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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17
Author Message
Phantom Panzer Offline
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01-17-2018, 07:36 PM

After the match has finished, he is seen with the t-shirt in hand in his dimension, growling lightly. The "wounds" of war having gone. And very slowly, the shirt begins to burn, but it didn't burn like a normal clothing item would. The flame also begins to change colors.

"As much as I would LOVE to be a leader of some shithole of a team, and try to whip it into shape, I will not be accepting this role. Nor do I want to be associated with any of these fucking and rejects. Even though I am a said reject. Bx3, Go lick Shane's asshole clean, and then let Scatbear go Rape Ape on you. Find a different person to join your shit poor excuse of a team and lead it. Because I, however, will not."

The t-shirt is soon consumed, and the fire reveals a more, well, firey representation of Panzer's face.

[Image: hvu6R0Z.png?2]
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Messages In This Thread
Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17 - by Vincent Lane - 01-17-2018, 07:18 PM
re:Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17 - by Phantom Panzer - 01-17-2018, 07:36 PM
Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17 - by JimCaedus - 01-17-2018, 09:14 PM
Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17 - by Imperial - 01-17-2018, 10:19 PM
Wednesday Night Warfare! 1/17 - by Robert Main - 01-17-2018, 11:05 PM

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