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A Stepping Stone, a Retiree and AX3 – Buffet Spreads, Just Men.
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Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


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10-09-2017, 09:02 PM

Sorry, I’ve actually been on a beach holiday, Ima hit you wonderful fans with the hardest promos I can muster for this LOF match.

He sprung up from his sheets, a thick layer of ice-cold sweat glazed over his caramel skin. He almost looked as yummy as a Krispy Kreme original. His vision was a blur as he tried to orientate himself to the room he found himself in. You’d be surprised as to how short a time it took to forget something, to feel completely alien in a place you once called home. Blinking a few times, Danny swung his legs off his bed and reached out to his bedside table. He gripped at the wood with a shaking hand, steadying himself as he pulled his massive frame onto his feet. He stood, swaying, panting. We’re back.

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]

Mr Imperial?


He’s gone… We’re free?

Danny’s fingers groped at the table, hitting a buzzer on the vintage-looking phone. Within a minute, his door opened and the distinct silhouette of Jackson stood in the way. A bright orange light flickered behind him, casting his shadow everywhere through the room.

Danny, what’s wrong?

Danny’s head jerked to stare at the doorway. A sickening smile on his face, paired with the cold sweats and the shadows caused by the lack of light made him a frightening sight. Jackson’s eyes widened by the smallest margin, but before he can say anything, Danny cuts in.

He’s gone. HE’S GONE JACKSON. No voices, none, we-I-we… Hear nothing!

Jackson’s eyes narrowed slightly, a wave of caution coming over him. Taking a couple of large steps to come right in front of Danny, whom he still towered over in terms of stature. He placed a gentle hand on Danny’s shoulder, and tried to push him back onto the bed. Danny instinctively jerks his hand up to grab at Jackson’s wrist, tight. Jackson stares him down, continuing his push, which Danny finally obliges to.

Fine, we’re fine. I’m fine, this is incredible. You’d think a few weeks was nothing but… But. It was horrible Jackson. No matter what that fucker told you, it was horrible.

Jackson doesn’t flinch or avert his gaze, he doesn’t believe for a second that Danny is suddenly cured. It couldn’t be that east, no, it wasn’t that easy. He realized that he’d lost Danny that day, almost four months ago. His Danny wasn’t going to come back just like that.

Book me a flight, anywhere, no, some island. There’s a fire in my bones and I need the sweet, oh so sweet, ocean to soothe it. Y’know, half Polynesian and all, must be the genes, you know how it is… Yes?

It’s two in the morning Danny, I think you should go back to sleep, we can figure this out in the morning.

Danny looked back at Jackson incredulously.

Figure this out?! What’s there to figure out? Just call up Sherry at the travel agency and get it sorted. Hell, call Svetlana in the Russian travel agency, it’s sometime in the morning there now. Get her to sort us out.

Jackson remained standing there, holding Danny down with one of his large palms.

[Image: Sexy-Jason-Momoa-GIFs.gif]

Are you kidding me.

Does Jackson let go? No, instead, he pressed down a little harder.


Jackson breathed out slowly through his nose, his eyes fluttering to a close in annoyance. He bit down on the inside of his cheek as he felt his hand twitch slightly. A good solid slap to the side of the head would knock this little punk into dreamland. His train of thought was derailed abruptly, however. The sound of a palm connecting with a cheek broke the silence in the room as Jackson opens his eyes. Danny’s face is swung away from him, Rhiannon having just bitch slapped him like a pimp does a hoe.

The fuck was that Danny? Did somebody not get his warm milk before bed? This how you been speaking to Jackson all these years? Disgusting.

Danny’s neck rotates back like it was on a spring, his hand raises up to strike her back but he holds it back inches away from his sister’s face.

Did you just hit us in our own home?

He realizes his use of the plural but shakes it off.

Yes, you little sycophant. Just because you suddenly think the almighty has cured you of your brief stint of insanity, doesn’t mean you get to be an asshole to the one man who can stand your whining. Apologize to him before I do a lot more than slap you.

