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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
Pursuing the brother
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

06-28-2013, 10:52 AM

“Antonio Rogerio Nogueria A.K.A. little nog A.K.A. Number 1 on my most wanted list! (Besides KnightMask of course! Love you maskie!) That is the formal way to start something out right? Introduce the villain then the hero… If that is what you want to call me. Here I’ll let the big guy in charger explain who I am, I mean I haven’t been in the business for a few weeks now other than hosting Madness!”

We are following one half of the XWF tag team champion, one half of the Crimson Knights, Crimson Cobra is a man who overcame the odds with his partner and took down one of the biggest players in the tag team division!

“And yes he does mean ONE Mystery carried that team and we all know it!”

Crimson Cobra was able to take out Mister Mystery in the triple threat tag team match at the previous pay per view High Stakes and he helped his team to victory and ultimately the tag team gold. In recent matches Cobra has been overcome by the forces of Nightmare as well as Luca Arzegotti. Thus making him snap mentally after having such a big ego he now believes that he is a character in some sort of alternate reality. After the verbal beat down from Luca Cobra was left shattered and thinking not only outside of the box but outside of the universe!

“Haha, universe? You mean this fake world that you people put me in?! What is the universe? What is th-“

Cobra was last hunting down a man by the name of Antonio Nogueria, not much has changed other than that man is deceased.

“Wait a minute! Did you just fCENSOREDing cut me off?! I’ll show you who cuts who-“

The situation Cobra finds himself in now is quite similar, the target looks just as the other did, the name is exactly the same… So how could the results be any different?

“Wait… No I wasn’t done talking to them! Not one of these things where you skip time! NOOOO! WAIT I HAVE VITAL INFORMA-“

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

(Wait… Brazil? The fCENSORED am I doing in Brazil?)

Crimson Cobra is sporting his newly acquired attire. The old black suit was a little too hot for his taste, (Guess John Austin was right about this thing…) this new suit has been designed specifically for air intake and release. The suit has been padded with special bulletproof armor making Deadpool… oh wait I mean Crimson Cobra feel like Batman. Maybe everyone referring to me as a masked superhero like Deadpool finally got to my head. The new sleek look also gives Crimson Cobra the desired shape he had been wanting from the first suit.

Crimson Cobra was thinking ahead when the bullet proof additions came in, knowing Brazil, or at least the part he was going to be in had gone to shit he was going to prepare for the worst. Although MMA champions had been bread from the area it was still the host to some major crimes and murders. Not only was Cobra ready but he was ahead of the game hiding his pistol in a secret area of his armor that only comes out when commanded to by Crimson’s voice.

”Here we go, let’s go find Antonio’s brother…. Antonio. Damn poor kid’s parents must not have been able to afford more than one name!”

The dirty streets are littered with old trash making the neighborhood only look worse than it really is. Crimson doesn’t mind though having to face some really dirty, discussing opponents in his upcoming match he finds this as a test, maybe if he doesn’t puke here he won’t throw up from the horrid wrestling ability’s or just the outright discussing looks of his opponents.

”At least I cover my burnt flesh, some of these idiots who say that I am the only man in this match that they respect so do a background check before telling me to take off the suit that is keeping me alive after being in a god damned car explosion!

You want to punch me in that face, that’s good and find but don’t be the absolute fCENSOREDing tard telling me to remove my life support. On to what really matters here…

Antonioooooo come out and play-ay!”

Crimson Cobra reaches back to grab one of his swords and just at that instant something on the back of his armor seems to transform and his katana is in reach of his hand almost as if it had come to him. Crimson begins to walk towards the same address that he has down on a piece of paper he just placed into his pocket. Crimson reaches the door and pushes it open, it creeks as the black abyss of a home becomes open to Crimson Cobra...

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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(06-29-2013), John Austin (06-28-2013)

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Pursuing the brother - by Crimson Cobra - 06-28-2013, 10:52 AM

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