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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
The Plot Thickens ~ Collab with Guppy
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-16-2017, 04:32 AM

Here we are at The Salty Spittoon bar where ex Union members: Charles Elton, accompanied by comedy duo, Ted & Dave have just walked in. The bar had a few customers as the threesome browse the tables. They walk to the bar and are served by the barman.

Barman: "Hello what may I get you?"

Charles: "I'll have a bottle of Budweiser...."

Charles then looks at his sidekicks.

Ted: "Lemonade..."

Dave: "Coke please?"

The barman pours the two men's drinks and grabs the bottle of Bud from the fridge. He places them on the bar for them to take. Charles hands over his twenty dollar note and then gets his change. The three men then turn around, looking for a couple of men they were meeting there.

Drew: "Quite a nice place,"

: "Yes, a fairly wretched hive of scum and villainy, indeed."
the voice loved Star Fox.

Drew: "Oh that must be them"

Drew, a fairly short man wearing a yellow button-up shirt, waves to Charles, Ted, and Dave.

Drew: "Hey! You must be the British guys from Craigslist! I'm Drew, and this," Drew gestures to a flaming red ball hovering next to him, "This is . Come sit at our table!"

Charles: "That is us. Otherwise known as The Union. We stuck together unlike the others who all bailed on us and not to mention that Scumbag."

Ted: "Who? Ya mean Tush?"

Dave: "I miss Tush. I miss Macbeth more..."

Ted: "Anyway I thought we left?"

Charles interrupts them.

Charles: "Be quiet you idiots. We're on about the ]

Dave: "Hey don't be cruel to Ted."

Ted: "He's on about you..."

Dave: "Me? You!"

Charles finally looks back at Drew and

[blue]Charles: "Sorry about that!"

Drew: "Don't apologize! I love when Ted and Dave bicker! It's great. That's what made them my favorite team.....all those years ago..."

: "Focus, Drew," the voice knew looking off into the distance nostalgically when it saw it.

Drew: "Right, loyalty is very important to us Charles...very important. I've taken a life because of disloyalty. There should be honor among the able. Scully was always going to turn on you guys. I have reason to believe it's in his blood. When I put out the ad for enemies of Scully, I knew full well who would answer. My question is how far are you willing to go?"

Charles: "I am willing to destroy this man, kill him, in fact...."

Ted: "I thought we were just gonna hurt him?"

Dave: "Yeah he ain't that bad, to kill him right?"

Ted: "Yeah like we have a chance anyway, he'll just beat us up again."

Dave: "Yeah he ain't exactly a wimp like us, Ted."

Ted: "Speak for yourself, Dave. I'm not a wimp, I'm a pussy."

Charles: "Same thing you idiots!
Do not remember what he did? He put me in a coma and I nearly died. He even tried to finish the job when I was lying in that hospital bed. Then you two...

He pushed you both down the stairs."

Ted and Dave stare into space, thinking about what happened.

: "Yeah, you guys sound like you have actual motives. We just want to kill him because he can be if certain circumstances can be met." the voice hated circumstances.

Drew nudges the red cloud.

Drew: "You know, I never knew Scully was such a fucking dick. Putting his friends in the hospital and pushing them down the stairs, why would anyone want to be friends, let alone tag team champions, with someone like him? I guess that's why it didn't work out all those other times. If only his current partner could see that."

: "You'd have to be not to see that." the voice thought it was clever to call them despite it being right there in their team name.

Drew: "Ted and Dave, I think you know that Charles is right."

Ted and Dave look at one another, they seem confused.

Ted: "Since when was Scully ]

Dave: "I know right, he is awesome!"

Charles had heard enough, he rises from the chair and suddenly yells at the duo, "Charles: "Will you just shut up! Just shut up, you fools."

His outburst causes customers to look over at them as Charles downs his bottle of Budweiser in one go.

Drew: "Calm down a little, Charlies, the guys in here eat nails for breakfast and have tattoos that they can make dance by flexing. We don't want to start a brawl unless our targets will get caught in the middle of it."