Danny’s gaze flickers to Jackson, before he sniffles. Closing his eyes once, breathing in to compose himself, he lets a rueful smile come across his face. Straightening his back and adjusting his boxers around his waist, he extends a hand out to Jackson.

As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. I was being a little shit. I’m sorry man, it’s just… It’s been so dark. I just need to get away, get away from this place for a couple of days. Can we please take that trip? Bring your tranq gun if you need to, I just need some fresh air and… As odd as it is to say this, enjoy my body again.

Jackson finally takes his palm off of Danny’s chest, ruffling the younger man’s hair and letting out a quick chuckle.

It’s good to have you back Daniel. I’ll book that flight, and you damn well be certain I’ll be bringing my tranq’. I haven’t been so afraid in my life. You’re fucked in the head, kid.

Danny winces slightly at the final comment, his eyes averting to his bedside table. A pair of reading glasses that he’s never needed before lay perfectly on them. The frame is a perfect gold, with the tiny inscribing Mr. Imperial, on the right side.

Bzzzt!! Bzzzt!! Bzzzt!

Danny reaches into his pocket to pull out his mobile phone. A little blue square in the center of the screen reads.

[You have 4 notifications from
1. Jim Caedus - Leap O’…
2. Chris Chaos – E D G….
3. Robert Main – Wishing
4. 1 Unread Personal Message - ….]

Glancing up at the waving coconut tree above him, and the crashing waves a few feet away from him, he tosses the phone onto a little table to his side. Leap of Faith could wait. With the beautiful Pacific Ocean all around him, the wondrous smell of freshly grilled fish in the air, and a perfect pair of hands working out the knots in his back, nothing could ruin his mood. Nothing except one-

You seen this shit yet?

Danny grimaces openly.

They’re barely paying you any attention, they all seem to admit to the fact too. You’re a fucking joke Danny.

The beautiful 20-something year old pressing her fingers into Danny’s back stops doing her thing for a few seconds, wondering if she should leave. Danny turns his head to give her a blinding smile, edging her to keep going. She smiles back at him sweetly, placing her palm back down and caressing the knots of his muscles. Danny moans in pleasure, turning back to look down.
Is that so… Ooh, just there. A little to the le- fuck me, right there.

Rhiannon tsks audibly, and Danny can’t help but smile to himself before a sharp pain shoots up his back. He jerks around to see what the fuck that sweet Michelle, or Rachel or whatever her name was, was doing. He realizes that she’s standing sheepishly at the side, and Rhiannon has a sharp nail stabbing into his lower back. Behind her is a fluttering XWF drone, clearly she wanted him to get to some work.

I came back to rescue your name, our name, not watch as you to allow the all these past editions of sports illustrated come in and spit all over his memory.

Don’t bring him into this, they’re not spitting on anything either, they just don’t see me coming.

EXACTLY, when are you going to be the one they’re afraid of? They one they’re itching to kill, not the one they’re forced to pay attention to?


It’s the match of your pathetic-fucking life, I can relax, but you sure as hell can’t. You’ve got less than a week to the rafters match and you’re busy having Island Barbie here, no offense sweetheart, you’re beautiful, give you a backrub. They’re off spouting shit at each other and you’re working on your tan. For fucks sake.

[Image: tumblr_nji9gcXEto1twxysvo1_500.gif]

Danny sighs and rolls over onto his back before sitting up on the bed. He beckons Island Barbie to him, running the back of his palm along the side of her flawless cheek. A deep blush flushes up from her chest to her cheek, playing along her olive skin beautifully. Without letting his gaze leave her,

Do you even see who’s in that match?

Caedus, Chaos, Main, Reno, Scully and you. Do you even know who you’re facing?

What do they all have in common?
Well four of them are former Universal Champions, the other is one of the best Hart Champions XWF and three of them are former AX3 members.

And how’ve they all been doing in the past few weeks?

Rhiannon’s mouth opens for a quick retort before it scrunches up in thought.

Not the best, I guess. Chaos has had his off days, losing to you but beating Raven, Caedus has been on a downward spiral… MAIN. He just came off a win against Bourbon.

