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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
Final Thoughts
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-13-2017, 10:56 PM

[Image: TKjEFtf.jpg]

Steve Sayors caught up with Jenny as she walked into the arena for her pre-show warm ups. He had just finished an epic reverse interview with Chris Chaos and now wanted to get a final chance to speak with his spurned ex-lover.

"Jenny.....Jenny Myst! A quick word!"

She rolls her eyes. "Make it quick, Steve. I have greatness to get to."

"Many people think Michelle just beat you into submission with her latest EPIC promo that she did at the house show. I am sure you've seen it at this point. You're thoughts?"

Jenny laughed sarcastically to herself.

"It is funny that Michelle called her promo the New Voice of Self-Entitlement. She certainly is. She thinks she is all that. She is just another person who is trying to run me down and shove my face in the mud. She has tried to drag my name around and slander me, but the truth is, she is perplexed by me. She doesn't know what to make of me. She doesn't know how to approach me. With Abigail, she had an approach, she had a game plan. With me, she is clearly scrambled. I mean........

"I challenged and competed against a woman who even you couldn’t beat you"

What? That you couldn't beat you? Yet she worries about ME worrying about HER words? Why wouldn't I when she is making is just so easy? She is rushing to get as much out about me as she can because she knows her time is limited. She knows I am the woman to beat around here and it makes her itch. She can't handle it. Need it be said AGAIN that SHE called ME out. She saw it. We all saw it. She knew I was the pinnacle. You only have haters when you have fans. They hate me cuz they ain't me, plain and simple"

"They certainly aren't. I have been a fan of yours for a while. We have had our ups and downs, for sure. But, she did make some valid points that other people have brought up. Do you think maybe she has a point?"

Again Jenny rolled her eyes.

She has had to fall back on other people's words, and relate it to her own. What Chris said sucked, who would like that? But I powered through it. I didn't let it get to me. He is saying what he needs to say. I am focused on me for the first time in a long time, and I am happy. Who wouldn't want that?"

"You have said that Michelle is self-absorbed, and she has said it back to you. You two have had perhaps the most intense back and forth by any two women in this company, ever. Even if you lose this match, is it a moral victory knowing you stood toe to toe?"

'The title is only a materialistic item and it has very little meaning to a person’s self-esteem.' [i]Not when you're me. Not when the only victory you have had in your life is picking up more singles on stage than the girl who went up before you. This title will mean that I am the best of the best and it will be viable proof. All Michelle has are words, but no real substance to back it up. This will be my PROOF. Sometimes, the proof is in the pudding, is it not?"

"Great, now I'm hungry".

"Look....I am not going to dissect every word that Michelle said. She read back an entire novel out there in the ring, and sifting through it is just too much wasted energy. How much of what she said is actually valid? It is all the same meandering crap everyone else said. Tala Sugay, Abigail,Chris.....but I am still standing here talking to you as confident as ever. I am going to be the next Bombshell Champion and if you're lucky I may invite you to the coronation on Savage. I expect to see you after Leap of Faith for an exit interview of sorts."

"I look forward to it........Jenny Myst everybody!"

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Final Thoughts - by Jenny Myst - 10-13-2017, 10:56 PM

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