gary wasn't good at just sayin' it and not sprayin' it. Who'd have thought demons had such poor manners, right?

So, anyway, he sits up and looks around and the crowd is going beserk. There's little red guys flying around in circles and all types in the audience. The couple that sticks out most to Stevie is the bearded BDSM lady and her boy(?)friend(?). He's so big he's making the bleachers buckle right under his hefty posterior. He's got part of a human arm stuck under his chest flap. Purple skin, shiny with sweat, and wearing nothing at all save a gimp mask and chains connecting a collar to his nipples. Which, it should be noted, are roughly the size of Stevie's head.

"They love you, bro!" Gary growls. Not because he's angry. That's just how he talks half the time. "You freakin' murdered him!" Gary points to the other side of the ring...Oh, right...He's in a wrestling ring in Hell if that wasn't clear enough already. Wrestling's not great here, but it beats wrestling for CZW.

Where was he? Oh, right. On the other side of the ring is a guy that is still out-cold. Orange skin, sort of like Hulk Hogan's but he's got Ultimate Warrior facepaint. It really reminds Stevie more of the Ultimate Warrior knock-off from Streets of Rage. Wait...That's not Renegade, is it?

Gah, I need to stop that. So, yeah. Let's just stop dealing with my digression and just tell you what happened.

Stevie couldn't remember anything because Gary had taken complete control of his body as soon as the bell rang. Stevie and The Renegade Warrior had battled each other for close to an hour in a match that, if it had taken place in the mortal realm, would've probably killed them both. Weapons were still strewn about the ring, Stevie noticed. A chair, kendo stick, barbed wire, a stroller, a baby, and a mace. He glanced down at his stomach and saw, to his horror, that it was only sort of there.

"Don't worry, man, it'll grow back in no time. Nobody swings a baby like Renegade Warrior," Gary said. Stevie stood up, with surprisingly less pain than he was expecting.

"Dude! This is NOT COOL! You told me it would be easy! WHERE IS MY STOMACH, GARY!?" Stevie said as he was completely not being cool about everything. "You said we'd be a wrestler and even THAT I didn't want to do! What is this?" he asked, pointing to his nonstomach. "This never happened to Glacier!"
"That's because Glacier didn't get in the ring with me! Next time, mortal! Next time, The Renegade Warrior will not go so easy on you!" shouted the now-standing Renegade Warrior who then vanished into the ether.

"Yeah, you BETTER RUN! SUCKAAAAAA!!!" Gary said, to the delight of the crowd before attempting a spinaroonie that really accomplished nothing more than to tear apart the ring apron because of his jutting back-scales.

"I'm out. I'm out I'm out I'm out. I can't do this," Stevie said, apparently out.

"Dude, we were incredible! That was the greatest debut ever here!"

Finally, the referee started to usher them out of the ring. Gary had already ruined it and they had stayed there for entirely too long. They wait until the get to the locker room to finish their conversation. It's an ordinary locker room. FOR HELL. Seriously, there's a torture rack RIGHT THERE with somebody getting stretched far beyond the breaking point while pins are being stuck in his ears. Next to their bench. Other than that, totally normal even for mortals.

"For the last time, Stevie, you don't have a say-so in this. Rules are rules, bro. And I promise you won't get hurt. Especially here. It IS Hell but that also means that you're immortal while you're here. Sort of. Oh, look!" Gary points to where Stevies stomach was missing, and is now back. "Your stomach's back! See? What did I tell you? Who's your best friend who looks out for you?" Gary smiles and reaches for a hug. Stevie leans away and Gary hugs him anyway.

"Sorry your Dragonforce shirt got ruined," Gary said as he slumped his shoulders.
"Ahh...It's ok. I've got another one," Stevie said, actually trying to make Gary feel alright about it. Even though he resented the entire situation, in any other one he had to admit they'd be friends. It's been 4 months since Gary invaded his life and he is actually growing on him. It's bizarre that he's been possessed by a demon that's a bigger loser than he is.

"Dude, I told you about how sometimes I can see parts of the future, right? Like, not all the time and never clearly?" Gary asked.

"You mentioned it. Please, tell me I finally get laid again. It's been so long."

"BY MY MOM! OHHHHHHH!" Gary didn't know how those jokes worked.

"I don't think you know how those jokes work," said Stevie, oblivious to the narrator in his own story.

"No. I mean, who knows? But that's not what I saw. I saw your first match, bro. Battle Royal on Wednesday Warfare!"

"More than one guy? Jesu..."

Gary cuts him off, "NOT HERE! Don't say that here! That was close. What is wrong with you? Yeah, battle royal against a couple other guys debuting with you and that World-1, kid."

"Do I win?"

"...No, bro. It's a bad day. They're gonna' completely murder you. It's gonna' be so bad."

"WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO IT!?" Stevie says as he finally finds a clean towel to wipe his head.

"HAHAHA! Dude, you should see your face! I'm messin' with you! You're totally winning your first match! No problem. You've got me, after all! We're gonna' be all OVER that battle royal, SON!"

"I really hate you," Stevie said, forgetting he's talking to a demon who probably takes that as a compliment.

"That's so sweet, bro. Thanks." See?

[Image: pDvrWlI.jpg]
2x Xtreme Champion
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
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Past Prologue - by Stevie Tyler - 06-29-2013, 04:26 AM

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