And see how you didn’t even mention Reno and Scully? Cos fuck em’. See whilst you had to think about what they were all doing in the past few weeks, I’ve got that shit memorized. Flight here, watched their fights. Before I go to bed, watch their fights. Whilst I slathered on some suntan lotion on this skin, watch their fights. I know who I’m facing, I always do. I’ve going into this with the most momentum behind me, the strongest winds under my wings, now I just have to embrace it and soar.

That’s some cocky bullshit Danny.

Cocky? Arrogance, you think this is arrogance? You’ve got too much to learn sister-dearest. This is preparation. When I’m dangling in the air, balancing precariously on those rafters, who do you think is going to come out on top? The arrogant Barbie doll who’s better used to running than risking it all, the panda fucker who’d rather give up and retire than fight through the tough times, the piece of trailer-pack trash that can’t win a fight even with a bitch in his corner (That last one goes for at least three of these fuckers), the street rat with teeth you could use to open a wine bottle, or perhaps the spawn of lots of meth and a that one possession movie from the 1970s… Actually that last one kind of sounds like me… ANYWAYS. Probably that guy, and me. Graceful, slippery, dangerous and most importantly reckless.

Most matches aren’t geared for the reckless, for those of us that don’t mind giving it our all. For those of us that count leaping off rafters as another day in the park, no no… See, life isn’t really geared towards us either. We usually end up dead, paraplegic or one of those idiots on Jackass. But every once in a while, when the fates smile down on us, when Karma deems it fitting to reward us, when the Ocean Gods deem as faithful (Those last two are for you, Caedus, you inbred racist fuck.)”

Danny turns to stare into the floating XWF drone fluttering its wings a few feet away from him. He gives it a sly wink, before turning back to his sister.

“If they deem us faithful, we get an opportunity like this one. An opportunity to embrace everything that makes us tick and throw away all inhibitions. An opportunity to grasp at the threads of insanity and stretch out for what’s been placed inches away from our grasp. You see, if we don’t give it all to the win and leap, we’ll never get what we want. For some, that’s a terrifying thought, for me, it’s an intoxicating one.

You see of all those men put in this match, I can perhaps think of one who’s off his rocker enough to do it. Main. Not that I’m going to sit here and stroke another man off, not really my style, is it? The other four fucktards though? Chaos, Reno and Scully are too afraid to do anything that might damage their little faces, too inhibited to risk it all for a shot at glory. They like to play it safe and bide their time, the long game hm, it’s the only game they can really win? Caedus is practically a one big wrecking ball. Given enough of a push, he’s all strength and no brains, he’d probably do better in an ironman match or a Last Man Standing match that requires a chunk of concrete like him to keep standing up. He’s too worried about little shits teaming up to take the O’Great Caedus out. Because he’s some big, scary threat right? Because everyone here, no matter how hard he gets knocked down, seems to think he deserves a spot in the light. I had to kick two of these fuckers to the curb to get where I am and they waltz right back in in with Scully and Reno in hand to just sit their asses along me, SCULLY AND RENO?! WHAT THE FUCK DOES A MAN HAVE TO DO TO GET SOME BLOODY RESPE-“

[Image: leonardo-di-caprio-gritando-gif-django.gif]

Danny is hunched over, breathing unevenly. He has one hand gripped tightly around Island Barbie, turning the skin around his fingers white with lack of blood. She seems to be fighting to get out of his grasp, but Danny can’t hear anything but the blood pulsing through his ear drums. Rhiannon is trying to pry his fingers off the poor girls hand, screaming Bloody Mary at Danny, but he can’t hear any of it. The veins around his neck pop out through his skin, his top lip curls up slightly to reveal his canines.


Rhiannon huffs as Danny slumps to the floor, having slammed the base of her ankle into the side of his head with a resounding round house. His grip on the girl loosens as he lies on the floor, motionless. The girl grips at her hand, whimpering slightly but still kneeling to make sure Danny is alright. He seems to be breathing at least, as the veins around his neck return to their normal size. Rhiannon glances at the drone with a worried look, waving it off.

Fuck off, we’re done here.

