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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
I believe you have my stapler.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-10-2017, 02:47 AM

Wednesday September 27th 2017
Office of Theo Pryce at Decima
Las Vegas Nevada

As the scene fades in we see Theo Pryce seated on a white upholstered couch. In front of him is a small glass table upon which a small Ascutney Whiskey Glass. Inside the glass is two fingers worth of a light brown liquid, presumably whiskey of some sort. Seated across from Theo on a matching white upholstered couch is Mark Davis, Principal Owner and Managing Partner of the Oakland, soon to be Las Vegas Raiders. In front of Mark resting comfortably on the table is a bottle of water and a silver folder with the Raiders logo printer in the center.

"Hell of a place you got here Theo. I should be shocked by how much success you've had in such a short period of time but having dealt with you before I'm not really that surprised. It seems like the name Pryce is synonymous with success. First Pryce Industries. Now Decima. What's your next great business venture? What can I invest in that will make me triple my initial investment like you did with Decima?" Davis asks as he reaches forward and grabs hold of the bottle of water in front of him. He carefully unscrews the cap, breaking the seal for the first time and then places the opening of the bottle to his lips, allowing a few sips of the cold water to enter his mouth and pass down his throat.

"Actually Mark, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because this time I wanted to invest in you. More specifically your team." Theo says as he leans forward in his seat.

Somewhat taken aback by Theo's response, Mark pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. "The Raiders aren't for sale." Mark replies as he places the cap back on the bottle of water and returns the bottle to it's resting place on the glass table in front of them.

"I know that Mark. I know that the 47% ownership of the Raiders that passed down to your mother after your father's death is the majority share and that you own a small share yourself. Very recently however I purchased a few shares from some of the other partners. Not much mind you. A mere 8% in total. Nothing compared to what the Davis family owns mind you and that's ok. I'm just happy to be part of the Raiders family. But I do want you to know how serious I am here Mark. Since you have no kids as of yet to pass that 47% on to I want you to know that when the time comes for you to hang it up and enjoy the spoils of your families labor, I want to be the first call you make."

"Theo, you and I go back a long ways. And I know this move here to Las Vegas would have never happened if you didn't have the connections you have at Bank of America. I will forever be in your debt for that but you also know that I am every bit my father's son. I have no intention of hanging it up anytime in the near future. I'm still a young man. I have decades ahead of me. Decades I plan to spend making the Raiders not only the first successful pro sports franchise in Las Vegas but the most successful sports franchise on Earth..." Davis pauses for a moment."Having said that, when the day does finally come, I'll make sure your name is at the top of my list. You have my word."

"That's all I ask Mark but please understand this. Just like Phoenix was my town a few years ago, Las Vegas will be my town now. The Raiders are a welcomed addition, I couldn't be happier for you and for Las Vegas. But you know that I can move heaven and Earth to get what I want, whatever that may be. So please keep that in mind moving forward. " Theo says as he reaches forward and grabs hold of the glass of whiskey in front of him. He brings it up towards his mouth, pausing once the glass gets within a few inches of his nose, allowing the aromas emanating from the glass to pass through his nostrils. "Actually." Instead of taking a sip Theo downs the entire contents of the glass and then places it back on the table. "There is one more thing you could do for me."

"Name it."

"I'd like a luxury suite at the new stadium. And four seats on the 50 yard line."

"How about 2 and the suite?"

"How about I own the land you're building the stadium on and you know that I know that I could have gotten more for that spot than what you and your investors paid for it. So four seats and a suite."

"You drive a hard bargain Theo but consider it done. You know Theo, if all you wanted was to shake me down for some seats and to tell me that you want to buy the team if and when they ever go up for sale you could have just called."

"I know that Mark but I prefer to conduct my business face to face. It feels more personal that way. More real. I'm sure you understand being a business man yourself." Theo remarks as he stands up from the couch, a move quickly mirrored by Davis. "Are you heading back tonight or?"

"No I'll be taking the jet back tonight. I have some early meetings tomorrow morning." Davis responds as he extends his right arm outward towards Theo which the latter man graciously accepts returning the gesture with a stiff handshake.

"Give me one sec and I'll have a car out front to take you to the airport."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take an Uber."

"Absolutely not." Theo walks over to his desk, taps a few buttons on his phone, grabs the phone's receiver and then lifts it to his ear. "Sean it's Theo. I need you to take a friend to the airport. Can you meet him out front in a few minutes? Perfect. Thanks." Theo hangs up the phone and walks back over towards Mark. He pats the man on the back and then casually walks him towards his office door. "Sean will meet you out front. Shouldn't be more than a minute or two. It was good to see you Mark. Give me a call the next time your in town."

Mark Davis nods politely and walks out of Theo's office and down the hall, disappearing out of view as he rounds the corner towards the elevators. Theo walks over to his dry bar and pours himself another drink and then begins a short journey over to his desk just as his cell phone, which had been resting on the top of the desk comes to life. Upon reaching the desk Theo places the drink down with his left hand while simultaneously reaching down for his cell phone with his right hand. Using his left pointer finger he swipes the phone and answers the call.

"Hey Bri what's...Wait what...Calm down I can't understand you....What....Bri I need you to slow down, take a deep...Who....Engy....Shit....Engy did what....Knife....Are you hurt....Ok ok I'll be right there just give me a few minutes. I'll be right there." Theo ends the call and with his right hand slightly shaking he taps his phone a few times and then places it back up against his ear. "John fire up the jet. Wheels up in 20." Theo ends the call and then throws the phone right into the center of the couch furthest from him.