: "And our targets are Team 2.0,"
the voice just wanted to make sure everyone was following.

Drew: "Right, we have our own reasons, you want revenge. We want world conquest and some Brooke Baldwin action. We know there's only one way to get that. We tried kidnapping Scully, Batman saved him. We tried kidnapping Batman, Scully saved him. So far we've just been foiled left and right, slipping right when we think we've grasped it all, like we're CNN trying to turn a meme into a hate group. I started to think maybe we're a hate group that turned into a meme. We went from Kill For Peace to Kekistan."

Drew sighs.

Drew: "A guy who kills rapists to make a right out of two wrongs, spared me. It was like I was nothing. It was like he knew I was powerless. I felt exactly how you did; like I was in a coma, you know...but not actually in a coma. We need to prove to them that they can't just ignore us. We're not going away. Guppy shouldn't get to wait until we rape someone to see us a threat."

Charles had calmed down a bit now and he felt more at ease. He takes a deep breath and sits back down.

Charles: "I have an idea..
You said Batman, whatever? He's a rapist hunter?"

[green]Ted: "Scully knows Batman? The actual Batman?"

Dave: "I told you Scully was cool."

Charles had to keep his composure, Ted & Dave were winding him up, unintentionally. He thought he'd try something.

Charles: "No guys, that ain't the real Batman. He killed Batman and stole his outfit."

Ted: "Really? And Scully helps him?"

Dave: "Scully isn't cool. I hate him!"

Ted: "Me too!"

The red ball coughs, holding back the urge to explain Batman's origin story, the plots that unfolded to reveal the true nature of it, and the role that Peter Gilmour's Racist Remarks played.

Drew: "Excuse you, yeah, Scully and Fake Batman are lame. You were saying Charles?"

Charles: "Well... I hear him and his lady have split up.."

Ted: "How do you know that, Charles?"

Dave: "Yeah what are you, a stork..? What's the word Ted?"

Ted: "You got me with that one, I know what you mean though."

Charles: "It's stalker, Okay?! Stalker!"

Ted and Dave look at each other and say something exactly at the same time..

Ted & Dave: "Ooooh somebodies tired!"

Drew: "Yeah, they split up. I've watched Scully's recent promos too. Seems messy, are you thinking of making it messier?"

Charles smiles for the first time.

Charles: "Exactly Drew. I've actually been chatting to Natalie last couple of days, she's unaware of who I am.

I'm thinking of arranging a date with her, picking her up and then I'll take her for the meal or some bollocks. Then instead of driving her home, I could bring her to you guys. Then call Scully and he'll come running especially when he knows she's with me. Plus Guppy will be on rape alert when we say...

We're going to rape her!

One problem.. She's in Miami and we're here in London. But this could also cause Team 2.0 to miss the paypay-per-view"

Charles begins to laugh in a weird way, almost like he was trying to laugh in a evil way but failing miserably.

Drew: "Use rape as bait...that's genius, maybe they might even bring a plot device or two, so we can see if she becomes ]

[color=#800000] : "If she does then we can really rape her!"
the voice becomes contented and serene.

Drew: "Of course, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'll have to lose my virginity first. I'm waiting for someone who isn't . Besides we'll need to be sure we can beat Team 2.0 up and kill them when they show up to save her. Do you think Scully's enough to jump in a fire if there's a candy trail leading him there?"

Drew: "Then there's the problem of Guppy, he magically became a martial artist when he dawned that costume. How do you get a gun around here? Ninjas aren't taught how to fight people with guns. Maybe someone here knows where to get one. They might be falling off the walls in Miami..."

Drew: "In London, we'll have Ted and Dave stay behind dressed as Batman and Skullbin to make sure the show still goes on, because really what's a show in London without new British champions? August 19th our plan is set. Burning Bird. Shot Bat. Raped Wife. Union as tag team champions. Those people come to see village idiots versus kings, but what they get instead is much greater. They will witness the beginning of the end of as they know it. We'll be the real royalty. Not the kings, the crown will be dawned by Kill To Unionize."