[Image: source.gif]

The drone’s feed returns, supposedly a few hours later, at the same beach-side lounge. The beautiful masseuse is still there, a hot towel in her hand as she wipes down the body of a lying Danny Imperial. On his back this time, as she wipes over his chiseled chest. A close-up of his face reveals a small red splotch in one of his eyes, some broken blood vessels. His gaze is unwavering and straight forward, every few seconds, he lets a smile cross his face as the girl says something, but his gaze never shifts from straight forward. The presence of the drone sees to register to Danny, as he finally addresses it.

“My apologies for having to let you all see that. Then again, I guess none of you really expect me to calm and composed, not after the bullshit I’ve put all of your through the last few weeks. Voices in my head, uncharacteristic speech patterns and wrestling styles. I’m sorry for… Fuck, I don’t even know what I should be apologizing for. I just know that you deserve one.

But I’m back now, and for as many times as I’ve said it in the past few weeks, I’ve never meant it more. No matter the voices in my head or the changes in my personality, I won those matches. I fought for my place in the main event of Leap of Faith… Which is more than I can say for these other entitled little fuckers. As I alluded to earlier, the only other competitor here who could even be said to deserve this spot is Main, beating a number one contender for the Universal Championship coming into this on a running foot means something. Sure, Chaos beat Raven, but I took him out already, doesn’t that mean anything? Why am I facing two men that I already faced and beat in the last two Warfares? What is this, second chances, we some kind of charity now? Where’s Neville Sinclair? Why’s Engy facing a king when he should be in this match, Cadryn wasting his time with Gilly instead of risking his life. Hm. I don’t get it.

One thing’s for sure, the three of you that bothered to release anything till now seem to be giving me just as much attention as a Tiger Wood’s gave his pussy count. I’m sorry, did Caedus and Chaos forget how impressively I showed the world their time was up? Does Main think I’m going to casually ignore just because he gave me a little shout-out? He’s another member of AX3 that I haven’t quite squashed under my boot.

Speaking of which, what is the fucking coincidence that three members of AX3 are in this match? I mean, I know they don’t like each other anymore, or so they seem to want us to believe, but really guys? It’s like fucking Christmas for me. AX3 was the disease that brought upon the Kings, Raven, and all the things wrong with the irksome aristocracy that runs this place. They’re the ones that fucked with my matches before I was forced to take my break, and on my return, I’ve got to face two of them in singles bouts and get to face three of them in one swoop? That’s the only icing on this shit-pie of a match. That I get to wreck my vengeance on three unfortunate souls at one swoop. You see, what could be sweeter than winning a briefcase and cementing the fact that the once-great AX3 is now just a pile of spineless, talentless fucks. I mean, cementing it more than I already did in the past two shows.”

[Image: d2745b1c8aff7624569f12e86b831345.gif]

Danny finally shifts his gaze to look directly at the drone.

“Oh, Danny hasn’t addressed any of you individually, has he? Poor thing. You’re all just different cuts of the same pig, y’see? Perhaps when I’m done enjoying myself, this island, and this beautiful little princess here, I’ll talk to you again. Not that I’m the one that has to prove his worth to any of you five, no. The fans know who’s going to leap from the rafters and win that briefcase, they know who’s going to tumble off the rafters and fall as quickly as their careers are, they know who’s going to be Universal Champion in the next few months. The ball’s always in your courts, my worth is clear.


P.S: Caedus, do you and Tala-cunt always script out your dinner-date conversations? Fuck, that was the hardest thing to listen to and I’ve had to listen to Chaos bitch repeatedly in my short career. Then again, I guess that cotton-candy slut only has so many braincells to link up, its best that you write down exactly what she says lest her single-track excuse for a brain forces her blurt out the laughable size o’ your weiner instead o’ conveniently guiding you towards trash-talking your opponents.”

Danny smirks at the drone, giving it a wink and licking his lips. Another beautiful olive-skinned beauty walks into the frame, dressed in a perfectly white bikini set, a platter of cold-cuts in her hand. She bends at the waist and offers it to Danny, who helps himself to a skewer as the feed fades to black.

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A Stepping Stone, a Retiree and AX3 – Buffet Spreads, Just Men. - by Imperial - 10-09-2017, 09:02 PM

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