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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
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Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-14-2017, 05:56 PM

“I met your momma the night you were conceived. I'll spare you the details but know your momma loved a good dickin and she took what she wanted. I was in a bar near the arena and she walked up, bought me a whisky and told me she was going to marry me. Or at least have me for the night. Just about grabbed me by my dick within five minutes of seeing me. I respected that. I won't ever let a man call her a whore for that. Not a cent was exchanged that night. She just couldn't resist the man I was. I know she was soft with you but that wasn't your momma. A soft woman could never love a man like me. Granted she was soft in the places a woman should be.

So I took her back to my room and I did what lovers do, and then she came to my match that night and I fought like hell for her. I put up one of the best matches of my life and then that fucker Hatfield dropped me on my head and broke my fucking neck. I lay there in the ring looking up at the lights not feeling anything and I was scared.

A small man would tell you he wasn't afraid but I have no shame in telling you I was.

I'd made my money on my feet, but spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair wasn't what scared me. What scared me is that I'd never be able to slide balls deep in your momma again.

That's love boy.

And when I got to hospital I kept asking the nurse 'Is my dick gonna work? Please bitch, tell me dick is gonna work.' She told me it might. But it didn't. I stared at that nurses ass every chance I got and not a thing moved down there, and she was a black lady son. I thought if a colored bitches bottom couldn't get my dick hard then nothing could.

They got me my chair and I went home to wallow away in depression, and then one day there was a knock on my door and I went and opened it and there was your momma, six months pregnant, and she leaned over and got right in my face and told me that is was my kid and that I wasn't gonna take off. That I was gonna raise him, and that we were gonna name you Travis after her daddy...

and her tits were so big.

Right there I felt my dick start to stir and I knew that was love. For the first time since I broke my neck my pencil had a bit of lead in it.

And you came along and you looked just like me, and you were white, and you were mine. I know I raised you hard boy but you know why, and I always knew your momma would give you the love you needed.

But things get hard kid. Things aren't always peachy and your momma came from a family with weak minds and I think she got a bit of it. She started getting mad at me for the way I treated you, and she stopped understanding why I needed to lay a hand on her every now and then. Now I know she hid it from you but she started drinking quite a bit, and she started taking those pills the doctors told her to. She took em for six months just drunk living in a fog so I flushed the mother fuckers and forbid her from going back for more. She talked about withdrawals symptoms and possible severe sadness or some shit but I knew I was doing the right thing.

But you know how this story ends.

I thought you might of forgot finding her like you did. Might've blocked it out like the doctors said.

It's why you picked my bedroom and an electric cord.

Because you knew damn well I loved her and you knew you could get to me like that.

I ain't mad at you boy.

I'm proud.

You found my weakness and you lit a fire in the wound.

That's the McCoy way”




Travis sits on the curb outside of a bar. Well a pub would probably be the right word. Chuck decided it was time Travis really understands his roots and led him to a small town in Ireland. He was kicked out. Well, they asked him to leave as soon as he walked in. They recognized him and told him his money was no good. Something about a pig stealing sonuvabitch

“I'm rather sick of this place. Hate to be that guy but it's the truth. Nearly twenty years of history and it feels so shallow. A thriving roster who shows up a couple hours before the show in hopes they'll sneak a win. Is that what this is really about? Sandbagging, constant self stroking of your egos through fingers pointed at a win/loss record. Who gives a shit. Honestly who gives two flying shits about your record? I don't. Because most those wins are over guys who flashed up and left, and they're just fucking wins. They aren't the culminations of a feud that meant anything. They're just a random warfare that you probably decided to show up to a couple hours before hand.

Is that how you want to be remembered?


Is that how you want people to remember you? By a set of numbers, wins and losses?


How about you? Does that sound good? You're a legend because the first number is bigger than the second?


Do you want to spend the next 20 years of your life working your ass off only to be judged by a winning percentage?

Sure around here you could just stay around long enough and YOU TOO can get your name on a super special list but we all know charity when we see it.

I've asked around, I've asked about the guys on that list and no one really has anything all that impressive to say. I hear about their records, 64 and 0 in a single year.

Fuck that.

Fuck that and fuck your legends.

They're just numbers.

If that's what you three want from your careers fine! Wait until the deadline and try to sneak in a win. Fuck it right?! Fuck competition and fuck telling a story. Fuck living and dying by the words that come out of your mouth. Fuck spewing hate and venom for two weeks to make someone give a shit about our match!

You know people were looking forward to this right?

And you're letting them down.

We are letting them down.

I won't allow it. We have been given a chance. The winner of this match becomes the number one contender to the second most important title here, and Dolly can't even show her fucking face. Why fucking bother? Why make such a big deal about a return when you have zero fucking plan to actually do anything? Why do I even take time to reach out to you, to try and save you when you can't even be bothered to speak my name Dolly? I thought I'd have to nearly kill you to get you to quit. Turns out I didn't have to do shit. Dolly decided she had better things to do. Jesus, you want us to take you seriously but you're just a kid switching through hobbies until something sticks. Last week it was wrestling, it's probably violin or horses now, maybe next week it will be karate or writing half illiterate Kentucky poetry. You want people to take you seriously? Treat you as the threat you think you are? Then fucking show up kid. Until then I'm ashamed to admit I gave a fuck about you. I'm ashamed I even wanted to save you.

