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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
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Heironeous Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

06-28-2013, 01:12 PM

(Firstly allow me to apologies to everyone. I haven't had time to actually read too many rps. That's the problem when your working 52 hours this week especially starting at 6 am. I hope none of you take offense.)

It is friday, one of the best days of the week and very close indeed to the beginning of the wildcard weekend. The XWF logo comes into view as the camera fades in. Steve Sayors seems to be Heironeous' personal interviewer as he is stood there, dressed to the nines in a blue pin strips suit but with a paler blue bow tie. Why I hear you ask? Simple my friends bow ties are cool, the doctor says so, so it must be true. Life fact there for you all.

The man behind the camera gives him a count down, signaling him to begin. Steve's throat seems to be a little hoarse today.

"Dearest XWF fans, with the wildcard weekend hanging over us there is little time for our stars to make their points, feeling heard and to play those last few moments of mind games. Most of them have practically lived in front of the camera this week however my guest today is been rather quiet, perhaps he has been taking a different approach or perhaps showing nerves at this huge moment. Let's find out, please welcome the Natural Twenty Heironeous."

Our 'hero' walks in, for some ungodly reason he has decided to dress like Thor. I know I mean dude, we get it your Norwegian, Thor, linked yes we get it although he does look very good in it. Perhaps him showing his famous heritage all be it mythical allows him to be confident and his own person. They both smile politely and shake hands, he even shakes the hand of the cameraman, another of his unsung heroes.

"Thank you Steve it's always a pleasure to work alongside yourself."

"No please the pleasure is mine, now before we speak about business allow me to ask you about your choice in dress today."

Heiro extends his arms out at a ninety degree angle and turns around slowly. "Yeah I figured this would raise a few eyebrows, a couple of reasons really, firstly is one I will address later, secondary I found a gent down a local pub and we got talking about sports, life and how others see us. Well after he bestowed many a life lesson on me, he challenged me to a game of pool which I lost and as part of that I had to dress like Thor for the day. To be honest with you, I would have thrown the match, I like this outfit and he was a great guy and great guy deserve to have their moment of victory." Heiro drops his arms back to his side and moves his hair away from his face a little, a sly smile escapes his lips as he remembers the activities of the following night.

"Well at least your a man of honour and can respect that agreement. Personally you wouldn't see me in that but then such is life. Now let's get down to business. Wildcard weekend, most of the others are raging at each other. Yelling about their achievements, goals and how they are determined to win. Yet you have been notable by your absence, why is this?"

Heiro nods gently, his lower lip extends a few centimeters. Raising his eyebrows in a naturally inquisitive manner. "Yes Steve, now understand that I am normally a respectful guy, I would sit listen or read everything that my opponents say or do. It's part of my job, however this week has been one of the most painful I have ever had to sit through. If you gave me a choice of having to listen to that drivel or getting a barbie between the legs, hell sign me up for the barbwire." His hands are moving in an exuberant motions, his voice is strong and filled with the burning desire and passion that we have come to expect from our reluctant hero. "There are five other people and they all sound the same. Well down to Eli, you fought hard and earned your spot here, which means it's another tough man to have to face off against. Do you know Steve I actually fell asleep whilst listening to PG's second promo. I sat through Sliding doors without ripping out my own eyes nor falling into a coma but PG managed what I figured was the impossible. Let's not get carried away here Luca wasn't much better I had to switch over and watch some MLB, I felt my testicles shrink whilst trying to put myself in his shoes." Heiro takes a moment and Steve believing he's finished begins to speak.

"Where they really..."

"Sorry to interrupt you Steve but there is a few more things I'd like to say before we move on. There was a line during the last British general election that really stands out here. The now Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said during their live debates. 'Have you noticed the more these two talk the more they sound the same.' Personally I find that very very apt, it was actually hard to follow what was being said after the first time of seeing it. Imagine this Steve, watching six videos all the same beginning, all the same middle and all the same end. How do you know what's happening? Who has actually said what and to whom? I normally like to quote people but I have to say I'm lost, totally and completely lost in all this. In fact it reminds me of lost. Let's make this comparison here Steve did you ever watch that series?"

Steve nods, of course he did I mean who hasn't seen lost? What idiot would miss one of the biggest series in recent history. (ahem.)

"Well my path has been crossed with PG for nearly a month now and at first it was exciting, learning about new people, what they are capable of and how they truly are. Then you get the second season where you start to dislike and like others, plots seem to become more evident, take point in case John Madison, his attack on PG is very true of a second season twist. Then you have his lackey attacking us as well to introduce a secondary villain who fades away rather rapidly but will surely make another appearance later. Then there is third season, yawn all the same again. Another attack from the original villain the only real twist was the possible joining of two former enemies. Now we are into the fourth season which was as pointless as an anti-male convention. The fourth season will be me building up to facing John Madison. Yes Steve I know I said I had a slim chance of winning but after listening to them go on and on and on... wait I've done this before... anyway I will not subject the XWF fans to having to sit through that.... Crap, yes I said it. Crap is exactly what that was. There will however be a twist just like in Lost. The twist will be the underdog, the small, skinny runt of a wrestler being crowned king.

Now Steve I promised you my first answer to my clothing today. I am far from boring, I am far from lacking in intellect, and creativity to go over the same points again and again and again and... wait why do I always seem to be doing this? Anyway, this battle is old, never ending just the place and the means are now different. What won't be different is that creativity will decide the outcome of this war."

Now it is Steve's turn to interrupt.

"Sorry, are you calling this elimination chamber in the same light as a war?"

"Yes I am. This is a war, a war on fairness, equality and giving the fans exactly what they deserve. Good quality wrestling, not cheap short sightedness. Wars are not won by simply repeat and rinse, Atila the Hun had an empire larger than any other conqueror. The reason for that was he and his people created the bow. The ability to kill the enemy at range before they get close enough to do any real damage was shocking. Now this is me recreating the bow, me speaking here and taking a stand to break the monotony that has dragged the XWF down to petty and cheap self centered behavior. I am the natural Twenty and I will re-roll this place into the business, no not business but the wrestling sports entertaining company the fans really deserve.

Now as for the Chamber itself, I hope and I pray to the light that I get the number I truly want, no it's not six anymore. I want and will happily trade for the number one spot. In fact if management are listening to this I personally request the number one spot. That way I can ensure I break the pathetic hold that all this crap has on the XWF. Now to the men I have to face off against. You are all the same, your names blur into each others. I don't care who starts second or sixth. I don't care if you want to bleed or make me bleed. This is war and I take it seriously where as you lot are acting like school girls arguing over who should take John Madison to the prom."

He signals for the the cameraman to focus on him alone.

"I know you'll all have something to say about me and about this. So feel free, say what you want, shout it from every roof top you can find, but there is one thing you all need to know. I won't be listening, and as much as you can say that doesn't bother you, we all know that would be a lie. This crap stops tomorrow, tomorrow will be the first day of the XWF's freedom."

He shakes both men by the hand and leaves.

"Well folks looks like Heironeous means to set us free, will he achieve his goal? We'll find out tomorrow folks."

The camera fades out.

(Again I'd like to apologize to everyone involved in my match, if I get time I will try and read all your works.)

Successfully held a Wildcard Briefcase to Wildcard Weekend.
W3 / L2 Streak - 3W
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Yawnage. - by Heironeous - 06-28-2013, 01:12 PM

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