Theo gulps down his drink, sits down at his desk, opens up his laptop and starts violently pounding away at his keyboard. After a few seconds the large flat screen affixed to the far wall turns on. Once the screen completely fires up we can see that it is currently viewing an input tied directly into Theo's laptop. Using his mouse and keyboard Theo types in the web address to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and there on the main page is a picture of Engy and Bri Pryce sitting on a couch in Theo's home. The headline above the image reads "Has Engy Gone Too Far?"


Theo clicks on the image which after a few seconds of loading takes us to a replay of the closing segment of Warfare. Theo gets up from his seat, drink in hand and takes a few steps towards the flat screen watching in disgust as the events play out before him. A few minutes later as the segment comes to an end Theo grabs his sport coat off the back of his chair and casually slips it on. He then walks over to the couch and picks up his phone, slipping the phone into his right pants pocket before exiting the office and disappearing from the camera's view.

You know I've done a lot of things in my career both as a professional wrestler and as an entrepreneur that many would call shady, unethical, some might even go so far as to say illegal. And you know what? They wouldn't be wrong. I've made a name for myself in the XWF at the expense of others. I've made billions in the business world doing the very same. But one thing I've never done, in either profession was make things personal because personal isn't good for business. Engy, don't think that what you did to my wife, to that line that you crossed and then burned to the ground after will go unaddressed. Fortunately for me but unfortunately for you John Samuels is your opponent at Leap of Faith. I will let him handle you there but make no mistake about it, when your match with him ends, your war with me begins.

Now, on to things of immediate importance, Leap of Faith. Another tag team title defense for The Kings™ another victory and another after party. Opps, sorry did I spoil the ending for you guys? No of course I didn't. You all know right? You have to. The Kings™ have take on and taken down some of the "biggest" names in the fed. An entire faction is gone because of us. The Motherfuckers? Please. I can't even keep track of who is part of that crew anymore. It seems like every other day someone is coming and going all the while all these names, all these factions, all these teams, when push comes to shove it isn't any of them that stepped up to face us at the pay per view. It was the bad joke that lingers like a dusty old quif Barney Green and someone I've never heard of. Literally. I had to look up Tyler Cross on the roster when I saw he was one of our opponents. I didn't even know Tyler Cross existed until a few days ago and while that might not mean that he has virtually no shot in this match the fact that his partner is Barney Green, does.

Barney Green is basically the Milton Waddams of the XWF. I am going to assume everyone watching this has seen the cinematic masterpiece Office Space. If you haven't well then fuck you. But to those of you who have seen it, Barney Green is the guy that the fed allows to stick around because forcibly removing him is just a headache that no one cares enough to deal with. Barney Green is the guy that goes out there and gets his face kicked in every time he steps into the ring and no one bats an eye. No one cares. I'm honestly not sure if he even gets paid anymore. I should know that right? As half owner I should probably have some idea of that sort of thing but I don't and that's kind of my point. I don't care about Barney Green. Management doesn't care about Barney Green. The rest of the roster doesn't care about Barney Green and the fans sure as shit don't care about Barney Green. Hell, most people use whatever match Barney Green is in as a chance to go take a piss, maybe buy some overpriced merch and grab some nachos.

I know Barney had a match with John Samuels a few weeks ago, I have no idea what happened in the match mind you but I know it happened and that's only because Barney Green was essentially Samuels slave for a few days. Had that not happened I wouldn't have even remembered that the only wrestler worse than Gabe Reno was still on the roster. Back to the analogy, Barney is the guy that everyone forgets about, every so often he pops his head up to sort of remind us he's there but 3 seconds later people go back to caring about other things. And Barney, much like Milton will most likely reach his breaking point and he will probably show up and burn the place to the ground. Although since this is the United States and it's 2017 he will probably show up with some semi automatic rifles and turn every person he comes across into swiss cheese. That's what the XWF has to look forward to. I hope you have your legal team on standby Vincent, because this, much like The Kings™ successful defense of the titles this coming PPV is inevitable.

But I will say this though about Barney, despite the fact that he is both physically and mentally outmatched by everyone this side of a used tampon he has absolutely no problem signing himself up for a match that he knows he has absolutely no chance of winning. He did it a few weeks ago when he called out John Samuels and now he's done it again by being the only guy with the balls to step forward and straight up challenge The Kings™. Any team, any faction, any two people could have accepted our open invitation for this coming match but somehow despite all the Alpha Males and Omega Men in this place it was Barney Green that stepped up. While I have the utmost respect in the world for Barney wanting to finally put an end to it all and allowing The Kings™ the opportunity to aid in his suicide it's also a laugh riot that the roster as a whole couldn't do any better.

Sure Gabe Reno may tell you that he tried to get a match with us at Leap of Faith but only after the match with Barney and his partner had been agreed to. And only after Gabe himself showed up on XWF television and declared himself one of the men in the Leap of Faith match on Saturday. I guess he thought we all forgot about that, but back to the topic at hand.

Barney I commend you for displaying the testicular fortitude that 99.9% of the roster lacks but in the future, do yourself a favor and stay in your own lane ok? The fed needs guys like you and I'm afraid that after Leap of Faith it's going to need to replacement it's most decorated enhancement talent.

And now that brings me to Tyler Cross, look if you want to stay in the back while this match is going on I totally get it. I wouldn't blame you. If you have other things to do I suggest you go do them. I'm sure Suicide Girls is having open photo shoots at a local mall somewhere. They do have a section in their catalog for Trans folks I assume? Otherwise what kind of alternative modeling agency would they be? Anyway, show up, don't show up. It makes no difference to me. We'll do our thing regardless.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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I believe you have my stapler. - by Theo Pryce - 10-10-2017, 02:47 AM

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