Ted and Dave look slightly nervous but Charles stands up from his chair in total satisfaction.

Charles: "This is perfect, I knew answering the ad was the right thing to do. I finally get my revenge on that stupid idiot! The plot thickens."

Ted: "Hang up guys..."

Charles: "What? You want to hang Scully from his neck? Hmmmmmmm...."

Dave: "No, that's not what Ted means. Have you seen who Scully and Guppy are facing?"

Ted: "Its career homicide. Is that right?"

Charles: "Suicide!"

Dave: "Like we have a chance!"

: "Oh come on, they aren't actually Kings," the voice says, not that that actually makes them any less threatening.

Drew: "You have a guys are complete jabronis compared to rich business dude with dumb hat that he barely earned and rich doctor dude with dumb hat that he barely earned. Would you be open to taking an experimental drug to enhance your performance if the plot happens to demand that we come across them? It might make you strong like when Scully takes it. If you go out there expecting to lose then maybe you guys should intentionally disqualify yourselves and at the very least stand tall. Bring knives, stab them, and then steal the belts. I think I like that plan even better."

Ted & Dave suddenly grow in confidence, it was easy to spur them on.

Ted: "You're right, screw the kings. We got this Dave?"

Ted looked at his friend for morale support.

Dave: "WE got this Ted. Screw Scully and Batman. Screw the so called Kings. They ain't so bad, I pity the fools."

Ted: "If they die, they die."

Dave: "We'll do this for Adrian and her pet store."

Ted & Dave were oddly speaking Rocky.

Drew shakes his head with a smile. Classic Ted and Dave! He's about to sip his BudLight (the drink for equal pay) when he notices a commotion outside the door.

Bouncer: "We don't take kindly to your kind in here, missy."

Woman: "My kind!? I'm white!"

Bouncer: "Really? I couldn't tell. You're covered in shit from head to toe. You stink. Go take a shower."

: "Psst, Drew, that seems like the kind of woman you have a chance with." the voice knew Drew's type.

Drew: "How do I even approach a woman like that?"
under all the shit, from this vantage point, Drew can't even begin to comprehend her beauty.

Woman: "Sir, I had to walk all the way here from the town over."

Bouncer: "Which town over?"

Woman: "The town over, you know, anyway, no one would help me. They thought it was hilarious and kept saying 'Who did that to you and where's their crown? Get the man who buried her in shit a chalice full of collector coins on the double!'. It was very strange that they all made the same joke worded the same way."

Bouncer: "Ohh...that town over, well I can't help you sorry, maybe a nice boy will let you shower in their hotel room in exchange for their virginity."

The red ball nudges Drew.

Drew: "It looks like we have a plan maybe we should regroup tomorrow, start getting something prepared, and put it in motion. If you'll excuse me, I got a date with the plot."

Drew gets up from the table, leaves a fiver, and waves goodbye to Ted, Dave, and Charles as he rushes to the exit of The Salty Spittoon.

Ted and Dave were still in Rocky mode, they had continued to portray characters from the franchise. They didn't even notice that Drew had left. They were putting on the accents and everything.

Ted aka Apollo Creed: "Ain't gonna be no rematch...ain't gonna be no rematch."

Dave aka Rocky Balboa: "Don't want one."

They start laughing and carry on. Charles just sat with head in his hands. Ted goes high pitched.

Ted aka Adrian: "Why do you wanna fight?"

Dave aka Rocky Balboa: " 'Cause I can't sing or dance."

Charles suddenly stands up...

Charles: "Forget this shit, I'm getting another drink!"

Charles walks off to the bar as Ted & Dave continue they're Rocky fun...
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[-] The following 4 users Like Scully's post:
Barney Green (08-16-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-17-2017), Guppy Parsh (08-16-2017), Theo Pryce (08-17-2017)

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The Plot Thickens ~ Collab with Guppy - by Scully - 08-16-2017, 04:32 AM

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