Fuck you Dolly

Why beg for your job back only to fuck off, lose to James Raven with a piss poor showing and then come into your next match, at a PPV mind you, with so much more at stake, not knowing shit about your opponents? Come in with some golly gee whiz bullshit and then disappear. You know it's not even that you lost to Raven. Lots of guys lose to Raven. It's that when faced with a chance to make a fucking name for yourself. To prove your backers right, you pissed in their fucking faces. Don't tell me you've already made your name because that's yesterday and memory runs short in a business with this much head trauma. Even with that short memory it doesn't take much to see you got fired for not defending your title. Couldn't be asked to show up eh? Why the fuck am I surprised you don't have shit to say now? Don't tell me you're just waiting for us to bring out the best in you because if what I've done so far hasn't lit a fire under your ass nothing will.

Fuck you Cadryn.

And my God, why spend weeks and weeks meticulously showing every detail of your life with your not quite gay relationship only to once again fuck off when you have a fucking chance. To get right to the good part and then leave us all with blue balls worse than Jon gets watching you wrestle. You disappoint me Finn. I think most of all it's you that disappoints me. Because I go look at the prediction board and I see the betting lines and the people here seem to think you're the favorite. Every person here can't seem to get off your dick. I'm sure Jon or whatever the fuck his name is is checking his phone constantly to see who he needs to watch out for. Because every single member of this roster thinks Finn is going to stroll into this match and walk out number one contender.

Fuck you Finn

Fuck you for making them all believe you were any better than Maverick.

New face same fucking story.

Because I've been back a little over a month now, I've taken bonafide legends to their limit. I've had two matches with three men on the all time top fifty list and you'd be sadly mistaken if you thought any one of them walked over me. But of course no one watched the tape, no one looks deeper than the result. Because this is XWF, where the records count and the story doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong your story matters but fuck everyone else amirite?! You're honestly making me wish I was fighting Chaos again. You realize that? You're actually making me look back with nostalgia at the week I had to spend watching his 90210 drama.

A big fuck you for that.

Fuck each and every one of you who doubts me without looking at a word I've said. Fuck everyone who has put their money on Finn fucking Kuhn. Because each of those bets is an admission that you, just like Cadryn, haven't been paying attention. That you've fast forwarded shows to the parts that you're in. That you're not sitting at the monitor watching your peers. You're probably setting up another thrilling episode of the personal drama that you think is going to get you noticed. Because if you'd been paying attention you'd know there is a reason I'm in this match with a .500 record at best. There's a reason Jim Caedus has complimented me. There's a reason I won superstar of the month way back when.

I fucking deserve it.

I'm supposed to talk about why you all suck. I'm supposed to insult you and call you fags and tell you to suck my dick.

Finn Kuhn is a

Cadryn can suck my dick

and Dolly isn't worth my fucking breath.

How about that for an XWF promo? You listening now? You going to take me seriously now? Or are we going to keep playing this fucking waiting game? Because that's how you're supposed to get along here. School yard insults over everything. I'm not supposed to tell you how good I am I'm supposed to say how bad all of you are.

Finn couldn't find a real emotion to save his fucking life. Even when he's getting arrested for murder or ripping off my gimmick he's wooden. The most interesting thing about Finn Kuhn is the umlaut. Jesus Christ I was actually excited to see Maverick. I marked a little for fucking MAVERICK because it happened in the robot world of Finn fucking Kuhn. In the grey world of wooden delivery and a completely hetero relationship the title shitter is a blast of color.

Cadryn is a goof in a jester hat not even sure what the fuck he's supposed to be. He's a cowboy, he's a joker, he's a midnight toker. He really loves your wranglers wants to blow the kiiiiiings. He's fucking garbage that you all tried to convince me was worth my time. List of accolades a mile long and he got fired because he couldn't defend his title. You realize how fucked that is? The one thing we all fight for, the one thing we all do this for and once he got it he couldn't be bothered to defend it, and somehow people thought it was a good idea to give him a shot at the cursed xtreme title. Thaddeus then Traxx, Cadryn will probably pull out a win only to do what Cadryn does.

Stop showing up.

Dolly still isn't worth my breath because she can't be bothered to show her fucking face. But I have to. It's fucking required of me that I talk about Dolly. Because Dolly is the real deal. All I've heard about since I got here was Dolly Waters. This inbred stupid kid who spits absolute fire in front of the camera. I saw it, and I have to admit I was impressed. I racked my brain to find a new way to come at her, and I honestly thought I had it. I honestly meant it too. I meant everything I said last time I talked to you, and now I look back on it and I'm fucking ashamed of myself. Because you all do remind me of bits of myself. But nothing I've seen from any of you since then bears any resemblance to me.

Because I fucking show up.

Every fucking warfare I show up.

Every PPV I'll show up.

Not to purely to get a win. Not to boost my record. I'll show up because I love this shit. I'll show up because I only feel alive when I'm hating someone. Because in a ring with someone else's blood on my hands I feel like a fucking McCoy.

I'm not a pretty boy with a confused best friend and a murder rap. You believe the things I say because I believe them. I'm not a joker in a stupid hat. I'm not glomming on to a group of top level talent hoping you think I'm good too. When I win a title I'll defend it. I'm not an angry backwoods kid with all the potential in the world wasted.

I'm an ugly bastard making my own name. I was a kid with all the potential in the world and I've taken advantage of it. I won't waste the talent I have. I'm Chuck's only son.

I'm the real real deal

I'm the real fucking McCoy.”


[Image: pFP1ZZx.jpg]
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(08-14-2017), Finn Kühn (08-14-2017), Jean Baptiste Le'Croix (08-15-2017), JimCaedus (08-16-2017), The Engineer (08-14-2017), Theo Pryce (08-14-2017), Unknown Soldier (08-16-2017), Vincent Lane (08-14-2017)

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Anybody There? - by Travis McCoy - 08-14-2017, 05:56 PM

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